Northeast of Daxia, in the secret realm of Mohe!

The secret realm is vast and boundless!

The weather in this secret realm is very similar to that in Mohe, cold! Very cold!

There are numerous spiritual beasts here!

They seem to have their positions planned, living quietly in their own areas!

If anyone else looks over here,

this doesn't look like a gathering place for spiritual beasts,

but more like a prison for fierce beasts!

At this moment, the fierce beast in the center suddenly issued a terrifying pressure!

It kept roaring, and from time to time it attacked the invisible space barrier in the center circle!

But the surrounding fierce beasts were not surprised, and were doing their own things.

I saw that the dragon that was about to complete the transformation of the dragon grabbed the space barrier with its claws fiercely,

leaving deep marks on the barrier!

The pupils of those fierce beasts watching the show shrank slightly, and their eyes gradually narrowed.

As for what they were thinking, no one would know!

But before the dragon could make the next move,

an old man in a black robe walked out from the snow in the distance.

The old man just waved his hand, and the space barrier that had been torn into a crack instantly returned to its original state.

The restored space barrier seemed to come alive and began to counterattack the dragon!

A huge energy wave attacked the dragon!

The dragon fought hard, but was still injured!

The beasts watching the show below fled in panic when they saw the old man!

The dragon stared at the old man in black robe and said in human language:

"Zhang Wenchang! How long can you stop us!"

Zhang Wenchang touched his beard, smiled and looked at the dragon that was about to turn into a dragon,

slowly said: "Although I am old and weak, I can still stop you for five to ten years!"

The dragon stared at Zhang Wenchang's body and sneered: "Really? I hope you can really live for five to ten years!"

"Don't bother with that! You'd better stay here honestly! The ninth-grade heavenly tribulation is not so easy to pass!" Zhang Wenchang shook his Taoist robe to strengthen the seal and strode away!

After returning to the city at the exit of the secret realm,

the old man bent down and coughed violently!

In front of the city, the young-looking man came forward and supported the old man.

"Is the injury worse?" the young man asked,

"Yes! It's an old problem! It's nothing!" Zhang Wenchang said calmly, looking at the depths of the secret realm from afar,

"How long can it last?" the young man asked with a frown,

"Five to ten years!"

"Then... it seems that it can last about twenty years..." the young man nodded and said,

"Haha! You really think highly of me!"

"No! I just know what kind of person you are! ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ"

"I calculated last night, and the star of death fell from the sky! Daxia is in danger!" Zhang Wenchang shook his head and said seriously,

The young man silently counted with his fingers and chuckled: "Oh? Really? But I calculated that the star of Wuchang has descended to the earth! A sign of auspiciousness!"

Zhang Wenchang looked into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking: "Heroes have emerged in troubled times since ancient times! This world is going to be in chaos!"


Daxia, Guangfu City

The hot summer is just about to pass, and it is already the end of August.

In the forest of Guangfu Park,

Wang Hao sat alone under a big tree in Guangfu Park, his eyes closed, and the invisible spiritual power around him was flowing towards him.

After exhaling and breathing, Wang Hao slowly opened his eyes.

"It's done! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~"

"The one-year period has come, and I, Wang Longwang, should return!"


Before Wang Hao finished laughing, a fist came into close contact with Wang Hao's head,

the force was just right, it hurt but not stupid!

Wang Hao turned his head and saw a girl wearing a white sweatshirt and a high ponytail.

Seeing the girl, Wang Hao bared his teeth and said:

"Jiang Rou, why did you hit me? I didn't make you angry!"

Jiang Rou shook the phone in her hand, looked at him with a dark face and said:

"I called you more than a dozen times and you didn't reply. What have you been doing all day?  ̄へ ̄"

Wang Hao also took out his phone from his pocket and looked at it and found more than a dozen missed calls and messages.

Scratching his head a little embarrassedly, he said:

"I feel that I have made a breakthrough in my cultivation these two days. I want to find a place with sufficient spiritual energy to practice. My phone is turned off and I haven't checked the messages."

A hundred years ago, the global spiritual energy began to recover.

The world has changed a lot. Plants and animals around the world have begun to evolve on a large scale.

And in this process of evolution, humans themselves have also begun to evolve.

People with awakened superpowers began to appear among humans. They can absorb the surrounding spiritual energy and become spiritualists!

And Wang Hao and Jiang Rou are both spiritualists.

Jiang Rou crossed her arms in front of her chest and said angrily:

"Next time, report before you go out. You are the only one in your family. I have been looking for you for a long time, but no one can find you without reporting. (︶^︶)"

Hearing this, Wang Hao's eyes dimmed a little.

Wang Hao's parents and Jiang Rou's parents were close friends in college.

After graduation, they followed the national exploration team to explore the secret space, and an accident occurred.

It triggered the secret beast tide. In order to buy time for the people in the city outside the secret to escape,

Wang Hao's parents attracted the attention of the beast tide and failed to come out when the secret was closed. Their life and death are still unknown!

Jiang Rou saw Wang Hao's face change slightly, and realized that she had said something wrong, so she comforted him:

"Sorry, I said something wrong, don't be sad."

Wang Hao adjusted himself and said lightly:

"I still have some psychological endurance. What do you want to talk to me about?"

Jiang Rou said: "School is about to start, and my dad wants to treat you to a meal, so he asked me to come to you."

Wang Hao looked at Jiang Rou and smiled and said: "Then I'm not angry anymore, let's go back and eat."

Wang Hao ran away immediately,

Jiang Rou looked at Wang Hao's smiling face and realized that Wang Hao might have pretended to be in front of her just now,

and the suppressed anger suddenly rose up. (╬▔皿▔)╯

Immediately ran up to catch up with Wang Hao and locked his throat, saying fiercely: "No, I'm still angry just now, you have to treat me to food."

Wang Hao was locked at the waist by Jiang Rou, and he seemed to accept his fate and didn't struggle.

He just said unhappily: "Didn't we say we'll go to your house for dinner? Why are you going out again?"

Jiang Rou said angrily: "Let's have some cake. Snacks won't affect dinner."

Wang Hao's head was on Jiang Rou's waist, and he pouted his belly next to him and whispered: "Pay attention to losing weight."

Jiang Rou gave him a professional fake smile (▼ヘ▼#), and her hand movements were not ambiguous, locking Wang Hao with more force.

In the end, Wang Hao didn't beat Jiang Rou, and was taken to the cake shop to spend a lot of money,

which made Wang Hao's already tight wallet even worse!

In the evening, at Jiang Rou's home,

Jiang Rou took Wang Hao back home, and smelled the fragrance coming out of the kitchen as soon as he entered the door.

Jiang Rou's father Jiang Tao walked out of the kitchen, saw Wang Hao and smiled: "Xiao Hao is here, sit down quickly, you can eat in a while."

Soon the table was full of food, and Wang Hao and others started eating.

As they ate, Jiang Tao also chatted with Wang Hao.

"Xiaohao, you're going to be a senior in high school soon. Which university do you plan to take?" Jiang Tao asked first.

"I haven't decided yet. Imperial University and Yanjing University are both fine." Wang Hao said while picking up some food.

Jiang Rou followed Wang Hao's words and said, "General college entrance examination? Then your score should be enough."

Although Jiang Rou and Wang Hao were not in the same school, she had heard of Wang Hao's reputation for being a good student.

After all, Wang Hao always ranked among the top three in the city in every joint examination!

"No! I want to apply for the Lingwu college entrance examination!" Wang Hao said confidently.

Jiang Rou, who was standing next to him, heard this and joked, "Yo yo yo, Wang Tiancai, are you no longer suppressing your spiritual power? Have you been in the third stage of the spiritualist enough?"

Wang Hao said calmly, "What do you know? I'm forging my invincible foundation. Now I'm almost done with it. I'm just waiting to soar into the sky."

Jiang Rou looked at Wang Hao, her expression slightly stunned.

She knew that Wang Hao was gifted, practiced quickly, and had awakened the space system,

but she didn't understand why he had to stay in the third stage of the spiritualist for a year.

This curiosity about Wang Hao was like a group of caterpillars crawling all over Jiang Rou's curiosity, and she felt itchy in her heart.

Jiang Rou couldn't help it and asked directly: "Wang Hao, why have you stayed in the third stage of the Spiritualist for a year?"

Wang Hao looked at Jiang Rou seriously and said: "Want to know?"

Jiang Rou looked at Wang Hao and nodded.

But Wang Hao smiled with a mean face and said: "I won't tell you. ⌓‿⌓"

Jiang Rou gave him a fake smile (▼へ▼メ),

but she didn't indulge him under the table,

she pinched Wang Hao's calf with her toes and did a death flip.

Wang Hao endured the pain and retracted his foot, saying seriously: "I'm not kidding you."

"Uncle Jiang gave me my father's previous practice notes and some materials when I just awakened my superpowers."

"My father wrote in his notes that he hoped I would try to practice according to the practice method he gave."

"See if this practice method can succeed. If it succeeds, it will be invincible in the same generation. If it fails, it will just waste a year."

"I thought I could catch up in a year, so I tried it for a year. I didn't expect it to be successful."

Jiang Rou turned to her father for confirmation,

Jiang Tao nodded slightly, confirming Wang Hao's statement.

She listened to Wang Hao's arrogant tone, curled her lips,

and asked: "Then how strong are you now?"

Wang Hao smiled confidently: "I can beat you to tears! Even if the spiritualists from Guangfu No. 1 Middle School line up, I can beat them to call me daddy."

Jiang Rou's high school is the top high school in Guangfu City.

The students of Guangfu No. 1 Middle School are outstanding. Every year, students in the special training class of Guangfu No. 1 Middle School can stand out from the Lingwu college entrance examination.

Wang Hao is in Guangfu No. 2 Middle School, which ranks second in Guangfu City all the year round.

Although every few years, students from Guangfu No. 2 Middle School will emerge as a rising star in the Lingwu College Entrance Examination and be admitted to Yanjing University, it is not as stable as Guangfu No. 1 Middle School.

Jiang Rou also got excited and said to Wang Hao: "Okay, we will organize a college league soon after the start of the senior year."

"I heard that the ranking of the league will affect the resource allocation of major colleges and universities in Guangfu City next year, and the first place award can be any spiritual core you choose."

"Want to compete?"

Wang Hao put down the chopsticks that were originally used to pick up the food and said confidently: "Come on!"

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