I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 38 Wang Hao's Dinner

Wang Hao swung his magic knife to slash the leading wild boar, and cooperated with Lin Qingxue to hold it back.

Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan also tacitly surrounded the remaining wild boars. Liu Yuzhao shot one by one with a bird sniper in his hand. Before these wild boars reached the first level, they could not resist the hot weapons, and it was easy to deal with them!

Looking back, the four people attacked the leading wild boar.

Wang Hao slashed! Lin Qingxue's flying blade! Zhang Tiedan punched! Liu Yuzhao shot the head!

The leading wild boar saw it and thought it was bad! I became a commander without troops! It also greased its feet and prepared to run away!

It was also smart. After taking a glance at the four people, it knew that three of them were difficult to deal with, and rushed directly to the direction of Liu Yuzhao who was holding the bird sniper. Hot weapons could only cause minor injuries to its leather armor, and could not kill it. It could still break through!

Wang Hao saw the wild boar heading towards Liu Yuzhao, and he also shouted loudly: "Yuzhao! Be careful!"

Liu Yuzhao also smiled slightly when he saw the two-meter-tall wild boar.

He thought of what Jiang Wenhao said to him in the special training class,

"Do you want to enter the top university in the country like Wang Hao?"

Liu Yuzhao also said excitedly: "Teacher, of course I do! Is there any way?"

Jiang Wenhao looked into the distance and said: "Then practice firearms! All firearms! Make sure you hit the target every time! This is your chance to enter Zhenling Wuda!"

Liu Yuzhao interrupted: "But teacher, most of the strong men above the first rank can resist hot weapons. Is it useful to practice firearms now?"

Jiang Wenhao's mouth twitched, and he slapped Liu Yuzhao on the back of his head.

He was just pretending, and you didn't know the situation and ruined my stage!

"Don't worry about it, just practice! You won't regret it later!"

Back to the present, facing the huge wild boar rushing towards him, Liu Yuzhao was surprisingly calm,

aiming at the wild boar's eyes and pulling the trigger!

Bang! ! !

The leading wild boar screamed in pain and rushed towards Liu Yuzhao with even more anger, at an incredibly fast speed!

"The left brain can control the actions of all animals!"

After Liu Yuzhao hit its eyes, he quickly pulled the bolt and aimed at the wound on Liu Yuzhao's head!

Bang! ! !

I saw the red flames passing through the left side of the wild boar's head!

The wild boar's movements also froze instantly, and its eyes were full of confusion. Why? Why can't it move?

The huge wild boar fell to the ground with a bang, raising a cloud of dust!

Wang Hao hurried forward and asked, "Yuzhao! Are you okay?"

Liu Yuzhao smiled and bumped fists with him, saying, "No, I'm fine!"

After dealing with all the wild boars, Wang Hao and his team began to clean up the mess on the battlefield.

Lin Qingxue and Zhang Tiedan swallowed their saliva when they saw the wild boars killed all over the mountain.

But there was no hesitation in their actions. Lin Qingxue used ice to shape a cart for the wild boars.

Zhang Tiedan and Liu Yuzhao were responsible for moving all the spoils onto the cart and pushing them away.

Wang Hao was standing by the corpse of the leading wild boar and dissecting it.

Liu Yuzhao, who was carrying the corpse, saw Wang Hao's behavior and asked, "Wang Hao, what are you doing?"

Wang Hao replied, "The school didn't teach us where the spirit core of the spirit beast is produced after death. I want to dissect it bit by bit and look for it."

Just as he finished speaking, Wang Hao dissected the heart with his spirit knife, and the spirit knife poked a hard object.

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and found it! He quickly dissected the wild boar's heart, and with a strong stroke, a red crystal was revealed, with a faint glow on it.

He knew that as long as he absorbed this spiritual core, he would be able to obtain the wild boar's skills, group frenzy!

But Wang Hao didn't plan to absorb it, because the attributes and skills were completely incompatible with him. He decided to distribute the spiritual core after meeting up with others.

Wang Hao picked up the body of the leading wild boar, threw it on the cart made by Lin Qingxue, and moved all the spoils back to the beach together.

On the beach,

Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan lay on the soft sand and relaxed. They felt like their souls were leaving their bodies. They were really exhausted!

Since all the wild boars were killed by Wang Hao, a total of more than 200,

this exhausted Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan who were responsible for transportation. The four of them moved for a total of four hours and ran back and forth several times before they finished moving all the spoils.

At this time, the sky gradually became darker. Although there was no sun in the secret realm, there were still simple changes in the sky. There was also a disadvantage, that is, there was no way to judge the time.

So the bracelets given to them by the Zhenling Division also had a timer function, which could accurately judge the current time.

At this time, Wang Hao was skillfully processing the meat of the first-class leading wild boar, preparing to make a feast to reward everyone.

There were a lot of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar in Wang Hao's luggage, so it was not a problem to make a delicious meal.

Wang Hao first cut from the lower jaw of the wild boar, cut a deep incision along the neck line, and extended it to the back of the pig.

He skillfully inserted the blade into the muscles and separated the pork layer by layer.

He cleverly avoided the large blood vessels and bones and dissected the wild boar's body into two halves.

Next, Wang Hao began to collect the ingredients he needed, taking the pig's trotters and pork elbows from the hind legs,

and taking out the streaky pork, pork belly, and pork neck from the body.

The three people watching Wang Hao's dissection were stunned. They really didn't know that Wang Hao had such skills.

This old butcher was playing the role of a butcher.

Liu Yuzhao looked at Wang Hao suspiciously. The more he looked at Wang Hao, the more he felt something was wrong. He had been friends with Wang Hao for more than ten years. How could Liu Yuzhao not know that he had this ability?

He asked Wang Hao,

"Hao, where did you learn this skill?"

Wang Hao glanced at him, then continued to work, saying, "You mean the method of killing pigs? I learned it from my dad in Hawaii when I was a kid!"

Liu Yuzhao gave him a look that said, "I don't believe you."

"Hawaii still teaches this? What kind of vocational training ground is this? Tell me quickly, I haven't seen it before!"

Seeing that Liu Yuzhao was also curious to know the answer, Wang Hao answered truthfully, "I learned it on Douyin. I just wanted to see it. I tried it according to the methods in those tweets and videos. I didn't expect it to be so useful!"

Liu Yuzhao asked again, "What else can you do?"

Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "I don't know much, like forging knives, repairing donkey kicks, making cakes, surviving in the wilderness, pulling bananas..."


After collecting the ingredients, Wang Hao began to prepare cooking tools.

He lit a bonfire and grilled a wild boar's leg on the fire.

At the same time, he found two large iron pots in his backpack to stew wild boar meat and pork elbows.

He also collected some herbs and spices from the surroundings, and combined them with the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar he brought with him. These were his secret weapons to season and enhance the flavor of wild boar meat.

As the aroma of dinner gradually spread, Wang Hao looked at the campfire and iron pot with satisfaction.

He knew that it would not be long before a hearty dinner would be ready.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed at his luck.

Fortunately, what he encountered today was wild boar, a food that Wang Hao could handle, otherwise he would have to sleep outdoors today.

Finally, Wang Hao's dinner was ready.

He scooped out a bowl of steaming wild boar meat soup from the iron pot, took the roasted wild boar leg from the campfire, and finally served the stewed elbow.

Today's dinner is officially ready!

Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan, who were watching Wang Hao cooking, couldn't wait to get their own elbows. Even the usually reserved Lin Qingxue lowered her posture and began to taste the food.

Wang Hao cut a piece of meat with a knife and put it in his mouth to chew. Suddenly, a strong meaty aroma and the fresh taste of herbs filled his mouth.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the satisfaction brought by this hard-won food.

After dinner, the four people cleaned up the scene with satisfaction.

Wang Hao stored the remaining food and prepared to continue to enjoy it tomorrow.

Then, he lay by the campfire, watching the stars twinkle, and he felt satisfied and comfortable in this quiet night.

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