I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 53: New members join

The silver chasing big wolf dog is invincible, killing a bobcat who wants to compete for nectar with it, and at the same time, his body jumps to the side, stepping on a foot of a hare preparing to overtake in a corner and directly killing him!

This round has become a dog show for this silver-level wolfdog. So far, no land animal has been able to walk through it for a round!

Until the bronze roe jumped over.

Originally chasing the silver-level wolfdog as a carnivorous hunter, there should be no problem dealing with this type of herbivore. Unexpectedly, this roe don't know what crazy, unexpected bravery, kicking on the hind legs, and the big wolf dog caught by surprise.

In the fight, the big wolf dog couldn't dodge and was kicked in the middle of the abdomen, howling again and again, it seemed that he was hitting the point.

Zhang Zi took advantage of the chase and wanted to understand the life of the Great Wolf Dog, and the Great Wolf Dog was also decisive, directly admit defeat!

According to the regulations, after confessing defeat is not allowed to kill, this is Xie Yan himself said, so he is responsible for this rule!

So a vine was drawn in front of the roe deer, reminding him that the big wolf dog had abstained, to act according to the rules, and not to chase down!

Zhangzi tweeted to understand, letting go of the execution of the big wolf dog and walking straight towards Xie Yan. As for other animals... Either abstain or have disappeared, so this round is the bronze-level roe wins! It was an upset.

The battle in the ring is over.

Xie Yan looked at the corpse all over the floor, with emotion.

"After all, what is the effect of this nectar? Why do so many animals want to take a bite?" Xie Yan was curious about the effect of nectar for the first time, but unfortunately, he couldn't figure it out by himself, he could only wait to look back Ask the pets after the idea receiver is made.

Next, Xie Yan asked whether the winning animals would stay and share the same pains. Without exception, they all nodded and expressed their willingness, and no one refused. Only when asked about the queen bee, the other party hesitated for a while, apparently afraid that they would often be taken out and compared with the queen bee. Of course, it finally agreed to it. After all, the benefits of staying with Xie Yan are too much!

Early the next morning, the flowers withered and Xie Yan began to conceive a new round of fruit. At the same time, he also began to provide various benefits to these winners.

Such as housing benefits!

Xie Yan asked the past one by one, and asked the newcomers what kind of habitat they want.

The unicorn said he wanted a tree with the same color as his body, and hoped that his level would increase in the future. When the body color changes, he can help change the color of the bark again.

"No problem!" Xie Yan agreed directly, which is much simpler than a swimming pool!

The stork bird said he wanted a beautiful grass nest. The nest must be under a big tree that could shelter from the wind and rain, and the big tree had to grow beside the water.

"Simple!" Xie Yan immediately made a stork out.

Then came the roe deer. Its requirements were relatively high. I wanted a shed that could shelter from the rain. There must be two stone troughs in the shed, one to draw water and the other to put food.

Then there is the queen bee, no other requirements, just get a honeycomb, Xie Yan one by one to achieve their requirements.

At this time, Hua Xiong ran over, gestured, and said he wanted a garage...

Xie Yan froze, question marks all over his body.

What the **** is this garage? Do You have a Car? Can you drive? Besides, what car does your bear drive? And where did you know about the garage?

"Go!" Xie Yan sent Hua Xiong away directly.

Hua Xiong habitually lay down on the ground to roll and coquettishly, but before waiting for it to roll twice, he found that the newcomers were looking at it with contempt...

Hua Xiong hurriedly got up and patted the dirt on his body. After all, face is still very important and cannot be lost! Seeing those guys still looking at themselves, Hua Xiong shouted at them angrily, and then returned to the air swimming pool with a depressed face to continue pretending to paddle.

"You also want to have a face?" Xie Yan discovered the New World, but did not expect to recruit more pets, and the additional effect of renovating Hua Xiong.

Then comes the food problem.

Like Hua Xiong and Queen Bee, new members will also have different levels of food to implement reward and punishment strategies. Although this thing was almost lost to Hua Xiong, Xie Yan believed that there was only one Hua Xiong!

The unicorn generally eats things like sap and fruit, so Xie Yan produces a silver fruit, six copper-colored fruits and more than twenty blue-colored fruits on the tree it inhabits. Seeing this, the one-horned fairy flew to the silver fruit to take a breath, and the pure spirit could pour into the body. This feeling made it fluttering!

When other animals saw it, their eyes lit up, especially the land animal group. Last night they saw Hua Xiong eating fruit there. At that time, the rich aroma from the fruit made them greedy. If the two sides were in a competitive relationship, Plus Hua Xiong is not easy to mess with, they all want to go up and ask the origin of the fruit.

Now I know, it was originally given by the owner!

After the one-horned fairy is a stork bird. This thing eats fish. It is impossible for Xie Yan to grow fish, so he can only make the appearance of the fruit as a fish. When the stork bird saw a series of fruit fish of different colors growing out of the ground, he looked grateful to Xie Yan.

Next is the roe deer. This is the simplest. It is enough to feed the grass. So a stone trough in the roe deer grows three kinds of forages of different colors. Roe deer begins to eat fast, unlike the unicorn who eats silver fruit as soon as it comes up, it likes to start with green-grade forage, leaving the best silver-grade forage at the end.

Wasps, like unicorns, are fruits of various colors. Although they are bees, they do not feed on nectar.

In the same way, Hua Xiong and Queen Bee also received rewards. After all, Xie Yan was treated equally, otherwise there might be trouble. Then he saw Hua Xiong walking angrily with the fruit distributed to his hands.

It pointed to the unicorn, then to himself, and to the fruit of exactly the same size on both sides, indicating grievance in my heart-why is such a small guy as big as it eats? unfair!


Xie Yan thought about it carefully, as if it were such a truth, and as an enlightened master, he would not ignore such a reasonable appeal, after all, it was not a bizarre thing like a garage.

So Xie Yan helped Hua Xiong upgrade the feed size, and the feed given to him in the future will not be called fruit, but watermelon!

But soon Xie Yan regretted it. Who could think of Hua Xiong, who was actually proud of holding the silver watermelon and arguing around, showing off everywhere:

Hey, why are you eating so small? Look at me, it's bigger than you!

Probably this is a meaning that seriously damages the friendly atmosphere between neighbors.

"Smash it!" Xie Yan didn't hit one place, "OK, don't you want to take a bath in the future!"

Sure enough, this guy can't be taken lightly!

After dealing with these new members, Xie Yan set his sights on the silver chasing big wolf dog lying in the distance. It didn't leave as dingy as other animals in the choirs, but lay down there honestly, hoping Xie Yan could keep it.

Xie Yan carefully considered:

After chasing the silver level, it will be at least the silver level, and the breed of the big wolf dog looks very good, and his brain is also very good. Last night, he also showed good fighting ability, and cultivated it. In the future, it will become the second best player after Hua Xiong. impossible!

"OK, then you stay!" Xie Yan preached.

When the Great Wolfhound heard his rumors, an excited spirit stood up from the ground and whimpered in his mouth to thank him.

Of course, because it is not a winner, it is impossible to treat it with other pets, so Xie Yan only made him a small open-air den and the food was only five green fruits.

Even so, the Great Wolf Dog is already very satisfied.


Trailer: There should be four more today...

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