I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 21: Actual Fight

Guangfu City, at the entrance of Guangfu No. 4 Middle School.

Wang Hao held a long spiritual sword in his hand and carried two scrolls of couplets on his back.

Wang Hao opened the banner, and the guards at the entrance of No. 4 Middle School saw the content of the couplet.

The upper couplet: "Nine wins in ten battles, seven punches in eight seconds, beat six, five and four away, three gangs can't get up for two days, dying!"

The lower couplet: "One against two, three punches and four legs, beat five, six and seven people away, eight sides are enemies, nine kills and four hits, very boring!"

Wang Hao didn't change the content of the couplet last night, but changed the liberal arts to No. 4 Middle School, mainly because he was too lazy to change it...

Just as Wang Hao was about to open the banner and hang up the couplet, imitating the operation of the liberal arts middle school yesterday,

the guard of Guangfu No. 4 Middle School ran over and said with a smile: "Wang Hao, right?"

Wang Hao was still sorting things, and nodded when he heard the guard's call.

The guard said, "No need to hang banners outside, we invite you to come in and challenge them."

Wang Hao also nodded, thinking that these schools were really smart.

Presumably, after Wang Hao was on the hot list yesterday, all schools had made preparations to be challenged.

Wang Hao did not refuse, packed up the banners, and followed the guards into Guangfu No. 4 Middle School.

The guards of No. 4 Middle School obviously had a plan. After making a phone call at the door, they took Wang Hao into the school.

Wang Hao followed the guards into No. 4 Middle School.

Since it was now the end of get out of class, there were many students outside the classroom.

When the students of Guangfu No. 4 Middle School saw Wang Hao, their first reaction was that they felt familiar.

When someone called out Wang Hao's name, everyone realized that this was the person who challenged Wenli Middle School yesterday!

"No way, this guy actually came to our school to challenge?"

"I wonder if our Lingwu class can beat him."

"I heard that he had been recommended to Yanda a long time ago. Is it true?"

Wang Hao walked into the gymnasium while listening to other people's discussions.

At this time, the news that Wang Hao came to Guangfu No. 4 Middle School spread among the crowd.

Many people thought that since the get out of class had just ended, they could go to the gymnasium to have a look.

But the fact is that the bell for class suddenly rang, and the students of Guangfu No. 4 Middle School were also stunned.

"Didn't the class just end? Why is it in class again?"

"They don't want us to watch the excitement!"

At this time, some teachers also walked into each class to organize tests. The school obviously didn't want people to watch the excitement.

And Wang Hao didn't care so much. For him, the important thing was to fight with them and improve his strength!

At this time, there were thirty or forty people in the gymnasium, all students of Guangfu No. 4 Middle School.

When the coach of No. 4 Middle School saw Wang Hao, he nodded to him.

He clapped his hands to gather the students of Lingwu Class of No. 4 Middle School and said to the students of No. 4 Middle School: "What you have to do today is very simple!"

The coach pointed to Wang Hao and said:

"No matter what method, defeat him!"

Wang Hao also nodded. It was just a round-robin battle. He could accept it. This was also a part of his training.

The coach of No. 4 Middle School also knew that Wang Hao was not an ordinary person because he could get invitations from two top universities.

Wang Hao came to challenge, so he would be used as an opponent to train students.

The ideas of the two sides actually coincided.

Wang Hao did not waste time talking to them and went directly to the ring of the gymnasium.

"Guangfu No. 2 Middle School, Wang Hao"

The coach of No. 4 Middle School turned his head, and a strong classmate immediately understood and walked onto the ring and said:

"Guangfu No. 4 Middle School, Wang Lei"

Wang Hao stood on the right side, with a slender figure and firm eyes. He held a spiritual long sword in his hand and looked directly at Wang Lei.

Wang Lei stood on the left side. Compared with Wang Hao, he was more burly, with a wild and unruly look in his eyes, and the long spear in his hand was emitting a cold light.

The two were ten meters apart, and the sound of wind suddenly rose, which was formed by the spiritual power emitted by the two.

Wang Hao stepped on the ground, and it seemed to be slightly shaken.

The powerful momentum was like a tiger descending from the mountain, and it rushed towards Wang Lei in an instant.

Wang Lei was as steady as a rock, his eyes flashing with the desire to fight. He shouted and rushed forward with his spear.

The sound of metal clashing echoed in the empty gymnasium.

The two figures crossed in the air at a speed that was dazzling.

Wang Hao's long sword drew arcs in the air, like a tiger attacking, while Wang Lei's long spear was like the tongue of a poisonous snake, extremely ferocious. Both were moving quickly, and many sparks flew as their weapons clashed.

The two sides kept fighting each other for more than ten minutes.

The coach on the side also frowned.

He found that Wang Hao had not used any other power except the spiritual power to maintain the spiritual energy and transform it into a sword.

And he found that Wang Hao was still very strong, while Wang Lei had begun to weaken.

Wang Lei on the field also understood the current situation. He knew that if he continued like this, he would only become weaker and weaker.

He simply took a gamble. After another sword-and-gun clash between the two,

Wang Lei pulled away and began to gather spiritual power on the tip of the gun. His body was also accumulating strength to prepare for the final blow.

Wang Lei said to Wang Hao: "Wang Hao, this is my last blow. If you can catch it, you will win the game..."

Before Wang Lei finished speaking, Wang Hao suddenly teleported to Wang Lei's side.

He kicked Wang Lei off the stage with a direct kick.

At this time, Wang Lei was also confused. The plot was wrong!

Shouldn't we wait until I finish charging before we go head to head?

Wang Lei yelled at Wang Hao: "Why are you so weak? You're attacking me when I'm charging!"

Wang Hao also looked at him like a fool,

and replied: "Will you tell the enemy on the battlefield that I have no strength left, and this is my last attack?"

Wang Lei couldn't refute, because Wang Hao was right, the opponent wouldn't give you a chance!

Wang Hao didn't look at him either, and said to the crowd: "Next!"

The students from the fourth middle school below also looked at Wang Hao with anger on their faces,

"It doesn't matter, he has been fighting with Wang Lei for so long, we just need to fight a round-robin battle and exhaust his physical strength!"

The second person from Guangfu No. 4 Middle School came forward with a big knife in his hand,

After greeting each other, Wang Hao started to take action,

This time Wang Hao didn't spend much time with his opponent, and began to use his spiritual power to resolve the battle,

It took no more than two minutes, and the second person was lying there.

"Next one!"

The third person also went up to fight with Wang Hao, hoping to consume Wang Hao's physical strength,

but he could not last more than two minutes and was knocked down.

"Next one"

"It's okay, he's only the third one, let's wear him down!"

The fourth person went up and could not last more than two minutes and was also knocked down,

"Next one!"

Guangfu No. 4 Middle School just listened and kept sending people up, continuously.

Until the 38th person was sent, the later they fought, the shorter their time on the ring,

the worst one was knocked down by Wang Hao as soon as he got on the stage.

And Wang Hao was a little exhausted on the stage,

the spiritual long sword in his hand had begun to deform, the blade became smooth, and the shape of the sword became smaller, only an arm's length.

But Wang Hao's eyes remained unchanged, still full of vigor and momentum, staring at the bottom of the ring, and said: "Next!" The students of Guangfu No. 4 Middle School now looked at Wang Hao with evasive and fearful eyes, but no one came on stage again, Wang Hao said again: "Next!" The coach next to him couldn't stand it anymore, sighed, and said: "You won! No need to call for more people." Wang Hao also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, the spiritual power on his body dissipated, and he walked down the ring silently and walked out of the gymnasium. The people below the stage just watched Wang Hao leave in silence, with only one thought in their hearts, "This is really a monster!" Wang Hao walked on the way home, looking at his left hand, and re-manifested the spiritual knife with spiritual power, but because of the round-robin battle at No. 4 Middle School today, too much spiritual power was consumed, and the spiritual knife that was gathered had become much shorter, thinking of what Jiang Wenhao said, that the gathered object could not change after going to the gym, it was still too difficult to maintain. Wang Hao touched his chin, playing with the spiritual knife while thinking about the solution.

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