I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 535: Siege of Cangmu


Hua Xiong was pumped out by a vine, and he quickly got up and said, "Bear Clan, I left a cut in this vine, and gave me full attack to cut the gap!"


A large number of bear-human warriors swarmed up.

All who can participate in the battle are single-color, which means that all bears have the ability to leave wounds on the green wood.

"This guy is very hard, all birds, follow me to show the wind blade!" The stork feather led the single-color stork birds to find a place and began to prepare the spirit pattern ability.

"Hahaha, I haven't had a fight in a long time! Cool!" Li Yinsheng laughed and wrestled alone with a green vine.

In contrast, Zhou Qing, who came together, was much more terrifying. As the first combat power of mankind, the human body and the spirit have double mutations. After successfully opening the spirit tattoo ability, the combat power is unparalleled.

"Trash, just deal with one vine and you can do it." Zhou Qing sarcastically sneered at Li Yinsheng, and at the same time, the black thoughts turned into ten whips, fighting against the ten vines of Cangmu.

"This guy, where can I find this kind of life body!" Cangmu was very shocked by Zhou Qing's performance. It was only a single-color grade, and he could actually play against his ten vines, comparable!

On the other side, Zhao Dawei and Ke Falcon stood back to back.

"I didn't expect that we still have the opportunity to join forces." Zhao Dawei couldn't help expressing emotions.

"Unfortunately, only two of us are left." Ke Fang sighed.

Teammates of an era, such as Yang Luxin, such as Mons Kolin, have passed away, leaving only two of them.

"It's okay, take their share and fight together!" Zhao Dawei clenched his fists together, "Come on old man, see if your Ke's fist is rusty!"

"Well, it's your turn to say that you are a plagiarist!" Ke Fang snorted coldly, and each found a vine. Of course, before charging, he did not forget to bless BUFF to Zhao Dawei.

Zhang Juwu, who was not far away, looked at this scene with envy in his eyes. Zhao Dawei and Ke Fang were still accompanied by someone, and he was left alone. The former best friend Xue Minggui and others had long disappeared in time.

"Instructor Zhao was right, and they took the part with them, and beat them back together! So many people watched, and they could not be embarrassed!" Zhang Juwu looked at a vine and rushed up, even if his strength was not enough Fly, but every time he can leave a trace on the vine, the less is more...

For a moment in the battle, the slower guys with the spirit pattern ability completed the charge, and each powerful spirit pattern ability was released.

"My old dog, my'Wolf Run!'" The dog may make a bang, and tens of thousands of shadow avatars appeared. These avatars turned into a black torrent, washing away the vines of the green wood.

"Why is this guy getting older and getting a second grade..." The Mountain Wolf King listened to the dog or the shout, and the whole wolf made goose bumps.

"The first team retreats, rests in place, the second team goes on!"

Ke Yang, who has long retired, served as the military command.

With the order issued, Xiongren, Inhuman, Li Yinsheng, Zhou Qing and others retired. The Tigers, Werewolves of the second team, and the denomination represented by Lin Zhouer, etc., rushed to the front to continue fighting with Cangmu.

The battle lasted for several hours. Under the attack of turns, the vines of the green trees were cut off a little bit, and the range where the vines could wield was getting smaller and smaller.

"Wait, where have all those spirits gone? Why haven't they come yet?"

The plant life was arranged in a relatively high area by him, so it took a little time to get to the battlefield, but it was only a few hours, and none of the plant life came!

Even the lower-level ones such as Shuren, Zhiling, and Void Spirit may have been encountered. What might happen to those elves, fairies, and gods? Why didn't you come?

Cangmu was a little distracted to check the situation. I saw that the elves, fairies, and gods collapsed on the ground without consciousness, and beside them, there were a lot of dead bodies of bees and wasps! In addition, there are a larger number of bees and wasps that are falling and are preparing to participate in the battlefield.

"What's going on? Is there a problem with the circuit?" Cangmu couldn't understand. With just a few insects, he actually paralyzed the living body he had worked so hard to create? But now he needs helpers and can only devote a little thought to checking the status of these plant life forms.


Cangmu immediately found the source, "A virus that can temporarily lose their consciousness!"

"Damn, where is this guy?" Cangmu said angrily, but there was no way. Xie Yan was mentally and unintentionally, and the equipment at the scene was good, not to mention the battle formation, and this virus... definitely not just today. Figured it out.

It can only be said that the other party already had the idea of ​​killing himself!

However, if nothing more, he will not kill him, because compared to the vines, the body is really hard goods, and those single-color attacks cannot leave any traces on his body. Moreover, he is a plant, as the so-called wildfires endless spring breeze blowing and rebirth.

"I admit that you are well prepared, but no matter what, in the end it will only be a draw." Cangmu told Xie Yan.

"How do you know it is a draw, but now you are at a disadvantage!" Xie Yan replied.

"Well, how can you help me?" Cangmu smiled self-deprecatingly. "Of course, I can't move you anymore. I really don't know why you exist like this."

"To be reasonable, I also want to know." Xie Yan spread two large leaves.

"Forget it, I won't play with you anymore. Fighting with you is just a waste of time." Cangmu snorted and wrapped himself in vines, letting those attacks hit the vine ball.


Ke Yang's eyes lit up and launched a total offensive, but after Cangmu's full defense, most single-color grades could not break through the defense, and only a few people could barely leave some small wounds on the vines.

And these small wounds will be repaired by the juice secreted by the green wood after a few seconds.

As Cangmu said, Xie Yanna couldn't help him.

"Feeder, what to do?" Hua Xiong sat exhausted exhausted.

"Headed turtle..." Xie Yan sighed and said Xuan Sang: "How is it, is there a result over there?"

"Reporting the ancestral plant, the situation is a bit tricky, I still need some time." Xie Sang responded, "So my idea is, let him be a turtle with a head down, as long as we can touch his at the necessary time. Ontology will do."

"Understood." Xie Yan looked at the green wood ball and ordered to rest on the spot. Of course, he still sent some people to attack the green wood ball constantly, consuming the energy of the green wood.

This is the end of the first round of confrontation.

Without surprises, the second round is the one that determines the outcome.

Either Xie Yan managed to fix the bluewood, or they returned without success, nothing more than these two situations.

But anyway, Xie Yan is already on the undefeated side!

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