I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 119: Royal Capital, Merlin's Confession and Compensation

  Chapter 119 The Royal Capital, Merlin's Confession and Compensation

  Gu Shanhai hurriedly brought the paladins back to the capital to exchange for something, but found a terrible thing, that is, he seemed to have no place to exchange.

The priests are far away on the front line, let Gu Shanhai go there, how could he be willing, this is the battlefield, although he has strong perception and is not afraid of flow arrows, but there will be more than flow arrows on the battlefield, maybe it will overwhelm the sky. Oh, this is unlikely, five hundred The knights are considered a large army, Gu Shanhai thought carefully, this should not be much different from a village entrance fight.

   It’s just that everyone has arrived at the gate of the capital, so we can only take our time.

  ‘Exchange for Merlin? '

  'No, something will happen, but speaking of which I am not wanted, what is the situation. '

   Gu Shanhai murmured in his heart, and then entered the capital in a fair manner. This time, he didn't come to blow up the church or steal the Stone of Destiny, but to pick the fruits of victory and dawdle.

  ‘Wait, is the church really accepting these half-used paladins? Gu Shanhai suddenly remembered one thing, the pastor is abolished, and the paladin is also half-abandoned, so whether the church accepts it is another matter. Man, he couldn't help but feel tighter, for fear that he would be sold too low.

"Forget it, let's go to the palace first. I don't know if I can honor my status as a royal scholar without Artorius here." Gu Shanhai thought about going to Morrico first. I know where the person is, so I can only go to the palace first, since the office is where it is anyway.

   "Long time no see, Mr. Shanhai." An old voice came from behind, quietly hiding Gu Shanhai's perception.

   This caused Gu Shanhai to be stressed in an instant, and he almost instinctively fought back, but fortunately he suppressed it.

"Wizard Merlin, did you make any movement when you were walking?" Gu Shanhai said angrily. He was not afraid that Merlin would do something to him. This is Kalome's capital, so he didn't dare to do anything, and then he said : "It's been a long time, the last time we met was two years ago."

  Gu Shanhai has been with Ammet Greenwood for more than a year, plus the time spent wandering around, the last time we met was almost two years ago.

"Yes, at that time you were still arguing with me about whether His Majesty should be the Druid King or the Knight King." Merlin chuckled lightly, and then said, "Please, Mr. Shanhai, your majesty will wait for your scholar status." It's been two years."

  Gu Shanhai was silent for a while, and then said: "I think our relationship should not be so good."

  He was a little puzzled. He didn't sense any malice, but instead felt kindness. This made him very puzzled, and the other party would not be fooling him.

   "The people I entrusted to the Esolen family and the Rahan family didn't intend to kill you. It was just an accident. I will give you an explanation for this matter." Merlin explained.

At this time, Gu Shanhai understood that Merlin came to show his favor. As for the confession, he was more curious about this matter, and he didn't know what he would do, but he kept a vigilance in his heart. Who knows if the other party wants pit yourself.

The two entered the palace and went straight to a certain palace. Ministers of State Kay and Morrico were also there. The two were dealing with official business. When they saw Merlin bringing Gu Shanhai, they were stunned, but they quickly realized it. , compared to Morrico, Kay did not recognize Gu Shanhai at the first moment.

   "Shanhai? Where have you been all these years, even Merlin couldn't find you through divination." Morric was a little happy, this is his own.

"I went overseas and found an ancient druid, and practiced with him for more than a year. Oh, yes, I even brought him here." Gu Shanhai said, putting fifteen weir beams together Mu Zizhu took it out, and then briefly talked about the situation of the Green Knight and Ocean Druid.

  An old face appeared on one of the weirwood plants, which indicated that Ammett had also come over, so the chat was very lively.

  After listening for a while, Merlin on the side seemed hesitant to speak, and finally asked: "Mr. Shanhai, did you cut off fate in some way?"

  As soon as he asked this question, the originally hot scene stagnated.

"It's not me, you guessed wrong, how could I do it." Gu Shanhai denied it instantly. It's cool to pretend, but the problem is that fate is the unborn Lord, and Merlin is a wizard of the church. It's the Lord, if he finds out about this, he shouldn't tear himself apart on the spot and fight him desperately.

  He is not afraid, but there is no need.

"I saw it." Merlin said. At this moment, Gu Shanhai was vigilant and turned on desperate mode at any time, but Merlin continued: "Thank you for this, I have got rid of my fate, no Die for love again."

   "." Gu Shanhai was full of shit, so what about his next revenge, it was agreed that he would get the sword in the lake Broken Steel and then have a lingering sadomasochistic relationship with the fairy in the lake and die.

  In the current situation of the other party, it is unlikely that there will be a love brain. It seems that the game has collapsed.

   "I won't just thank you verbally, and I will send you the explanation I gave you before." Merlin spoke again.

  The tone was very sincere, but to Gu Shanhai it felt like I was going to give you a big gift.

   "As for the destruction of the church and the theft of the Stone of Destiny, this matter has been finalized. It was done by Count Conchier and Root. They are at war with His Majesty at this time, so they did it with a grudge."

Hearing these words, Gu Shanhai was stunned. Well, I didn’t expect that Merlin with thick eyebrows and big eyes would do such a thing. The former belongs to the Esolen family, and the latter belongs to the Rahan family. This is an explanation part of it.

"Then what if I saw a group of semi-disabled paladins on the road again?" Gu Shanhai thought, going to the church by himself will definitely not be able to squeeze out any profit, so it's better to exchange with Merlin directly, just relying on The sincerity and character of the other party, although he is a political figure, is indeed an upright wizard.

  Kay and Morric were a little strange, what is a paladin, but Merlin looked at Gu Shanhai a little strangely: "What do you want, I will try my best to help you get it."

   "Paladin inheritance!" Gu Shanhai said immediately.

  Then Merlin looked at Gu Shanhai even more strangely. Fortunately, Gu Shanhai also understood what he meant, that is, why did you ask for so many things with such a pattern?

   "Hey, why don't you want it?" Gu Shanhai didn't know the value.

   "Okay, you give me the paladin. I have the inheritance of the paladin. I will send someone to bring it to you later." Merlin didn't shy away from this.

Gu Shanhai quickly raised the issue, and Merlin quickly dealt with it, and there was no need to worry that the other party would cheat. With Morrico and Kay as witnesses, Merlin would not be bothered because of This is a missed appointment.

   "So, what exactly is a paladin?" Kay asked after the two parties had finished dealing with the matter.

"A profession that combines war knights and priests. I originally planned to let them go to the battlefield to assist His Majesty after they are perfected and established. Because the training is too difficult and consumes too much money and food, it is impossible to expand the army on a large scale, so I can only let them go to the battlefield. The church came to train." Merlin didn't hide anything.

  Kay also understands that Artorius doesn’t mind that the army under his command believes in the Lord, as long as they know who to fight for.

   "It's a pity, because Mr. Shanhai destroyed the Lord, which made the paladins lose their original power, and were eliminated just like priests."

  After Merlin’s words, everyone was silent. They also knew about the large-scale withdrawal of priests on the battlefield. They also understood some internal information, and they also interviewed certain priests.

The conclusions drawn are naturally pessimistic. The strength is crazily declining, and most of the most relied on magic skills have disappeared. In the end, they have no choice but to be removed from the battlefield. Ordinary priests are back.

"That's such a pity, but what do you want such a useless inheritance?" Morric couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Two years ago, he thought that Druids would withdraw from the stage of history first, but he didn't expect The pastor left first with a bang, which can be called the impermanence of the world.

"Look, I'm curious. I've seen paladins before. If they are perfected and formed into a legion, they will definitely be the strongest knight arms. Even if they are broken up, each legion will have about ten paladins. , can double the overall strength of the entire legion, the war knights are not as good as the paladins in war." Gu Shanhai explained.

  Although everyone was emotional, it was limited to verbal emotion, because it was already abolished, and even they had never seen it before, so they didn't have much feeling.

   On the contrary, Merlin felt a little pity, but when he thought of his fate of death disappearing because of this, this pity quickly disappeared.

He does believe in the Lord, but the Lord is gone, so he doesn't have much sense of belonging to the church, and he never thought about preparing revenge because it was Gu Shanhai who defeated the Lord. Now he is no longer the same as before. In the Kingdom of Camelot, Merlin had a lot to consider.

  Now Gu Shanhai seems to be alone, but in fact there is a huge network of relationships behind him. To put it bluntly, the entire druid group is supporting him.

   "By the way, how is your Majesty doing on the battlefield?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously.

  He knew that Camelot's army was now invincible under the leadership of Artorius, the king of the red dragon, but he just asked for it.

   "It went well. No knight in the kingdom can stop His Majesty's attack." Kay said briefly without elaborating.

   "Oh, I remember that His Majesty doesn't seem to have a sword at hand." Gu Shanhai changed his voice, and then looked at Merlin.

   Merlin understood Gu Shanhai's thoughts in an instant, he naturally knew which sword Gu Shanhai was pointing at.

  The sword made in the elven wonderland Avalon breaks steel. Of course, this sword cuts iron like mud, but more importantly, its scabbard.

   "I will arrange it." Merlin nodded. He also knew that the original King's Sword Gold had probably been destroyed, so there was nothing he could do.

   "It seems that you, Shanhai, predicted something again. You don't have some kind of peculiar bloodline like Merlin, do you?" Morric was a little curious.

Merlin's prophecy ability is obvious to all. Even the heart tree on Gu Shanhai's body can't stop him, and it can only be carried in the weirwood forest where Ammet is. In addition, now he has broken free from the shackles of fate, making Something horribly changed about him.

   "Oh, that's not true, the main thing is that I can predict lifespan." Gu Shanhai said that this was just a trivial matter.


  Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Gu Shanhai to be so fierce, but they were also a little puzzled, visceral divination still has this function?

"It's a small matter. After I became the Green Knight, my lifespan is longer. It's a waste to keep it. It's just used up." Seeing this, Gu Shanhai said with a look of indifference. He looked at his lifespan. The more you use it, the longer your lifespan will be, and now it has a lifespan of ten thousand years.

  He didn't even know when he saved so many lifespans.

  Anyway, if the spiritual root ability is strengthened, his lifespan will increase, and if his strength breaks through, his lifespan will also increase. Even when he kills others through the green dragon to absorb the soul and flesh, his lifespan will also increase.

  So from the very beginning, Gu Shanhai never worried about his life span at all.

It is a bit outrageous to save 10,000 years of life span in two years, but we have to see who it is compared with. Take Ammut Green Forest, he probably lived longer than Gu Shanhai, and Like Mafas and others, it is estimated that they have lived for a long time.

"I will report this matter to His Majesty, so that His Majesty will reward you heavily." Kai opened his mouth to express his opinion. He was not familiar with Gu Shanhai, but he also knew that both of them belonged to Artorius' confidantes. They are all from this area, and the other party has paid so much, Artorius must have to show it, otherwise it will be chilling.

  It is much better for him to say it first than Morric or others. In this respect, he is more capable to represent Artorius.

"Ah, there is also a prize for this?" Gu Shanhai was a little confused, he didn't waste his life in this aspect, but he immediately realized that it was true, but other people didn't know, so he acquiesced .

   "Don't worry, Your Majesty will never treat heroes badly, but you came here a little late, almost two years late." Morric also followed suit.

   "If you have anything you want, you can say it in advance, or prepare in advance." Merlin also echoed.

  The three of them have reached an agreement. Everyone present is from the lawful camp, either lawful and neutral or lawful and kind. People who belong to the righteous way of integrity will naturally not covet the merits of mountains and seas.

  'I am standing with people in the right way, so I am also a person in the right way? ’ Inexplicably, such an idea came to Gu Shanhai’s mind.

  (end of this chapter)

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