I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 403: Tiger father and dog son in Yongsheng Technology Company

  Chapter 403 The tiger father and dog son in Yongsheng Technology Company

   "It's useless, why is it useless!" Xiao Yongsheng looked desperate. He found that the cancer in his body could not be suppressed by specific drugs, as if it was his cancer that had been upgraded.

   "Obviously the data is correct and the experimenters are normal. Why can't I be cured? Could it be that my death is really inevitable."

  Calm down, Xiao Yongsheng's thoughts can't help but go back to the past. At that time, he was just a **** who skipped classes and surfed the Internet all day. Then one day, his eyes had the ability to see the results of things.

Since then, he has reached the pinnacle of his life. Whether he is a top student or starting a company, as long as he peeps in advance, he can guarantee his own success. Of course, the premise of success is that you can't mess around, just like when Xueba, you can see the answers to the test papers, but if you say that you don’t fill them out and instead scribble, even if you see them, you won’t be able to succeed.

  So, he reached the pinnacle of his life, and the journey went smoothly.

  The only shortcoming is that one day, he saw his own death. At the age of seventy-one, he died of cancer.

Therefore, he resolutely changed the field of his company, from the original financial aspect to medical treatment, biology, etc., and it was at that time that Immortality Technology was established. His purpose was very simple, that is, to make himself immortal Immortal.

  Just now, he still cannot avoid his own death, and in three months, he will be seventy-one years old, and death will come at that time.

   "Is it really doomed?" Xiao Yongsheng looked a little confused.

   "No, there must be other solutions, even if there is an answer, I can change it!"

   "I am the master of myself, not the so-called doomed. If I am really doomed, then I am just a punk."

  A large number of words appeared in Xiao Yongsheng's eyes, and he wanted to find his own lifeline from them, so as to ensure that he could live forever.

   "The key to breaking the game has been found."

  At that moment, blood flowed from Xiao Yongsheng's eyes. He saw a strange statue, which was a strange statue shaped like eyes. In Xiao Yongsheng's experience, he had never seen such a strange existence.

Nearly two meters wide, suspended in mid-air, there is a mouth full of fangs, and in the center, there is an eye with several small eyes hanging down from the top of the sphere. .

   It looks extremely weird.

  But at that moment, Xiao Yongsheng understood that this thing must have something to do with the mutation of his eyes.

  Because this statue was buried in a hollow under the ground of his old home when he was a child.

   "Is this... a powerful existence beyond ordinary people?" Xiao Yongsheng's expression carried a trace of madness that even he could not detect.


   Before he was excited, the pain in his body reminded him not to be too arrogant.

   "Xiao Li, make some arrangements. I'm going back to my hometown to rest for a while." Xiao Yongsheng picked up the walkie-talkie and communicated with his personal assistant.

   "Yes, Director Xiao, I'll contact the special plane right away." His assistant answered through the intercom.

  This is his private laboratory, which is extremely confidential. Only he can enter, and even the personal assistant has no relevant authority.

   After tidying up his things, he staggered out of the laboratory.

   Outside, many bodyguards and several assistants had been waiting for a long time, escorting him to the car and the plane, and everything was arranged in an orderly manner along the way.

   Otherwise, why would Xiao Yongsheng spend money to hire such people.

   "Mr. Xiao, Young Master Xiao came back three days ago. You arranged for him to practice, but the other party doesn't seem to be interested in this aspect." The assistant on the side said.

   "What did that brat do?" Xiao Yongsheng asked in a self-indulgent and self-angry manner.

   "Eh, fell in love with a young girl at the front desk, and even used his position to fire Manager Lin, Director Chen and others. It is said that it was because he reprimanded the little girl at the front desk." The assistant on the side also said helplessly.

It's normal for the little girl at the front desk to be scolded. She was late when she came, so that's fine, but she came to work in a bit of a mess. As the front desk, she is a kind of company image, so she was reprimanded. , As a result, when the supervisor reprimanded him, he happened to be seen by that young master Xiao, so he was fired without hesitation.

  As for the manager, he came out to smooth things over, but that Young Master Xiao just dealt with it together.

  I found out afterwards that this Young Master Xiao had something to do with the little girl at the front desk. As for why he was so embarrassed when he was late in the morning, he could imagine.

   "Hmph, I'm not dead yet, do you really think the company belongs to him?" Xiao Yongsheng also had a hint of anger in his eyes. The company hasn't been handed over to him yet, so it's good for him to become the domineering president first?

   "Arrange someone to bring Manager Lin and Director Chen back, give them some grade points and give them some compensation."

   "Also, get rid of that stinky boy's job and open the front desk by the way, so that they can fall in love with each other and give birth to a grandson for me."

  Xiao Yongsheng is also not used to his son, judging from this situation, he is just an idiot.

This son, he can be regarded as a good old man, he was born when he was forty years old, and then he grew up in a honeypot. He also studied abroad and got a Ph. But he knows how much fun it is.

"Yes, Director Xiao." The assistant also breathed a sigh of relief. The company has been in chaos for only three days under the management of this Young Master Xiao. If it is really handed over to him, no one will have a good life in the future. At that time, such a large family business as Yongsheng Technology, I am afraid that it will not be defeated by him within a year.

   Afterwards, many matters were reported, and Xiao Yongsheng dealt with them quickly, and gave corresponding solutions straight to the point.

He did start out with his peculiar eyes, but over the years, he has also learned and gradually grown into a hero-like figure. Over the years, he has ignored any enemies, except Death made him restless, and he was defeating him little by little.

  The plane landed at the airport soon, and there was a special car to pick it up, all the way to the old house that Xiao Yongsheng hadn't been back to for many years.

"This time it will be the heroine, and the sheer frequency of women really surprised me." Gu Shanhai stood at the door of Yongsheng Technology's building. He was originally interested in Xiao Yongsheng, but he pinched his fingers After doing the math, he found that Xiao Yongsheng was just an ordinary passerby, but his son Xiao Yunting was a bit unexpected.

Last night, I got drunk and did some illegal and criminal things to the heroine Suman. I have to say that it is really different to be rich and handsome. If I change another one, I have already entered the detention center. As a result, it is as if nothing happened today. The two went to work as usual.

   Afterwards, Su Man was appointed as Xiao Yunting's personal assistant, the one who also helped at night.

   Immediately afterwards, the domineering president fell in love with me and started an awkward career.

  Just in the eyes of Gu Shanhai, with the addition of all these things Xiao Yunting did, I am afraid that he will have to go in and squat for twenty-five years.

  The other thing is that the cub sells Ye Tian without blinking an eye at all. The backbone of the company is fired at will, and all the employees are centered around their love.

   Such as vicious female supporting role, villain boss and so on.

   But in Gu Shanhai's view, this is also a normal situation. You, the young master, fired the two backbones, and you still don't allow them to complain?

The workplace atmosphere of Yongsheng Technology is still very good. Whether it is the benefits or the relationship between employees, not only is there no malicious oppression, there is no intrigue between superiors and subordinates and colleagues. The cohesion is strong, so the company's various efficiency is also extremely high. .

   "So, when he said this, didn't he feel embarrassed? Why does the heroine enjoy it so much?" Gu Shanhai complained.

  Just now, he saw Suman accidentally spilling coffee on Xiao Yunting, and then Xiao Yunting said: Woman, you are challenging my bottom line.

  When he said this, Gu Shanhai was almost digging out three rooms and one living room with his toes. It was the first time in his life that he encountered such a greasy speech.

   To talk about domineering, he has also seen the dominance of Artorius, a monster of power, but his domineering is not against women, but the domineering of an overlord.

   There is also Huang Yanshan's domineering approaching to madness, like a mad king, no one dares to disobey him.

   But the domineering president's domineering, Gu Shanhai really felt a little bit overwhelmed.

"These two guys are the male and female protagonists. I think the world is hopeless." Gu Shanhai can be sure that those who caused the trouble should have nothing to do with these two people. If there is no interference from the outside world, the concept of death will not disappear, then this world probably That is to say, there is no danger in the development of this domineering CEO falling in love with my girl, at most it is just me and me.

  As for saying that after the crisis, the hero and heroine turned into tight-fitting monsters to save the world, that's too much thinking, the two of them have brain problems and don't have that ability.

  If Xiao Yunting had no problem with his brain, how could he do these things, otherwise, how could he give up his father's great foundation and fall in love.

   "It's of no value, or else we're going to squeeze out all the energy from these two?" Gu Shanhai was a little embarrassed.

   It's just that this thought was pushed down by him after it surfaced. He was worried that there was something wrong with his luck, and besides, he was not so bad.

   "Forget it, let's take a look at Xiao Yongsheng, no matter how you look at it, this one is more valuable than these two." Gu Shanhai sighed, and was about to leave when he saw a strange figure.

   "It seems that you have also noticed that there is a problem with this immortality technology." After seeing Gu Shanhai, Guang Wei Luli said with a dignified expression.

   "Ah, yes, what do you think?" Gu Shanhai's prediction and divination obtained limited information, and he couldn't say that he knew everything. However, his simulator is professional in collecting information.

   "I suspect that the disappearance of the concept of death may be due to the out-of-control experiment of the Yongsheng Group. You also know that the founder and chairman of the Yongsheng Group, Xiao Yongsheng, is seriously ill." Wei Wei asked.

"Yes, cancer. I calculated it. He can live for three months at most, but he seems to have given up and returned to his old house for the elderly. He even gave the company to his son." These were all predicted by Gu Shanhai, he felt There are quite a few problems, but he hasn't noticed what the specific problems are yet.

  Gu Shanhai's simulation is also the result of this, and he is not too surprised by Gu Shanhai's ability, otherwise the other party would be able to defend against his own simulator.

"What should I say about this Xiao Yunting? He has good abilities, but his structure is too small. After his father died, he spent all day talking with Su Man, but it's a bit strange. It stands to reason that with his unscrupulous means of destroying the company , not only did not ruin the company, but also allowed the company to prosper, which is really strange." The grotesque is also strange.

  In the simulator, they only lived for a year, and then his simulator said he was dead.

  This shows that the disappearance of the concept of death does not affect being killed.

   Players will return to "First Era" after being killed, which is equivalent to a mission failure.

   As for the NPCs who are killed after the concept of death disappears, it is true, but the specific performance is not clear. After all, his simulation is just a line of text, and he cannot see the screen.

   "It seems that you have also discovered the strangeness of these two people. Otherwise, you can kill them and see if you can drop something." Gu Shanhai urged Lu Li to deal with them.

  Maybe killing Xiao Yunting will give you the overlord temperament, while killing Suman will give you the white lotus temperament.

   Tsk, just thinking about it makes my heart move.

  Looking at Gu Shanhai strangely, he didn't know that these two were the protagonists, but he could tell from his own fate system that these two were favored by fate, so there was no way they were so easy to kill.

   Besides, if you can kill him, don't kill him. If you kill him, you will be backlashed by fate.

   "You go, I'll give you the reward." Bizarrely unable to be fooled, he backhanded Gu Shanhai to go.

  Fate backlash against Gu Shanhai is actually not a concern, he does not follow the fate system, the premise of backlash against him is that he must be talented.

  As for his related Lingzhi? That thing is in his body, the protagonist is only a son's generation, and he is a father's generation's world, how could this thing be swallowed back into his body.

   "No, no, what can this kind of goods drop." Gu Shanhai also refused, the benefits are too small to be worthwhile.

   "Okay, then I'll let you keep an eye on it, and I'll look elsewhere?" Gu Shanhai asked.

  Guang Wei Lu Li also nodded when he heard this, "Okay, then I'll keep an eye on it."

  He has a simulator, and he can travel the world without leaving home. He happened to find an abnormality, so he can do both. It would be better if Gu Shanhai went to other places to investigate.

"You are really welcome." Gu Shanhai also teased, and then got up and left. The reason why he didn't use the Five Elements Escape was because it was in a coffee shop on the street. It was too arrogant but it didn't fit his low-key style. In principle, he doesn't want to be noticed by the officials, and he doesn't want to cooperate with the officials, because it doesn't make sense.

  With his current size, it is okay to cooperate with Lu Li, but when he cooperates with an official who does not have any supernatural powers, his ability to collect intelligence is not as good as him.

  (end of this chapter)

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