I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 120: Is there something wrong with this paladin?

  Chapter 120 Is there something wrong with this paladin?

  The day after Gu Shanhai arrived, Merlin left with someone, and even sent him the inheritance of the paladin.

   By the way, Gu Shanhai was successfully appointed. Now Gu Shanhai is working as a **** in the Royal Library, condensing the three natural imprints of the sun, moon and stars, while watching the inheritance of the paladins.

   It is impossible to go to the battlefield, and it is meaningless to go to the battlefield with his little ability.

   It has to be said that the condensing of the three natural imprints of the sun, moon and star is still quite difficult. Gu Shanhai estimates that it will take a month to successfully condense these three natural imprints.

  'When I have completed the "Qingdi Longevity Sutra" and the legal domain again, I will get up and look for the Holy Grail. '

  Gu Shanhai has made up his mind, after he finds the Holy Grail, he will leave this world and change to another world if he stays for a while.

  At present, the value of this world has been greatly reduced, and the harvest is extremely rich.

"Huh? Player?" Gu Shanhai looked at a player with an ID on his head walking in the Royal Library not far away, which made him a little puzzled. Because there is no prefix, he is not a player of some studio or club, but instead Kind of like a regular player.

  The other party also noticed Gu Shanhai, but just nodded without saying anything.

  ‘It seems that some players have already raised their reputation to the level where they can enter the noble class of the Kingdom of Camelot, and if they work harder, they will probably be able to become nobles. '

  The two didn't know each other at all, and Gu Shanhai just nodded and smiled in response. A normal player would not say that he was dissatisfied and wanted to kill someone to vent his anger because he met other players here. Such a person probably has a problem with his brain.

  The other party took out a book and began to read it, as if he was doing some kind of task.

  Gu Shanhai also ignored the other party, but continued to think: 'It seems that in this life, there should be no players who will serve as priests and paladins in the Kingdom of Camelot. '

If you want to have a noble job, you must not only have enough reputation, but also need the favorability of other great nobles and a lot of credit. Otherwise, you will not be able to get a job without one. When you take office, no other nobles will jump out to object, and credit is the ladder, and you can't go up without this ladder.

  As for that player, I guess it's a bit of a mystery. He probably only has enough reputation. If he wants to enter the Royal Library, he must have reputation.

Gu Shanhai is also prestigious, and the reputation is not low, but it is not spread among the bottom, but in the high-level, belonging to the upper class, not to mention his two titles of Royal Scholar and Consultant Scholar. His prestige can come and go freely.

  The other party should have some restrictions.

Entering the Royal Library is also beneficial. Not only can certain knights’ job transfer tasks be triggered here, but there are also various talents, skills, and even rewards such as attribute points. To obtain these, you must not only satisfy Prestige conditions require tasks to be done, and some tasks are stinky and long, sometimes taking a year or so to complete.

   Fortunately, Gu Shanhai has not been semi-digitized by "The First Era", so don't worry about such trouble, it will be his after learning it.

"This life is more comfortable than living on the island." Gu Shanhai took a sip of his drink happily. Since he came back from Ammut, his requirements for his life have been reduced to the limit. I have been eating and drinking in the wind, just like surviving in the wilderness.

  Thanks to his professional training as a druid, otherwise, he might not have survived.

Then he put all his attention into the inheritance of the paladins. There is no need to worry about the three natural imprints of the sun, moon, and stars. Just hang up the phone. They are imprints and have fixed procedures. He has already preset the corresponding procedures. on the body.

  In fact, there are not many paladin inheritances, but it just makes him feel a little familiar.

  ‘Isn’t this the paladin skill in Diablo next door? It’s true that I don’t read much, but don’t fool me. '

  Gu Shanhai was speechless for a while, he had just experienced strange ghosts before, why, there were nephalem in ancient times

  ‘Gan, no, according to this development, what he’s talking about is not the nephalem in ancient times, but the invasion of demons in the future. '

  ‘The problem is that the druids in this world are so fierce that they don’t seem to need nephalem, and those demons have to be pressed to the ground and rubbed together.’

  The king of red dragons who conquered the world, the wizards and great sages with powerful prophecy and divination, plus the knights of the round table, many strong druids, etc., the arrival of the three major demon kings is almost like delivering food.

  ‘Besides, the demons in this world are almost dead in the zoo, and there is no place to live at all. '

   Wait until Gu Shanhai restores the world to the high magic era through the Holy Grail, then it may be uncertain who invades whom.

  Thinking more and more, he was quickly suppressed by him, and concentrated on checking the paladin inheritance.

'Provide regeneration and healing prayer aura, resistance aura to increase defense ability, purification aura to reduce negative status, energy aura to increase stamina and physical strength, meditation aura to increase energy recovery, redemption aura to absorb enemy's physical strength, energy to restore oneself, and increase all Salvation aura for elemental resistance. '

  'It seems that the aura of single resistance is missing, right? I remember that there seems to be anti-cold, fire-resistant and so on. I guess it has not been developed yet, but it seems to be derived from the halo of rescue. '

   This is a defensive aura, as well as an offensive aura.

  'The power aura that increases power, the holy fire aura that causes periodic damage to the surroundings, I haven't seen them used this before, oh, it's too difficult to learn, only Gray can learn it. '

'There are also needle auras for melee retaliation, aiming auras for increasing hits, focus auras for concentration, and freezing auras for deceleration. Yes, it can't be a deduction. '

  ‘The fanatical aura that provides the berserk effect, and the defensive aura that reduces the enemy’s defense and resistance, I have never seen these two, and it is estimated that no one has learned them’

  'Thinking about it carefully, this aggressive aura is also missing a lot, and many of them are different from what I remember. '

  ‘For example, the original version of the holy fire provides fire damage, and the freezing aura should be holy freezing, which slows down and causes cold damage, and there is one less holy impact that provides lightning damage. '

  ‘If it continues to evolve, it will really be possible to stage a plot of Diablo and Destroy God if it is not guaranteed in the future. '

  Gu Shanhai kept thinking about integrating these auras. He was going to integrate all the auras into the mana halo of the legal domain. Too many halos are not a problem, as long as they are all smelted into a mana halo.

  A halo is nothing more than two effects, increasing self and teammates, weakening the enemy and causing damage to the enemy.

   Being constant and belonging to a culture has a function on the line.

  Of course, there are still many technical problems for Gu Shanhai, such as the determination of friend and foe

His mana halo is not the player's halo skill, it's just like a skill, it's more like a constant range skill, even the paladins need to judge, but their judgment is not perfect at present, they can only be the same as the paladin companions to use as their own.

   Players are different. Their judgment of friend and foe is determined by "First Era", so they don't need to worry about it at all. As long as they learn it, it will take effect. Gu Shanhai naturally needs to calibrate it by himself.

Passive skills and aura skills are not so easy to form. Passive skills are better, but aura skills are really difficult. For example, Gu Shanhai's mana aura is all indiscriminate attacks without any room for turning around, so Under normal circumstances, he seldom opens the aura with all his strength.

   Fortunately, the paladin inheritance provides some ideas, which Gu Shanhai can use as a reference.

Of course, besides the halo, there are also some combat skills. Gu Shanhai glanced at them a few times, but he didn’t pay much attention to them. They were all skills that were of no use to him. In his impression, the Diablo Holy Knight had none of the combat skills. , which have not yet been developed.

  ‘Perhaps. The inheritance of the war knight can help me a bit. ’ Gu Shanhai thought about this in his heart.

  These halos are probably derived from the war knights, but they are better than the war knights in terms of effect, strength, and shape, but they are also added to the priest system.

  War Knight does not mean how good he is at fighting, but that he can play the greatest role in large-scale wars, such as command, strategy, etc., like halos, which should be classified as incentives.

  After directly carrying out the divination and prophecy, Gu Shanhai was a little helpless. The inheritance of war knights does exist, but it is not in the Kingdom of Camelot.

  He has also finished inquiring about the specific location and situation. There is no danger in the past with his current strength, but he doesn't want to go there.

  Finally continue to cultivate, what did you do in the past.

  'Kai can help, there is no paladin, but there are war knights to make up for it. '

  Gu Shanhai has made a decision, and he has no time to go, so he can just let Kai send someone, which saves a lot of things, and Kai must be very happy.

  Get up and close the book, just skip work and leave.

  As a hero, he is so arrogant. After a while, more benefits are expected to come, otherwise he has nothing to do here.

  At this time, Kay is immersed in official duties. This person can fight, fight and be a clerk. It is indeed an SSR card.

   "Shanhai? What's the matter with you?" Kay asked with some doubts.

   "Oh, didn't I study paladins before, and found that there are many problems that need some evidence, such as the inheritance of war knights." Gu Shanhai said bluntly.

"But there are no nobles in our Kalome Kingdom who have inherited war knights. The church may have them, but they probably won't give them to them." Kay also said with a headache. Of course he knows how important war knights are to war. But they didn't.

   "I know where it is, but it's not within the territory of the Kalomei Kingdom, so it's a bit far to go to get it." Gu Shanhai said straight away.

This moved Kay's heart. He naturally understood what Gu Shanhai meant, and asked him to arrange for someone to retrieve it and show it to him at that time. Gu Shanhai took a look to see what was wrong.

"Are you using your lifespan for divination again?" After that, Kay also had some headaches. He was very optimistic about Gu Shanhai, especially the other party's divination and prophecy ability. He may not be as good as Merlin, but he is still young and very loyal to the kingdom. How could Loyalty be willing to sacrifice his life for the benefit of the kingdom?

   But on the other hand, he is very dissatisfied with Gu Shanhai's random consumption of life span for divination. What should he do if he runs out? He is already helping Gu Shanhai find treasures or blessings that can increase his life span.

There are too few people in the kingdom who are good at divination and prophecy, and the druids have no time to learn now, and the new generation of apprentices can't keep up, so he has always planned to train Gu Shanhai to be Merlin's successor, after all, he The accuracy of divination with one hand is not inferior to that of Merlin, and it can even cut off fate. It can be called a genius with unlimited potential.

   There are no disadvantages other than life-consuming.

"I don't have much lifespan. I've already written out the specific results. You just need to arrange for someone who can rest assured to take it." Gu Shanhai took out the note and put it on Kai's desk. This is when he came. written down.

  It's a pity that he didn't pass He Lingyun's exam 100%, otherwise he could still come up with a strategy.

  Kay glanced at the note and put it away, then rubbed his temples: "You should tell me in advance when you consume your lifespan in the future, I will find it difficult to deal with such a mess."

   "Okay, okay, I get it." Gu Shanhai's face was full of perfunctory, just picking and searching for such a short lifespan, it's not a good thing, and it's not lacking.

   Seeing Gu Shanhai's tone, Kay knew that the other party didn't listen, and was also very distressed because of this.

Merlin went to the front line, saying that he was helping Artorius to obtain the king's certificate, and Morrico was going to deal with the rebellion in the north. That's right, it was Grand Duke Snowdonia. Once, after the war between Artoris and the two kingdoms, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

  So now Kai is the only one left to maintain the operation of the entire Camelot Kingdom and ensure the logistics supplies of the three battlefields. The pressure is already great, and it is a bit of a headache to have someone like Gu Shanhai.

   "I'm serious, the future is still very long, I don't want you to be older than Merlin when we meet again in a few days." Kai could only try his best to persuade.

   "." Gu Shanhai was speechless, why he was older than the other party, and then said: "Okay, okay, I understand, I will tell you next time."

   Anyway, it's just perfunctory, not a big deal.

The two chatted for a while, and Gu Shanhai went back to his mansion by himself. He skipped work anyway, and didn't go in the afternoon. He didn't believe that the Royal Library dared to deduct his full attendance. Well, with his current wealth , not so close to full attendance.

  'If this continues, the player's business area will probably be affected, and I don't know if the players will make any big moves. ’ On the way, Gu Shanhai thought about it.

  (end of this chapter)

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