I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 436: A match made in heaven because of a bad brain, blowing

  Chapter 436 A Match Made in Heaven Because of my bad brain, I blew it~

   "The descendants of the moon priests are willing to cooperate?" Didore's tone was disdainful.

  Half a year ago, he retreated again and again, and finally retreated into a big abyss canyon with a small amount of combat power, and withstood the repeated attacks of omnics with the advantage of location.

  Later, the omnic seemed to see that they were not threatening and could not attack for a long time, so they withdrew their troops. As long as they did not go too far into the territory of the Ascension Empire, the opponent seemed to ignore them.

   On the contrary, those daughters of the moon and stars had a bad life, and they have been working hard to resist the Ascension Empire.

   Moreover, it split into two factions. One faction resisted by regaining human orthodoxy, and was constantly suppressed by the Ascension Empire.

   It is the Daughter of the Moon and Star of this faction that Didore disdains.

  The other faction is different. Like 99% of ordinary people, they choose to join the Ascension Empire.

   Regarding the takeover of the Ascension Empire, no one has any rejection at all, because the large-scale emergence of omnics has caused everyone's living standards to rise sharply, and it is called a comfortable life.

  I used to work hard for 3,000 yuan a month, but now with the help of omnics, the salary of tens of thousands is easy and not tiring. I even strictly abide by the rules and regulations, never deduct money for overtime work, and have various benefits.

   Working for someone is not a part-time job. Besides, ordinary people want to resist. As a result, all the omnics have guns in their hands. As long as you dare to rebel, the omnics will dare to kill them all.

  Captive? reputation?

   It doesn't matter at all to Ascension Empire.

  And in order to maintain stability, the end of the rebellion was broadcast live as a warning.

There are also some daughters of the moon and stars who are naturally unwilling to give up their original good life. After all, they are used to living a life of luxury after coming up from the bottom. Now let them return to their original life, no, a life that is worse than before, and And life is in danger, so I definitely don't want to.

   Therefore, the total rebellion is only a small part.

"Yes, king, the descendants of the traitors are willing to cooperate, but we can't just forgive their ancestors' crimes so easily, we must make them pay the price." Sun Warrior Heath had a firm tone, as if he felt that they were the ones who really had the upper hand power.

   Well, speaking of the two powers of Moon, Star and Sun, it is true that the Sun Tribe has the upper hand.

As for the Sun Dynasty, it is no longer qualified. After being besieged by the Ascension Empire many times, it has long since died, but no matter how bad it is, the presence of the Sun King Didore alone is far better than that of the Moon and Stars. Females are much bigger.

   "That's natural. I want them and all their descendants to be my slaves, otherwise what qualifications do they have to cooperate with me?" Didore was full of pride. He couldn't beat the Ascension Empire or a group of bereaved dogs?

   "Sun King, you are too arrogant, do you really think we can only cooperate with you?" An ethereal voice came over.

   This made the Sun King's face darken, and the other party's voice reminded him of the Moon Priest who was unwilling to submit to him back then.

  I saw a ray of moonlight shining into his tent, and a tall woman walked along with the moonlight.

  "Moon Priest, no, no, you are not her, you just regained her moon power." The Sun King stared at the woman with hatred in his eyes, wishing to cut her into pieces.

   "Sun King, have you seen enough?" Elena frowned, she hated the Sun King's eyes, especially the one full of murderous intent.

   "Hmph, you can't resist Ascension Empire, and now you want to come to me to cooperate, how can you not pay a price."

   "As long as you become my slave, I am willing to send troops to help you out."

  The Sun King's eyes did not restrain himself at all, but became more and more malicious, and even began to think about how to torture and vent his anger.

   "Since the Sun King is unwilling, let's forget it, let's go directly to the Ascension Empire." Elena didn't have any good feelings for the Sun King who had no brains at all.

   Troops were also sent to rescue the siege, and the Sun Tribe was beaten without any resistance.

  She came here more to overthrow the Ascension Empire together, not to come here to be a cow.

   If she really wants to be so ignorant, then she will surrender at worst. Anyway, the Ascension Empire has never stopped recruiting them. On the contrary, the Sun Tribe has always followed the policy of killing without mercy.

  So in fact they have a way out, but the Sun Tribe has none at all. The reason why they besieged and did not kill them is probably because the Ascension Empire took a fancy to something from the Sun Tribe.

   "Bitch, how dare you!" Didore burst into anger in an instant, light and heat filled the air, and he was ready to strike immediately.

  Eileen calmly used the power of the moon to dissolve the light and heat emitted by the opponent, with a calm expression: "Why? Don't you still think that you are the Sun King who is aloof?"

   "You are not even as good as the little chief of a tribe back then."

   The sneer in these words made Didore feel ashamed, and the anger in his eyes spewed out.

   "You and I killed you bitch!!" After being exposed to this **** reality, Didore was about to strike immediately.

"I'm afraid you don't have the guts." Elena's tone was still calm: "Cooperate with me, and you still have a chance to overthrow the Ascension Empire, and let you, the Sun Chief, become the Sun King again. If you kill me, you will be just the sun for the rest of your life." Chief."

   "Oh no, I'm sorry I said the wrong thing."

   "You will not be the chief of the sun, you will end up as a head decorated on the sun ruins in the omnic empire."

  Eileen's expounding words made Didore's move to attack stop. He knew that what Eileen said was right, he really didn't have any power to resist the Ascension Empire.

  He does have the power of the sun, but as soon as he makes a move, the shadowy demon will appear. If he didn't run fast, he would have been there.

   It is precisely because of his lack of combat power that the Sun Dynasty became the Sun Tribe under the blow of the Ascension Empire.

  Without the supporting Sun King, the omnics of the Ascension Empire introduced the support of the Four Holy Beasts system, so it naturally became one-sided.

   "What do you want?" Didore felt that Elena was deliberately humiliating herself.

  But for his own life and the few honors, he can only bear it.

"As I said, I'm here to seek cooperation." When Elena said this, she was actually thinking whether it was worth it, because in her opinion, the Sun King Didore was really stupid, and he was so stupid that he couldn't help it. Like a qualified king, but like a self-centered giant baby.

  She has also learned about the situation of the Sun Dynasty. If Didore hadn't possessed great power, he would have died long ago, and he was executed in the most tragic way.

  If he could still maintain his original invincible power in front of the Ascension Empire, it would be fine, but unfortunately he didn't, which is why he ended up like this.

   "Okay, as long as you become my slave, I agree to cooperate! Otherwise, you must leave your head here today!"

   Didore thought about it for a while, and he felt that cooperation is fine, but he must make Elena, who has the power of the moon, his slave, otherwise what should he do if the other party betrays him.

   And if he is unwilling, it will be tantamount to betrayal, and he intends to get rid of the other party first.

  Eileen also sighed when she heard this: "I knew it, I shouldn't come looking for you, a primitive person without any brains."

  Because the other party is a king, there might be a turning point, but now it seems that she has no way to communicate with primitive people.

   "The Ascension Empire knows equality, and knows that slaves are not advisable."

   "You die with your arrogance and ignorance."

  Eileenna acted immediately.

  She had already seen that if Didore didn't follow his wishes, the other party would kill people. He was completely tyrannical, brainless and arrogant.

  So as long as she rejects the other party, the other party will definitely attack. It is better to strike first. Anyway, the negotiation has already collapsed, and cooperation is impossible. Let’s talk about running away.

   "Bitch, I knew it, you are uneasy and kind." Didore also hurriedly used the power of the sun to resist.

   The battle is naturally on the verge of breaking out.

   "I'm mentally retarded, I..." Gu Shanhai almost failed to come up in one breath, and he has been paying attention to the situation of Elena and Didore.

  Eileen was able to successfully grasp the Primordial Moon Energy of the Moon Priest. Naturally, he activated it from his bloodline through various researches on the Daughter of the Moon and Star. Of course, he left a lot of behind-the-scenes.

  According to the normal logic, Elena went to form an alliance with Didore, basically without any twists and turns.

   But the result turned out to be the opposite. He thought Didore should have some common sense no matter how stupid he was, but it turned out that the other party would rather vent than seize the opportunity to keep his mouth shut and let him be his slave.

  This giant baby is not even so huge.

   "Give that group of rebels some resources, let Elena teach Didoer a good lesson, and it's best to let him suffer the ultimate insult directly." Gu Shanhai's lungs were about to explode.

The Moon Star rebel army can survive until now, it must not be because of Elena, the Moon Priest, who has a good leadership in the world, but Gu Shanhai let the Feisheng Empire do it deliberately, in order to further dig out the inheritance of the Moon Priest and various related information. up.

   Even sent supplies to the other party intentionally or unintentionally.

   And the same is true for the Sun Tribe. Otherwise, it will be completely blocked, and Didore still wants to live for half a year? To be able to live with that group of people for a month is considered to be his strength.

  Since this guy is not knowledgeable, let him get a better understanding of it.

This guy claims to be the Sun King, and he takes his dignity too seriously. Even if he wants to die, he has to face it. Well, it’s not up to this level. If he really wants face, he won’t be beaten. Those who survived by throwing away their helmets and armor had already gone to fight the Heart Demon Dao soldiers.

  So it's just a superficial skill, but it is too much valued on this superficial skill.

   "Huh~, let people pay attention, don't beat people to death." Gu Shanhai let out the breath in his chest, and ordered the Four Holy Beasts system to avoid escalation of the situation.

   The person who was beaten to death must have been Elena. Although Sun King Didore had a lot of flaws, his powerful strength suppressed them all.

  Unless Eileen really grasped the concept of the moon, rather than the original moon energy, otherwise, there would be no chance of winning at all.

   Not everyone can ignore Didore's two abilities of glowing and heating like the Mind Demon Daobing.

   As long as Didore makes a move, Elena will definitely be at a disadvantage.

   Fortunately, Elena is not stupid. After she made a sneak attack on Didor, she ran away decisively. During the run, she fought several times, all at the cost of Elena's injury.

   It's just that the injury is not serious, it's just a minor injury.

  Finally, Didore didn't dare to go any further after chasing him for three minutes, because he sensed the aura of the Inner Demon Daoist.

   If you continue to approach, it is very likely that you will be noticed, then you will still have your life if you can escape, and you will definitely die if you cannot escape.

  So in the end, I could only watch Elena leave with hatred, and returned to the Sun Tribe full of anger to continue to live and dream.

   Seeing this scene, Gu Shanhai was also furious. He has used many tools, but this is the first time he has encountered such a difficult tool.

   "No, I can't let you go on like this anymore. The main character of Gou Dao has made some progress, but you just screwed up." Gu Shanhai's face was gloomy.

   Didore is also one of the protagonists, but he still has half of the protagonist's aura in him, and the remaining half is above the group of daughters of the moon and stars, or simply the moon priest.

  Currently, Elena, who is closest to the moon priest, has the most aura of the daughters of the moon and stars.

   "It's only half a protagonist, today I will let you go into the sadistic mainstream."

As long as the other party follows Shan Hai's plan, even if the efficiency is a little slower, Gu Shanhai can tolerate it. He is not a behind-the-scenes manipulator who only gives the chess pieces a chance, but the other party as long as they follow his plan. Pensions are not a problem.

  The premise is not to be bad, but in the end, this product is not only bad, but also deliberately sabotages the plan, then no matter how much Gu Shanhai can tolerate it, he will let the other party know what it means to be involuntary.

   "Wait until the comprehensive strength of the Moon Star Rebel Army improves a bit, and provoke a fight between the two sides."

   "It's best to find a way to make the hatred between the two parties inseparable."

   "Before the fight, the Inner Demon Dao soldiers abolished Didore. It would be best to let him suffer all kinds of humiliation under Elena's hands."

  Gu Shanhai directly planned a plot for him to abuse the master, and the Four Holy Beasts system naturally began to conscientiously start to form Gu Shanhai's instructions into a plan.

   Next, it is only necessary to arrange for Didoer, who has suffered humiliation and wiped out his family, to escape from the Moon Star Rebel Army, then he will naturally strive to become stronger.

   It is also possible to be completely bad, but if it is really bad, then Gu Shanhai has various ways to force him to work hard.

   Unless he doesn't care about his own life, it's just that such a method has to be put in the last alternative plan, because it means that the other party is rotten to the bottom, and there is no chance of a detour.

   "I hope you two will work harder and squeeze something satisfying for me, otherwise I have no choice but to let you go."

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  (end of this chapter)

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