I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 105: Run away! Omen of Death in the Royal Capital

  Chapter 105 Running away! Omen of Death in the Royal Capital

   "I really want to know why when I went to the capital, it turned from a good omen to a bad omen!"

  Gu Shanhai was a little bit of a shithole, he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

   "At present, it should be related to the thing I just obtained. The blank invitation letter can be ruled out first. This thing belongs to "First Era", and its personality is higher than this world."

   "The second is the treasure map of burying fate sold to me by the goblin traveler and the little stone of fate that I picked up myself."

   As for saying that it was brought by the goblin traveler? This is impossible, because with Gu Shanhai's strength, it is impossible to calculate such a powerful existence that walks in the heavens and myriad worlds. If it is calculated, it will not be Xiaoji before, but auspicious.

   "The bigger possibility is the pebble of fate, and the second is the treasure map. It always seems a bit bad." Gu Shanhai looked helpless.

Good luck and great fortune turned into a bad omen, it can only be said that these two things may be related to some big things, you must know that the bad omen was two future legendary heroes chasing him, although Gu Shanhai won in the end In order to end, but the injury is not light, and even reached the level of serious injury.

   It would be more dangerous if he went to the capital, so he chose to stay away without hesitation.

   "Could it be that the Stone of Fate can produce some undesired behavior or serious consequences with this little stone of fate?"

  Gu Shanhai didn't have much clue. He made a further divination and predicted that he would be pierced by a lightsaber to death, which puzzled him a bit.

"Sword of Light, Flagerak. To avenge his son Setanda?" Gu Shanhai recognized the lightsaber, yes, it is the next imitation of the Sword of Revenge Response, and the owner is Casper ·sun.

   "I will be killed by the other party when I go to the king, how dare he do it?"

Kespar Sun, the other party's wife is the younger sister of King Conchiuber, and there is a high probability that she came to the Kingdom of Camelot to congratulate Artorius on his enthronement on behalf of the other party's kingdom. country relations.

   "It is more likely that the other party came here as a druid and killed me through some righteousness. This is a dead end." Gu Shanhai quickly figured out some important points.

If you want to kill him, you have to kill him in a fair and honest way. Using assassination or chasing him will cause the local Druid forces to counterattack, which is completely unbearable for Casbah, because he is not alone, and he still has a family. If he was a bachelor, he would have killed him without hesitation.

   "There are many such righteousness, so I really can't avoid it."

  Since he can't avoid it, then he won't go. If you can only choose one of life and benefits, then you must choose the former.

  From the picture of his death, it can be seen that no one helped him, and he was still in a palace. Unfortunately, because of the angle of death, he couldn't see where it was, and could only vaguely perceive some figures watching.

   "It seems that I should have done something that caused no one to save me."

Otherwise, how could Casbah be able to hold back the five druid elders of the imprint stream, plus Kurus Brass and Morric Polaris and his returnees, such a huge force, Casbah will definitely pay Can't afford the corresponding conditions and bear the consequences.

   These people are all natural allies of Gu Shanhai, and they will definitely stand by his side, let alone Artorius.

   So he would be killed, it can only be said that he was in the way or did something that had to die and no one else could help him so that the allies did not act.

   "So, let's go treasure hunting~" After Gu Shanhai gave up going to the capital, he took out the treasure map and prepared to go treasure hunting.

  Is there a reminder from the capital? It didn't matter, anyway, he just sent a letter to say that he had something to do temporarily, and he didn't say where he was going or whereabouts.

   Avoid being approached by the other party when you get it.

   "Little misfortune and good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, so let's go and have a look." Gu Shanhai once again performed the divination, this time the object is naturally the good or bad luck of going to the treasure location.

   There is danger, there is benefit.

   "However, it seems to be blocked by something, and the location cannot be accurately located, and it seems that the distance is a bit far away."

   Gu Shanhai judged the situation on the map. The distance has already exceeded the area of ​​the Kingdom of Camelot. He simply estimated that at his current speed, it would take at least a month's journey.

   "Forget it, let's treat it as a retreat, I don't believe that I can't survive the other party."

  He didn't know whether Casper had arrived in the capital at this time, but he knew that the other party would definitely not stay in the capital for long. Could he stay for a month or two, or half a year?

  Even if he wants to stay, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble. If he only has the status of a druid, then there is really no problem. Unfortunately, he has more than one status as a druid, which is very embarrassing.

  Theoretically, as long as Gu Shanhai boils people away, he can return to the capital in a very auspicious way. Damn, as long as he has the little stone of fate on him, he will not go back.

   "The treasure that can be buried in fate, I don't know what it is." After confirming the direction, Gu Shanhai planned to find a city to buy a mount.

   It would be too troublesome to walk over with his legs, and what's the point of letting the murderous general lead him, he is mainly to delay time, not to really get the treasure.

  Besides, it is actually very uncomfortable to sit on the winged tiger mount of the fierce general. The cat's body structure is doomed to make it unable to be a comfortable mount, so the fierce general can adapt to it, and other people are not suitable.

  After walking for nearly half a day, Gu Shanhai finally found a town through the city positioning technique. This is the case with the vast land and sparse population. Even the neighbors are dead, but they still haven't found it here.

  Gu Shanhai is very skilled in the process of buying horses. This is not the first time he has bought a horse. Even now he can easily see the way of horses.

   "It's interesting that a player faction is stationed here." Gu Shanhai saw a group of players with the prefix Hero Knights. He has no relevant memories, so he can be sure that it is not a big faction at all.

   So far, Gu Shanhai has not met many big forces, the reason is very simple, this place is too remote.

  This world is not limited to the Kingdom of Camelot, there are other more powerful countries. Those big forces will naturally be stationed in the capitals of those countries. There are better ones, so why choose bad ones.

  In the Kingdom of Camelot, there are three or two big cats and small cats.

  The main reason is that King Camelot has been dead for too long, coupled with the nobles messing around, this has led to the weakening of the kingdom, and it is normal for prices, resources, etc. to depreciate nowadays.

  However, some forces chose the Kingdom of Camelot, mainly because they wanted to fish in troubled waters, hoping to replace it one day.

It's a pity that after Artorius came to power, as the new king of Camelot, many things have exceeded the player's expectations. It's just because the influence has not yet expanded, and the nobles are still fighting wits and courage, and various policies have not yet been implemented. .

   "The Knights of Heroes, it was created by those Westerners again, it may conflict with the knight class."

The ID cannot be taken randomly, otherwise it will affect the senses of the aborigines, just like this player faction dared to use the name of the Hero Knights, and when they met someone like Setanda, they had to hack the players to death on the spot, and There will also be hunts.

  So it is not uncommon for forces to be wiped out on IDs, but it is rare for them to die miserably like the Gods Club.

   At most, this type is resurrected after being killed, not even the ashes.

"Hello, this is a private domain. If you don't have an appointment, please leave." A player member of the Knights of Heroes came over, and there was no arrogance or condescension in his tone. It looked more like a patrol security guard.

  'Well, it is developed as a company, and it is really a talent. ’ Gu Shanhai complained in his heart, but said: "I'm leaving right away, I just came here to replenish."

  When the other party saw this, he didn't make things difficult for Gu Shanhai. He was a laborer, so what did he do to make things difficult for the other party? It would be bad if he broke the news on the forum and caused unnecessary trouble.

   "By the way, you occupied this place? How did you do it? Did you become a nobleman?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously.

   The number of players is estimated to be small, and the number of patrolling personnel is also limited. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Gu Shanhai to run into each other after he bought horses and various supplies.

   "Sorry, this is a commercial secret." The other party was slightly wary, and refused to answer Gu Shanhai's question.

   "That's really a pity. If it is made into a paid guide and posted on the forum, it will definitely earn a lot of game currency." Gu Shanhai said with regret.

  When the player heard this, his heart was also moved. Nowadays, the ratio of game currency to real currency is not low, and there is an endless stream of people buying it.

  No player dares to pat his chest and say that he has no shortage of game coins.

   "Leave quickly, don't let me see you again, or I will kill you." The other party's attitude became much worse in an instant, as if he felt that Gu Shanhai was starting to be a bit of an eyesore.

  Gu Shanhai just smiled, not paying attention to it at all, leading the horse and leaving directly.

  But he didn't go far. Just now, the item positioning technique on his body seemed to have noticed something, which was faintly visible, and formed a certain linkage with his intuition, as if there was something good!

  ‘There is a secret enchantment nearby, which is why the Knights of Heroes chose to station here. '

   It's just that the patrolling security player doesn't seem to know this, otherwise, he wouldn't have been tempted just now, but he has caught the other party's tempting thoughts through thought detection.

  'Unfortunately, the object positioning technique cannot accurately capture it. '

Gu Shanhai used it for treasure hunting, so he was able to locate supernatural objects. Naturally, such supernatural objects are very rare. There may be a lot of them in the capital, but in this slightly remote and poor town, it is naturally there is none left.

  Like this kind of looming appearance, it means that the location is far away, and the shielding effect has not yet failed.

   This kind of enchantment secret realm and cave heaven and blessed place is on the player's side, which is called a special copy.

  Of course, the Knights of Heroes is not the first player or player faction to discover a special dungeon.

  This high-level world has been open for several months, and some player forces have even settled in the enchantment secret realm. The most advanced resident is naturally a suitable enchantment secret realm, followed by the capitals of kings or political centers.

  The former has abundant resources and can meet the logistics requirements, while the latter can produce a large number of tasks to meet the upgrade conditions. It can only be said that each has its own advantages.

  As time passed, Gu Shanhai wandered around outside, and finally successfully located the location of the extraordinary item.

   "There are a lot of them, there are about ten pieces."

   "It looks like it's just a very small enchantment secret realm, do you want to get involved?"

  Like the Hart Field, it belongs to the giant enchantment secret realm, while the elemental world belongs to the super giant. Whether it is the former or the latter, Gu Shanhai has not fully gone through it, because it is really big.

  According to the analysis of the number of extraordinary items, it may only be the size of Sir Eckert's mansion back then.

   If you say it is big, it is indeed very big, but compared with those really big enchantment secret realms, it can only be said to be small and exquisite.

   "Forget it, the mosquito's legs are also legs, I just went to have a look, but what should I do with this horse, I can't find someone to tie it up casually."

  It is impossible to put it in a portable laboratory, it is not a novice, it will be troublesome if it makes trouble, and the magic pet pocket is even worse, at least you need a magical animal to enter it, ordinary animals will die if you enter it.

   "It can only be reduced."

  Druid 2nd level divine spell animal shrinkage, able to shrink a voluntary animal.

  Through the Level 1 Soothe Animal, Charm Animal, and Animal Talk skills, plus the Level 2 Bewitch Animal, and Level 3 Dominate Animal skills, Gu Shanhai quickly made the horse 'voluntarily' shrink.

   "Although there are repetitions in this set, it can be superimposed, and it is really very easy to use. It is a pity that magical animals have immunity."

After solving the problem, Gu Shanhai stuffed the horse into a small bag casually, and then blessed himself with various related druid magics such as jumping, striding, no trace, cat's grace, etc. So I went to BUFF to make my actions more agile and low-key.

  He intends to sneak attack, not to fight head-on.

   If you can keep a low profile, you will naturally keep a low profile. What if the gutter capsizes?

After it is confirmed, Gu Shanhai does not intend to do it himself. He is going to use the third-level summoning of natural allies, the third-level summoning of ice beasts, and the third-level summoning of desert allies in the third-level druid magic to deal with it. In addition to the third level, the second level and the first level also have corresponding second-level and first-level summoning skills.

When the time comes, let these summons do it, and let him enjoy the convenience of druids. He didn't use it before because it was unnecessary. Now the opponents are much weaker than those legendary heroes that Gu Shanhai faces. Otherwise, these When a creature confronts Setanda or Rahan, it's just giving the opponent some wild goods, and it can't even delay it, but it will waste Gu Shanhai's time.

   Now even if these summons can't win, Gu Shanhai can use this to consume a wave.

  (end of this chapter)

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