I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 432: First cut a crop of leeks as a material

  Chapter 432 First cut a crop of leeks as a material

  Flash another five years, and the debut plan of the daughter of the moon star is very smooth, anyway, the whole world is accompanying them to perform.

  Gu Shanhai didn't pay attention to it either. Anyway, the little resource they consumed was just a drop in the bucket. Instead, they took all their schedules into their hands, which made them consume a lot of energy.

  This made all the clues that they had discovered originally disappear.

   "Excessive aggregation of the Daughter of the Moon and Star will lead to intensified infiltration of the devil's claws into the universe."

  Looking at the data in his hand, Gu Shanhai finally understood one thing, that is, the key to unlocking the Yang energy universe is precisely these daughters of the moon and stars.

  The series of messy settings and reasons for the Daughter of the Moon and Star are probably caused by the conflicts that arose when the two universes were coupled.

   "According to the data, to open the channel between the two worlds, at least a thousand daughters of the moon and stars must gather for more than a month."

   The channel Gu Shanhai mentioned is naturally not a temporary channel, but a permanent channel.

   There are indeed many dangers in doing this. For example, he doesn't know what the devil's minions and the opposite universe are like.

   But it doesn't matter, with the moon and star universe as a buffer, even he can't beat it, Gu Shanhai can also close the universe channel, and he doesn't believe that the opponent can still enter.

  Of course, if you really want to get in, then Gu Shanhai will come back.

   Anyway, the purpose has actually been achieved.

  For him, he just wanted the original yang energy, and it didn't mean he was really fighting with the other party.

   "It is a bit difficult for all the daughters of the moon and stars to stay in a certain place for a month, and it will take time, and the resources have not yet been fully integrated."

  The Daughter of the Moon and Star has not yet been integrated. Although they are all in the same company, in order to avoid them being aware of the relevant secrets, they must avoid suspicion.

  If you really want to do this, it will basically announce the end of the secret invasion of the Ascension Empire, and it will directly become an aboveboard invasion.

  He doesn't care much about it, but it will cause a lot of trouble.

   Over the years, Gu Shanhai has also dissected many daughters of the moon and stars and demon minions. The former is performed when the other party is in a coma, and after the autopsy, he will treat the other party to ensure that no one will notice.

  The devil's minions are more troublesome, they catch alive, and now they are locked up in the basement for a dozen or so. Gu Shanhai still conducts research from time to time.

  The research feedback on the Daughter of the Moon and Star is very great, at least the supernumerary flowers in the body are completely stable, and because of the triangular structure, it is vaguely about to enter the fruiting period.

  Gu Shanhai felt that it only needed one or two more concepts to reduce the dimension and energy, and then he could bear the fruit of the Dao.

   As for whether it is one or two, it depends on the follow-up training.

   It doesn't matter if there is really one less one, Gu Shanhai can completely ripen it directly, and there must be disadvantages to ripening it.

  The disadvantage is that Gu Shanhai may become even hungrier when he breaks through the period of enlightenment, and he will eat half of the world directly, that is, two worlds are not enough, and two and a half worlds are needed.

  If the materials are not enough, we must tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

  Actually, Gu Shanhai didn't know much about devouring the world.

The main method is evolved from the original natural channel, after natural sucking, natural devouring and other stages, it has reached the level of world devouring, but Gu Shanhai is also a little bit, after obtaining accurate data and repeated checks without any problems, he did not proceed. up.

   After all, he can only eat a little bit now, and he can't handle too much.

   "Let the Ascension Empire do its best. If it doesn't work, use violence directly."

In fact, there is also a simple way to get the daughters of the moon and stars together for a month, that is, each person is given a sedative to make them unconscious and then stuffed into the survival cabin, which will directly make them unconscious for a month. .

   It's just easier said than done.

First of all, the daughter of the moon and stars is a group protagonist. One or two will do nothing, but if there are too many, accidents will definitely happen. If the chicken fails, it will lose the rice, and even the Ascension Empire will suffer.

  Doing so is a kind of malice in itself, and there won’t be such a big reaction against one or two moon star daughters. You have targeted them all, which is no different from targeting the protagonist.

  You can see what happens to the villains, and how many villains can come to suppress the protagonist?

  If the Son of Destiny is so easy to deal with, why is Gu Shanhai so cautious.

   "It can only kill time."

  Gu Shanhai wasn't too anxious, he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

   "Daughter of the Moon and Stars can let it go for a while, but it seems that the cancer universe next door is about to attack."

  In the past five years, Emperor Navia has not given up at all. Judging from the current situation, he will be able to open the passage between the two worlds in about three months at most.

   "I'll just open the passage now, will the Navia Great's mentality collapse." Gu Shanhai suddenly thought of a very bad idea.

   That is to tell him after opening it that if you work harder, you will be able to successfully connect the two universes, but because of the arrival of Gu Shanhai, all his original efforts were in vain.

  If this mentality does not collapse, then he will be considered powerful.

   "Tsk tsk, you can try."

  Gu Shanhai felt that it was time to reap the harvest, and he could easily hit the opponent's mentality.

  Everyone delivered to the door, he just opened the door, it's not a big deal.

Then he took out the quantum collider and started to assemble it. Over the years, Ascension Empire has manufactured a lot of quantum colliders, and they are constantly exploring whether there are other universes. Unfortunately, they have never encountered one. This makes Gu Shanhai also A little helpless, if you want to get the passage of other universes, you have to have enough luck.

  If it were so easy to find, there would be no need for Gu Shanhai to use Shengshi Peony to raise funds.

In fact, he also thought about harming a hundred or so planets and finding a few more universes, but he instinctively realized that he had been blacklisted. If he dared to use it again, the world community he was in would interfere with him. .

   From this, it can be confirmed that Shengshi Peony’s fundraising is indeed against the sky, and the more funds are raised, the more extreme the behavior will be.

The only reason why Gu Shanhai is fine now is that he was blacklisted. That is because he is the prototype of the world. The analogy is a brat who hates dogs. It is the first time as an adult who can forgive him. If he does it again, he will have to deal with it. So he was spared a calamity.

  That's why Gu Shanhai didn't dare to come here for the second time, he had to bow his head under the eaves.

   "It's done, then you just wait for the mental collapse." Gu Shanhai showed a bright smile on his face, and then opened the passage to the cancer universe.

  The moment I opened it, I felt the stench coming to my face.

   "Conspirator, you finally"

  A voice full of chills came over, but before the words were finished, Gu Shanhai directly threw a big **** at him.

   This time, the other party was completely confused.

   "Where is the desire to perform, you can talk about it after I go over anyway." Gu Shanhai complained.

  At that moment just now, he directly smashed out the thing that was blocking the entrance of the passage just now.

   Then he walked in slowly.

   Upon entering, he saw a mass of twisted tumors looking down on him.

   "Does this thing look familiar?" Gu Shanhai looked at it carefully, and quickly recognized it. This thing is the eternal sleep giant he cultivated back then.

  It seems to be under control now.

   "Die to me, die to me!!"

  The Eternal Sleeping Giant made a tyrannical sound, and its giant claws, which were as huge as a star, slapped towards this tiny planet.

   Well, this planet is actually on the body of the Eternal Sleeping Giant, probably the size of a pimple.

  It has countless similar pimples, all of which are fusions of planets.


  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai directly ordered the opponent to stop.

   "No! Why are you still controlling me?" The Sleeping Giant couldn't help but froze, unable to move at all.

   "Maybe it's because you can't use your brain well." Gu Shanhai sighed.

  He can see that the Navia Great and the Eternal Sleeping Giant are not completely integrated, they can only be regarded as symbiosis.

   After the symbiosis, the IQ levels of the two were averaged.

  So both have a lot of problems.

  To be honest, Gu Shanhai is already amazed that these two people can maintain this level of IQ.

   After all, the Eternal Sleeping Giant has no brains. Even the two brothers and sisters in the previous body have no brains.

   "Move, move for me!!" The Eternal Sleeping Giant was mixed with the roar of Navia, and his tone was very unwilling.

   "Your situation doesn't look like the name I gave you before, what a pity." Gu Shanhai's real body gradually swelled up, turning into a fluorescent giant that was bigger than the Eternal Sleeping Giant.

   "I'm so disappointed, I thought you would be bigger."

  Gu Shanhai stretched out his hand and pinched a group of eternal sleeping giants that looked like a combination of tumors and bone spurs. At this time, it had already lost its human appearance.

  The Eternal Sleeping Giant's physique is not that big in Gu Shanhai's hands.

   Falling into Gu Shanhai's hand is as ridiculous as a small ball of cotton candy.

  Although the Eternal Sleeping Giant and the Great Emperor of Navia continue to grow together, and their physiques are far better than before, but they are getting stronger and growing. Is it possible that Gu Shanhai will stop?

   These two guys are working hard every day to eat, fight, and open up the passage between the two worlds.

   On the contrary, when Gu Shanhai sits at home, there is a steady stream of resources from the two worlds sent to him for his growth. How can the other party compare to Gu Shanhai.

  No matter in terms of talent, resources, or hard work, the Eternal Sleeping Giant and the Great Emperor of Navia combined cannot compare to Gu Shanhai, so why should they catch up with Gu Shanhai's strength.

   "No, let me go, I am willing to be loyal to you." The Navian Emperor is constantly struggling, intending to break away from the eternally sleeping giant.

   It's just that it's easy to merge, but it's not that simple if you want to leave.

  Gu Shanhai stretched out his hand and squeezed it casually, causing the Navia Great Emperor who had broken off half of his head to be pushed back again.

   "You forced me to do this, I want you to know what real death is."

   "Break it for me!!"

  Emperor Navia roared, and then Gu Shanhai noticed a change in the Eternal Sleeping Giant.

  The original psionic energy began to transform, turning into the concept of death.

   And primitive psionic energy. Oh, the cancer universe does not have primitive psionic energy, so the brain of the giant will sleep forever, and it cannot be extracted at all.

As for relying on the Great Emperor of Navia, that's impossible. Nether energy and psionic energy are not the same thing. Don't even think about extracting them with the same method. Gu Shanhai also went through many experiments before he was able to successfully carry out the dimensionality reduction extraction. .

  However, the Navia Great is not helpless. He forcibly promoted the original psionic energy to the concept of death, and stimulated the concept of life in the cancer universe.

  Gu Shanhai did not stop it. This is good news, indicating that the concept of death in this world is being re-grafted by the Navian Emperor.

   That is to say, the bizarre task has been completed.

  Similarly, the stimulated life represents the eternal sleeping giant, and at this time, a reaction emerged from the body.

Originally, this world is the home of the concept of life, and it is not a big problem for the Navia Great to sneak over. After all, he only has primitive psionic energy, not the concept of death. Care about.

   But it's good now, don't blame the ruthless hands if you lure the wolf into the house.

   "The concept of death has begun to revive, and the Emperor of Navia is afraid that he will suffer."

  Gu Shanhai naturally understood what the so-called ruthless attack was, and the Navia Great might have to stay here.

   "Let me give you a severe beating first, and then you should be more honest." Gu Shanhai didn't care at all about the accidents of the raw materials he used to make Suzaku Xuanwu.

  For him, these two things are not qualified as raw materials, they can only be used as auxiliary materials.

  It is mainly used to burn fire and act as a synthetic material. The biggest benefit is to save costs for Gu Shanhai.

   "Save me~" the Ever-Sleeping Giant shouted towards Gu Shanhai with some difficulty.

   "Yeah, I know, I know." Gu Shanhai looked at the marshmallow in his hand perfunctorily, and then kept looking for the core of the two, and began to extract what he needed.

  The beating has already started, the cancer universe is recovering, and Gu Shanhai is also methodically extracting what he needs.

   As for what will happen to the Navian Emperor and the Eternal Sleeping Giant, Gu Shanhai doesn't care either.

   These two are the protagonists, or double protagonists, Gu Shanhai knows that nothing will happen to them.

   Well, something might really happen, after all, Peony has already started to directly extract the energy from the two of them through Shengshi Peony, anyway, it’s useless to keep it, it’s better to make it cheaper for Gu Shanhai.

  The cancer universe is not free at this time, and is supplementing itself through the concept of death in Navia.

  The concept of life is very upset, but there is no way, the world is the big boss, and the concept of life is just an upstart who has just made a fortune recently, and it has to rely on the world itself.

  Gu Shanhai has also calculated it. In order to complement himself, Cancer Universe has no time to pay attention to him, so Gu Shanhai will act recklessly.

   For these things, he has various plans and plans, and even a retreat after failure, otherwise, how could he come to the cancer universe alone.

  (end of this chapter)

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