During the conversation between Wang Hao and Jiang Rou, when he heard that the first prize was a spirit core, his thoughts drifted away.

Spirit cores are the product of the resurrection of spiritual energy. They are only produced in the bodies of fierce beasts and a small number of fierce plants. The properties of spirit cores are different. Only spirit masters with matching properties can maximize the ability of spirit cores.

Wang Hao's own ability is space-based, and there are few spirit beasts with this attribute.

If he can win the championship in this college league, he will have a spirit core that can be promoted to the first grade.

Jiang Rou looked at Wang Hao sitting at the table, holding a bowl in one hand and holding chopsticks to his mouth with the other hand, smiling foolishly.

Remind: "Wang Hao, your saliva is about to flow out! (¬_¬ )"

Wang Hao also came back to his senses at this time and said: "I have been thinking about how many resources I can ask the old man, the principal of No. 2 Middle School, for if I win the championship. (〃` 3′〃)"

"Stop daydreaming and improve your cultivation to the first level first. ╮(╯▽╰)╭" Jiang Rou laughed at Wang Hao's three levels of cultivation.

The two of them ate and chatted at the dinner table, and Jiang's father and mother also looked at them with a smile, and they finished dinner happily.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Rou's father Jiang Tao and Wang Hao drank tea outside the yard. Jiang Tao asked again: "Xiao Hao, did you really try out the things in your father's practice notes?"

"Your father left his own practice notes, and he deduced the steps on them by himself, but did not try them."


"He was once a genius in the space system like you."

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he heard Uncle Jiang mention his father in ten years since his parents' accident. When he was asked before, he was always silent and did not answer, with loss and sadness in his eyes.

Sometimes Wang Hao would ask Jiang's mother, but she would keep silent about what happened to his parents back then, or say that you are still young and it is not the right time.

Wang Hao replied: "It really succeeded."

"So far, it has been successfully compressed for the fifth time, and the spiritual energy in my body has begun to change."

"I am now releasing my spiritual energy, and the color wrapped around my body has changed. It is no longer colorless, but a faint white."

As Wang Hao said this, he also began to release his spiritual energy.

Wang Hao's spiritual power surged around him and attached to him. The spiritual power could be seen in a light milky white color in the air.

Wang Hao also expressed his feelings.

"I found that after the spiritual power underwent a qualitative change, my control over the surrounding space became much stronger."

"The normal teleportation can only teleport a distance of ten meters, but after the spiritual power has undergone a qualitative change, the distance of teleportation can reach twenty meters."

After showing his ability to Jiang Tao, Wang Hao teleported directly from Jiang Rou's courtyard to the roof of the villa, and then from the roof to the courtyard.

Jiang Tao looked at it, nodded with satisfaction, and stopped Wang Hao.

Jiang Tao said to Wang Hao: "The pale white spiritual power, you now have the spiritual power performance of the early stage of the first grade, and you have not yet broken through the first grade, which means that you can still undergo a qualitative change."

Jiang Tao no longer hesitated, and said to Wang Hao: "Wait for me here, I'll get something for you."

After that, Jiang Tao walked into the house, and Wang Hao also stayed in the yard honestly, drinking tea and waiting quietly.

After a while, Jiang Tao walked out of the house. Wang Hao took a look and saw that Jiang Tao was holding a box in his left hand and a book in his right hand.

When he brought the box and the book to Wang Hao, Jiang Tao handed them to him directly.

Jiang Tao said, "This book is the follow-up notes of your father's research. The one I gave you before is the prequel."

"I originally planned to give it to you to study when you have achieved success in your cultivation, but now you have already compressed your spiritual energy once in the spiritualist stage to make it qualitatively changed."

"This book contains information about how to go in the future, and it can provide you with reference."

Wang Hao looked at the book. The cover of the book was made of genuine leather, and the pages inside were slightly yellowed, like the traces left by time on the book.

And in the lower right corner of the book, someone wrote a name in golden ink - Wang Yu.

When Wang Hao saw this name, he thought of a lot, including happy childhood memories and the amiable faces of his parents.

Thoughts gradually drifted away, and emotions became complicated.

Wang Hao took the genuine leather book and asked again: "Uncle Jiang, what's in the suitcase?"

Jiang Tao opened the lock of the suitcase, and what came into view were various test tubes and bottles, with a lot of blood in them.

The similarity is that all the blood emits white light, and the most obvious one is a tube of platinum test tube and a small jade box.

Jiang Tao introduced: "These are the things your father left behind."

"These light white test tubes are all the blood essence of the space beasts in the secret realm."

"The average level is between the fourth and fifth grades, which can greatly improve your cultivation speed."

"But you have to understand that this beast blood essence cannot be used indiscriminately. At least you have to wait until you are at the fourth grade, so that you can withstand the impact of this space beast blood essence!"

Jiang Tao looked at the bottle of platinum again. The aura of the platinum blood in the bottle, through the special test tube bottle, Wang Hao felt that aura, as if he was being stared at by a huge beast.

"This bottle of blood essence is not ordinary. It is the blood essence left by the alien space tiger that wreaked havoc in the entire northeast during the war years!"

"That tiger alone killed many soldiers and civilians back then."

"Finally, the Zhenling Division joined forces with three ninth-grade masters to block it in the mountains of Greater Khingan Range."

"It is said that if it were a little later, this alien space tiger could evolve to the ninth grade, and then it would be difficult for the Zhenling Division to deal with it."

"It is really lucky to be able to block the alien space tiger that was about to evolve in Greater Khingan Range."

"But it was precisely because of the killing of this tiger that the north of our country was completely liberated and we won the war in the end."

"I've gone too far, Xiaohao. This bottle of blood essence can only be used after you reach the eighth grade. With the alien space fruit left by the alien space tiger, the effect will not be inferior to the spiritual core of the alien space tiger, and it will bring you a powerful spiritual skill."

Wang Hao solemnly took the book and suitcase, and chatted with Jiang Tao for a long time. Until it was getting dark, Wang Hao got up and said goodbye to Jiang Rou and others, and left alone.

When Wang Hao got home, he took out the book given by Jiang Rou's father from the alien space and began to study it carefully.

Turning over the old leather, Wang Hao first saw various experimental data.

"Experiment of changing the quality of spiritual power"

"Physical method compression, measuring air concentration, no change, failure."

"Change air pressure, measure the effect of air pressure change on spiritual power, no change, failure."

"Can distillation extract high-concentration spiritual spring? Unable to change the concentration of spiritual energy, failure."



Page after page of experimental data, page after page of failures, Wang Hao roughly calculated that there were hundreds of failed experimental data.

Wang Hao sighed: "Hundreds of experimental data, I really don't understand how my father survived."

Until he turned over half of the book, Wang Hao's pupils shrank and saw different words.

"Spiritual power compression experiment, success."

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