I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 415: The Way of the Prince·Dark Sun and Black Moon

  Chapter 415 The Way of the Prince·Dark Sun and Black Moon

   "Prince Sulsi, please return to your bedroom." A man wearing some kind of iron armor made of black metal stopped Gu Shanhai and forbade him to leave the prince's palace.

   At this time, he was replacing the 197th heir of the emperor. It wasn't that he deliberately pretended to be a grandson, but that other than his son, he couldn't get in touch with him.

  The prince of Sulth has no freedom at all, and is raised in the palace like a pig.

"Of course, Tiewei, I just took a look at the door." Gu Shanhai did not conflict with Tiewei. These Tiewei are special guards made of psionic energy and human body, and their bodies have already been fused by a phantom energy armor together.

  After Gu Shanhai sneaked into the palace, this sense of separation became more and more serious, which gave him the illusion of being in an ancient fantasy.

  There are only two ways for a prince to leave the palace. The first is to become a prince, and the second is to give up his status as a prince.

  It's just that no matter which method you choose, it means giving up the succession to the throne.

   How to become a prince, Gu Shanhai is not clear yet, but he can't give up his status as a prince. For him, he just came here, so he has to figure out the details before he can talk about it.

   But one thing is certain, that is, becoming a prince seems to be a test.

  Among the crown princes of this generation, none of the princes has completed the test and become a prince. The princes who are active outside are all from the same generation as the emperor.

   "Tie Wei, I want to know how to become a prince?" Gu Shanhai asked casually.

"I don't know, Prince Sulth." Although Tiewei is a human being, many things have been erased and he has been indoctrinated with the idea of ​​being loyal to the royal family. He will answer those who can answer, and he will answer those who don't know or cannot answer. So straightforward.

   "But if you want to become a prince, you must at least become an adult and hold a coming-of-age ceremony."

   After the other party finished speaking, he added another sentence.

  Sulsi, whom Gu Shanhai replaced, has three days before he becomes an adult, so preparations for the coming-of-age ceremony are already underway.

   "I understand." Gu Shanhai suspected that there was a difference between an adult prince and an underage prince, and that was why he chose Sursi.

  Sulsi has been made into an anti-identification system by him to deal with possible inspections such as blood checks, soul checks, etc.

  Before, it was just a defense, but the more you look at it now, the greater the sense of separation between the royal family and the parliament.

  Maybe it is true that the parliament and the people are on the technology side, while the royal family has embarked on a brand new path through psionic energy.

   What's more, this road has existed since ancient times, and it was not developed in modern times.

  Back to the dormitory, Su Ersi was actually not favored, the row was too far behind and there was no eye-catching place, so the treatment was very mediocre.

  Three days are fleeting, soon there will be Tiewei to pick Gu Shanhai to hold the coming-of-age ceremony.

   It was not a strange gathering, but a ancestral temple deep in the palace.

   It is not the Taimiao dedicated to the emperors of various generations, but a special ancestral temple with only a black sun and a black moon hanging over it.

  Gu Shanhai could tell that no matter it was the black sun or the black moon, they all contained the unique aura of psionic energy.

   And it is said to be psionic energy, but it is actually closer to the manifestation of death, but it is only bound in it.

For a moment, Gu Shanhai naturally thought that this is to screen out whether the prince has certain qualities. If he has, he will be cultivated emphatically. If he doesn't, he will be locked up in the palace for the rest of his life without being able to get ahead. Unless you choose to give up your princely status.

   This is also the choice of most princes who do not have the corresponding qualifications after the coming-of-age ceremony.

  However, Gu Shanhai suspects that if he chooses this path, the corresponding memory of the prince will be erased, and an illusory memory will be reconstructed, so as to integrate into the society, and also to avoid leaking secrets.

  Sometimes even without the prince's consent, the prince would directly erase his memory and drive him out of the palace.

   Fortunately, there is no need to worry about life problems. The royal family will give enough wealth to allow the princes to live a life without worrying about food and clothing. It is limited to their generation and does not support the next generation.

   "Prince Sulsi, please stay alone for an hour under the light of the dark sun and black moon, and the coming-of-age ceremony will be completed in an hour."

   After the iron guard commander finished speaking coldly, he left the ancestral temple, and then closed the door.

   Inside the ancestral temple, it was also in darkness, only illuminated by faint candlelight.

  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai was also a bit of a shithole, this is the first time he saw someone who lured wolves into the house and gave him opportunities.

   So he must not waste this hour.

  First, I wandered around the ancestral temple. Through the reliefs on the wall and the books stored, I quickly learned about Anyang and Moyue.

   Probably the source of phantom energy radiation. If the prince/princess survived the radiation process and successfully awakened these two special physiques, he would be able to master the power of psionic energy.

  The psionic energy of the dark sun is disordered and violent, while the psionic energy of the dark moon is orderly and docile. The two are completely different directions, so it is impossible for someone to appear to master both abilities at the same time.

   "True Loss"

  Gu Shanhai discovered that no matter whether it is a prince or a princess, as long as they are exposed to psionic radiation, if they do not succeed in mastering the power of psionic energy, they will definitely not live past thirty.

  'The royal family relied on the two special devices of Anyang and Moyue to degrade the power of death into psionic energy, and it is still a secondary psionic energy that can be adapted by the human body. '

  Gu Shanhai already felt a lot of psionic energy intending to enter his body, but they were all blocked.

   Then immediately deduced through its data, and soon, two psionic seeds were created by him.

  He also wants to make only one, but the reality is not allowed at all, because what he masters is not the most primitive pure psionic energy, but the secondary psionic energy transformed by Anyang and Moyue.

  So I want to temporarily condense into two psionic seeds, and then get the corresponding benefits, and then reverse them into pure original psionic energy.

  With this phantom energy, Gu Shanhai has a better understanding of the concept of death in this world.

   After an hour passed, the iron guard commander opened the door again.

   "Prince Sulth, I don't know if you have noticed anything unusual?" The iron guard commander asked as usual.

   "Are you referring to this kind of abnormality?" Gu Shanhai said, a soft phantom energy emerged in his hands, this is the release of Mo Yue's phantom energy.

  It’s already this time, so don’t be so clumsy.

   "Yes, you have awakened your psionic energy, please follow me." Seeing this, the commander of the iron guard changed his attitude immediately. He used to call Prince Sulsi directly, even coldly, but now his tone is obviously respectful.

  Gu Shanhai followed the commander of the iron guard and left, and then made a detour to the rear of the ancestral temple, where there was another building covered by the shadow of the ancestral temple.

  The building didn't have a name, but the commander of the iron guard let Gu Shanhai go in by himself.

  Gu Shanhai also strode in, and words were projected on the left and right walls.

  After reading it once, he recorded how to master the techniques of the dark yang/black moon phantom energy, how to make the phantom energy in his body stronger and how to use it, etc.

  And on the wall in the middle, it records the further enhancement of various secret abilities of psionic energy and so on.

  Generally speaking, members of the royal family after awakening their psionic energy first have to record the psionic skills and strengthening techniques they need, followed by various secret methods.

After all, although these members of the royal family are awakened, they are still just ordinary people in essence, without the ability of photographic memory. In the next month, they will come to memorize and study every day. These contents are not allowed to be copied and taken away. They can only be here .

   If you haven't mastered it after one month, the end will be self-evident.

  If the mud cannot support the wall, then coercive means must be used.

  ‘A brand new system with a very high upper limit’

At this time, Gu Shanhai has begun to suspect that the reigning emperor is still the founding emperor of the Navian Empire. The other party has already used the power of psionic energy to become an immortal existence, and what the other party has mastered is likely not to be the divided two. It is not a secondary psionic energy, but a higher level of original psionic energy.

   This is using his own heirs to advance the phantom energy step by step.

  ‘It seems that the biggest difficulty of this task should be how to meet the emperor of the Navian Empire. '

  If the speculation is true, then the psionic energy possessed by the emperor of the Navian Empire is very close to the concept of death itself, and it is precisely because of this that he can no longer continue to become stronger.

   But if a universe without death but life suddenly appeared, for this emperor, it would be tantamount to reconnecting the broken path.

  With the other party's talent and ability, it is very possible that through the blessing of the concept of life, one's own original ghost energy can be transformed into a real concept of death.

  A person with two powerful forces of death and life will become the eternal ruler of the two universes.

  After all, as long as he brings the concept of death to the cancer universe, the greatest advantage of the group of cancerous life forms will disappear.

  'It really is an old monster'

  Gu Shanhai couldn't predict how strong the emperor was, after all, he covered himself up, and Gu Shanhai's spiritual consciousness was not easy to investigate in a big way.

  Now he also understands why the royal family and the parliament have such a sense of separation, because the path of psionic energy has come to an end in terms of self-cultivation.

   Instead, it is technology, which is constantly advancing, and even created phantom technology.

   This must be inseparable from the support of the royal family.

  The extraction of ghost energy should only be supported by the royal family, Gu Shanhai thought of those princes who left the palace.

  Perhaps they extracted psionic energy for use in national defense.

  After staying here for three hours, Gu Shanhai has been pretending to be serious about memorizing the Moyue Youneng exercise method, mainly because there is surveillance here, and he also feels a sense of peeping.

   Presumably the emperor of the Navian Empire was observing him.

  From the mouth of the iron guard commander, he also learned one thing, so many princes and princesses, including Gu Shanhai, a fake and shoddy one, only three of them successfully awakened.

   Two of them were fighting for the position of the future emperor in the palace, and they were about to beat the dog's head out.

   "Have you memorized it?" The commander of Tiewei hurriedly greeted Gu Shanhai when he saw him coming out.

   "Well, I want to know what a prince is?" Gu Shanhai asked.

"Prince, you have given up the right of succession to the throne. You can leave the palace and live freely. Apart from not directly interfering with the operation of the parliament and the empire, not showing your ghost power, and not arbitrarily violating laws and other related regulations, you have a detached status. "

   "You can also make friends with parliamentarians through your status as a prince, you can also do business, and you can even go sightseeing. These royal families will give you corresponding funds to a certain extent."

   "It's just that there is a corresponding obligation, and the obligation will be revealed after you become the prince."

  Hearing Gu Shanhai ask about the prince, the commander of the iron guard became more enthusiastic obviously.

   "Well, I want to become a prince, what should I do?" Gu Shanhai did not disappoint the other party's enthusiasm, and stayed in the palace to act like a fool for the undead emperor's stage play of fighting for power.

   "You only need to wait until the psionic energy reaches the germination stage from the seed stage, and then you can apply." The iron guard commander said.

  The growth of Youneng also has stages, which are divided into six stages: seed stage, germination stage, rooting stage, leaf spreading stage, flowering stage, and fruiting stage.

  Each stage represents a qualitative change of psionic energy, and also a strengthening of itself.

   "So that's the case, I know." Gu Shanhai was wondering whether there is a higher level of psionic energy besides these six stages.

  However, Gu Shanhai doesn't bother with this issue anymore. He has already got the samples and data, and he can completely re-deduce the new psionic energy system by himself in the future. There is no need to follow the old path of the undead emperor.

  Through the simple speculation of these data, he can actually see that this is a process of gradually cultivating the secondary psionic energy into the original psionic energy and returning to the ancestors as the concept of death.

   If you really don't pay attention, after this fruitful period, you will enter death.

  The fruits produced are likely to become the undead emperor's wealth or experimental samples.

"There is enough psionic energy in the palace. It takes at most one month for you to let the psionic energy become a budding period. The royal family can prepare corresponding supplies for you in advance to ensure that you can enjoy enough fun outside." Iron Guard Commander It seemed that he had received some kind of instruction, so he spoke.

   "Okay, then prepare for me in advance. It would be best to give me the identity of the prince tomorrow, and I will leave as soon as it reaches the budding stage."

   "There should be no problem."

   Gu Shanhai glanced at Commander Tiewei and said.

"Of course there is no problem. Tomorrow morning, the prince's appointment will be delivered to your Highness's bedroom." The commander of the iron guards, of course, said simply, if he wanted to stay, the two princes would suppress Gu Shanhai, but Gu Shanhai wanted Let's go, these two people will definitely work together to send Gu Shanhai away from the palace, so that no one else can compete with them for the succession to the throne.

  So issuing the prince status in advance is also cutting off the right of inheritance early, lest they can't sleep at night. After all, the right of inheritance is broken, and you will have no chance to regret it later.

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  (end of this chapter)

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