I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 45 Entering The Snow Mountain!

"Snow monster?"

Liu Yuzhao and the other two spoke at the same time.

Wang Hao nodded. It was humanoid, covered with blue fur, with sharp teeth and claws.

Wang Hao could not think of any other spiritual beast except the snow monster with such characteristics.

"What should we do now? Chase and kill the snow monster?" Wang Hao gave a negative answer, "No, we will wait until dawn before going up the mountain. We don't know much about the situation on the mountain yet. If we go up the mountain rashly, the snow monster will only run away." Liu Yuzhao looked in the direction where the snow monster escaped, still anxiously said: "What if he escapes far away? I can feel that the snow monster is very vengeful and will not let us go easily." Wang Hao thought for a while and said: "We still have to lure it out once! Then let Yuzhao's spirit ant attach to it, so that we can at least know its specific location." "As for now, let's go back and rest. Each person guards the post for an hour, at least everyone can have a good rest. Tiedan, you guard the post first." "Me? Oh... OK!" The four returned to the camp and went back to rest, ready to recover their energy to explore the snow mountain. ......

On the other side, on the snowy mountain,

The snow monster escaped from the snow, panting heavily and kneeling in the snow.

It touched the wound on its face, which was a knife wound from the left ear to the chin.

When it thought of the face that chopped it, the snow monster gnashed its teeth and roared angrily on the snowy mountain,


After venting on the snow, the snow monster stood up and walked forward.

On the hillside of the snowy mountain, there was a huge cave hidden, which was the nest of the snow monster.

The inside of the cave was deep and cold, and the stone walls were covered with thick ice crystals, flashing cold light.

In the depths of the cave, there was a huge stone chamber, which was engraved with murals all around, and in the center of the stone chamber there was an ancient spiritual weapon axe, which exuded a powerful breath, as if it could shake the world.

After returning to the cave, the snow monster fell to the ground in pain again, and the blood flowing from the wound left shocking traces on the snow-white ground.

It panted heavily, and the flames of resentment and anger flashed in its eyes.

It looked at the ancient spiritual axe, and the anger in its heart became even worse.

It stumbled to its feet and walked towards the axe. The breath of the axe made it feel a throbbing.

As soon as the snow monster's hand touched the axe handle, white lines appeared on the axe, and a strong force suddenly surged into the snow monster's body.

It held the axe tightly, turned around and looked down the snow mountain, with hatred in its eyes, vowing to avenge that knife!


Outside the secret realm,

Chen Sheng stared at many computer screens, which recorded the status of all students in the secret realm,

And he was most concerned about Wang Hao's screen,

He also saw the scene of Wang Hao's team fighting the snow monster on the screen,

What surprised him most was that their drone tracking the snow monster actually found an unexpected surprise,

Chen Sheng touched his chin and said to himself: "Oh, there is actually a battle axe left by the ancient refiner! It seems that there are still places in the northern snow mountain that we have not explored!"

The intercom beside him rang, and it was the news reported by the inspector below. News,

"Director Chen, a snow monster holding an ancient spiritual weapon was found under surveillance No. 1. Should we send someone to retrieve it? A team is approaching the northern snow mountain, and the snow monster is heading towards them."

Chen Sheng replied: "Send a team to wait. If the team has not defeated the snow monster, go to help."

"What if they have defeated it?" the person on the other end of the intercom asked,

"If they have, don't bother with them. As for the axe, give it to them as a trophy."


In the secret realm of Yunshan, the sky gradually changed from black to white, and the temperature on the snow mountain gradually rose.

The four members of Wang Hao's team took the necessary supplies and prepared to go into battle lightly.

Wang Hao, with a long knife on his waist, turned to look at the others and asked:

"Are you ready? This time we will go into battle lightly and come down before dark!"

The three of them also responded to Wang Hao,

"Then let's go!"

The four of them started to head towards the snowy mountain, ready to follow the trail of the snow monster that bleeds yesterday.

They first went to the place where Wang Hao patrolled before to check.

Under the tree where Wang Hao stayed,

Wang Hao squatted down and checked the footprints left here before.

He found that the footprints here were the same as those found before. In the shoe prints Below, there is a deeper mark, which is the mark of a bare foot.

But Wang Hao looked forward and found that there were no other footprints.

This means that the snow monster still has some intention here and does not want Wang Hao and his team to catch up with it.

"Didn't you choose to walk on the ground? It will be difficult to catch up with it."

At this time, Liu Yuzhao shouted loudly: "The snow monster did not walk on the ground, but look at the branches above your head!"

Wang Hao also followed the direction Liu Yuzhao pointed, and indeed saw the traces left by the snow monster on the branches!

Maybe the snow monster was in a hurry to escape and did not erase the traces on the tree, so they could see the handprints left by the snow monster when it was wandering in the woods on the branches, and the blue bloodstains that could be found from time to time on the snow. Wang Hao and his four companions followed the bloodstains and handprints through the jungle and reached the mountainside. There were no trees here, so Wang Hao and his four companions thought it would be difficult to find the traces of the snow monster. However, on this mountainside without trees, they clearly saw the traces of the snow monster. The reason was that the snow monster would leave a layer of raised snow traces on the snow when it escaped in the snow. They followed the snow traces to the middle of the mountain. Following the traces, the four members of Wang Hao's team soon found new traces. What appeared before them was a group of snow wolves lying on the ground. Some of these snow wolves were eaten to the point of only bones, and some were stripped of their skins. Wang Hao thought of hearing the wolf pack roaring on the mountain last night, and they were probably fighting with the snow monster. He looked down from the cliff halfway up the mountain, where he could see the camp where Wang Hao and his team were stationed in the distance.

Wang Hao also figured out why the snow monster came down the mountain to find their camp.

At night, the fire in their camp attracted the hunting snow monster, and the curious snow monster came down the mountain to check.

That’s when so many things happened at night.

Wang Hao was still looking at the camp and thinking about things.

Liu Yuzhao was surveying the surroundings, and suddenly he saw that there seemed to be one more snow mark!

He hurriedly looked around and saw that the snow mark was moving behind Wang Hao!

Suddenly, Liu Yuzhao’s voice sounded from behind him,

"Wang Hao! Be careful!"

When Wang Hao heard Liu Yuzhao’s reminder, he instantly tensed up his nerves and looked back.

The snow monster hidden in the snow jumped out of the snow, raised the battle axe towards Wang Hao, and chopped it down fiercely!

With Liu Yuzhao's reminder, Wang Hao was on alert before the snow monster jumped out.

Wang Hao teleported and narrowly avoided the snow monster's attack.

Wang Hao appeared near Zhang Tiedan. He looked at the place where he had just stayed.

The original cliff was cut by the battle axe. A big hole was cut in the cliff. The cliff could not withstand the damage of the snow monster's battle axe and collapsed into rocks and slid down the mountainside.

Wang Hao stared at the snow monster coldly. He drew out the standard long sword and held it in his right hand. He shaped the spirit sword with his left hand and held it in his backhand.

He said angrily: "It seems that if I don't kill you, it will be difficult to climb this snow mountain!"

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