In the evening, as Wang Hao expected, the hot list on Douyin topped the local list, with the title "Wang Hao from Guangfu No. 2 Middle School threatens to challenge all Guangfu High Schools". It was thanks to the senior management of Liberal Arts High School that it could have such popularity on Douyin. After all the students in their special training class lost to Wang Hao in the afternoon, the school's faces were dark. Director Zhang, who did not allow Wang Hao to enter the school, was severely scolded. If the game was in the school, the video could still be controlled. However, the fight happened outside the school. Not to mention that the students saw it, many passers-by also took videos and spread it. Now it is no longer a situation that Liberal Arts High School can control. So they simply did not control it, and directly shifted their attention to all the middle schools that Wang Hao wanted to challenge. As long as the problem is magnified, the loss they will cause will be smaller. The more Wang Hao wins, the safer they will be! Based on this point, Liberal Arts High School directly bought the hot list on Douyin to expand the situation. Now, students who go home can see this news online, and Wang Hao has directly become a hot topic of discussion. "Another explosive person has emerged from No. 2 Middle School?"

"Are they going to search all the schools? Do they really have the strength to do so?"

"Are there any students from No. 2 Middle School? Please speak up and tell us about the situation."

"I am from the special training class of No. 2 Middle School. I suggest that the weak high schools surrender directly. You can't beat them."

"Please explain it clearly above. Don't make it so confusing."

"I'm telling you this. Yanjing University and Zhenlingwu University directly sent the invitations to him at noon today."

"Remember that there are two schools, Zhenlingwu University and Yanjing University. Pay attention."

"WC, so awesome?"

"He is right. Everyone in the special training class of No. 2 Middle School has seen it. Wang Hao is still showing off in front of us."

As people in the comment area dig deeper, they find that the more they dig, the more outrageous it becomes. The deeper they dig, the more exaggerated it becomes.

Finally, they find that Wang Hao has received invitations from two top universities, which makes a group of people in the comment area envious.

Wang Hao is also looking at the comments at this time and smiles slightly.

In the comment area of ​​the hot list, photos of the invitations from Yanjing University and Zhenlingwu University are directly posted.

The post reads, "I wanted to exert myself in the Lingwu college entrance examination, but now these two schools won't let me exert myself. I'm so distressed!"

This is like a bomb dropped into the water, instantly causing countless waves, and the comment area exploded again,

"Damn, the real boss is here!"

"What kind of ultimate luck is this!"

"WC, I want to have it too!"

"Hey! Don't talk so lightly! I'm envious!"

Wang Hao was idle anyway, so he followed a group of netizens online to debate.

Until someone sent a message to Wang Hao, Wang Hao stopped surfing the Internet.

Wang Hao slid his phone to the chat software, and saw the note, knowing that it was Jiang Rou who came,

"When will the famous person come to No. 1 Middle School?"

"I want to, but the teacher won't let me. He wants me to go and beat up the small fry before I fight you."

"I thought you were afraid because you didn't fight Guangfu No. 1 Middle School first."

"Are you kidding? Am I afraid of you? Just wait and see. Sooner or later, I will tear you into Jiang Maomu (^3^)╱~~"

Jiang Rou (╬◣д◢),

"Heh, I'm waiting!"

"By the way, did you really get invitations from two universities?"

Wang Hao sent her a picture,

In the picture, Wang Hao made a "V" sign with his right hand, and held two invitations in his left hand. The invitations also had the names of Yanjing University and Zhenlingwu University on them, and Wang Hao also had a smile on his face⌓‿⌓.

Jiang Rou didn’t reply to Wang Hao after seeing this.

Wang Hao waited for a few minutes and found that Jiang Rou didn’t reply to him.

Wang Hao asked again: “Are you so envious that you can’t speak?╮( •́ω•̀ )╭”

Jiang Rou still didn't answer him. When Wang Hao sent a message again, he only found a red exclamation mark and the message could not be sent.

Wang Hao also sighed that this person was really not worth playing with!

He had to coax her to add him back later.

Now that no one disturbed him, Wang Hao simply calmed down and took out his father's notes and materials to study them carefully.

He was still confused about how to go in the future.

Should he continue with the new system he developed?

Or should he practice hard along the existing system?

In fact, Wang Hao himself did not have an accurate answer.

The next day, Guangfu No. 2 Middle School.

As soon as Wang Hao walked to the school gate, he caused a lot of discussion.

"Is this the Wang Hao who defeated six people yesterday and beat all the liberal arts and science middle schools?"

"Sister, you know what, he's quite handsome!"

"Brother Wang, which high school are you going to challenge today?"

After hearing this, Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "Guangfu No. 4 Middle School. If the fight is fast, I'll go to No. 3 Middle School."

Wang Hao didn't wait for the crowd to ask again, and he teleported away.

Wang Hao actually doesn't like the feeling of being surrounded by others. He would rather be alone than stand in the spotlight of the crowd.

Time passed quickly, and the morning theory class was over quickly.

For the students in the special training class, the afternoon was the hardest.

It was even harder than military training to accept Jiang Wenhao's devilish training.

However, after a few days of training, most people adapted to it, and the students in the special training class had a significant improvement.

As for those who did not adapt, they seemed to be in much more pain,

because Jiang Wenhao was very good at keeping these students on their toes.

Whenever a student reached the limit of training, Jiang Wenhao would stop and let them rest.

This non-disabling and painful approach also made a group of students call him "devil".

Guangfu No. 2 Middle School, cafeteria.

Wang Hao sat with Liu Yuzhao. Liu Yuzhao lay at the table with a worried look on his face.

Wang Hao saw his look and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Yuzhao said weakly, "When I think about the training in the afternoon, I can't get up the mood to eat now."

"It would be best if I could escape."

Suddenly, Liu Yuzhao seemed to think of something, and directly grabbed Wang Hao's hand while eating, and said seriously, "Is it possible that you challenge major universities and need someone to help you get water and backpack!"

Wang Hao put the food into his mouth slowly and said, "You think well, but I can't escape the most basic physical training myself."

"What's more, if I take you to escape, Jiang Baopi will kill me if he knows."

When Liu Yuzhao heard this, his last hope was also extinguished.

But what can he do? Life must go on!

Liu Yuzhao could only eat listlessly and ended his lunch break.

In the afternoon, Wang Hao quickly completed the basic physical training given by Jiang Wenhao in just one hour.

The students in the special training class were stunned. They couldn't help but think that this was a gifted monster. He was first-class in study, physical fitness, and spiritual power.

Even Jiang Wenhao, who was watching Wang Hao from the side, nodded secretly and exclaimed: "It's really God's gift. He has trained his physical fitness to this level in just two or three days. It seems that we can consider teaching him something new."

Jiang Wenhao saw Wang Hao walking towards him after training, and said to Wang Hao: "Your physical fitness has been trained well. You can do the next training in actual combat with other schools."

Jiang Wenhao explained and operated at the same time. Jiang Wenhao first showed his spiritual power, then compressed the spiritual power, shaped the spiritual power, and finally turned the spiritual power into a long sword, which was held in Jiang Wenhao's hand.

"This step tests your precise control of spiritual power and the ability to sustain spiritual power. Wang Hao, you try it."

Wang Hao also tried to imitate Jiang Wenhao, compressing and shaping spiritual power, and finally forming a long sword.

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and asked, "Isn't this very simple?"

Jiang Wenhao smiled and said, "Then take your shaped sword to challenge No. 4 Middle School today."

"Remember my request. The spiritual power and shape of this sword cannot change until you come back!"

Wang Hao also nodded, walked out of the school gate, and took a taxi to Guangfu No. 4 Middle School.

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