I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 414: The Navian Empire, the royal family is hidden in the dark

  Chapter 414 The Navian Empire, the royal family is hidden in darkness

   "This world is really developed." Gu Shanhai strolled on the street, watching the occasional zero-dollar purchases and the occasional march and protesters who walked past set fire to the shop, giving him the illusion that he was in a world lighthouse.

On this planet, there is only one Navian Empire. Because there are no foreign enemies, the internal factions are extremely chaotic. Just by gender alone, there are 372 different factions. The versions are so strong that even Gu Shanhai is in awe. tongue.

   As for how he came here, of course he followed the quantum channel of the advance team.

  He stayed for nearly a month before he got the first batch of advance team members. The reason why he waited so long was naturally that the members of the empire were arguing, otherwise it would take a month to assemble the personnel.

   Correspondingly, the advance team also successfully discovered the immortality of the cancerous universe, which shocked them.

  How to find out is also very simple, that is, one's own teammates are downsizing, and they are resurrected right after death, and everyone is very confused.

  Even if they were torn to pieces by monsters, they would still be able to come back to life. How could this not shock them.

  Afterwards, because the number of cancerous life forms was too much, and they couldn't kill them all, they could only retreat temporarily.

   But when they retreated, they also brought a living cancerous life form back to their universe.

Of course, Gu Shanhai didn't pretend to be the cancerous life form that was captured alive, but walked back swaggeringly, first visited the research institute, and then left, and found a place to randomly **** a friendless orphan , replacing the identity of the other party.

  It's not that he doesn't want to repeat the trick to apply for an identity certificate, but he can't.

  This world is too developed, with a high degree of informatization, and there are no black households at all.

  If you say that you have no identity certificate and you are a black household, then you will not be given a temporary identity immediately, but will be detained for further investigation to see what you have committed.

  Another one is that people in this world are both white and black, and people of yellow race like Gu Shanhai can't get in, and you can see the problem at a glance.

  Although the Navian Empire has always emphasized equality, discrimination has always existed. In short, there is chaos at the top and chaos at the bottom, and you can see all kinds of demons dancing in different ways.

   Therefore, it is enough to directly seize the house and replace it.

  Relying on the easy shape and size of the fetus, it can be easily disguised, even if it is the technology of this world, it cannot be recognized.

   "At present, we have to find several factions to mix with."

  Gu Shanhai somewhat favors the Bliss faction, but these Bliss factions are still too conservative. If he joins, he might be able to lead the entire Navian Empire to the government of chemical bliss.

   At that time, everyone will be able to be ecstatic, and the happiness will be directly forced to full, and Utopia will not be so happy.

   "In addition to the bliss faction, the cyber faction is quite good, but what is it to transform yourself? You can combine the bliss faction to directly become a digital life, and enjoy the spiritual happiness of eternal life in the virtual world."

  Gu Shanhai naturally has a lot of ideas, but the premise is that he can do them, so he needs all kinds of technological knowledge in this world.

   Fortunately, the knowledge of the Navian Empire is not monopolized. Many of them are free and can be downloaded from the Internet using personal terminals. Some advanced knowledge is charged, but the price is extremely low.

  In terms of policy, the Navian Empire naturally encourages all citizens to learn and serve the empire.

   Isn't it all cheaper for Gu Shanhai.

  As for the knowledge of extremely high value, it will naturally not be disclosed to the public. This knowledge involves psionic energy, strategic armaments and so on.

   "Most people don't seem to know much about phantom energy, they just know a little about it."

  Gu Shanhai quickly inquired about psionic energy-related news and documents from his personal terminal. He has not forgotten what he came to this universe for.

  In addition to the deduction of Suzaku, it is to find the psionic energy manifested by the concept of death as the data for deduction of Xuanwu.

   It's just that there are many people who know about this Youneng, but the reality is deeper, but it's still foggy, and they don't know anything at all.

   It belongs to a special technology with high secrecy in the Navian Empire.

  So if Gu Shanhai wants to get in touch with psionic energy, he either has to do it secretly, or he can only join the empire, and only after becoming a corresponding character can he get in touch with it openly.

  Gu Shanhai didn't have the idea of ​​exposing his real body or using force to contact him directly.

The eccentricity is a lesson from the past. His strength was assigned to a seemingly weak world. It was definitely not that "The First Era" wanted him to abuse food, but because what he saw was only superficial phenomena, and the real horror was It's hiding. Once it is involved, it must be close to death. Gu Shanhai has no idea of ​​taking risks.

   “Virtual reality is here, it’s just not working.”

  Gu Shanhai read several pieces of news, which were all officially released, and the time was several years ago.

  It was said that the Imperial Research Institute had successfully developed it and was ready to put it into use, but the result disappeared.

   After searching again, the capital chain was insufficient and bankrupt.

  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai almost couldn't laugh out loud, but he can still do this.

However, the most advanced technology should be synthetic human technology. Synthetic humans are not real human beings, but a group of special human races that combine the latest intelligent machinery and flesh and blood. They exist as human servants and further eliminate omnics. robot.

Correspondingly, there are synthetic beasts, because synthetic humans look human-like, many experiments cannot be carried out, but synthetic beasts are different, editing genes, transforming bodies, etc., because they don’t look like humans, don’t worry It will be protested by various human rights organizations.

   It’s just that synths don’t have much advantage in the cancer universe. Nearly half of their bodies are mechanical structures. After death and resurrection, these mechanical structures must not be included. They will only survive in a mutilated way, and finally degenerate step by step.

It would be nice if it was just like this, after all, the Synthetic Empire doesn't care about the dead point. The real problem is that those mechanical parts will turn into cancerous monsters, and the missing areas of the Synthetics will be gradually replaced between death and resurrection. It was filled with tumors, bone spurs, etc., and eventually became a semi-cancerous monster, far inferior to humans in terms of resistance.

  Pure omnic robots are even worse, because they are dead objects, and once they enter, they will be corroded by immortality.

As for the cyber faction, in Gu Shanhai's eyes, it is more like a revival of an old antique. After all, in the omnic period of the empire, some people carried out mechanical transformation on themselves. At that time, there were many semi-mechanical warriors in the combat organization. Once there are synthetic humans, they will be gradually eliminated.

   Later, the discovery of psionic energy brought the Navian Empire onto the high-speed lane, and even most of its technology evolved towards energy technology.

"I can completely get out of my digital life faction through the bliss faction and cyber faction." Gu Shanhai didn't think about working for others, but wanted to be an imperial councilor himself. It would be even better if he could become the prime minister of the empire .

  He did this to win people's hearts.

  The cancerous universe will be exposed sooner or later. Even if immortality can be developed from it, it is impossible for the whole people to popularize it. The imperial councilors will only commercialize it, and the poor will never even think about buying it for a lifetime.

  If at this time, Gu Shanhai's virtual reality and digital life appeared, it would be able to attract everyone directly and realize the digital bliss of the whole people. Everyone can enjoy it in the virtual world together.

   As for saying that it cannot affect reality?

   That's even more nonsense, Gu Shanhai directly absorbs the flesh and blood of the Cyber ​​faction, and comes to a mechanical ascension. Through the control of the synthetic human, he can directly grasp the force.

Although a synthetic human has a self similar to artificial intelligence, it still has a central control center in essence. Gu Shanhai can become the most powerful member of the empire through the Internet. After running for the prime minister, the entire Navia The empire fell into his hands.

  The royal family of the empire is itself a mascot. The real power is the prime minister, but it has been molded into the core of faith by His Majesty the emperor.

   "The royal family... doesn't seem to be that simple?" Gu Shanhai thought so at first, but after in-depth investigation, he found something wrong.

   Judging from various news on the Internet, the royal family is indeed a mascot, and it was also planned in this way in his original plan, but after in-depth understanding, it seems that it is not like this.

   "Such a rare news outflow can become the belief of a country."

   "The founding emperor of the entire Navia has been wiped out a lot of information, and it seems that he is deliberately concealing something."

   "The prime minister is weakening the imperial power?"

   "How is this possible, the military power is in the hands of the emperor."

  Gu Shanhai's expression also showed a hint of doubt.

   "It seems that you have to find a way to become a direct member of the royal family." When Gu Shanhai relied on prophecy and divination to investigate him, the result he got was a black death.

   "Psionic energy is related to the royal family?"


Later, Gu Shanhai used his spiritual sense to investigate, but found that the palace where the royal family is located has a shielding barrier. Gu Shanhai must have no problem breaking through, but the barrier is integrated as a whole, and there is a corresponding surveillance system. If it is, it is easy to be noticed by the other party.

   "The shielding barrier of psionic energy actually takes death as the boundary. The royal family's use of psionic energy is unbelievably high."

  Gu Shanhai discovered that the Navian Empire has a great sense of division. The royal family is powerful and the parliament has technology, but the bottom layer is in chaos.

   "The chaos between the councilors and the parliament is probably intentional by the royal family. As long as the councilors continue to intrigue, it will not threaten any decision-making of the royal family."

Therefore, Gu Shanhai understands that if he wants to get into the core of the world at a deeper level, he must become a member of the royal family. Members of parliament are not qualified. How powerful.

  One more thing, that is, if he wants to promote digital life and mechanical ascension, he must have enough identity, or else he really takes the identity of this orphan?

  Then the day after his virtual reality technology was released, maybe he would commit suicide with ten guns in his back, and this technology would become a money-making tool for a member of parliament.

  This group of congressmen is not a good thing, but a group of hyenas without any bottom line, and they will not give up any interests.

  Gu Shanhai can evade and counterattack by various means, but this is too troublesome, it is better to do it in one step.

   "It seems that we have to seize another person and change the body." Gu Shanhai first had to investigate and understand the members of the royal family.

   This is not a simple matter, the royal family's personnel list is simply not found on the Internet.

  The degree of confidentiality is extremely high.

  So if he wanted to sneak in, Gu Shanhai had to collect it himself.

   The best way, of course, is to buy it.

"The prediction and divination effects in this world are limited, and you can't even buy a complete set of kryptonites." Gu Shanhai was a little helpless. He originally wanted to do it in one step, and spend some lifespan to buy all the psionic energy, the secrets of the royal family, etc. .

   It turns out that because it belongs to the world of science and technology, the upper limit of prophecy and divination is really too low, so low that Gu Shanhai can't even see it.

  Although the upper limit is low, fortunately he can still get the royal family's roster.

   "The headed emperor was actually blocked, and there really is a secret."

   "The crown prince is looming, covered but not completely covered."

   "As for other princes and other relevant information, it is only brief and not too detailed."

   "Only these worthless side branches are better."

  In fact, Gu Shanhai also knows that besides the low upper limit, there is another reason, and that is the interference of psionic energy.

  The psionic energy used by the royal family has initially shown some of the characteristics of death.

  According to common sense, he had already died suddenly at this time, but the royal family used some special techniques to make them use it.

"If this follows the original process, after the Navian Empire opens the quantum channel to the cancerous universe, the player should change the map and come to the Navian Empire to seek the royal family, so as to help the cancerous universe reborn the concept of death. .”

   It’s probably about running missions, brushing up favors, and digging deep into various missions.

   Only in this way can the highest SSS-level evaluation be achieved, and the eccentric can also get a lot of fate-related rewards from it.

  This is the normal process.

As for preventing the disappearance of the concept of death from the very beginning, it’s not impossible to do it, but it’s very difficult. I didn’t see Guang Luli doing this branch of the main line, but not only didn’t complete it, but I also got two permanent negative states. If I didn’t meet Gu Shanhai, I'm afraid it will take decades to solve it.

   Therefore, this branch of the main line is simply not something players can complete at this stage, but "The First Era" gave an opportunity.

  The real main line should be to reborn the erased concept of death, this is the task for the bizarre.

   It’s a bit difficult in the middle. The original quantum channel should be on the planet where Gu Shanhai and the others descended, and then they found a channel to contact the Navian Empire through a large number of cancerous life forms, that is, they need to fight monsters.

   Easter egg chapter 400 likes plus more



  (end of this chapter)

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