I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 482: The Secret of Ancient and Modern Changes

  Chapter 482 The Secret of Ancient and Modern Changes

  Mingyue's restoration of the Daxuan Dynasty went very smoothly. From entering Shengjing to ascending the throne, the whole process was very fast.

  As for the reconstruction of Shengjing, the migration of the population, etc., there are no disturbances. With the joint efforts of Qingfeng Mingyue and the others, the two forces of righteousness and evil, the Eight Great Houses, and the Ten Gangs have all been wiped out.

What to save for, it’s a group of unstable factors. These forces sound good, but in the Daxuan Dynasty, aren’t they just a group of thugs who occupy the land and make troubles for you from time to time, and at certain times they will even betray you. stab you.

   If you don't kill, don't you stay and cause trouble for yourself.

  After Gu Shanhai also attended the enthronement ceremony, he returned to the Five Villas of Longevity Hill, and it took only two days.

  The main reason is that the cross-border experiment in his hands cannot be separated from him. Although there are four holy beasts to hang up, this hang-up is not a panacea.

  After the civil strife was suspended, Qingfeng Mingyue and the others put the entire Daxuan into a recuperation mode to recover their vitality.

All these years of civil strife and the oppression of the major forces have left everything in vain. Not to mention, the fact that the population has dropped by nearly 70% is enough to show that the various forces are fighting How not to treat people as human beings.

  Of course, Daxuan is not the only one like this, the Yaoyu on the opposite side is even more aggressive, and no one is convinced.

  So during these days of recuperation, Qingfeng Mingyue is also constantly using various means to sway the relationship between the various tribes of the Fire Monster Clan, so that they can fight harder, so as to further weaken the power of the Monster Clan.

   And also formulated a large number of eradication plans for the geniuses of the Yaozu, so as to prevent the fierce men from heaven in the Yaozu from unifying the various ministries, and recreating the situation in which they could fight against the Daxuan Dynasty in the past.

  This kind of method makes Gu Shanhai frightened, is this what the protagonist should do?

  If you were a normal protagonist, you definitely wouldn’t come up with this kind of plan, and under normal circumstances, they are the targets of the erasure plan made by the enemy.

  Only villains would do that.

  This has to show that Yue can't fake his black belly, and he can't see it at all on weekdays. When he strikes, he is not only deadly, but also very vicious.

Fortunately, this is a good thing for an emperor, especially Mingyue, the master of ZTE. Otherwise, in this world where martial arts are respected, people who rely on benevolence and righteousness will ignore you, and you must rely on strength. In this world, benevolence and righteousness are a bonus after strength, not the main character.

   Without strength, no one will convince you.

  Of course, people like Qingfengmingyue are special. They may not be strong enough, but the backstage is so hard that no one dares to mess around.

   "Occupying only half of the world, you have so many resources. The high-energy world is different." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw the resources being continuously delivered.

  Qingfengmingyue still gave a lot, Gu Shanhai estimated that at least 10% of Daxuan resources were allocated to him.

   This ratio will most likely not change, but as the Daxuan Dynasty recuperates and restores its national strength, the number will increase. After all, it is still a relatively poor stage.

   "However, are you sure that nothing will happen if you squeeze it like this? Anyway, it will take a long time. They pulled up all the leeks by their roots. What will happen after that?" Gu Shanhai was also faintly worried.

  He is naturally not worried about ordinary people who are being squeezed. As a person at the top, how can the position of the buttocks be tilted to the bottom? What he is worried about is that his commission will be reduced.

   "Forget it, Qingfengmingyue and the two of them should have their own considerations." Gu Shanhai didn't think too much, he just took the things and they solved the problem.

  As for holding it that is hot? No, no, this is not hot for Gu Shanhai at all.

   Qingfeng Mingyue can succeed, relying solely on their ability is not enough, they can succeed, the most important thing is because Gu Shanhai is their master.

   Without a backstage like Gu Shanhai and all kinds of support he expressed, the two of them, even if they were the protagonists, would not be able to accomplish such a major event.

  If you want to fight for hegemony, you have to be in the realm of harmony between man and nature. If the two of them didn't have Gu Shanhai as the backer, their power would have been lost in the early stage. How could they become bigger and stronger and create another glories.

  Thus, on their journey, it is equivalent to Gu Shanhai escorting them, and their own abilities can only be brought into play under the shelter built for them by Gu Shanhai's name.

  So these resources, Gu Shanhai has peace of mind. What's more, they also need a strong force to hold the country for them. Before they successfully reach the corresponding strength of gods and demons, Gu Shanhai is very suitable.

   This leads to these resources, which are a bit like protection fees. Of course, it is a bit strange to say this, but it is much more reasonable to replace it with filial piety to the master.

   "I just don't know how far they plan to recuperate before going to attack the monster race. This kind of thing will change if it is too late. It is best to work hard." Gu Shanhai thinks that it is not impossible to support the war by fighting.

Just thinking about it again, it seems that it really doesn’t work. Wars in this world are not based on small soldiers, but more on high-end combat power. Small soldiers are not strong enough, and they can’t even mow the grass in Wushuang. Or a small release of a skill can directly cause huge power.

And the speed of the strength improvement of the cultivator is too slow. It does not mean that participating in high-intensity battles can quickly improve the strength. That is the treatment only the protagonist has. Life must be lost very quickly.

  Cultivation itself is a long-term improvement process. Where there are so many impromptu breakthroughs or combat comprehensions, more people die on the battlefield.

   "After fighting for so long, what is missing is not only the population, but also the number of practitioners who are combatants."

  Although Gu Shanhai felt that the Monster Race might suffer even more losses, if the fight continues, it is possible to win, and there is a high probability that it will be a miserable victory.

As for whether one hundred heart demon soldiers can be pushed horizontally, this is true, but Qingfeng Mingyue didn't directly put it into the battlefield, but used it as a trump card. In their eyes, it doesn't matter if people are dead, and it's not a big deal. If he is revealed as the trump card to win, then he will lose money.

  Compassion does not command soldiers, righteousness does not support wealth, kindness does not serve as an official, love does not establish affairs, and benevolence does not engage in politics.

   Do you really think that Qingfeng Mingyue and Qingfeng Mingyue have not experienced assassination, betrayal and other things in these years? Under all kinds of pressure, they have already been trained to become qualified superiors, rather than fledgling little kids.

  Gu Shanhai can only sigh with emotion about this, people really change, and they will turn into people they didn't know before.

"Let's take a look at these things related to fate." Gu Shanhai didn't care too much about these things, he had his own information, the Daxuan Dynasty would not have any accidents, no matter what, he had to be worthy of the resources that Qingfengmingyue filially gave him, on weekdays If you don't work in the house, just do it at the critical moment.

  Gu Shanhai has already researched almost everything related to the fate and disaster of gods and demons.

From just a few words, it can be confirmed that those ancient gods and demons were aware of the birth of the present law, but at the beginning, no gods and demons cared about it. For them, the birth of the present law is not a big problem. In the eyes of the ancient gods and demons, at most it only increases the success rate of breaking through the gods and demons.

   This is a good thing for the gods and demons, and because the disguise is too good, no problems are found.

   Therefore, most of the records in these correlations are positive.

  But when the records became more and more late, some gods and demons of the present law discovered that something was wrong when they communicated with the gods and demons of the ancient law.

According to the description in the records, it is that the gods and demons of the present law seem to have an illusion of being controlled and influenced by others. This kind of defiance was sneered at first, but then it was discovered that the gods and demons of the present law sometimes do things that are annoying. Puzzling things.

  Of course, this only aroused the vigilance of the ancient gods and demons, and warned their blood descendants not to use the current method to break through the gods and demons.

  Until later, a great war broke out between the human and demon races again. This time the battle lasted for nearly ten thousand years, and the two races also fought with heavy casualties.

  The gods and demons all went to the field in person. During that period, many gods and demons fell, most of them were ancient gods and demons. At that time, the modern gods and demons were just born, and their strength was relatively weak.

   "It's a pity that the content is incomplete, but it can be confirmed that the alternation of ancient and modern times should have occurred in the original war between the human and demon races that lasted for nearly ten thousand years. This point can be confirmed from the memory of the gods and demons of the present law left before."

   Just like Zhao Xuantian, he was actually born at the end of the war between the human race and the monsters, and he also participated in some finishing operations. Later, it was through the corruption of the human race that he took advantage of the momentum to create the Daxuan Dynasty, which has lasted until now.

  The other Eight Great Chambers and the Two Ways of Righteousness and Demons were actually born around this point in time, and they are extremely ancient existences.

  Of course, the reason for the birth is not because of the current situation, but because they gave birth to gods and demons.

Gu Shanhai suspected that the Sanqishu should have been born at this point in time. He didn't know which ancient magic **** created it, but he knew that the other party probably saw that the ancient magic **** and demon could not be born again, so Only then will the Sanqi Book and "The Dafa of Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun" be produced.

In the future, it should be that the gods and demons of today's law have discovered the upper limit, and they are afraid of another tragic situation where the two clans will fight again, so they all smashed it together, created a world to divide the world, and established the rules that gods and demons must not interfere in the world , Many gods and demons supervise each other.

As for the ancient gods and demons, at the end of the war between the two clans, they should have been almost cleaned up. Most of the causes of death may be caused by fighting each other. liquidated.

  This has led to the current law of gods and demons becoming the mainstream, and the truth has also been buried.

   It is not the gods and demons of the present law who buried the truth, because they themselves are the existence of the new generation, and they don't know these secrets at all.

Even if there is, it may not be known. After all, nearly ten thousand years of wars have been fought, the population and demon population have withered to the extreme, and various documents and records have been lost due to the war and have not been handed down from generation to generation. It's also for the revival of the clan, so I don't have the heart to think about it at all.

Gods and demons naturally also need resources. It's not that they don't eat fireworks in the world. As gods and demons, they occupy the most resources. Therefore, the more people there are, the more beneficial they are. The establishment of the Daxuan Dynasty and the supremacy of the Wanhui Bodhi Tree , it may be that there are no gods and demons behind it as the driving force.

  Using this as a means to quickly restore the vitality of the two races.

   "It's still relatively limited, it didn't give me any substantial help, and it was more of a side view."

  Gu Shanhai is also quite regretful about this. These fates of gods and demons are more like records of the transition from the tragic war between the human and monster races to the death of gods and demons.

  There are only a few words mentioned by the gods and demons of the ancient law to some disadvantages of the gods and demons of the present law.

  As for the fact that gods and demons in the present law study the fate of gods and demons, there are also some, but there is no progress at all.

   It is likely that because of some control and influence, they couldn't find anything related to the fate of gods and demons.

   "Perhaps in the near future, Qingfeng Mingyue should be able to find the corresponding opportunity, but time is a problem." Gu Shanhai still believes in the protagonist's halo on Qingfeng Mingyue, but when the protagonist's halo will be found, that is another question.

  Anyway, at present, the tendency of the protagonist's halo is definitely not the fate of the gods and demons, but Qingfengmingyue's own strength.

It is not so easy to successfully break through the two realms of three flowers gathering at the top and harmony between man and nature. After reaching the third rank, the speed of Qingfeng Mingyue's strength improvement has dropped again. No matter how you say it, they are almost at the full level. It is impossible to say three days Breaking through one level at both ends, even if it is the protagonist, I am afraid it will take about ten years to break through from the five qi dynasty to the three flowers gathering at the top, and it may take fifty years for the unity of heaven and man.

  Cultivators in this world will increase a lot of lifespan every time they break through. The higher the realm, the more lifespan will be increased. When they reach the realm of gods and demons, they will live forever.

   Not to mention that there are various special exercises to increase lifespan, natural materials and earthly treasures, rare elixir and so on.

  As a high-level person, there is definitely no lack of lifespan, at least under the gods and demons, the lifespan is more abundant.

  Most of the cultivators in the realm of harmony between man and nature did not die at the end of life, but more because of fighting.

   "The time is too long, it's okay to wait, but the value of this thing is not enough for me to offset the time cost."

   For Gu Shanhai, it is true that time is worthless, but it is not worthless.

   "So we still have to go face to face with that world in order to find deeper interests."

  He is not interested in the fate of gods and demons, it is nothing more than a means of squeezing, and he has no shortage.

   On the contrary, it is the meaning behind the fate of gods and demons that has real benefits, but this benefit has risks.

   "In this case, let's go!" Gu Shanhai's eyes fell on the quantum collider. While he was studying the literature related to the fate of gods and demons, he was also debugging the quantum collider. It was adjusted yesterday.

  (end of this chapter)

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