I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 39 Earth Spirit Fruit

After having a good meal and a good drink,

Wang Hao also started to chat with Liu Yuzhao.

Wang Hao first asked about the doubts he had thought of today,

"Why did the group of wild boars chase us to death today? Did you get anything under the fruit tree?"

Hearing this, Lin Qingxue and Zhang Tiedan also found that there was something wrong with the group of wild boars today.

The group of wild boars chased them for more than ten kilometers until the leading wild boar was injured in the eye by Wang Hao,

then turned around and chased Wang Hao.

Liu Yuzhao only thought of this at this time, stood up from the beach,

ran to the place where the luggage was piled, rummaged through the luggage, and found ten spiritual fruits from it.

Wang Hao's sight was attracted by the fruits that flashed with mysterious light.

It was a fruit like a bright jade, and the light it emitted was extremely eye-catching in the dark environment around it.

The surface of the fruit was as smooth as a mirror, revealing a natural charm.

It is of moderate size, just like a mature heart, full and full of vitality.

Its color is a deep gem green, as if it contains endless vitality and energy.

Whenever it trembles slightly, the air around it seems to be solemn and flickers with a faint light.

Wang Hao can feel the powerful power contained in the fruit, which is a kind of vitality from the earth, full of primitive and mysterious breath.

A strong desire surged in his heart, wanting to take this earth spirit fruit into his bag.

Lin Qingxue, who was standing aside, saw such a fruit and said in surprise: "This is the earth spirit fruit!"

"Earth spirit fruit? Oh! I remember it. I introduced it in class before. It only grows in places with abundant spiritual energy. It contains strong vitality. It is said that it can prolong life if you are not sick, and it can heal injuries if you are sick!"

"It is said that an earth spirit fruit can be sold for one million outside! After all, this is a spiritual medicine for prolonging life, and those powerful people are scrambling for it!"

Wang Hao touched his chin and said, "No wonder the group of wild boars chased us, it turns out that you took their advanced treasures!"

When Liu Yuzhao heard that he had found a treasure, he smiled and started to divide the spoils with Wang Hao, Lin Qingxue, and Zhang Tiedan.

First, he gave two Earth Spirit Fruits to each of Wang Hao, Lin Qingxue, and Zhang Tiedan. In the end, there were still two left, and Liu Yuzhao began to have a dilemma.

Liu Yuzhao was really thinking about how to divide it, but was interrupted by Wang Hao. Wang Hao said to him: "Give me both, and this thing is for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Hao threw something to Liu Yuzhao.

After Liu Yuzhao caught it and took a closer look, he found that it was the spirit core of the leading wild boar that Wang Hao killed today. He just gave it to him?

Liu Yuzhao hooked Wang Hao's neck and asked excitedly: "Really? Really give it to me?"

Wang Hao was hooked by him and shook his head hard. He also glanced at him and said:

"Really! And I am not at a loss. After all, the value of the Earth Spirit Fruit is much more important than this first-grade spirit core in my eyes."

In Wang Hao's eyes, this spirit core is indeed not that important. The Earth Spirit Fruit can help him to open his acupoints and open his mind, and the spirit core with group frenzy is not suitable for his attributes. It is better to take advantage of the situation and exchange it with Liu Yuzhao for the Earth Spirit Fruit.

Wang Hao continued: "This skill can be absorbed when you are a tenth-level spirit, and the skill is also very suitable for you."

"Group frenzy can be applied to other people. You have your spirit ants and can control the ant colony. If you apply group frenzy, it is estimated that it can bring you some combat power."

"And in the future, you can contract a new spirit beast every time you pass a grade, and the effect of group frenzy will be greater in the future."

Liu Yuzhao did not hesitate to be polite with Wang Hao. He put away the spirit core and handed over the Earth Spirit Fruit.

After Wang Hao took the Earth Spirit Fruit, he put it directly into his alien space.

With nothing to do, the four of them sat by the campfire and chatted.

Liu Yuzhao first brought up the topic,

"Speaking of which, what should we do with the more than 200 wild boars here?"

Liu Yuzhao looked at a huge ice house next to the luggage, which stored all the wild boars they killed today, all frozen and sealed by Lin Qingxue.

Wang Hao used his brain and asked them a question: "So what do you think a group of students who have just entered the secret realm will look for first?" Lin Qingxue also answered quickly, "Food, water!" Wang Hao also nodded in agreement, looked at the edge of the lake, and said: "From where we started to enter the secret realm, the nearest lake is here. If I guess correctly, there will be teams coming here later or tomorrow morning!" "And after we made such a fuss with the wild boars, the nearby wild animals are probably scared away, and the students who come here must be hungry!" Liu Yuzhao also thought of a lot, and continued Wang Hao's words, "You mean we are hoarding food now and selling it to them at a high price!" Wang Hao nodded and said: "After all, they are students. They definitely didn't bring money when they entered the secret realm. We went straight Accepting the things they collected in the secret realm, they probably wouldn't think that they were working for us! "

Liu Yuzhao's mouth twitched, and he looked at Wang Hao as if he was looking at a black marketeer, "So we have to prepare the barbecue skewers needed for tomorrow tonight. After all, they are in urgent need of food, but they don't know how to process it, so it's hard to negotiate a good price. Why don't we set up a barbecue stall to tempt them! Make some money from them! The unit price is one hundred per skewer, which is a big IOU! "

"Hahahaha! I'm really a genius! "

Lin Qingxue looked at Wang Hao talking to himself, and ran directly to the ice house warehouse to cut meat, and acted as a black marketeer.

Instantly, the inherent impression of Wang Hao collapsed.

Originally, I had a good impression of Wang Hao's "strong strength", "good at cooking", and "good at studying".

But after a period of contact, I found that Wang Hao was not as good as I imagined. He had many tricks to cheat people and his heart was black!

Lin Qingxue felt that it was something that could only be admired from afar but not played with.

Wang Hao walked out of the ice house and shouted at them: "What are you still standing there for? Come and help!"

The three people who were standing by the campfire had no choice but to walk towards the ice house to help skewer the skewers.

As the night deepened, someone lit a fire near the base of Wang Hao's team.

This was the team led by Ye Ye and Miao Ling. They walked for a day and arrived at the lakeside late at night.

The first thing the eight of them did when they arrived at the beach was to run to the lakeside to drink.

They had walked for a day and still had food to eat, but they had completely finished drinking water during the hike.

They could only rush to the lakeside overnight to avoid being eliminated from the competition due to lack of water in the middle of the journey.

Wang Hao also noticed the bonfire and tent next to them, and smiled.

"Hey! Looks like there's a new neighbor. How about going over to say hello?"

Wang Hao also took action immediately, took out the folding grill and charcoal from his backpack,

and started grilling directly on the beach. When Wang Hao just grilled the barbecue in his hand, the aroma of the barbecue drifted with the wind.

The students of Guangfu No. 3 Middle School, which was a few hundred meters away, also smelled the tempting aroma. They dragged their exhausted bodies and were attracted by the tempting aroma.

They spent a day in this dangerous place, and the excitement of the adventure and the initial vitality had been exhausted by endless fatigue and hunger.

Even Ye Ye and Miao Ling, who were usually calm, couldn't resist the fragrance, and followed the others to move in the direction of the fragrance.

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