I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 521: A new 'family' has arrived

  Chapter 521 A new 'family' is here

   Drowning Gui was sent to the villa tremblingly. He had already learned from the barrage that the difficulty of the dungeon of loving each other as a family this time.

  The first two Ghost Survivors didn't make it to the day, which is simply too scary.

   You must know that they had to survive for ten days, but they couldn't even reach one-tenth of it, which made Drowning Gui a little at a loss.

  ‘This time there is only one human left, but there are still three rules of death. ’ Drowning Gui looked at the human in front of him and smiled kindly at him.

  'Could it be said that after the ghost fails once, a human will gain great power, and after three times, this copy will disappear? '

   Drowning Gui guessed this matter in his heart, and shared a lot of information in the barrage. Of course, he also made up part of the ghosts in the barrage.

   This may be a good thing for other ghosts, but for Drowning, it is bad luck, and he was caught up.

  The difficulty of the other dungeons of loving each other and a family that is being carried out simultaneously is very difficult, but it is not so great that two ghosts in a row cannot survive a day.

  The death rate is high, but occasionally one or two can pass the level. This time, it is really terrible.

  Especially the human being who received him. Both Yin Fenggui and Lantern Gui were killed by him.

   Lantern tricks are the most terrible thing to die. The opponent didn't use the rules of killing tricks, so the lantern tricks were drowned in the swimming pool.

   This also expresses that we should not only be vigilant against the rules of killing ghosts of humans. Humans have other means to kill ghosts indirectly, and there are many methods.

   "Why, are you not used to it for the first time here?" Da Tianwei leaned into Drowning Gui's ear and asked softly.

When Drowning Gui heard this voice, his heart became more and more nervous. Compared with Yinfeng Gui and Lantern Gui, Drowning Gui is a more experienced ghost survivor. Even if he said that he was scared, he didn't show the slightest .

   "I'm not used to it, it's much better than the place I used to live in." Drowning Gui's words can be said to be agitated with anxiety, and the performance is tight.

  Da Tianwei saw this drowning's treacherous and fearless appearance, and he understood in his heart that a tricky thing came, obviously a seasoned ghost, no matter how scared he was, he couldn't show it.

   "Although the residence is not good, it is the place where you were raised, so don't talk nonsense." Da Tianwei also followed the other party's words, and this appearance did not have the sarcastic remarks of the previous two times at all.

   This scene made Drowning Gui secretly sigh that something was wrong, this time it was really more ominous than good.

  If it is still the same as before, it means that you can still refer to the first two dead ghosts. Now that the attitude has changed, it means that the other party has entered a new stage. This is not good news.

   means Drowning will re-explore and cannot refer to previous answers.

  You know, if it wasn't for Lantern Gui's own uniqueness, he still had a good chance of surviving a day.

"I know, there won't be a next time." Drowning Shui didn't argue with Da Tianwei, but continued to say what he meant, but he didn't admit his mistake. He naturally knew that as long as he made a mistake, he would be punished. This human kills.

   There are two kinds of mistakes, one is that his behavior is wrong in essence, and the other is that he admits his mistakes.

  The first type has already been practiced by Yin Fenggui. For the second type, a total of two ghosts have come so far, and there are no ghosts to verify it yet.

  He admitted his mistake just now, maybe he can verify whether he can trigger the opponent's trick-killing rules.

   Drowning Gui only has one life, so he doesn't want to test it at all.

  'I don't know what to do in the next process, it should be cooking. ’ Of course Drowning Gui knew that the first two ghosts needed to cook, and when it was his turn, it should be the same.

   "Okay, let's go eat first." Da Tianwei said casually after entering the living room with Drowning Gui.

   This remark made Drowning Quiet stunned, what's going on, shouldn't he be cooking? How did it become a meal.

  ‘There are too many changes, and I don’t know whether it is good or bad. I hope the difficulty has dropped. ’ Drowning does not have a good sense of experience,

  For him, the changes are outrageous, and he doesn't even have the most basic process.

'Cooking, eating~www.wuxiamtl.com~playing computer, and then going swimming, the lantern trick progressed to the fourth one before dying, but now I skip the cooking process and just eat, does that mean The remaining links will also change. ’ Drowning Gui was a little restless.

   On the surface, he didn't show it, but nodded obediently, and then went to the table to eat.

   During the meal, I didn't speak, and I always abide by the rule of not talking when eating or sleeping, so as to ensure my own safety.

  In other places, eating and talking is at most a curse, but here, it is really fatal.

  The whole process was very calm, so calm that even Drowning Gui began to tremble with fear. In his eyes, the dungeon of loving each other as a family is extremely difficult, and it is not like this at all.

  Even the barrage with the live broadcast is telling him to be careful. This may be the calm before the storm.

  The meal was finished soon, Da Tianwei didn't clean up, but said: "Next, you can go to the study to read books, if you don't want to read, you can also wander around."

   "But remember, you can't go to the basement, there are some dangerous items stored there."

   "If you run over sneakily disobediently and something dangerous happens, it will be terrible."

   At first glance, these words seemed to be just persuasion, but in Drowning Gui's ears, it had a different meaning.

   Probably the secret of the villa is hidden in the basement, so you can't go there.

   This made Drowning feel a little tangled. If you go there, you must make a mistake, and it will definitely trigger the human’s killing rules. If you don’t go, you will not be reconciled. Maybe there are clues to clear the level hidden in this basement.

   Surviving for ten days is not an easy task.

   "Okay, I will definitely not go there." It is true that drowning is entangled in his heart, but he will not show it, and he must agree on the surface.

   "It's good that you understand." Da Tianwei said calmly.

   "Then I'll go to the study to read first." Drowning Gui said immediately.

  Although Da Tianwei said that he can move freely, he thinks that safety should be the main priority.

   "Okay." Da Tianwei didn't stop him, his attitude towards this drowning monster was to let it go, and he couldn't kill it now.

  It is exactly the same. He revoked many of the original targets, put them in the dark from the bright side, and even encouraged the opponent to make mistakes.

   Making a mistake can trigger the trick killing rules, but if he doesn't do it, the opponent won't know if he violated it.

  ‘The best way is to go into the basement, hehe. ’ The reason why the big heaven was brought into the basement was also to induce drowning.

  The whole villa is huge, so naturally there is more than one basement. The basement he induced Drowning to go to is a well-arranged trap.

  The basement where Gu Shanhai is located has long been covered up, even if Drowning Gui could not get in.

   Drowning Gui went to the study very honestly, and the great heaven knew that it was the ghost who sent the live barrage to show him the way, and he didn't point out the loophole of Drowning Gui, after all, whoever comes can know where the study is.

  Even if this loophole is seized to launch an attack, it is actually not a big deal. At most, the identity and reason are questioned, and there is no way to pose a threat to it.

   To put it bluntly, it would be the best if he could lock the drowning ghost in the basement until the last day.

   At that time, Shura can take action and directly kill the opponent.

  Night does not just refer to a certain point in time, but refers to after dark.

Drowning left strangely, Da Tianwei didn't care about it, but just cleaned the dining table and bowls and chopsticks with a skill. This kind of small skill is worthless, and there is no need to upgrade it. It can be used after learning it. As for leveling up, It is probably also useful, and it can clean up all kinds of extraordinary pollution after rising to the back.

   However, this is not very useful for the big sky, but it is very good for dealing with ordinary stains.

  After sorting it out, he took a look at Drowning Gui’s situation through the surveillance camera. He was vigilant in the study, ready to respond to inspections from the Great Heaven.

   "It's really cautious. If it wasn't for something serious, I would really want to torment you." Da Tianwei smiled, and then came to the basement where Gu Shanhai was.

  As soon as he arrived, he saw Gu Shanhai lying on the recliner. It didn't look like he was being attacked by Shura at all, but more like he was resting.

   "How's the harvest?" Da Tianwei asked curiously.

   "It's okay, I've hit the second one, and I can have another meal tonight." Gu Shanhai pointed to another sarcoma that was frozen aside, a little bored.

  The sarcoid that Shura brought back before has been eaten up by them, and this one is a new one.

   "So fast, it seems that there can be one on average per day." Da Tianwei was also very surprised.

   Don’t think it’s just to open a channel and fight monsters. In fact, the operation is not so easy. Shura needs to go in and locate to obtain the corresponding data. Then Gu Shanhai can open the corresponding boss space through the magic circle, and then he can fight monsters,

  The preparation process during the period is very troublesome. It doesn't mean that it can be opened casually like unlocking.

   "It's about the same, so you have to be optimistic about this ghost, don't die early, if you die one day earlier, we will lose a lot of attributes and gains." Gu Shanhai also reminded.

   "Don't worry, the ghost that came in this time is not an ordinary ghost. At least you don't have to worry about dying. The means of survival are very sophisticated." Da Tianwei is still very confident about drowning.

   "You still have to be cautious when doing things, so as not to capsize in the gutter." Gu Shanhai felt that he should not be too blind when he heard Da Tianwei's confident words.

"No, let him go into the basement by himself, and then lock him inside. At that time, he won't be able to go back to the room at night, and let Shura get stuck and harvest him." Da Tianwei briefly talked about his plan. It was the safest of all his plans.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't get into the basement because of drowning, he still has other means. When facing the interests, the big heaven will naturally spare no effort. You can't say that you still have a hand now, and then it will be a ditch. The ship capsized, and the loss was so great that even he couldn't accept it.

   "It's good to be sure." Gu Shanhai did not continue to persuade, he would not dictate the plan of Da Tianwei, the other party has the other party's plan and way of life.

  In order to ensure the success rate, he also made a calculation in advance, which was a bit difficult, but he also saw that the success rate was not low. Most of the time they were successful, and only a small part were failures.

  Mainly because he was stuck, otherwise, Gu Shanhai didn't want to bother.

  The results of those failures were due to the outbreak of drowning and cunning luck. Otherwise, the other party would not be able to escape the trap of the big heaven, and could only wait for death honestly.

  Now that Gu Shanhai knows this, he has easily blocked most of the other's escape methods by luck.

It is impossible for such a thing to be 100% successful, because the future is developed from various choices, which is inherently uncertain, just like he blocked some loopholes, but derived a lot of In different futures, there are also many cases of overturning.

   Gu Shanhai can’t say that he is really perfect. If he really has this ability, he doesn’t have to mess around in "The First Era". He can just go out and enjoy life by himself. Why do he come to work.

  Da Tianwei didn't know that Gu Shanhai helped to apply the patch, but even if he knew, he wouldn't say anything. Everyone is in a community of interests, and it is impossible to distinguish so clearly.

   "Cough, the positioning is wrong." Shura ran out of the magic circle in some embarrassment.

   "That's right, a wrong coordinate has been ruled out." Gu Shanhai nodded, and crossed out a series of coordinates on the notebook.

   And Shura sat down to rest.

   "Can the coordinates be wrong?" Da Tianwei's eyes widened, a little inconceivable.

   "There's nothing surprising about this. It's not normal to make mistakes, and I don't know everything. After all, it's just a deduction." Gu Shanhai said calmly, and he only deduced from paper data.

   Fortunately, there is also good news. At least the boss space is not isolated by the air wall, and because of the air wall, there is no need to worry about being teleported to other places. As long as the coordinates are located outside the air wall, the activation will directly fail.

  The space opened by wrong coordinates may be in the ground, or it may be in the cracks of the BOSS room, or more simply, it is some fragments after the ghost world was blown up by the human world.

  Gu Shanhai also gained a lot. By locating these cracked fragments, Gu Shanhai stretched out his tentacles and rolled them into his mouth to chew without hesitation, just like chewing raw beans.

  The amount is indeed a little less, but it still has a little taste, and it can also add a little trace elements, so it can be regarded as a small snack.

   Naturally, Shura doesn't know about these things. Gu Shanhai's actions are still relatively hidden, even the world is hidden from it, let alone a player like Shura.

   Thank you, Mr. Nuanyang, for your golden alliance, add more



  (end of this chapter)

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