I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 510: Act like no one

  Chapter 510 Acting, like who can’t

Shura started his journey to find the truth. It can only be said that his text reminder is really suitable for the route of the puzzle-solving department, but the combat department is not bad. During the battle, it can help him choose the most suitable attack route , defensive measures, and don't have to worry about your own growth being crooked.

   It can only be said that this talent is too strong, and it has strong adaptability in all aspects.

  Da Tianwei took Cui Yingying to catch ghosts, to see if he could cheat some, mainly because it was already daytime, and the protection time of ghosts would disappear at twelve noon.

   Therefore, in order to prolong this time, the ghosts have to go out to take risks, otherwise, when the time is exhausted, it will be called a day and a day.

   And Da Tianwei is not worried about the ghosts prolonging the time, but worried about meeting other people and then hanging up because of some trivial things, then they will have nothing to eat when the time comes.

   Belonging affects one's own interests, which is why the great heaven is so active.

  They also ate two ghosts last night, but there are eight more, which can add a lot of attributes and permanent gains to them.

   Gu Shanhai has nothing to do, he hides in the laboratory and conducts experiments to verify it.

   "Asura's conjecture is actually true." Gu Shanhai is not very sensitive to the outside world because most of his energy and mind are not here.

   "But why do you think it's a bit weird?"

  Gu Shanhai didn't find any relevant issues, because he could only prove that this matter is true, but this matter has nothing to do with Quanwei Survival Platform.

   "Perhaps there is a deep connection?"

   "Or is there something wrong with these residents?"

  Spiritual awareness scanned the entire apartment, and did not find any problems, except that the room where the ghost lived was protected.

"Wait, Shura, he couldn't be dark under the lights." Gu Shanhai suddenly realized something. If there is the most problematic part of the whole apartment, it doesn't take much thinking to know that these ten households have always been the place where ghosts descend. up.

   After all, these ten rooms are related to the Quangui Survival Platform, so if you really want to talk about the problem, you can't escape it no matter what.

   Not to mention there is such a BUG as the protection time, even if Gu Shanhai wants to break it, he needs to spend a little effort, brute force is fine, but Gu Shanhai doesn't want to use brute force, what if he is bitten back.

He doesn't have too much desire for this, but puts his mind on himself, mainly because he is full now, which makes his own desire decline. If he hadn't experienced the last world, he would have to spend his whole life Pull it out as merit, instead of just letting it dangle in front of your eyes.

   "However, he has a text reminder that there shouldn't be such a situation where the lights are dark."

   "Judging from his talent, it is unlikely that the Quangui Survival Platform will invalidate the text reminder on Shura."

   "So it is more likely that his plan has not progressed to this point."

  If it were someone else, it would be possible to be fooled by the black light, but Shura probably wouldn't, after all, his talent is there.

   "Okay, let him do whatever he wants."

  Gu Shanhai didn't think too much, the first level was not difficult, and he didn't come here to try his best.

  There are two people, Shura and Datianwei, and Gu Shanhai still agrees with their abilities.

  Boom boom boom~

  At the entrance to the basement, there was a knock on the door.

   "This guy isn't going to catch ghosts, why did he come here." Gu Shanhai muttered softly, and then opened the door.

   It was Da Tianwei who came, he brought Cui Yingying, and jumped in directly after Gu Shanhai opened the door.

   "What are you doing here? No more ingredients?" Gu Shanhai asked.

  He didn't hide the situation in the basement either.

   "Don't mention it, I hid back again, playing hide and seek with me through the reminders of the live barrage one by one."

   "This group of ghosts is a little weaker, but their abilities are quite weird, and they will slip back if they don't pay attention."

  The Great Heavenly Position obviously did not work hard, and I don't know what the idea is.

  With his strength, catching some ghosts is still very simple.

   Well, all three of them actually have this virtue, mainly because they are all vigilant.

   This time the challenge is too simple, so simple that there is no threat, so they will be vigilant. If it is really difficult, they will breathe a sigh of relief. Simple, it means that some things need their investigation.

   "Do you want Liuwei Dihuang Wan? I'll sell it to you at cost." Gu Shanhai said, and took out a porcelain bottle.

  Hearing this, Da Tianwei's face darkened, this was simply saying that he was false.

   "No, I'm fine." Da Tianwei said with displeasure in his tone.

   "Hey, I want ten bottles, how do I sell them?" Cui Yingying on the side spoke.

   "You see." Gu Shanhai took out another nine bottles from his arms, and handed them directly to Da Tianwei.

  The big heavenly seat didn't reach out to take it, but Cui Yingying took it with a smile, and put it into the Nether demiplane.

  Seeing this, Da Tianwei can only take out some resources, and the price is not the so-called cost, but according to the market price.

  He also took a look at the properties of the Liuwei Dihuang Wan, and knew that it was a good thing, so there was no need to be greedy for such a cheap thing.

   "By the way, what do you want me for?" Gu Shanhai asked casually.

  Go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, even if Da Tianwei and Cui Yingying want to fish, they can't come to his basement, they will only go back to the room to fish.

   "We plan to buy the machine you mentioned earlier." Da Tianwei said directly without any politeness.

"Think about it? I have to explain first, this thing is really valuable, and even if you use it well, you can completely form your own omnic empire. After all, it is a machine, and it is essentially an omnic core. " Produced by Gu Shanhai, he definitely won't give any rubbish.

   "I'll talk about these things later. Whether I can afford it is one thing. I just want to find a logistics support and a combat support."

   "Okay, then wait a moment." Gu Shanhai said, and started to take out tools from his arms.

   "Do it now? How long will it take?" Da Tianwei asked curiously.

   "Three" Gu Shanhai said a number.

   "Three days? That's acceptable." Da Tianwei felt that there was no need to hurry.

   Then I saw Gu Shanhai's hand turning into an afterimage, the speed was so fast that it was overwhelming.

  Following that, Gu Shanhai continued to speak: "February!"

   After finishing speaking, a metal ball that looked very sci-fi style appeared in Gu Shanhai's hand.

   "Here, pay the bill." Gu Shanhai casually threw the ball to Da Tianwei and said.

   Hide? There is no need to hide it before. It was because of his lack of strength. Now it is different. He has enough strength. Why should he hide these things? He also wants to attract more business. No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it still has meat.

  As for other people's covetousness, it's not Gu Shanhai's fault, it's fine if the other party doesn't do anything, and let the other party pour cement into the trench.

   It is never the fault of the children who hold gold in the market, but the fault of those greedy.

  If it is really due to the ability to be coveted, then it becomes the theory of victim guilt.

   "So fast?" Da Tianwei was also a little surprised, and then gradually calmed down as he looked at the attributes of the ball in his hand.

   "Hiss~ I'm afraid I'll have to spend most of my net worth on this matter of yours."

  Da Tianwei couldn't help but feel a little helpless, he wouldn't intentionally lower the price, at least he still had integrity in this aspect, he didn't want to turn a long-term business into a one-off business.

   "That's for sure, otherwise how would you be worthy of most of your net worth." Gu Shanhai also teased.

   Immediately, Da Tianwei took out a lot of things from his backpack.

  He knows Gu Shanhai's rules, that is, he does not charge game coins and skill points, but only barters.

   When it was almost finished, he stopped his hands: "Estimate, it's not straightforward enough."

  He said so on the lips, but in fact he had estimated it, the things he took were not much different from the price Gu Shanhai gave him.

  Gu Shanhai took a look and put away all the things.

   "It's almost there. I won't cheat you if I have nothing to do." Gu Shanhai never thought that the lion would open his mouth. The material cost of this thing is extremely low. The real cost lies in knowledge. If there is no corresponding knowledge, it cannot be made with materials.

   "Yes, you are really open-minded." Da Tianwei was a little sour, and Gu Shanhai's tone seemed to be not short of money.

   But this is also normal, how can life players be short of money.

  As long as the raw materials are turned into finished products, and then sold, the profits will be considerable.

  Of course, it’s not that simple. There must be a lot of investment in it. Whether it’s career, talent, or skill improvement, it requires a lot of resources.

If it weren't for Da Tianwei's own talent that is not suitable and the system is mature, he would have thought of going to the life department, at least he could have a comfortable life and be able to support Cui Yingying, instead of being so poor that he is almost eating dirt now .

   This is poor, which means that in the first echelon, the wealth he has is unattainable for the players in the second echelon.

   Fortunately, most of the players in the first echelon are as poor as him.

"What's there to be open-minded about, wait for you one day. Oh, you don't have such a day." Gu Shanhai glanced at Da Tianwei, originally wanting to comfort him, but then remembered that the situation of Da Tianwei will last a lifetime. Don't try to get rich.

  Da Tianwei's face turned green: "You can't say something good. When I have money, I will buy two bags of soy milk in the future, and drink one bag and pour another bag!"

   "Look at your layout, that's all."

   "But don't worry, you will never have such an opportunity in your life."

   Gu Shanhai thought about it, but whenever he doesn't use soy milk as a metaphor, he can say something proud.

  After Da Tianwei put away the things, he said indignantly: "You big dog, sooner or later you will have to hang it on the street lamp."

   "Heh, let me see who would dare." Gu Shanhai dismissed this.

"Okay, I won't chat with you anymore, I have to grab the ingredients, I've been talking to you for so long, this group of ingredients should relax their vigilance." The purpose of Da Tianwei's coming here has been completed, so naturally there is no need to stay any longer .

   After finishing speaking, she took Cui Yingying and left.

   "Tsk, really" Gu Shanhai naturally knew why the other party came at this time.

   It is nothing more than to avoid Shura.

   This kind of hole card must be known by as few people as possible, who knows whether he will conflict with the other party in the future.

  The two parties are just teammates, not even friends, but more about conflicts of interest.

  If it wasn't for the attributes and effects provided by Gu Shanhai that satisfied the Da Tianwei, he would not have spent such a large amount of resources to buy it, and he and Gu Shanhai are only interested in it.

   It's just that these relationships were covered up by teammates and were not put on the table. That's why everyone was laughing and joking, all because they didn't involve their own interests.

   Players at this stage rarely have those brain problems.

  At least the control over one's own emotions and desires has been very deep. It is impossible for giant babies or self-centered players to appear. Such players who do not judge the situation basically cannot reach the first echelon.

Even if it is smooth sailing, when Gu Shanhai created the Eternal Sleeping Giant and caused a massacre, it was more because of endangering him that he had conflicts with Gu Shanhai. As for Su Man, it was just a casual mention, not When the sperm appeared on the brain, he broke with Gu Shanhai to save others.

   "Everyone looks ordinary on the surface, but in fact, every one of them has deep thoughts."

Gu Shanhai couldn't help but sigh with emotion, not only the great heavenly position, but even his wife, Cui Yingying, the lord of the netherworld, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Shyness and the like are just her disguise, and even the brains behind the great heavenly position are actually This Cui Yingying.

   An existence that combines beauty and strength.

  At least the big player can become a player in the first echelon, this Cui Yingying has a lot of credit.

   It can only be said that a group of people are acting here, but everyone can see it, and they are all tacit and not exposed.

   "It's also due to my strength. If I'm really at the same level as the two of them, I really can only rely on the Four Sacred Beast System, otherwise I might not be able to beat them." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but smile.

  After the strength is strong, some things look very funny, not vigilant.

  He didn't care about the hiding of Shura and Datianwei at all, and he didn't care about the so-called secrets.

   It's like an ant asking for a small piece of white sugar with its own careful thinking, and when the white sugar falls on the ground, Gu Shanhai doesn't necessarily go back to pick it up, and even thinks it's dirty.

   "Sura must have found something." Gu Shanhai noticed that Shura began to search for some residents purposefully.

   "I hope he can solve the mystery as soon as possible, so that I can rest assured."

   It's not that Gu Shanhai didn't give anything, the division of labor between the three is actually very clear.

   Shura is in charge of investigating and in-depth world view, Da Tianwei is in charge of capturing ingredients to dig out information, and Gu Shanhai provides food that can increase attributes and permanent gains.

  So even if Gu Shanhai has nothing to do, the other two will not say anything, as long as the food is in place.

   Thank you, Mr. Nuanyang, for your golden alliance, add more



  (end of this chapter)

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