I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 433: Four Holy Beast System Full Version

  Chapter 433 Four Holy Beast System Full Version

   "In the end, it still needs to be warmed up. It's a pity."

  Gu Shanhai looked at Suzaku and Xuanwu in Kyushu Yili, they were no different from a Q-version doll.

   He made this thing casually, and it will be fine when it grows in the future.

   Fortunately, it was not a premature birth, but it was just a little bit of overnutrition.

  That’s right, because Gu Shanhai stuffed Suzaku and Xuanwu with too many things, even though they had already been born, they still needed enough time to digest them.

   Gu Shanhai estimates that it will take at least ten years before he can enter the next stage of training.

  With the completion of the four phenomena, Gu Shanhai's strength has also entered a new stage. The biggest representative is that his means of resurrection are getting stronger and stronger.

  From the original resurrection of the heart demon Taoist style to the later resurrection of the traces, now through Suzaku and Xuanwu, more resurrection methods have been developed.

  For example, the most direct thing is the resurrection of the world. As long as there is a place of life and death, Gu Shanhai can be resurrected through life and death, and it can continue to be derived into yin and yang, five elements, etc. in the future.

  At present, he only has this resurrection method based on the concept of life and death.

As long as he does not encounter those terrifying existences, Gu Shanhai basically cannot die. Based on this, various rebirth methods can be deduced in the follow-up. Rebirth in the form of traces, rebirth in a hundred or so places at a time, in order to avoid hunting and so on.

   Gu Shanhai's first condition is actually to be alive, and only by being alive can he continue to become stronger. Well, sometimes he can become stronger even when he is dead.

  Therefore, he did not give Suzaku and Xuanwu many special abilities, only two very simple and unpretentious functions, Suzaku gave Gu Shanhai health bars, and Xuanwu gave Gu Shanhai defense, the combination of the two is resurrection.

  The main focus is that a high blood and thick defense can't be beaten to death, and can be resurrected after death.

  He is not the Doutian Zhandi type of person, on the contrary, he has always been in a low-key relationship.

  So there is no need to worry too much about how many enemies there are. Most of his strength is not based on fighting skills, although he seems to be quite good at fighting skills at the same level.

  As for people who are not at the same level, they will meet someone who is stronger than you and can kill you with a slap. You can still get a fart if you can slap.

It's like the Eternal Sleeping Giant met Gu Shanhai, it was the protagonist and it became so strong, but in the end, it gave it a chance to call me dead, and it couldn't get past his heels, so it was crushed to death. What's the use of struggling with such a big gap between the two.

In order to avoid this kind of situation, Gu Shanhai chose to resurrect with high blood and thick defense, so as to match his efficiency of running fast. As long as the opponent can't kill him in one fell swoop, then he will have a chance to start again, instead of being stupid I feel that I can break all spells with one sword.

If in the world, the aborigines and the aboriginal villains play like this, the aborigines can indeed win, but as a player, even if it is a temporary player, they are not facing the aborigines, but those arrogant people. It's as demented as if you lost your mind when facing the aboriginal democratic protagonist, doing all kinds of illogical things.

   "Cancer Universe is in the recovery stage, but the resources have been evacuated, and I don't know when it will be restored." Gu Shanhai felt a little regretful.

  The concept of death in the cancer universe has been reborn, but it is a little different from the normal rules. After all, it has just been born and needs some time to adjust.

   Gu Shanhai has a headache, he has no way to accurately estimate how long the headache lasts for a certain period of time. This is the first time he has encountered such a thing, and the data is limited.

  The reason why he was worried was also because there was nothing in the cancer universe after he emptied it. He was worried that it would become a big empty shell, and he would not chew it afterward.

   "But it's fine if I don't recover, I can relax a little bit when I chew." Gu Shanhai was actually thinking, how about severely damaging the Navia universe?

   Then this matter went through his mind once and then he left it behind. This is simply not something he can do.

The accident in the cancer universe was not done by him, but by the quiet eye of death. If he wants to achieve a similar situation, according to the calculation of his current data by taking care of Shanhai, at least he can do it after he becomes the world, and It will also cost a lot of means.

  The Quiet Eye of Death's attack on the cancer universe is like fish on a chopping board, which can be taken at will.

  Gu Shanhai is different, he has to beat the cancer universe to a serious injury and then pull out his bones. This is the gap between the two.

   "It's fine if you can't do it, at most your bones will be tougher." Gu Shanhai didn't get too entangled in these things.

   "Let the Ascension Empire prepare to open the world where the devil's minions are located as soon as possible. I need to extract the corresponding sun energy."

  Gu Shanhai notified the system of the four holy beasts to deal with it as soon as possible. With the existence of Suzaku and Xuanwu, the performance of the system of the four holy beasts has been greatly improved.

  At least the original Goddess system is far inferior to it, otherwise what is Gu Shanhai doing with so much effort.

  At this stage, it is only necessary to stably cultivate the Qinglong Baihu Suzaku Xuanwu, and then the Four Sacred Beast system will also grow up.

  【Command received, planning operation.】

  The Four Holy Beasts system did not start implementation right away. It also needs to formulate a plan and then perform data calculations, etc., to ensure that the plan is feasible and how to supplement it before it can be formally implemented.

   "The flow of secrets has also changed."

  At this time, Gu Shanhai's secret flow, the four holy beasts are perfect, and Jiuzhouyi is also changing. His secret flow has officially transformed from the original disclosure of information to a shameless flipping through the script.

  But right now, I haven’t reached the point where I can read the content of the script. At most, I can only read an outline.

  This so-called outline is a process of world development, and this process contains part of the summary of the Son of Destiny.

  That's right, the script he wanted to read was never the protagonists or villains, but the whole world.

  It's just that at present, at most, we can only look at the protagonist, and blame him for his own lack of strength.

   "The various strengths have also been comprehensively strengthened, especially the things in the sleeves."

   If you want to talk about the world in your sleeves, the biggest increase is not some mysterious method of restraining people, but the strength and speed of pulling.

  Before, there was causal luck that could be used as a must, but the problem is that if the enemy runs fast or has great strength, it can also be a stalemate. After all, if you hit, whether the opponent is okay or not is another matter.

   Now that the boost has been obtained, the efficiency of capturing people is even higher.

   "It's a pity, now there are very few enemies that allow me to use my sleeves." Gu Shanhai felt a little regretful.

   There is no need for those who can win, and even less for those who cannot.

As for things like Heart Demon Dao Soldiers, spiritual root powers, etc., they have also been enhanced to varying degrees, but they are not as amazing as the ones that have been given to Gu Shanhai. There are some more such small composition-style long-term effects.

  Gu Shanhai didn't even bother to summarize and summarize it.

   "Now only Daoguo can let me continue to take shortcuts."

Afterwards, Gu Shanhai's eyes were still on the supernatural flower in his body. The supplementation of the four holy beasts could not bring about a qualitative change in him, and more could only be regarded as a supplement. For Gu Shanhai, it will always be used to handle chores instead of helping him become stronger.

   It's better to rely on yourself to become stronger.

   "What happened?" Gu Shanhai keenly sensed that there was something wrong with something that had interests or indirect direct relationship with him.

   Jiuzhouyi's series of supernatural powers have naturally become stronger after being perfected by the four holy beasts, and his sixth sense and part of the ability of heavenly secrets have also become broader.

  【A daughter of Moon and Star is missing, the reason is temporarily unknown, and it is initially suspected to be caused by the coupling phenomenon of the two worlds】

   "." Gu Shanhai looked at the information fed back to him by the Ascension Empire through the Four Holy Beasts system, and it was a few seconds slower than he felt.

This also shows that Gu Shanhai's strength is stronger. Otherwise, he could feel it before, but it would not be so accurate and timely. The stage of being ineffective and ineffective.

   "Send the video or data." Gu Shanhai didn't even think about pursuing responsibility.

   Who is to be held accountable for this thing? A group of robots are working. Robots cannot go to jail or criticize education. In the final analysis, their own technology is not good enough. If the technology is sufficient, this will not happen.

  The Four Holy Beasts system quickly transmitted the video surveillance footage at that time.

  The planet where the Daughter of the Moon and Star is located had completed a comprehensive monitoring and construction as early as three years ago.

  It's just the monitoring screen that was transmitted, but it looks messy, and it seems to be affected by some kind of influence.

   Fortunately, the Four Holy Beasts system has improved and restored it.

   "Devil minions?"

  Although the signal was affected, Gu Shanhai was able to determine from the parameters collected later that it was due to the influence of spatial fluctuations.

   Every time the devil's minions come to the moon and star universe, there will be such unknown fluctuations. Gu Shanhai's existing technology can't effectively prevent it. Even omnics will have a momentary signal disorder.

   "It seems that the existence of devil minions or manipulating their behavior is not without reason and self, but why didn't you catch them before?"

  Gu Shanhai narrowed his eyes. Under normal circumstances, if he wanted to catch the daughter of the moon and stars, there would be a record already, and he would not wait until now.

  There must be a difference between now and before. There were other groups of Moon and Star Girls in the blocks of the missing Moon and Star Girl before, but he was alone.

   "Did the other daughters of the moon and stars sense the space-time fluctuations and produce abnormalities?" Gu Shanhai asked.


   "The technology has improved, and it can quietly avoid the space sensor of the Moon and Star Daughter."

  “I always feel that the water is deeper”

  Obviously, this kind of technology cannot be invented in a short time, but has already been available, but it cannot be penetrated and positioned.

   "From this point of view, the universe where the devil's minions are located is not low in technology, but it cannot be further used due to the lack of coupling level of the Daughter of the Moon and Star."

  Gu Shanhai discovered that the weaker side is probably not the devil's minions on the opposite side, but the Moon and Star Universe.

  If it weren't for the Ascension Empire's monitoring system all over the planet and the existence of the Four Holy Beasts system, it might not be possible to detect the opponent's behavior.

   "Perhaps, this is not the first time the other party has captured the daughter of the moon and stars, but the first time in modern times."

  The number of daughters of the moon and stars is not large, and there are only 1,327 people gathered together. The population on this planet is 23 billion people, which is enough to see the proportion.

   Moreover, Gu Shanhai also suspects that the daughter of the moon star will disappear forever once the generation is broken, instead of re-selecting a host to be born through the original moon.

   "Now it seems that the target of the devil's minions is probably not the Moon Star Universe, but the Moon Star Daughter herself."

  Tracing back to the source, Gu Shanhai quickly placed doubts in the blood.

  In his research, the power of the Moon Star Daughter is essentially constructed from the original lunar energy and blood, and he has been focusing on the original lunar energy before.

   Now it seems that this bloodline is definitely not simple, otherwise, it is impossible for the devil's minions to catch people across borders.

The bloodline of the Moon Star Daughter was retrieved for further research. In fact, Gu Shanhai did not find too much limited data. This bloodline is a bit special. The special thing is that it can better carry the original moon energy and form a special ability, that is, The daughter of the moon and stars.

   If there are more words, there will be no more.


   "The blood on the daughter of the moon star is incomplete or only half."

   As for the other half? That definitely wouldn't be the devil's minion. This demon's minion looks more like a tool for recycling. The real other half of the blood should be in the world where the demon's minion is.

   "It's just that the other party needs all the daughters of the Moon and Stars or just one. If it's the former, it's fine. If it's the latter, you have to find a way to speed up."

  Gu Shanhai knows that if you need all of them, it will prove a lot, and there is still time to delay.

  And if only one sample is needed, such as a key or a clone, then the time will be too long, what if the other party successfully reads the article and releases a big move to trap him.

   "Let the Ascension Empire complete the coupling of the two realms for me within three days. I want to extract the original sun energy as soon as possible."

   "Also, notify the battle and comprehensive retreat preparations, and turn on the squeeze mode."

What Gu Shanhai wants is very simple, that is, there may be primitive solar energy formed by the reduction of the sun’s dimensionality. As for the other ones, if you can beat the opponent, you can directly occupy and colonize them. Afterwards, the resources of the Lunar Universe returned to the Navia Universe and closed the channel.

The rest has nothing to do with him. He just came to perfect Daoguo Duoshenghua, and he didn't really intend to invade the universe. After all, the resources for his breakthrough have been prepared, and there is no need to meet a stubble that can break his teeth Fight to the death.

  Of course, this is just a preparation. Gu Shanhai feels that his chances of winning the Ascension Empire are quite high, and he still has the Heart Demon Dao Bing to support him. He just pre-considers what to do if he fails.

  (end of this chapter)

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