I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 52: Last round

When the queen queen's breath came to the battlefield, Xie Yan was a little stunned. He remembered the lion before him for the first time, and the other party also had the ability to explode.

"Does it say that after the silver level, will this extra ability be obtained?" Xie Yan had some speculation in his heart. The queen bee's weakened enemy strengthens his family's BUFF, and the lion king's silver cicada clothes, I am afraid they are all things they get after touching the silver level.

"Right, what about me?" Xie Yan focused his attention on himself.

Whether they are queen queens or the former lion kings, they are actually not genuine silver grades. Even so, they can gain abilities. Since that is the case, then as a sterling silver, it must have similar abilities!

Xie Yan turned his attention to the white lines of the main stem epidermis. He remembered that the white pattern on the silver part of his body shone slightly when the queen queen used his ability just now, indicating that the key to that special ability was this white pattern. !

Just how to use it, Xie Yan has no clue.

"Speaking of which, the queen queen should be the only one who has only recently done this!" Xie Yan looked at the queen queen in contemplation.

They have gone through several life-and-death battles from start to finish. If the queen bee had the ability at that time, they would definitely start the game at the first time, reverse the situation, and increase the chance of winning.

In addition, there are Tiger King, Eagle King and Ape King, which are all creatures that touch the silver level, but they did not gain the ability like the Lion King, indicating that this thing is not an overnight one, but it takes time to slowly understand !

As for how to comprehend... Xie Yan decided to ask the queen queen for some relevant experience.

"I don't know what my ability will be?" Xie Yan looked forward, "I hope the practical performance will be stronger!"


Back on the battlefield, under the cheating of the queen bee rubbing the ball, the overall situation is set! The three-color bee blessed by BUFF killed three in and three out of the swarm, and no insects could stop it!

Looking at these heroic and fighting tricolor bees, the queen bee was stunned in place, and the inferiority complex buried in her heart just now rose to her heart.

In terms of strength, it is inferior to others. In terms of elegance, it is inferior to others. Not to mention this exquisite battle array and commanding ability, and the breath of a king who will even be deterred.


Complete defeat!

If you have to pick an advantage, I'm afraid it's only tall, right?

The queen wasp felt bitter.

After more than ten minutes, the second round of fighting ended, and the number of insects left in the sky was less than one-tenth of the original! There were broken limbs and broken arms of insects everywhere, and disgusting mucus mixed together, emitting a foul odor.

The winner of the second round of the insect group was the queen bee. When Xie Yan announced this, the queen bee's eyes were in a trance. For some reason, she did not have the slightest joy of winning in her heart. Instead, she felt kind of alms...

The queen bee started to use nectar.

Different from bees, wasps don't feed on nectar, so the queen bee's honey collection is very poor.

It was then that the queen bee fell gracefully to the side, watching quietly.

This look made the queen bee feel uncomfortable. It subconsciously recalled the previous action of the queen bee eating nectar, and then compared her current action with it. The huge difference made it more inferior, and always felt that its own An action is so ugly and vulgar.

So the queen bee began to intentionally or unintentionally imitate the queen’s elegant movements, but its body is twice as large as the queen’s. The same movement applies to the queen, but not necessarily to it. So the more imitated, the more weird the queen bee's action of eating nectar is, as if it were a toddler in Handan...

"This guy..." Xie Yan had long known what the queen bee was thinking about. He didn't expect to make such a show. He looked at the queen of the bee queen... Continue to do this. It is estimated that even the fly didn't know how to fly.

However, the queen bee will be recruited, indicating that it has some psychological problems. The queen bee just filled in firewood to amplify this kind of psychology...

"Don't mind the eyes of other bees, just eat your own." Xie Yan told the Queen Bee.

The queen bee nodded, put down the baggage named ‘elegance’ in her heart, and began to consume nectar in her own way.

"Buzz~~~" The queen queen dissatisfiedly stepped on Xie Yan's leaves.

"You're enough!" Xie Yan was helpless and began to educate: "You have to spare the bee and understand it? Everyone will be a companion in the future, don't do these things! You have to deal with the enemy and open your own. what?"

The queen bee opened her head proudly, wondering if she had heard this.

Xie Yan sighed in his heart, these pets one by one, can not be so personal? I thought that the queen bee has been good for a while, but in fact it is just a restrained personality, and it has become black belly...

"Right, ask you something." Xie Yan Chuanyin said: "What's the momentum? Why haven't you seen it before?"

The trouble came back, but when it came time to talk about the business, the queen bee was very serious. It thought for a while and kept making gestures in front of Xie Yan.

This time, Xie Yan did not understand the meaning of the queen bee. There is no way, he can only understand some very basic behavioral language logic, just like the last life, he can say hello to foreigners and carry out basic communication, but once it involves the professional field, it will be the same, all kinds of terrible words And unintelligible abbreviations make people scalp numb.

The information that the queen bee conveyed to him is like those long words and abbreviations. Without dictionaries and remarks, it is difficult to understand what is meant or meant.

The queen repeated this set of actions three times, and still couldn't make Xie Yan have a clear understanding.

Xie Yan can only choose to give up.

But it doesn't matter. After he got the idea receiver, the dual convenience can communicate without barriers, and there will be no "incomprehensible" situation.

A moment later, the queen bee ate nectar with difficulty. When she saw that the queen was not there, she was relieved and flew to the side to start taking care of the instrument.

Next is the fourth round, which is also the second round of the Marine Biology Group.

Hua Xiong lay back in the swimming pool without water and covered the wound with a little dirt to stop bleeding. It is worth mentioning that because the mud in the swimming pool is often soaked by spring water, it contains a small amount of Reiki and has a good healing effect.

After doing this, Hua Xiong took out a few fruits from the nest, ate melons and watched the play, and saw that the skunk was pecked to death by a stork, and it would clap and applaud...

It didn't take long for the winner of this round to be born. It was the stork that, as a bronze-silver-level mutant, had this strength.

While Xie Yan announced the result, he specially looked at the wolf dog lying far away. This guy hasn't moved since the end, as if these two games have nothing to do with it.

"This is ready to wait for the third round to work harder and win in one fell swoop?" Xie Yan probably understands the plan of the wolfdog. After all, in addition to the two strong competitors of the Chinese bear and the stork bird, there is only this silver dog chasing the silver level. More fierce.

In the fifth round, which is the third round of the insect group, the unicorn won the victory naturally, and pushed the ring to the end.

"The last round is over." Xie Yan secreted nectar for the last time, and then said to the few remaining marine creatures: "Start!"

The voice has just fallen, and the silver chasers who have been lying there have moved! Compared to those animals who have been physically and mentally exhausted for a round, it is playing in full state!

Coupled with the strength of chasing silver, the winner of this round seems to have been settled from the beginning!

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