I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 522: then sent away again

  Chapter 522 and then sent away again

  ‘It finally sprouted, but it’s not easy. '

  On the morning of the tenth day of the second level, Gu Shanhai looked at the seeds of civilization in his body, which have now germinated smoothly, but it has only just germinated, which belongs to the beginning.

  For Gu Shanhai, as long as he starts, no matter how difficult it is, there will always be a day of success. If he is really stuck in the seed stage and cannot move, then Gu Shanhai will feel overwhelmed.

  ‘If you are lucky, before this world ends, you will be able to reach the stage of becoming a material. ’ Seeing the progress, Gu Shanhai was also delighted, as long as nothing happens, the Dao Realm is just around the corner.

   "Huh~ I'm finally back, this time it's really hard to kill." Shura walked out from the magic circle, and casually threw a large piece of sarcoma on the ground.

   "It's good to come back, it's normal to be difficult to kill, if it's easy to kill, then it's not a BOSS." Gu Shanhai comforted him.

   "That's right. It's a good thing we started this time ahead of time. Otherwise, if it's really a complete boss, I'm afraid it will be a hard fight." Shura sat down and began to recover his strength.

He doesn't know how many boss parts still need to be killed, but he can be sure of one thing, if there is no advance weakening this time, then when facing the complete boss, even with the blessing of Gu Shanhai's halo, he will not be able to defeat it. will win easily.

  The BOSS of the second level and the BOSS of the first level are completely different.

   "It seems that the third level also has to weaken the BOSS in advance, otherwise, we are likely to be wiped out in the third level."

   In terms of combat, Shura is still very keen. From the boss of the first level and the boss parts of the second level, he can vaguely infer that the strength of the boss of the third level is far from what they can deal with.

   It is even possible that the parts of the third level BOSS are comparable to the second level BOSS.

   "Actually, there is no solution. Just bring in a human from this world and let the other party do the work." Gu Shanhai also made a very constructive and immediate suggestion.

   Shura had a hard time fighting because he didn't specialize. As a human being in this world, the opponent was indeed inferior to Shura, but in terms of facing ghosts, Jedi was much better than Shura.

  Give Gu Shanhai the illusion that the cat eats the mouse, the rat eats the elephant, and the elephant eats the cat.

"It's not that easy. I'm afraid there will be no humans in the next three, four, or five. We must have missed it." Shura was also a little annoyed by this. He obviously focused on humans in the first level, but he couldn't get it. With the help of humans, if there is a human being by your side at this time, it can completely crush it.

   "Not necessarily, there are actually humans appearing in this level, but we didn't expect it." Gu Shanhai was naturally referring to the orphanage staff who sent ghosts.

"Yes, but if you really want to keep the other party, it will get in the way." Shura and the others knew that these children were disguised by ghosts, but the staff of the orphanage didn't know that even if they managed to stay, it would not be a good thing. The difficulty of letting these ghosts die has been greatly increased.

   It's better to kill the BOSS yourself.

   "It's true, there has to be a trade-off." Gu Shanhai also echoed.

   Actually, it’s not impossible, it’s just that it’s not suitable for the three of them. If it’s said to let the grotesque come over, it’s very suitable. He can continue to explore a perfect path through the simulator.

  At that time, it will not only form a snowball accumulation, but also pass the level perfectly.

   It can only be said that each player has a different system, which leads to a different attitude towards the dungeon.

   "Where's the great heaven? Why didn't you see him?" Shura asked.

  In normal times, Da Tianwei would wait for him here from time to time, and occasionally quarrel with Gu Shanhai.

   "Didn't he trick the drowning monster into the basement before? Today is the last day. In order to avoid accidents, he squatted at the door and waited."

   "When it's night, I'll let you deal with the other party."

  Gu Shanhai spoke about the situation of Da Tianwei.

  Sura also nodded: "It's very thoughtful."

   "If you have any ideas, it's up to you." Gu Shanhai didn't have too many ideas.

   "Okay, I'll rest for a while and see if I can find another BOSS room before dark. Today is the last day, so it's best to make a fortune if I can," Shura said.

  Their task will be settled at twelve o'clock tonight. At nine o'clock, Shura will leave, regardless of whether he finds it or not, and will do something about the drowning one.

   Now drowning is already a turtle in the urn. As for whether something will happen in the middle, that is not what Shura should consider, but the great heaven.

  If the opponent can't even do this, Shura should wonder how the big heaven became a player in the first echelon.

   "You are also hardworking." Gu Shanhai complained.

   "If you don't work hard, you won't be able to do it. You're not as rich as you." Shura really had an intuitive expression this time about how rich life players are.

  He analyzed one thing from Gu Shanhai's attitude towards these foods, that is, Gu Shanhai's attributes at this stage are already full, and it is impossible to improve them by using props or consumables.

   Even if Gu Shanhai can make such props and consumables by himself, the raw materials are not a small amount, not to mention that he has to upgrade the system level to make them, not that he can make them with raw materials.

  Although Shura also uses various methods to pile up his attributes to full value at each stage, but this is achieved by him over and over again, unlike Gu Shanhai, who only needs to do it lightly.

  He is envious, but he has never thought about changing the system. Not all support and life players can become Gu Shanhai, and most of them are as embarrassed as him.

   Players like Gu Shanhai will always be in the minority.

  Otherwise, if any casual player can become a rich man, then it is impossible for Gu Shanhai to be the only one of this type in the first echelon, but there are a large number of them.

  An individual case can never be representative of the whole group.

   After resting for more than half an hour, Shura got up and signaled Gu Shanhai to open the magic circle again.

   After checking the magic circle, Gu Shanhai also opened it for him.

"It won't last long, and fortunately it's only for a temporary use." Gu Shanhai looked at the magic circle full of cracks, and it was very difficult for the lantern to last until now. After all, the other party is not a powerful ghost, but It's very ordinary, if it wasn't for the mercy of the big heaven, it might be the same as Yin Fenggui, and it would disappear at the dinner table.

   "I hope it won't be used in the next level, otherwise it will be really troublesome."

   Gu Shanhai muttered, although they are all in the same world, but each level seems to have a different situation due to the legacy of the Quangui Survival Platform and the Cult of Worship.

  ‘Damn it, I have to get out as soon as possible, otherwise I might be trapped to death here. ’ Drowning had a gloomy expression on his strange expression.

  He was still hooked three days ago.

  In the past few days, although Da Tianwei felt sorry for him, he was not in too much danger. Under such circumstances, his vigilance gradually relaxed a lot.

   This led him to want to go to the basement to investigate, so as to grasp the information to the greatest extent, otherwise, who knows if this human being will turn his face.

  Instead of believing in the attitude of human beings towards him these days, he naturally believed more in the live barrage sent by his fellow ghosts.

   Because of this, he was imprisoned for three days, and he knew that this human would never let him go so easily.

  He also thought about coming out of the basement, but his body not only restrained the ability of ghosts, but also because he was a child, he didn't even have the strength to force open the door.

  The other party directly locked it from outside the basement.

   Fortunately, he is not a pure human being, otherwise, these three days would have starved him to the point of collapse.

   "Hey, don't struggle, it's better to save a little effort." Outside the basement, came the voice of Da Tianwei.

   This made Drowning Gui's heart sink to the bottom.

  Before, the other party would only come to visit him occasionally, as if he was preparing for something.

   But in this situation, it is obvious that the other party is ready.

  ‘No, you have to find a way to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will die. ’ Drowning Gui was a little upset, he was trapped for three days anyway, he thought he would be trapped to death, but now it’s different, if he can survive, he still has a chance to complete the survival and return.

  ‘The other party is not thinking of eating me. '

   At this moment, Drowning Sly couldn't help but think of such a thing.

It is not uncommon for human beings to eat ghosts on the Quanwei Survival Platform. The difference is that most humans do not have too many taboos about eating ghosts. They just stuff them into their mouths and chew them. The crunchy ghosts are tremble with fear.

  These three humans are different. It is very likely that they will be tortured first, and then eaten by cooking. It is fine if he dies during this process, and he will not feel too much pain.

   If he didn't die, it would be miserable.

  Suicide is impossible. If he had the confidence to commit suicide, he would have committed suicide when he first entered the Quangui Survival Platform. Anyway, he would die sooner or later. It would be better to die early and get rid of it.

   "Why are you silent, are you accepting your fate?"

   "It's good to accept your fate, otherwise I will have to spend a lot of effort to persuade you."

  The voice of the great heaven came again, but this time it couldn't shake Drowning, it was already hopeless, no matter how desperate it was, where could it go?

  'There is still a chance, the other party is here, indicating that there is a loophole in the basement! ’ Such an idea suddenly appeared in Drowning Gui’s mind.

   Immediately, he kept searching in the dark basement, even if it was just an idea of ​​his, now is not the time to give up.

   If he succeeds, his life will be saved. If he fails, it will be nothing more than death. Anyway, he has long been used to death with him, although he is still afraid of death.

  The big sky outside the basement uses secret monitoring equipment to see every move of Drowning Gui.

   It is naturally impossible for Da Tianwei not to leave surveillance, but to lock the drowning ghost inside. If the other party has other means to break free and run away, then he will have to overturn.

  Of course, this set of monitoring equipment was part of the supplies that Gu Shanhai gave him back then, and he didn't have these things on him.

"Tsk, you really got aroused by me. Otherwise, if you lie flat and don't waste your energy, if you think too much and find some loopholes, then you will suffer." I checked it many times as a guarantee, but what if this kind of thing happens.

   It's better to push the other person's thoughts in the direction of tension, and give enough pressure so that the other person has to move.

   It is also possible to be self-defeating, and really let the other party find some loopholes.

   It's good if you find it, the big heaven has been monitoring, even if the other party finds it, he can counter and remedy it as soon as possible.

   Give hope first, and then extinguish it for the other party, attacking from the spiritual level.

   It's just that he looked at the drowning ghost groping around in the basement like a headless chicken, and knew in his heart that there was a high probability that he would not be able to find him.

   "You seem to be looking for a way to leave? Don't struggle, if there is, do you think you can get out?" The big heaven stimulated Drowning Gui once again.

   Drowning's face didn't change at all, but he was still exploring the entire basement inch by inch.

  This basement is actually not that big, it’s very small.

  It is not a good thing if it is too big. It is better to be smaller, so that you can see more comprehensively through the monitoring equipment and there will be no dead spots.

  ‘Don’t say it, it’s really serious. ’ Da Tianwei couldn’t help but smile when he saw Drowning’s treacherous behavior.

  Unfortunately, it is limited to this.

   Drowning Gui spent an hour checking the entire basement again, but found nothing.

  I didn’t even find the monitoring equipment according to the Datian Dimension, so I was a little overwhelmed and confused sitting on the ground.

  Development shouldn't be like this. They are all here to survive, so how come he is in a desperate situation where he must die.

   Time passed by one minute and one second, and soon it was nine thirty in the evening.

   Drowning Gui discovered that the human voice that used to talk to him from time to time hadn't sounded for a long time.

  'Wait, what is this palpitation? ’ Drowning Gui smelled a fragrance, which made him a little intoxicated and scared at the same time.


  He found that the door of the basement was opened, and a dazzling light shone in.

   Then he saw a figure, because of the light, he couldn't see the appearance of the person for a while.

   "It's so late, instead of sleeping in the room, I'm hiding here." A deep voice came over.

   "Wait, I." Drowning Gui finally knew the human's plan at this time, and he violated one of the rules of death by not sleeping in the room at night.

  Before the consciousness dissipated, Drowning Gui’s last thought: I was deceived. What the other party wanted me to trigger from the beginning was not the rule of making mistakes, but the rule of not sleeping in the room at night.

   And a question, why did he wait until today, when he was able to do it when he was trapped in the basement on the first day.

   Thank you, Mr. Nuanyang, for your golden alliance, add more



  (end of this chapter)

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