I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 104: Plane Merchant · Fairy Traveler

  Chapter 104 Plane Merchant · Fairy Traveler

  The standing ice sculptures were chilling, Gu Shanhai smashed the red hats casually, and then skillfully touched the corpses.

  It's a pity that there are no good things, all of them are rubbish, wasting his time in vain.

Fortunately, he did not gain anything. He still found some clues. The family crest of this noble family was carefully identified. I haven't inquired about it either.

  It's just a small nobleman, how could Gu Shanhai pay attention to it.

   After entering the castle to search for a while, he searched again, but found nothing, which made him a little puzzled.

  Through the hexagrams, he clearly said that he is Xiaoji, but why there is no movement at all, so he is also doing prophecy and divination once, and it is still the same.

   "I've been shopping around here, and there is no movement when I detect the secret door."

   If there is no movement detected by the secret door, it means that there is no secret room, unless the other party puts the secret door outside, which seems reasonable at first glance, but who would put the door of the secret room outside instead of inside.

   "I don't think the other party will really play a counter-routine for me."

  Gu Shanhai searched the castle all over again with suspicion, but there was still nothing, but he found a lot of bones.

  If these bones were complete, Gu Shanhai would consider keeping some for later use, but unfortunately they were all broken, so he had no choice but to give up.

"This trivial matter won't make me spend my life divination." Gu Shanhai looked a little helpless. He originally wanted to try to find it by himself. After all, divination at the expense of life span is at least one day's life span. Although he is rich, he can't. I don't want to waste it like this.

   It's a pity that he didn't find it, so he is now weighing whether it is worth it.

  If it’s a big guitar, I won’t hesitate, but it’s just Xiaoji, which means it’s not a good thing.

"Yeah, let's use it. Lifespan won't give birth to babies." Gu Shanhai finally used it, which is equivalent to realizing the future. He can increase his lifespan again. I don't know if Xiaoji missed something. Probably not.

  Through divination and prophecy, Gu Shanhai soon saw something, an insignificant pebble that fell from the gate of the castle.


   "What the **** is this?"

  Gu Shanhai looked strange, of course he knew it was a stone, but why would this thing be counted as auspicious by the hexagram.

   Soon, Gu Shanhai found this small stone, examined it carefully, and found that there was nothing unusual about it at all. If he hadn't predicted through divination that it might be a good thing, he didn't even notice it when he passed by.

   "It seems to be something that fell from a whole. I know a stone-like treasure, but it is much bigger than this thing."

  In this world, there are four kinds of artifacts.

  Stone of Destiny, Penetrating Spear·Bombard Five Stars, Sword of Vengeance·Response and Dagda Pot.

  These four belong to artifacts, which are said to be held by gods.

Gu Shanhai has also collected a lot of corresponding information. The Stone of Destiny is carrying the sword in the stone, gold. Yes, that big stone is the Stone of Destiny, and it is exactly the same. Only a real king can pull up that handle. Sword in the Stone.

  When the real king steps on it, the Stone of Destiny will roar with joy, recognizing his kingship; when the real king is old, the Stone of Destiny can restore his youth and continue to guard the kingdom.

   This is the effect of the Stone of Destiny, so it is completely useless to other people.

However, in the previous life, after Artorius died due to fate, this stone of fate was also obtained by the player, yes, it was the Gods Club, and they also set off a small wave on the forum through the stone of fate. traffic, and then there is no more, because at that time, it was already more than a hundred years after the service of "First Age", and various artifacts and treasures emerged one after another.

   It was because of this artifact that the other party went to a world with gods. The **** king planned to obtain the godhead of destiny, but was killed by the gods.

   Gu Shanhai didn't know the attributes of the Stone of Destiny, because the other party didn't announce it, but just gave a screenshot, who would foolishly post the attributes of the artifact.

As for the Penetrating Spear·Bombard Five Stars, Gu Shanhai has actually seen the counterfeit of the other party, yes, it is Setanda's magic spear Brionac, Gu Shanhai does not know where the real body is, and the Sword of Revenge· The answer is the same, even if the world is destroyed, it has never appeared.

   Maybe it was taken away by a certain player through a mission, but the other party kept a low profile, so no one knew about it.

  The last Dagda pot, he knows this. The food in the Dagda pot is inexhaustible and can satisfy thousands of troops.

   This is the previous name, the current name should be called the Holy Grail.

It belongs to one of the main lines of this world, but Gu Shanhai doesn't know whether the Holy Grail is still the pot of Dagda, because the Sword in the Stone, Gold, which is called the King's Sword, has not been removed from the Stone of Destiny by Artorius. Pulled out, the Lord was not born, and Christmas Day did not come.

   "So, this thing is a fragment of the Stone of Destiny?" Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled, otherwise he couldn't find the corresponding direction.

   But looking at it again, this thing is really just a small stone, the kind that is ordinary and has no special effect, and it can't be strengthened by soaking in water.

"Wait, if it is said that this thing is really a fragment that fell from the Stone of Destiny, does it mean that the Stone of Destiny that the church got came from this noble family?" Gu Shanhai frowned, feeling more and more worried. It's confusing.

  There are two possible reasons why this little stone is so mediocre. One is that the miraculous effect disappears because it is separated from the Stone of Destiny, and the other is that it cannot take effect because he is not a king.

He doesn't covet much about the Stone of Destiny, because it has limited effects and a high probability that it can only be effective in this world. In addition, the effect of using it is too limited. It is impossible for him to conquer a world and become king just because of such a thing. .

  There are too many similar things, why do you need such a troublesome thing.

  The origin of the Church’s Stone of Destiny is not clear. There have been speculations on the forum, but it was taken away when the family was separated or found after the separation.

   "Tsk, you really can only be regarded as Xiaoji." Gu Shanhai put away this small piece of the Stone of Destiny, planning to wait until he went to the capital.

  It’s not worth anything, but I think it’s useful, and it’s not dangerous. It’s not Xiaoji.

  Gu Shanhai also thought about divination and prophecy on this small stone, but he instinctively realized that this is not a good thing. If he really wants to do it, his life span may become negative.

   In other words, he is not yet qualified to peek at fate.

  What he peeped at in this way was fate itself, not the so-called divination or prophecy, which was similar to looking directly at something indescribable.

   Immortality can be regarded as his own vitality is strong, and he still wants to get it.


   Gu Shanhai, who was about to get up and leave, suddenly felt a line of sight. Based on his perception, unless the other party is much stronger than himself, there is a high probability that he cannot be exempted from his perception.

  I saw in the shadows, an existence similar to a lamp god, with a huge luggage on his back.

Gu Shanhai knew who the other party was. He had met the other party in his previous life. He was a plane merchant and a goblin traveler. The other party didn't seem to have any strength, but he had an extremely powerful ability that couldn't be harmed. able to ignore.

  In the previous life, Gu Shanhai met each other in the black hole, and there was no pressure at all in that appearance.

  The goblin traveler didn't know how to speak, but after seeing Gu Shanhai, he began to unload his bags on his own, meaning that he didn't want to buy anything.

  Gu Shanhai walked into the past, then thought for a while, and took out some things: "Let's estimate the price."

  The other party only uses Fairy Coins for settlement. Where does Gu Shanhai have these, so he can only obtain Fairy Coins by bartering first, and then buy them.

After reading a series of books on knowledge, such as "My Emperor Laozi", "The Training Process of Master Tianzun", "How to Make My Brother Live a Flat Life After He Becomes the Great Emperor", he even saw "I Became a Statue" "Year" is really expensive and wonderful.

Although it does look a bit funny, the content inside is true. Take "My Emperor Lao Tzu" as an example, it is recorded that he can train his father to be an emperor, but the upper limit is still very high, and he can start a game. The kind of training that breaks the bowl and becomes the co-lord of the Three Realms.

  From skills to military strategy to governing the country, it can be called a fool's education. As long as you follow the methods in it, you can indeed get a god.

  Unfortunately, it's too expensive, and he can't afford it. If he can afford it, he wants to buy a copy of "From Pets to Thighs, the Struggle of Mascots!" ".

  I don’t know how these books with unscrupulous names came from. In the previous life, those plane merchants more or less had them, and he also bought an invitation letter with unscrupulous names in his previous life.

  The directional invitation letter called "Family Address of the Elderly Rich Man" can be randomly sent to a certain old man to accept the inheritance.

  Gu Shanhai went to Zixiao Palace, and exchanged 1 T of butter seeds with Daozu for a copy of the inheritance of the demon warrior.

At that time, his three views were quite broken. He didn't expect this to happen. He thought he was about to encounter various trials. Well, this is also a trial. No one would carry so much butter with him. Gu Shanhai is naturally gone too, but at that time he had a super artificial intelligence computer prop, which was stored in it.

   It's a pity that this inheritance of the demon warrior is not compatible with him, and he later sold it on the auction house, earning a lot of money.

  The goblin traveler quickly estimated the price, and took out a goblin coin with a face value of 100, which meant that it was worth 100, whether to sell it or not.

   "Sell it." Gu Shanhai waved his hand, just as it was time to deal with it, and then said: "Do you have any recommendations?"

  After the goblin traveler packed up Gu Shanhai's things, he put out three things.

   "Sword God Smile, psionic bullets and a treasure map???"

The situation of these three things came to Gu Shanhai's mind. Jianshenxiao can randomly summon a one-time item of swordsmanship against the enemy. It may be a sword move like Sword Opening Heaven and Earth that can reproduce chaos, or it may be useless Normal stab.

   This kind of lucky thing was quickly forgotten by him.

The nether energy bullet is very good, but unfortunately there is only one, and it will be used up when it is used up. He wanted to study it, but he couldn't. The maker of this bullet is definitely not ordinary. Even if Gu Shanhai bought it, he could only take Come to the bottom of the box.

  The last treasure map is the one called Buried Destiny, a treasure map with real treasures in this world.

   It is estimated that the goblin traveler just acquired it not long ago.

  This involves another thing, that is whether the treasure has been dug up, and if it has not been dug up, who will take it out and sell it.

   "Has the treasure map been dug up?" Gu Shanhai asked, if not, then he bought it.

  He only has one hundred fairy coins, and he can only exchange for one.

  The goblin traveler shook his head, which meant that he didn't know either, and if he knew, he would dig it himself.

   "." Gu Shanhai has a black line, the other party's words are very reasonable, since he knows there are good things, then he can just dig them himself, there is no need to give them to Gu Shanhai, it is precisely because he doesn't know that he sells them.

  In the end, Gu Shanhai gambled on his luck and chose the treasure map.

  After the money and goods were settled, Gu Shanhai picked up the treasure map and planned to leave, but the goblin traveler behind him signaled him to wait, and then found an invitation letter from the groceries.

  Gu Shanhai understood the meaning of the other party in an instant, and then he was a little surprised: "The Lucky Cat asked you to send it to me? No, didn't the mission fail?"

   This invitation letter is exactly the blank invitation letter from the previous world.

"Oh, there is no failure. After I left, it was still in progress. I finished it not long ago, and I was not in that world, so this invitation was returned because "The First Era" could not find a recipient. Caimao asked you to drop by and bring it to me.”

  At this time, Gu Shanhai suddenly realized that the co-authoring was not because he was lucky enough to run into a plane merchant and goblin traveler, but because someone came here specially to ask him to help deliver the goods.

   "Well, thank you." Gu Shanhai didn't mention any postage, Lucky Cat must have given it for him, but speaking of it, the other party is also a real thieves, who asked him to buy something before giving him a blank invitation letter.

   Fortunately, he was not at a loss. Things that he thought were gone, turned out to be returned to him.

"By the way, this "First Era" is a little hip in the current first version, isn't it because I don't have semi-digitalization, and as a result, I can't be found when I cross the world, and I can be returned to the original path." Gu Shanhai Silently complained in his heart, when he was doing experiments in his previous life, those experimental products seemed to have never encountered such a situation.

After putting away the things, Gu Shanhai got up and left, while the goblin traveler set up a stall on the spot, waiting for other people to come to the door, the other party didn't just deliver the things to him and left, but just happened to set up the stall Send him something.

  (end of this chapter)

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