I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 435: It is reasonable that the Sun King only shines and heats up

  Chapter 435 The Sun King only emits light and heat, which is reasonable

   "Damn it, these demons are not afraid of the power of the sun at all."

   Didore ran away, and when the Heart Demon Dao soldiers approached, the imminent death and the constant fear pouring out of his heart made him shamefully give up his dignity as the Sun King.

  His running like this caused the Sun Dynasty to retreat completely.

   "I have to find the moon priest and gain the power of the moon, so that I can wash away the shame."

   Fortunately, Didore is not a fool. Over the years, he has not been limited to the power of the sun, and even coveted the power of the moon.

   It’s just that the Moon Priest refused to submit to him back then, so he used some small tricks, but unexpectedly, the Moon Priest brazenly launched the power of the moon to split the two worlds and forcibly took away a lot of his blood.

   It took 30,000 years for this rebellion to allow Didore to reshape the two worlds.

  Not only did the events of that year not allow him to gain the power of the moon, but his power dropped sharply because of the rupture of the world.

   "I have to call everyone, and before these demons find me, I can restore my strength and have the power of the moon."

   "Otherwise, it would be impossible to resist that group of demons."

  Di Doer naturally knew that there must be a mastermind behind this group of demons, and it is very likely that they are the real masters behind the group of omnics who call themselves the Ascension Empire.

   "If it wasn't for my decline in strength, it would be your turn to be arrogant." Didore said bitterly

   The way to escape was also very smooth, and he quickly regained control of his forces.

In the Sun Dynasty, it is divided into three levels, namely he, the supreme Sun King, then the Sun Warriors who fight for the sun, and finally the slaves, whether they are Lieyang slaves or ordinary people who cannot awaken the power of the sun, They will all be reduced to slaves, and will be the property of a certain sun warrior or sun king for the rest of their lives, and they will not be able to turn over at all.

This system has existed unbreakably for 50,000 years since Didore became the Sun King. During this period, many novel things did appear, such as the smelting of metals and the development of farming and mulberry. But no matter what kind of development, All were suppressed and destroyed by Didore.

  In his eyes, only the power of the sun is supreme, whether it is metal or food, in terms of piety, it can never surpass the sun.

   Therefore, any new ideas or developments will be regarded as heresy, and they will finally be punished by the sun and die.

  The Sun Dynasty he belongs to is said to be named after a dynasty, but in fact it is still a tribal system. As the Sun King, he rules all tribes.

  The chief of the tribe is his loyal Sun Warrior.

  Although many measures could not make civilization progress, Didore was able to gain great control through his own force and prestige.

  Even if he is defeated now, with a wave of his arms at this moment, countless slaves and sun warriors are still enslaved by him like lambs, and they dare not do anything against their will.

   "My lord, thanks to the protection of the sun, we were able to evacuate smoothly." A burly sun warrior walked over, knelt on the ground, and said like a devout believer.

"Ha, my most loyal warrior, Hiss, may you move forward under the protection of the sun." Didore fooled around as usual, and then came back to his senses. Now is not the time to say these things, but solemn Said: "Count up the most valiant warriors among all the tribes, and find the traitor Moon Priest or her descendants as soon as possible."

   "The other thing is to build enough defensive measures to prevent the group of puppets from breaking through the defense line!"

  His orders were very disordered. After all, whether it was a rebellion or a war, under the power of his sun, the enemy had no ability to resist at all.

  So the Sun Dynasty didn’t develop any command-related skills at all, so they just bumped into what they thought of and said.

  When the Sun Warriors below heard this, they all bowed down and listened.

   "We need to hurry up. Those demons are the enemies of the sun. As the descendants of the sun, we must destroy them."

   "If I hadn't been injured because of Moon Priest's betrayal and haven't recovered yet, this group of demons would have been reduced to ashes under the sun!"

  Di Doer has always ruled the entire Sun Dynasty with faith and force. Now that there is a mistake in force, he needs a reason to appease, so as to prevent the people under him from dissenting, and then patch them with faith.

   After listening to his hadith, all the people naturally went out to work.

He didn't have much devotion to the sun, maybe at the beginning, but a full 50,000 years have passed, except when he encountered the betrayal of the moon priest, he once doubted the sun, and now he feels that he is more noble than the sun itself and is supreme Existence, not the so-called king recognized by the sun.

   Otherwise, how could he enslave the power of the sun.

Before, he would think that this was the power given to him by the sun, but now, he thinks that he enslaved the sun, just because he has not yet recovered his heyday and cannot repeat the rebellion of the moon priests back then. After all, faith is also ruled by him Yihuan, if you really dare to say that, it will probably cause dissatisfaction.

  In Didore's original vision, as long as he gets the power of the moon, he will change the sun dynasty into the supreme dynasty, and he will be the supreme king above the sun and the moon.

   Even if there are Sun Warriors in the dynasty who are dissatisfied, it doesn't matter to Didore. After possessing the supreme power, how can he be afraid of these trivial things.

   "No, we have to prepare enough means." When Didore recalled the horror of those demons, he couldn't help but make him tremble a little. He had confidence in himself, but he was also worried about failure.

  After all, he didn't know whether the Sun Warriors under his command could find such a person in the hands of the group of omnics.

   Therefore, he must be prepared to really fail.

  As for the subjects under his command, he doesn't care at all. It doesn't matter if they are all dead. As long as the Sun King like him is still alive, then the Sun Dynasty will never be destroyed.

  It’s just demons, it’s not too late to kill them when his strength is fully recovered.

   If you really can't beat it at this point, then...

   This thought flashed through Didore's mind, but he forcibly suppressed it.

  For him, this kind of possibility must never happen, otherwise he will be a rat running around for the rest of his life.

  Surrender? That's even more impossible. He wants to become a supreme existence. How could he be under the command of a group of ugly demons, or a king recognized by them?

  This is tantamount to abandoning one's dignity as a king and supreme being.

   "You're kidding me." Gu Shanhai looked at the battle report with a look of shit.

  The fact that the Sun King was beaten to death was not too much of a surprise, but the opponent's trick of only glowing and glowing from the beginning to the end really made Gu Shanhai a little at a loss.

   "This is worse than the Navia Great. Although he didn't re-advance the original psionic energy into the concept of death, but in terms of application, it is almost a hundred and eighty blocks away from the Sun King."

  Gu Shanhai could see that the Sun King would only release the solar energy in his body, without any skills at all, just pure energy release.

   This trick is indeed very useful, but the premise is that you have enough energy.

  Gu Shanhai doesn't use this trick anymore, mainly because it's too rough.

   It's like two people fighting each other with their own strength, one holding a machete and the other with bare hands.

  The latter has a chance of winning, but in terms of the same strength, it can't compare to holding a machete.

   "Your civilization technology is powerful, and it is indeed powerful, but this development really makes me unable to understand."

   To say that the Sun Dynasty’s technology and level of manufacturing Sun Warriors and Lieyang Slaves are indeed very high, at least all the people are soldiers.

What? And slaves to ordinary people?

  These slaves are not considered as human beings in the Sun Dynasty, and their status is not even as good as items, so they are a little higher than the flame slaves. However, the flame slaves have no intelligence and self at all, they are just tools.

  So it is not wrong to say that all the people are soldiers.

   "However, this technology is more like a blessing derived from the Sun King itself, rather than a real technology. It is a built-in passive."

   "And the stable bloodline inheritance of the daughter of the moon star should also originate from this."

   These sources should be the blood of the Sun King.

The Sun King Didore has a large number of heirs. To put it more bluntly, it can be said that all the people in the entire Sun Dynasty, whether they are Sun Warriors, Lieyang slaves, or ordinary slaves, are all descendants of the Sun King Didore. offspring.

  The daughters of the moon and stars are naturally the same, but their blood has undergone transformation and changes, and now they have nothing to do with the sun king Didore, but more like a gift from heaven.

  Gu Shanhai only needs to start searching from the source, coupled with the primitive lunar energy, he will be able to master it soon.

   As for what to use after mastering it, let’s talk about it later. Gu Shanhai may not need to use this technology, but since it is in front of him, he must, in case it is useful in the future.

   "There is also the moon priest, I don't know if I can find it."

   Moon Priest is most likely the source of the birth of the Moon and Star Daughters, but Gu Shanhai doesn't know what Moon Priest is, and he doesn't know if he is still alive.

  However, according to the information obtained from the Sun Dynasty, it can be confirmed that the priest of the moon should be similar to the Navian emperor.

  Already mastered the primordial lunar energy during the Sun Dynasty, and only a little bit was able to transform it into the concept of the moon.

And to divide the world after the rebellion, the concept of the moon should be mastered in the Xingyue universe, but the other party did not take it as their own, but for some unknown reason, combined the concept of the moon with the blood of the Sun King Together, the Daughter of the Moon and Star was born to resist the crazy pursuit of the Sun King.

  Gu Shanhai is also a little speechless, this Sun King is too narrow-minded, for 30,000 years, he still goes to the Moon Star Universe every day to retaliate against Serene slaves.

  With this time, it is better to think more about your own development.

"I don't know how the sun king transformed the original sun energy into the concept of the sun. If it were placed on the Navian emperor, maybe there would be no nether energy technology and a modern society, but it would directly become A kingdom of the underworld."

   Judging from Sun King's use of his own concept of the sun, it is definitely not relying on himself, it is most likely relying on luck.

  Gu Shanhai does not discriminate against the opponent relying on luck. Luck has always been a part of strength, but he just thinks it is too wasteful. If he has such a unique opportunity, if he uses and develops it deeply, then Gu Shanhai should be the one who is unlucky now.

"It's a good thing that the Sun King didn't use and develop it as deeply as Navia the Great, otherwise what I'm facing is not a soft persimmon but a hard bone." At this time, Gu Shanhai thinks that the other party can't do anything is simply too good up.

  It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity, but the position of the buttocks must still be correct, and it can't be biased towards the enemy's position.

   "But it's all cheap for me. The weaker the opponent, the better, and I can do more research."

   "Notify the omnic, find the moon priest or something related, send it over and let me study it first."

  Gu Shanhai directly gave instructions to the Four Holy Beasts system to make the omnics move.

   After he has finished his research, he will send it to the Sun King.

   Let's see if the other party can shine with the sun and the moon.

  If it is possible, then Gu Shanhai must have made a lot of money.

   At that time, directly capture the other party and use it as nourishment for Daoguo Duoshenghua, maybe it will bloom and bear fruit directly, and you can start to break through.

  There is definitely a possibility of the car overturning, but Gu Shanhai is sure of it.

   No matter what you say, you have to turn things around in his hands first, and then send them over as treasures after he studies and understands them.

  When he got what he had, how could it be considered prudent if he didn’t add some material to the other party?

As for the benefits if you don’t want to take any risks, you can take it for granted. There is a possibility of failure in his cultivation of Dao Fruit, and there is a risk of failure in his plan to devour the world. If you can't help it, just wipe your neck and kill yourself. Anyway, immortality also has the risk of failure.

   The Four Holy Beasts system is running very fast, and various plans and Gu Shanhai's needs are being carried out in an orderly manner.

   "There is also the daughter of the moon and stars. After the Ascension Empire was exposed, this group of people actually clumped together. We have to find a way to deal with it." Gu Shanhai quickly noticed another problem.

  The Ascension Empire is an omnic, and the Sun Dynasty is an enemy. No matter which one it is, the Moon and Star Daughter will not take refuge.

   "Killing is definitely not killing, and it is still useful. It has to be used as an experimental product."

   "It's not easy to catch, everyone is a trumpet protagonist."

   "I can only use some means to hold the other party back."

   "At that time, we will concoct or dispose of them one by one."

  Gu Shanhai also thought about pumping his breath directly, which can be done once and for all, but not now, let them dance for a while, and see if the group of daughters of the moon and stars can fish out the moon priest by virtue of their own destiny.

  As for the protagonist, he can completely turn this event into 10,000.

  (end of this chapter)

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