I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 481: The Breeze and Bright Moon of Prosperity Returning Home

  Chapter 481 The Breeze and Bright Moon of Prosperity Returning Home

   "Phew~ it's finally done." Gu Shanhai heaved a sigh of relief. Through the transformation and comprehensive modification of the quantum collider, he finally successfully located the existence behind the transit virtual platform.

   This is thanks to the absorption point of gods and demons that was born again not long ago.

   This time there was not one, but ten appeared, and Gu Shanhai was almost shocked.

  The main reason is that there are too many one-time quantities, which directly occupy half of the quantity.

  You must know that there are only 20 gods and demons in the life support cabin in his laboratory now, and if there are problems with ten of them, then there must be problems with the other ten.

   At that time, Gu Shanhai was also asked to quickly back up a lot of samples for future research.

   It is precisely by relying on the absorption points that appeared on these ten gods and demons, together with the quantum collider, that Gu Shanhai was able to locate successfully.

   "The other side seems a little strange?" Gu Shanhai looked at the data returned.

  He didn't go there, but did some data exploration.

   "There is no extraordinary system on the opposite side, but the energy environment does exist, but it is extremely inert. Even if I want to use it, it is difficult to use it."

   "Judging from the feedback, there is no high technology or special system, so how did you remotely interfere in this world?"

  Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled, as if a group of primitive people had mastered the nuclear bomb. It's not that it's impossible, but it's too absurd.

   "Find a chance to go over and have a look." Gu Shanhai thought about what to prepare.

  At this stage, he doesn't want to go there immediately, he has to investigate further.

  There is a problem at first glance. If it passes by, what to do if it becomes a self-inflicted trap, you have to be cautious.

   "Wait for Qingfengmingyue to deal with the Daxuan Dynasty first, and it won't be too late for me to collect things after I think about it."

  He also thought about putting some avatars in the past, but this idea is just a thought. Because of the inertia of the energy environment in the opposite world, it is very likely that the avatars will not be able to maintain the past.

  As for nano-robots and the like, he has tried them before, and during the process of crossing borders, there was a transmission error.

  The main reason is that the strength is not enough to cross the world, and every time it is transmitted, it will suffer from inexplicable attacks.

  Gu Shanhai initially suspected that it should be the firewall of that world. The nano-robots were judged to be invading viruses. If they were strong enough, there would be no problem in forcibly entering them. Unfortunately, they were not strong enough, so there was no problem in the past.

   On the contrary, it was Gu Shanhai, he was able to sneak in quietly, and with his strength, he was sure to escape the firewall.

   In the case of a clone, there is a certain probability, but the success rate is not high, at most about 30%, if he does not say 100%, it is 99%, after all, the gap between the clone and the main body is not small.

   "The world channel opened by the quantum collider itself is improved through the absorption point, and has a certain shielding and anti-detection effect."

   "The only thing that puzzles me is why the transfer platform is a virtual platform?"

  This platform is somewhat similar to the virtual online game "Life" developed by Gu Shanhai, but only similar, because the other party is just a transfer platform similar to a server, not a complete structure.

   The real structure is the world itself.

   "The other party can actually remotely interfere with a world through this transit platform. This ability is too outrageous."

  Gu Shanhai is still very greedy for this transit platform, not to mention anything else, just need to analyze the corresponding data, does this mean that Gu Shanhai can replicate his ability to remotely interfere in other worlds.

   You must know that the other party can directly modify the underlying data structure of the world, so that the ancient gods and demons can completely disappear.

  It is equivalent to only needing to change a small parameter of the world, which can cause the original extraordinary system to collapse, directly cutting off the way forward for the entire world.

   More importantly, this is remote control, not hands-on.

   Immediately, Gu Shanhai conducted further investigations, but the feedback he got was really limited.

   "What is Qingfeng Mingyue doing here?" As soon as Gu Shanhai stopped working, he felt that Qingfeng and Mingyue were about to arrive at Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain.

   "If you count the time, I haven't seen each other for several years."

  Ever since they went to Shengjing, the two sides haven't met each other. Qingfengmingyue is busy, and Gu Shanhai is also busy.

   However, the contact was not interrupted. When Xiaobai came back, he also brought a letter to Gu Shanhai, and through Xiaobai, he took the one hundred yellow scarf wrestler version of the Heart Demon Dao Soldiers for use.

   Regarding this, Gu Shanhai just turned a blind eye.

   It is precisely because of these Hundred Heart Demon Dao Soldiers that Qingfeng Mingyue has officially developed.

   Otherwise, it is really just relying on Xiaobai as a deer, and it is okay to play, but if you want to expand outward, you will not be able to do it.


  Gu Shanhai had just put down his things, got up and just left the laboratory when he saw Xiaobai running over to report to him.

   "I know, I know, they are back." Gu Shanhai said helplessly.

  Xiaobai still has a good impression of Qingfengmingyue. After all, in the past few years, he didn't have to worry about eating and drinking. He played every day, and he could have a good impression of anyone.

  Hearing what Gu Shanhai said, Xiaobai hurriedly led the way.

   "Well, you two also know that you are coming back, this outfit really looks so good." Gu Shanhai also praised Qingfengmingyue when he saw Qingfengmingyue's return.

  Qingfeng touched the back of his head, a little embarrassed: "Where is it, I can't compare to you, Master."

   "I've been busy these years, I haven't been filial to Master, and I ask Master to forgive me." Mingyue said it much more pleasantly.

   "You two, the difference in personality is getting bigger and bigger." Gu Shanhai also smiled.

  The two of them will definitely change their personalities as they experience.

   "Master, what you said, we are not the same person, how can we grow into the same character." Qingfeng said a little dumbfounded.

   "You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. It's rare to come back after so many years. Tell me, what's the matter?" Gu Shanhai asked directly.

He didn't think that the two of them planned to prostitute for nothing. Ever since the two of them occupied a state, they had been constantly arranging people to send resources to Gu Shanhai. Later, their power grew, and the resources they sent became more and more precious. .

   Even arranged a large number of servants and maidservants to serve Gu Shanhai, but Gu Shanhai pushed them away.

   "Hey, it's really a little bit, I have to ask you to come out of the mountain." Qingfeng didn't have any taboos, so he spoke directly.

"Do you still remember Shengjing? Now that Daxuan has been pacified by us, I am going to hold the enthronement ceremony. According to the usual practice, it should be in Shengjing, the capital of the country. It's just that Shengjing disappeared for no apparent reason. We are worried that there will be problems. I can't ask you to help me."

   "Of course, if you are free, you can go to the enthronement ceremony together, just take it as a stand for me."

  Mingyue was also not polite at all, and planned to move out the giant Buddha, Gu Shanhai.

   As long as Gu Shanhai sits there, everything can be settled.

   "Hey, let me go to the ceremony to be real." Gu Shanhai had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, as if he was going to a parent meeting.

   "Yes, yes, yes, in fact, what happened in Shengjing was done by you, Master." Qingfeng asked mysteriously.

  Gu Shanhai rolled his eyes: "How is that possible? Why did I blow up Shengjing when I have nothing to do? Emperor Xuan is responsible for this incident."

  Afterwards, he told Qingfeng Mingyue about the events of that year.

   Mainly because Qingfeng Mingyue didn't ask these questions when communicating by letter.

  The reason for not asking is also very simple. First, they think it was Gu Shanhai who did it, and second, they did not occupy the position in Shengjing, so it is an insignificant matter, and there is no point in asking.

   "That is to say, fortunately Emperor Xuan was killed by some unknown reason, otherwise, you would have directly created an enemy for us." Qingfeng looked shocked, it was the first time he saw such a master who deceived his apprentice.

"Then what should we do? Someone has to step on the thunder for you. It can only be said that Emperor Xuan just happened to be there." Gu Shanhai said that among so many peaks of the unity of heaven and man, Emperor Xuan was the only one who was ready to break through, and he was not chosen. Who to choose.

   "Besides, if I didn't help him, Emperor Xuan is still alive and kicking, how can you have the ability to suppress the world, defeat the Eight Great Houses, and correct the evil way?"

   "It seems to make sense." Qingfeng felt that something was weird, but couldn't find any problem.

  Mingyue glanced at Qingfeng, of course he knew why, because Qingfeng was forcibly demoted by Gu Shanhai, so don't argue with Gu Shanhai if it's okay.

   It's okay to lose with arrogance, but if he wins, then Gu Shanhai will have to use outside tactics.

   "Master, if I continue to establish the capital in Shengjing, will the secret realm created by Emperor Xuan have any impact?" Mingyue's question is much more useful.

   Secret realms are actually occupied by many famous families, and he also knows what it is.

  But the secret realms he saw had already taken shape, but the secret realm in Shengjing was different, it was taking shape, and he was worried that there would be some big changes after it took shape.

  When the secret realm was formed, the entire Shengjing was swallowed up, let alone formed.

"It does happen. There will be visions when the secret realm is born, but it doesn't matter. It won't be as big as it was when it was formed, swallowing the entire Shengjing." Gu Shanhai said that there is no problem through data comparison, and then continued: " If you are really worried, you can isolate a separate area, and the location is probably here."

  After projecting the map, Gu Shanhai drew a circle in a certain area in Shengjing's location.

"With such a newly-born secret realm, this place will definitely be the land of Longxing. This is the legacy of a **** and demon. As long as you develop it to a certain extent, not to mention other things, at least you can let you not worry about the resources before reaching the gods and demons. .” Gu Shanhai said.

   Now these two people are already at the strength of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm.

  The main reason is that the time for daily practice has been squeezed a lot because of the need to take care of the forces these years.

  However, being able to reach the Five Qi Chaoyuan at this age is far beyond the normal level, and the speed of cultivation has also slowed down now, and it is no longer as fast as before.

  Of course, Yiqi Juechen, whose cultivation speed is still fast at the same level, is also the protagonist after all.

   "By the way, Master, you asked us to find the gods and demons related to fate and misfortune, and this time I also brought it to you."

Speaking of gods and demons, Mingyue also remembered Gu Shanhai's instructions. The reason why they didn't send them through someone was because this matter was of great importance, and it was also in the chaos before. What if they were intercepted? It was delayed until now to give it to Gu Shanhai.

   "Where did you find it?" Gu Shanhai watched Mingyue take out some things from the storage treasure, and the quantity was really quite a lot.

   "It's all by chance, basically" Qingfeng briefly summarized the source of the things.

"Your lives are really colorful." Gu Shanhai can only say that the protagonist is worthy of being the protagonist, and his luck is suppressed when he is with him, so ordinary people are like NPCs. Shine bright.

   "By the way, master, you said that the ancient method cannot become a **** and demon, and the current method has disadvantages, so how can we become a **** and demon?" Qingfeng asked again.

   "Oh, you can practice according to the "Longevity Sutra", you don't need to become a **** or demon."

   "This thing looks similar to a normal skill, but it's actually a cover. Otherwise, how could I be fine and still be able to fight like this."

  Gu Shanhai did not conceal that the "Longevity Scripture" really cannot become a **** and demon, so it cannot have any of the characteristics of a **** and demon in the ancient and modern methods.

   "Good guy, Master, you are really powerful." Qingfeng was shocked at first, but when he thought it was Gu Shanhai, he felt that it was a rare and common thing.

"After a while, I'll add to the follow-up, you will be able to have the characteristics of gods and demons, and you can come and pretend to be gods and demons, so as not to be out of tune with the world." Gu Shanhai didn't care about it, as long as he got a permanent certificate and died. The two projects of the secret realm are completed, and they can also have the power of the ancient law and the modern law.

  The progress is actually not high. Gu Shanhai gave these two projects to the Four Holy Beasts system, so they are still grinding slowly. He estimates that it will take at least ten years to complete, and then he has to check for gaps and make up for them.

   "That's about it. The number is not much. The fate of gods and demons is hidden, and it is not so easy to find it." Mingyue finished digging out her things before she spoke.

   "Enough, too much is useless." Gu Shanhai didn't care about the fate of gods and demons at this time. After all, he had already grasped the real root of the fate of gods and demons.

"By the way, how is the reconstruction of your Shengjing going?" Gu Shanhai asked casually. Since the death of Emperor Xuan, he seldom paid attention to Shengjing. That is, the obtained data is also directly sent to the Four Holy Beasts system, and what Gu Shanhai read is also the data of the secret realm, not Shengjing.

   "A new folder is already being created." Qingfeng said before Mingyue.

  Mingyue is also a little embarrassed: "I just had a plan."

   "You just got this one, did it come out after I confirmed it?" Gu Shanhai was a little speechless, thinking that the construction was almost done, but it turned out that the plan was still in verbal form.

  (end of this chapter)

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