I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 46 Fighting The Snow Monster!

On the hillside of the northern snow mountain, the wind and snow howled, and a murderous atmosphere filled the air.

Wang Hao, Zhang Tiedan, Lin Qingxue, and Liu Yuzhao surrounded the snow monster on the edge of the cliff.

The snow monster held a battle axe and exuded a strong aura. Its eyes were fierce, and its blue eyes flashed with cruel light.

The four people did not realize the level of the snow monster before. It was not until they confronted the snow monster that they found that the snow monster's cultivation was not simple.

This snow monster has reached the realm of first-grade great perfection, and it is considered the overlord here in this snow mountain!

But the four people were not frightened by the snow monster's cultivation. Instead, their fighting spirit was even higher.

Wang Hao wanted to try if he could kill this snow monster by leaps and bounds!

Wang Hao held the two knives tightly, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

He took a deep breath, and his body instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared behind the snow monster. The two knives drew a series of afterimages and chopped at the back of the snow monster.

The snow monster felt the threat from behind, turned around suddenly, and swung the battle axe to chop at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao's figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared on the left side of the snow monster, and chopped at the snow monster with two swords again.

At the same time, Lin Qingxue gently raised her palm, and a stream of ice energy rushed towards the snow monster. The ice and snow gathered into a huge ice cone in the air and stabbed at the snow monster's head.

The snow monster let out a thunderous roar, and the spiritual skill blizzard used when escaping appeared around it.

The wind and snow formed a barrier to block Lin Qingxue's attack.

At the same time, the blizzard around the snow monster also blocked Wang Hao's sight, making it difficult for Wang Hao to see the snow monster at a very close distance.

He would be chopped!

This was Wang Hao's first thought, and he also believed in his first instinct. He quickly teleported back and retreated from the snow monster's blizzard range.

After the four people retreated from the blizzard range, the snow monster also dissipated the blizzard around it.

Wang Hao glanced at the side of the snow monster, and a deep axe mark appeared where Wang Hao had just stood!

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows slightly and immediately made a judgment. This spiritual skill cannot be used for a long time! It consumes a lot of spiritual power!

He also told his judgment to the other three people.

Zhang Tiedan also said: "Then... let him use it a few more times to consume spiritual power!"

Everyone had the same idea and agreed to this proposal.

Zhang Tiedan roared, and his muscles swelled instantly.

He rushed towards the snow monster and punched it in the abdomen.

The snow monster swung the battle axe at Zhang Tiedan, but Zhang Tiedan flexibly dodged sideways and pushed the battle axe away with his powerful arm strength.

Liu Yuzhao stood behind everyone, aimed at the snow monster's head, pulled the trigger, and the bullet cut through the wind and snow and flew towards the snow monster.

However, the snow monster let out a thunderous roar, and the blizzard around it appeared more violently, shooting down the bullet.

Wang Hao looked at Liu Yuzhao, gave him a thumbs up, and immediately made tactical arrangements, "We will protect Liu Yuzhao! Let him start the blizzard at any time!" Zhang Tiedan and Lin Qingxue nodded, protecting Liu Yuzhao behind them to prevent the snow monster from getting close, and Liu Yuzhao only needed to output mindlessly from the back! After adjusting the tactics, Wang Hao and Zhang Tiedan also started to move again. The two of them stood in the front and were responsible for fighting with the snow monster. Wang Hao pressed down with both swords and made a slash! The snow monster was also avoiding Wang Hao's edge and chose to retreat to avoid it. Zhang Tiedan seized the opportunity to expand his muscles all over his body, and his skin became as hard as iron, like a human-shaped iron tower. He slammed into the waist of the snow monster from the side, knocking the retreating snow monster away! Then he kicked the ground hard, jumped into the air, and punched the snow monster in the air heavily. With a loud bang, Zhang Tiedan's fists smashed the snow monster to the ground.

There was a huge dent on the ground, and the snow monster lying in the pit was mad with pain.

It looked at Zhang Tiedan with ferocious eyes, grabbed the battle axe, jumped up suddenly and swung the battle axe to chop Zhang Tiedan.

But Zhang Tiedan was affected by the inertia when he hit the snow monster, and his body failed to dodge in time, and he was about to be chopped in the neck!

"Be careful!"

Liu Yuzhao took action at this time!

He quickly shot at the snow monster's eyes, thinking of shooting out one of its eyes first!

The snow monster also got scared, turned the axe around and covered his head.


The sniper's bullet hit the battle axe, but it didn't leave any mark, not even a scratch.

"Damn! Is it so hard?"

Zhang Tiedan, who had recovered at this time, also quickly distanced himself.

He touched the back of his neck with his hand, and cold sweat broke out on his back. Just now, for a moment, he really thought he was going to die under the snow monster's axe!

Zhang Tiedan turned around and thanked Liu Yuzhao. If it weren't for Liu Yuzhao's sniper, he might really die in the secret realm.

Liu Yuzhao also patted Zhang Tiedan's shoulder comfortingly, and the spiritual power in his hand surged, as if summoning something...

Of course, the four people's attack would not stop because of this.

Wang Hao began his third round of attack.

First, he teleported to the side of the snow monster, preparing to attack with Lin Qingxue.

Lin Qingxue also launched an attack in coordination with Wang Hao.

She formed seals with both hands, releasing ice crystals to shoot at the snow monster. The ice crystals turned into sharp ice arrows in mid-air and shot at the snow monster's head and chest.

The snow monster roared in pain, and used the battle axe to draw a circular storm in the air, smashing the ice arrows one by one.

Wang Hao took advantage of the gap when the snow monster used the battle axe to resist Lin Qingxue's attack and launched an attack on it.

He swung his two swords at the snow monster's left hand with a stern look in his eyes.

Puff! ! !

The snow monster's left hand was chopped, and a lot of blue blood flowed out!

The snow monster's movement stagnated, but it still swung the axe fiercely and rushed towards Wang Hao.

Wang Hao disappeared again and appeared on the side of the snow monster, slashing with his two swords again.

At the same time, Lin Qingxue also launched an attack. She formed seals with her hands and released a stream of ice crystals to shoot at the snow monster's head and chest.

Zhang Tiedan used his body-strengthening ability to rush to the snow monster and punched it on the side.

Bang! ! !

A gunshot rang out, and Liu Yuzhao fired this shot at a tricky angle!

The four-man double-team attack also made the snow monster in the encirclement start to panic,

but it still avoided the most deadly attack and protected its torso and head with the axe in its hand,

and because it ignored Zhang Tiedan's attack, it was directly blasted away by his huge force, and another big pit was smashed on the snow-white ground!

It roared in pain from the huge pit and turned to look at Zhang Tiedan, but was accurately hit in the center of its eyebrows by Liu Yuzhao's bird sniper.

This time, Liu Yuzhao's attack accurately hit the snow monster's head. Just when Liu Yuzhao was about to celebrate, Wang Hao called him, "Be careful! Don't go over there, it may not be dead yet!" The four of them were on alert again! The snow monster in the deep pit saw that it couldn't escape by pretending to be dead, so it used its spiritual skills to the fullest, and rolled up a strong wind and heavy snow around the huge pit, blocking the vision of Wang Hao and others, and it fled backwards. When the blizzard in the original place dissipated, it was seen that the snow monster had already run towards the jungle on the mountainside. It was difficult to catch up now. Zhang Tiedan smashed the tree next to him with one hand, gritting his teeth and said, "Damn it! Let him run away!" "Let it run for a while, it will always stop to heal! And don't forget my job!" Wang Hao also thought of something at this time, and gave Liu Yuzhao a thumbs up, "You Did they put the spirit ants on it while we were fighting? "

Liu Yuzhao looked at the direction where the snow monster fled confidently and said: "I didn't expect it to be able to run after being shot by me, but I took insurance before that! "

"I put the spirit ants on Zhang Tiedan and let it hang on its body when Zhang Tiedan attacked the snow monster. Now we just need to follow the direction where the spirit ants moved to find it! "

Wang Hao patted the snow on his coat, shook off the blood stains on the knife, put the long knife back into the scabbard, strode towards the jungle, looked forward with cold eyes, and said: "Let's go! Kill it first!"

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