"It's a shame to be a tortoise, a domineering turtle!"

"Haha, I want to take a picture of what happened here, and then spread it throughout the universe!"

"So, everyone, take a family portrait?"

"good idea!"

So, animals or humans stepped forward, and tens of thousands of lives stood together and took a family portrait.

The Cangmu ball fluctuated, and it seemed that he was so angry.

"It really can't be tolerated..." Xie Yan sighed, but think about the situation. If you change to him, it will probably do the same.

Now look at Xie Sang's side, can it be finalized.

Xie Yan took some time to absorb the energy left in the Void Vine into the body and replenish the energy so that he can directly launch his ability to escape after an accident.

After doing this, he stretched out the vine and patted the ugly man who was still attacking the green ball, and said, "Stop and rest for a while."

"It's okay, anyway, idle is idle." The ugly man said, continuing to attack the Cangmu ball.

After being imprisoned for so many years, God knows how much he endured.

"By the way, I don't understand something. The black crescent that Cangmu shot just now is your soul ability?" Xie Yan asked.

"Yes, it's my soul ability." The ugly man nodded. "But I don't know why he can learn my ability."

After all, the soul ability of the ugly man at the time was not a bad move.

"Isn't it that as long as you stay here for a certain amount of time, the soul ability will be learned by Cangmu?" Xie Yan said his guess. "So he is imprisoning you, maybe to test this?"

"It is possible." The ugly man nodded. "In short, you should hurry up, lest even your ability be learned, it will not be easy to deal with."

Xie Yan shakes the leaves to make it clear that once Cangmu has learned the imperial power, it will be a great deal. Know that as long as you can use this ability, this ability brings unlimited possibilities to users.

At this time, Hua Xiong didn't know where to get a spade, and said: "Feeder, I was thinking, maybe we can't break this part of his ground, but we can dig his roots!"

Xie Yan shivered unconsciously, and the roots felt a little pain, but to be honest, Hua Xiong's method was indeed good.

"Precise, dig me!"

Xie Yan approved the action, and the ugly man could not help but boast about Hua Xiong, and began to dig underground.

However, they thought it was too good, and the green wood was not stupid. When they saw these people holding shovel to dig the rhizome, they immediately gave birth to vines, and wrapped the underside together.

"Well, the reaction is really fast." Xie Yan drew the blue wood ball depressively. Although there was no way to cause any harm to it, it was still good to vent.

Of course, they can also continue to dig down, and Cangmu will continue to extend downwards. In the end, the two sides start a tug of war, and the ending does not make much sense.

Next, the two sides fight like this.

Xie Yan spawned roots and inserted them into the green wood ball, trying to absorb the green wood's nutrients.

"Have you ever finished?"

Finally, Cangmu couldn't help but curse: "Boring, find a place to hit the wall yourself!"

"It's fun, not boring." Xie Yan's roots were in and out of the green vines. Of course, this has no effect. The efficiency of the two sides in absorbing nutrients is very close, and no one can take advantage of anyone. This is purely because Xie Yan is disgusting.

At the same time, Xie Yan received a message...

"Zu Zhu, succeeded!" Xie Sang said, "I will let the bees send things down now! Then you will find a way to inject things onto the body of the green wood."

"Can't it be injected into the vine?" Xie Yan asked.

"I'm afraid it won't work. With the reaction ability of Cangmu, I'm afraid it will immediately notice the abnormality, and then cut off the vine, and even can develop antibodies!" Xie Sang explained: "So, it must be injected into its body, so the drug effect He will be able to play a direct role. Once the drug effect occurs, he wants to resist, but it is difficult!"

Xie Yan received the message and rubbed the leaves. The second round began!

A group of bees have successively arrived at the scene. In these bees, there are killers prepared by Xie Sang for the green wood.


Xie Yan ordered.

"The first team and the second team listened and attacked!" Ke Yang continued to command.

With his order, a large number of mutated humans and mutated animals succeeded and succeeded, and various spirit-strength abilities had been used to create the green wood ball. The effect was minimal, or at all, there was no effect.

"Zu Zhu, think of a way..." Xie Sang preached.

"I'm thinking..." Xie Yan felt helpless for a while, and Cangmu would like to continue to shrink. They were really not easy to deal with. If they only needed to break the vine epidermis, Xie Sang's request was to completely peel the Cangmu ball. , Directly to the body!

"Zu Zhu, do you want to try the temptation?" Xie Sang proposed: "I will help you get a little letter?"

"Get off..." Xie Yan was speechless for a while, which one wouldn't be opened?

But after speechless, Xie Yan suddenly had a thought, he turned his eyes and looked at the blood willow tree.

This is Cangmu's first love lover, even if it is not first love, it is also a very significant existence, otherwise the other party cannot plant this blood willow tree in this place!

"Everyone, attack that blood willow tree!"

Xie Yan changes the order.

When issuing this command, he used the full-screen broadcast, in other words, Cangmu could also receive his message.

"you dare!"

Sure enough, the moment Xie Yan mentioned the blood willow tree, a very strong murderous eruption broke out on the Cangmu ball!

"Then see if I dare!" Xie Yan sneered, "Go!"

"Haha, I'll come first!" The ugly man took the lead, "Might kill your little lover!"

"Tu Ge, this plant still has a lover, the relationship is really chaotic." Li Yinsheng could not help shaking his head, followed by the ugly man, and rushed to the blood willow tree.


The Cangmu gas was badly corrupted. At this moment, the Cangmu ball opened completely, and countless vines, like the tentacles of the devil, rushed straight to those who were ready to start working on the blood willow.

"A group of despicable guys who are going to fight right away, attacking the innocent existence, what is it!" Cangmu said angrily.

"Innocent?" Xie Yan couldn't help but shook his leaves. "After having a relationship with you, it's not innocent! And, instead of saying that you are protecting it, it is better to imprison it!"

"What do you know!" There was a hint of anger in the thought that Cangmu passed back.

Xie Yan seemed to poke his pain.

However, what happened between Blood Willow and Cangmu is not important at this moment. The Cangmu ball has been opened and Cangmu has given up his defensive posture. Then waiting for him will be a siege of tens of thousands of single-color!

At the same time, Xie Yan who restored energy also spawned a large number of vines to join the battlefield.

The second round of battle is completely started!


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