I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 509: I have the regular version deluxe version and the artifact version

  Chapter 509 I have a normal version, a deluxe version, and an artifact version

   "The taste of this Liangpi is really good." Xiuluo talked about the Liangpi, praised it, and then complained: "It just smells like cosmetics."

   "It's none of my business, you have to ask the great heaven." Gu Shanhai didn't take the blame.

  Da Tianwei smiled resentfully: "Using this painted skin to do a little trick."

   "You can't wait until you're done eating." Shura said.

   "You have made very fast progress in making troubles without reason." Gu Shanhai also boasted.

   What to do after eating all of this, Shura stayed with Gu Shanhai and Da Tianwei for a little longer, which even affected him a lot.

   It can only be said that the painting styles of Gu Shanhai and Da Tianwei are incompatible with Shura. As a result, Shura failed to change them, but tended to be assimilated by them.

   "Thank you for the compliment." Shura stuffed the Liangpi into his mouth in one gulp, then picked up the black sesame paste next to it and poured it into his mouth.

  As for the fact that it was originally a ghost, Shura didn't care about it long ago. It's not that it can't be eaten, and it can also become stronger, no matter what the raw material is.

   After eating, he continued: "The quality of this batch of ghosts is not very good, one by one is more timid, so we are not afraid of collective sudden death after the protection time has passed."

"Don't be too pessimistic, the things we did are really scary, and it's normal for them to hide from us." Gu Shanhai felt that there was something wrong with Shura, and if Gu Shanhai became this group of ghosts, he could still hide Absolutely not to come out, come out to find death.

   "I have a question, will your ghost buster work for me?" asked the big heavenly bit who had finished eating.

"Yes, the water in my ghost buster is mixed with a series of masculine and masculine things such as black dog blood, rooster blood, etc. Unless you are curvy, or no matter how cold you are, a certain position is still warm. " Gu Shanhai said seriously.

   "???" Cui Yingying always felt that there was something wrong with Gu Shanhai's words, she thought, or stop it.

   "No, can't you be more serious in your description?" Shura complained, Gu Shanhai's words were too misleading.

   "This is quite serious. I think it is enough for everyone to understand the meaning. There is no need to delve into it too much." Gu Shanhai said that you are overthinking.

   "The power seems to be good, is it for sale?" Da Tianwei asked.

"Give it to you, save some money, it will be gone when it's used up." Gu Shanhai casually threw the water gun over, the water gun is worthless, it's just a plastic product, the real value is the water in it, this thing is a consumable , plus the fact that Gu Shanhai was flooding the water before, only about one-third of the water was left in it.

   "Wait, isn't your ghost buster the water in the water gun?"

After Da Tianwei took over, he discovered the clue. Before Gu Shanhai held it, he thought the water gun was the real body, but now he is a little confused. The effect is too strong, and it even deceived him. up.

"That's right, it's just the water in it. I'm fine, why would I enchant a water gun?" Gu Shanhai is rich, but he can't say that he has enough money to waste it casually. The whole consumables are okay, so if you enchant a water gun, then Let's talk about when he has money and can do whatever he wants.

   "No wonder you are so straightforward, do you sell the recipe?" Da Tianwei never thought of going whoring for free, and he must only buy such a good thing.

   "Sell, but you can't afford to make it. I'm a combination skill and I need it." Gu Shan posted a lot of skills and skill level requirements, etc., which made the forehead of Da Tianwei listen to cold sweat.

   Regardless of the number of skills, in fact, these skills can not only produce a consumable of ghost buster, but also can produce a variety of consumables, but the price is expensive.

"It's too expensive, and I can't afford it." Da Tianwei regretfully rejected it. If it was a skill or formula, he could still choose a liver and a liver, but after hearing that it was a combination of skills, it basically required a whole With the support of the system, he doesn't have so much spare money, and raising Cui Yingying and himself has bottomed out the game coins and skills.

   "It's not mandatory, but well, you can buy a machine, and you can make it just by putting it in raw materials." Gu Shanhai thought, this door-to-door business can't just disappear like this.

   "Machine? Can this thing be produced in batches?" Da Tianwei's eyes widened.

  He asked Gu Shanhai to buy a ghost buster, mainly for himself, his missions tended to be this kind of ghosts, evil spirits and the like, with a ghost buster, it was like obtaining a restraint weapon.

   What's more important is that Gu Shanhai, a player of the life department, can shoot with guaranteed quality. At least the ghost buster can also work against him. If he gets hit, at least the surface protection can't hold back.

"Well, it's possible, but I don't have any on hand, so I have to make it now, so we need to discuss the price, you pay the money first, or if I finish it and you say no, I am at a loss." Gu Shanhai said in a business Speech quotient.

   "Let's make a price." Da Tianwei didn't talk about team friendship with Gu Shanhai, both of them knew that there was a fart relationship.

"It depends on what version you want. You can only buy the regular version of Ghost Buster, the deluxe version that can make a variety of potions, and the artifact version that can self-repair and learn to evolve. Of course, the prices are different. If it's the latter, it's equivalent to buying a logistics manager." Gu Shanhai meant to buy the artifact version quickly.

   "Sacred artifact? Is it a real artifact?" Shura was a little moved.

   "Well, it's a divine tool." Gu Shanhai patted his chest and said, the divine tool originally meant a tool used by a god. He is also a god, so it is also a divine tool.

  As for the power of the divine weapon, it should be possessed after being contaminated with the breath of the god. What is really strong is the god, not the artifact held by the god.

   "Then can I customize a universal production line? The one that can be made no matter if it is medicine or equipment." Shura was moved.

"It is possible, but it has limitations, because after I build it for you, at most I will bring you some small formulas. If you want this thing to grow, whether it is combat or life logistics, you need to spend energy To cultivate, it is impossible to give you all the formula blueprints directly, at most I will give you something that you can use at this stage." Gu Shanhai can't really give everything, unless they can afford the price.

   Just looking at the appearance of these two people, there is not much possibility of being able to afford it.

"Need to be cultivated? Then I have to think about it." Shura is very realistic. Although he changed the system, he still followed the combat route. Instead, he was eccentric. Now he has deviated from the combat route. The main reason is that the talents of the two sides are not the same. After all, Bizarre is a simulator, unlike Shura's text reminders that are real-time, and can also help in battle.

  So it's really not good for him to be a burden.

   "What about you?" Gu Shanhai asked.

"That is to say, the normal version and the deluxe version are just dead things, and will be eliminated as our level increases, but the artifact version will not. As long as we provide the corresponding resources, we can grow, right?" Da Tianwei asked road.

  Gu Shanhai also nodded.

   "What are the resources needed?" Datian asked, this is very critical.

"Probably technology and materials, for example, some technology, magic technology, etc. can improve hardware and software, and secondly, you need to find various blueprints and formulas for it. In this way, it can not only be manufactured, but also through various knowledge. To deduce a new technology, the time depends on the hardware and software." Gu Shanhai briefly summarized.

   "We need to discuss it. The artifact version you sell must not be cheap." Da Tianwei didn't discuss it immediately.

Not cheap In fact, it is acceptable for Da Tianwei. Gu Shanhai is bartering, and he still has a lot of idle skills, props, etc., which do not fit his situation, and it is not worthwhile to sell them. keep it.

  The real problem is the follow-up training, which is a big expenditure for the big heaven, and it is a continuous expenditure.

  Cultivating Cui Yingying has exhausted him both physically and mentally. Raising another gold swallowing beast will definitely make him seriously overdrawn.

  Even Shura, who is rich in wealth, can't afford these.

   But the main reason is that this thing doesn't match Shura. He fights every day, and he can just do whatever he wants. Fighting and killing is the daily melody. Many tasks and resources are obtained through combat.

  Another one is that text reminders can also help him to strengthen. Shura doesn't have much desire for this machine that needs to be cultivated.

   On the contrary, it is the big heaven, he needs it more, he is not the type of fighting and killing, nor is he a brave and diligent character, but more like an ordinary person who is so poor that he has to bite the bullet and rush forward.

  From his attitude towards ghosts, it can be seen that he is a little dazed because of the red shoes' tricky high heels and the painted skin's tricky makeup skills.

   This is a good thing, at least his abnormal personality is not as dark and cruel as in his previous life.

"It's okay, don't force it, if you don't buy it, I'll save the work." Gu Shanhai didn't care about it. At this stage of the player, the things on his body are no longer that important to Gu Shanhai. Add to the database, more is of little value.

   This caused Gu Shanhai to take it lightly, not as urgent as before.

  If it was changed to before, Gu Shanhai would have planned to squeeze them without waiting for the other party to speak, and guaranteed to get all the oil and water on their bodies without leaking.

  The value of players is getting lower and lower, almost to nothing.

   It's also fortunate that Gu Shanhai doesn't rely on players, otherwise he would lose all his crotch.

  The main reason is that the growth of the players is not as good as that of Gu Shanhai. Even some reborn players are much worse than Gu Shanhai.

  Rebirth also takes up a foresight, and there is no benefit if there is more. If there is no way to realize the foresight as soon as possible, then this advantage will disappear sooner or later.

   After all as you respawn and intervene, the Butterfly Effect also affects changes.

   Unless it is like Gu Shanhai who doesn't take the foresight into his heart, he uses it more as an aid.

But, these few reborn players didn’t live long, most of them died in the first version, and they couldn’t even get along with the bosses, because with the passage of time, the advantages of rebirth disappeared and their own abilities were insufficient. In the end, it also ended up in a dead end.

  Most reborns were not top-level existences before rebirth, but some low-level people. If they really have this ability, they don't need to be reborn, and they can directly become top players.

   "This matter is not urgent, we have plenty of time, why not think about what to do with the remaining ghosts?" Shura asked.

   "What do you think?" Gu Shanhai asked back.

  He felt that Shura should have some plans or discoveries, otherwise it would be impossible to ask such a question.

  The great heaven also looked at Shura, and he had nothing to say.

   "Let's do it as soon as possible, and test whether we can send another batch at midnight after the group is destroyed." Shura said calmly.

  Gu Shanhai glanced at Shura suspiciously: "I always feel like you are hiding something from the two of us."

   "Yes, but I can't say it, you two are too cheating." Shura admitted without hesitation. He was worried that after his plan was revealed, what would happen to these two people would directly cheat him.

   "Ah, you have wronged us too much." Gu Shanhai said how could he be such a person.

"I think it's better for you to say it out, we can hide if we say it, but if you don't say it, who knows if the police will be destroyed by you, it's like putting a bomb on the whole apartment before. " Da Tianwei kindly advised.

  Hearing this, Shura, who was still somewhat confident, suddenly had a strange look on his face.

   "It seems... quite reasonable." Shura suddenly realized.

Gu Shanhai stuffed bombs into the wall, dug a basement on the first floor, etc., his actions are really bad. If he doesn't say anything, what if he ruins the plan with a slap in the face? What's more, the other party doesn't know the process. , I played tricks and didn't say anything, he must have carried the blame.

  If you don’t tell me, who knows, how can it be possible to blame others.

   "I found out that there was a large fire in this apartment, and after a period of silence, it was bought by someone and rebuilt, and finally became the garden apartment today."

   "I suspect that Quangui Survival Platform values ​​something formed in this apartment because of this, so it arranges ghosts to survive." Shura also briefly explained the situation.

   "What a clichéd story." Gu Shanhai complained.

   "The story is old-fashioned, but the development is not old-fashioned. Under normal circumstances, ghosts kill randomly, but here it is human killing." Da Tianwei followed up with this sentence.

"And it can be further verified. For example, if our next level is also a scene formed after a catastrophe, then the next task will be much easier." Shura didn't care what the two thought. Without text reminders, it is really impossible to find such information.

   Thank you, Mr. Nuanyang, for your golden alliance, add more



  (end of this chapter)

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