I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 402: Intermediate Area · Quiet Universe

  Chapter 402 Middle-level area·Quiet universe

   "I'm back, I can rest for three days." Gu Shanhai stretched.

  In the subsequent decades in the world of the azure sea, he has practiced all the martial arts supernatural powers such as the boy's skill, the golden bell cover, and the iron cloth shirt to a perfect state.

The second is that the abnormal god, the Emperor of Heaven, is also perfect. The ability to transform divine power is similar to that of Tianxian in the mouth. The only disadvantage is that the consumption and power are the full version in one's own body. It will be weakened in other worlds. The degree of weakening depends on the situation of the world. .

This is also true, his current race has been completely transformed into the world/indescribable, he thought that after he became the embryonic form of the world, the indescribable characteristics would disappear, but he did not expect to become the indescribable world, which is too nonsense .

   But it’s okay, Gu Shanhai is used to it, and there is nothing he can do if he is not used to it.

Now that he has not yet reached the full level, only the stage of enlightenment and the period of peeping at the level of Jindan is left. After the race has transformed into an indescribable world, he has already deduced the correlation between the stage of enlightenment. First, go to the world where Guang Wei Lu Li lives to see if there is any chance, and if there is, break through.

  If you don’t have one, you can choose another one at that time. The main reason is that Gu Shanhai feels that with such a special invitation letter, the energy level of the world to go to is definitely not low, and the breakthrough materials produced must be better than the current stage.

Breaking through from the phase of the gods to the stage of enlightenment, the materials needed to break through are laws or rules. The soul of heaven and earth manifestation used in the phase of the gods before is still a sneaky cannibal. When breaking through the period of enlightenment, Then it becomes aboveboard.

The rules are actually relatively fragmented. Generally speaking, you choose the one that is more suitable for you. For example, if you follow the five elements, you must gather the laws of the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Of course, it does not mean that you really have to get them all. In the Xuanzhen Realm, the more laws that need to be refined, the lower the success rate of breakthrough, and the higher the death rate.

   If you change the world, unless you rely on special means to fool the world like Gu Shanhai, you can be free from danger.

   As for what law to use to break through, Gu Shanhai doesn't care about it. For him, he followed the path of Yin Yang, Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, which is very compatible.

  Of course, his real purpose of breaking through the stage of enlightenment is to let his indescribable world of placental stage grow into the stage of infancy.

  Breakthrough from the peeping period is to completely mature the infancy into the real world.

   Belonging is his one-step plan to reach the sky, so it doesn't matter what law he uses to break through, what is important is how to improve himself through the breakthrough, which is the most important thing.

In addition to the enlightenment period and the enlightenment period, in fact, Gu Shanhai still has a system of the four holy beasts that has not been perfected, that is, the Suzaku and Xuanwu are missing. These two are more luck, and you have to find the corresponding things to be able to truly make them. come out.

  He collected a lot of good things, but he felt that it was almost meaningless, mainly because he needed to spend a lot of energy and cost to improve it after forcibly manufacturing it.

   So it was temporarily put on hold, and the current system of the four holy beasts is enough for him to use.

   "Tongtian Jianmu has developed very well these years. After I break through to the Dao Peeping stage and perfect myself, I should be able to become a real Jianmu."

  Tongtian Jianmu gave him a lot of help, more in terms of potential, so as to support the whole world and continuously expand his own size.

   "The current me should be level 5000." Gu Shanhai estimated his own strength and felt that it was not much worse.

   "This speed can be said to be the best in the world, it is too outrageous."

  Gu Shanhai couldn't help but sigh with emotion, his expression was complicated.

  For him, the speed is really too fast. In his previous life, he did not reach this level until the late stage of the first version of "First Era", but now it is actually only the early stage of the first version.

The strongest player may only be at level 500, and the further the level increases, the slower it will be. Unlike Gu Shanhai, who is at a high speed at this time, can't stop, and rushes all the way forward. If you break through the Dharma Enlightenment Period and Dao Peeping Period, you may reach level 7000.

   "However, with previous life as merit, it should be quick."

  Gu Shanhai glanced at the brand new world in his body that was evolving through spiritual plants and inner demons, and felt that he should have the ability to be arrogant. What a ghost.

How arrogant can he be? Thinking about the Goddess System Builder in the Brave World, and then thinking about the Great Ruins in the Adventure King World, and comparing it with the group of plane merchants, he calmed down immediately when he was about to swell. .

   You have to compare. After the comparison, you will know what kind of virtue you are, so that you will not commit those mindless and arrogant things.

  Gu Shanhai is also arrogant. It would be a lie to say that he is not arrogant, but he knows how and when to be arrogant.

   "It's rare to rest for a while, but unfortunately there is no soil, otherwise I would bury myself and enjoy it."

  For Gu Shanhai, being buried in the ground and taking root is a rare enjoyment.

   And time, three days passed in such a flash.

  The half invitation letter in his hand flashed brightly, and Gu Shanhai was directly involved as soon as he got up.

  【Intermediate Region: Quiet Universe】

  【Mission: Stop the demise of the concept of death or bring back the concept of death】

   "This time it's not a hit on the back of the head, but an illusion of being in a front-loading washing machine." Gu Shanhai complained, he suspected that the transmission system had been updated.

  Another figure also appeared on the side, it was strange and bizarre.

  After the other party appeared, he frowned when he saw the task. He didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only say that the task was really difficult.

   "What do you think about the mission?" Bizarrely asked.

  Gu Shanhai has just obtained the characters, language and even habits of this world through soul searching through spiritual knowledge, so it can only be said to be ordinary.

   "I don't have any opinions, let's collect information." Gu Shanhai found that this world is just an ordinary modern technological world, without any strange things like immortal cultivators, warriors, or superheroes.

  However, judging from the mission, the concept of death in this world is about to disappear.

   At first glance, it seems to be a very good thing, but life and death are a kind of cycle in itself, not to mention, without the concept of death, it may not be possible to live well.

  The existence of the concept of death that can erase a world is definitely not a simple character.

   "Separate actions?" Said strangely.

   It would be a waste for two people to act together, after all, they are both top players with first-class abilities.

The other one is that Guang Wei Luli has recovered his peak combat power after decades of dungeon and missions. Although he is not as good as the current number one player, he can still enter the top ten anyway, so there is no need to worry about fighting, let alone the opponent. Also has the talent of simulator.

  If he really wants to be with Gu Shanhai, he will be restrained. After all, he is not willing to reveal his innate ability, or his core talent.

  Gu Shanhai also saw his thoughts, so he also nodded: "No problem, I will listen to you."

   "If you have anything to do, use this to contact me. My number is stored in it." Gu Shanhai casually threw a mobile phone to him.

   This is what he came up with in this world with his sleeves, and it has also been transformed by him. It can be regarded as a magic weapon of technology and military equipment.

  Guan Luli also put away the phone, he knew that Gu Shanhai couldn't use the player channels related to "First Era" because of his talent, otherwise it would be the safest way to communicate through the player channels.

   "Okay, I need to communicate more." After Guang Luli finished speaking, he was about to leave.

  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also directly used the Five Elements Escape to move away, and found a place where no one was monitoring. When he came out, his clothes changed into a modern look.

   Then I went to reapply for an ID card. On the way, I was thinking about what kind of identity I should get.

In the end, after some selection and selection, he chose the identity of an orphan who wandered since he was a child. He will use it for a while, and if he needs it later, he can completely change it. After all, he wants to go dormant first, so the identity should be as low-key as possible. .

  As for why he is able to be glamorous now, it must be because he worked hard to live a good life.

  The identity was generated very quickly this time, and it was completed in less than three minutes.

  【Gu Shanhai (vagrant/black worker)】


  Buy one get one free is really delicious, but the problem is that this thing is too outrageous, and the gift will be black workers.

  Why don't you send him a nigger? Oh, he has a bad complexion.

   Soon afterwards, he obtained his identity information through divination.

The process of re-applying is also relatively simple. Fill in the information, and then explain the situation, the identity will be generated, and then you can get a temporary identity certificate. As for the formal one, it will take a certain amount of time, about seven days later. Just come and get it. .

   "Speaking of which, I have a pretty big advantage." Gu Shanhai looked at the temporary identity certificate in his hand. With such a simple process, he had a formal identity.

He is a player, and in this world, I don’t know if "First Era" has arranged for him an identity. It’s okay if there is an arrangement, it will hide the player’s characteristics, and the aborigines can’t see it. The invitation letter in the middle-level area Users will have this treatment, and although other players who enter together have no identity, they will also hide player characteristics.

  However, there are also some middle-level areas that will not give players this privilege, just like the high-level world, so there are problems at first sight.

  He is neither a player nor an aborigine, so it is impossible to see whether Guang Wei Lu Li has obtained an identity, and he himself did not say where Gu Shanhai knew where to go.

   "The next step is to find a stable place to observe the world."

  In Gu Shanhai’s view, the world is divided into two completion methods, one is short-term, that is, to prevent the concept of death from disappearing, and the other is long-term, to return the concept of death after it disappears.

There is a high probability that everything is required. If the first method can be completed, he will not delay, and the players are not stupid. Obviously, the latter condition is more difficult. If it can be completed, it is fine. It must be a big loss if you lose your wife and lose your army.

   Besides, the short-term estimate is not short. This kind of task, which seems to be a large-scale and difficult task, at least needs a buffer time of three to five months.

  Instead of saying that they face the open door.

  He can think so because he has not found an air wall, which means that although this world is a middle-level area, the degree of freedom is no less than that of a high-level world, which can also prove that the difficulty is high.

  For the middle-level area, the more free it is, the more difficult it is. On the contrary, if there are various restrictions, the difficulty will be very low, because as long as you strictly abide by the restrictions and be a little more flexible, customs clearance is basically not a big problem.

  Relying on the temporary ID card, Gu Shanhai quickly rented a rental house in the village in the city, bought a computer to connect to the network, and directly collected a lot of information on the network through spiritual knowledge.

   "Probably at the level of technology around the millennium, there are quite a few urban legends on the Internet, but these urban legends are all created by some netizens, and none of them are true."

  Gu Shanhai also frowned. In this seemingly simple world, there is a high probability that the disappearance of death is not due to reasons within the world, but due to outside the world.

   "In this way, if violence is not used, violence will not be used, and the grotesque will stand in the way." Gu Shanhai wanted to keep a low profile.

  The current situation is unclear, if you really want to make a casual move, it will definitely be the end of the calf.

   On the contrary, he is eccentric and eccentric. He has a talent for simulators, and he is completely able to keep surfing in the simulator to collect enough information.

   As for the failure of the mission, of course he ran away, and there is no restriction on him not being able to leave anyway.

  In fact, he has a lot of fear of this world that doesn't have any extraordinary abilities and seems to have a low energy level. After all, it is a special invitation letter used by the players of the first echelon.

   If there is no secret existence, Gu Shanhai will definitely not believe it.

   "This company is interesting."

   While browsing, Gu Shanhai saw a company named Yongsheng Technology Company. This company is called a conscientious entrepreneur in this world, and its business involves many industries.

  Especially in the fields of medicine, biology, genetics, etc., it can be called a big cow, and it is simply a holy place in these fields.

Soon Gu Shanhai browsed all the news of Yongsheng Technology Company on the Internet. He keenly discovered that Yongsheng Technology can become such a powerful company, and it is inseparable from the founder Xiao Yongsheng. Xueba finally started a legendary life. Ninety percent of the technology in the eternal life technology comes from the hands of Xiao Yongsheng.

   Now, the founder of Yongsheng Technology, Xiao Yongsheng, seems to have terminal cancer, but it’s okay, Yongsheng has announced that they have developed a specific drug to overcome cancer, and it has entered the approval stage.

  So there is no need to worry that Xiao Yongsheng, who is already seventy years old, will die of cancer. Instead, he will continue to shine in technology companies after being cured.

  (end of this chapter)

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