I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 18 Jiang Wenhao's Mission

Wang Hao also began to feel troubled for a while. He also needed time to consider how to choose. Gu Wei saw Wang Hao start to hesitate and did not make a choice, and understood that he was also hesitating between the two. He immediately responded and said, "You can think about it slowly. There is still a long time. You don't need to give an answer now. This is our school's phone number. Just call us directly when you have thought it through." Gu Wei took out his mobile phone and exchanged contact information with Wang Hao. After all, Wang Hao is still hesitating. As long as the timeline is extended, it will be more beneficial to Yanjing. Chen Chuan, who was standing next to him, also understood Gu Wei's meaning. He wanted to extend the timeline and slowly lure Wang Hao to Yan University. However, Chen Chuan also followed his idea and directly gave the contact information of Wuhan University. If you want to snatch someone, come. My Wuhan University is not inferior. Wang Hao also agreed. People on both sides want him, and they will definitely provide more resources. In this situation, it is like a fisherman making a nest fiercely. Wang Hao only needs to eat two meals fiercely underwater and develop fiercely. After delivering the invitations, Chen Chuan and Gu Wei did not stay.

They all had their own things to do, and delivering the invitations was just a side job.

As for which school Wang Hao would choose in the end, they felt that it was the admissions office's business, and it was not their turn to worry about it.

Seeing that they were walking fast, Wang Hao did not stay on this matter for too long, at most showing off a little....

Wang Hao walked to the middle of the special training class students, using the two invitations as fans to fan the wind~~

"Oh, why is it so hot today, don't you think, Xu Yang."

Xu Yang still closed his eyes and trained under pressure, ignoring him.

"Oh, this invitation is pretty good-looking, and there are a lot of words in it. Let me read it to you."

Wang Hao read the contents of the invitation loudly, twisting his body from time to time, posing as a "see if I'm awesome" posture.

"Dear classmate Wang Hao, I am from Yenching University..."

"Hello classmate Wang Hao, I am from Zhenling Wu University..."

Wang Hao just wandered around Xu Yang, and then strolled around the students in the special training class,

talking about the contents of the invitation while walking, and this practice lasted for more than ten minutes,

even Liu Yuzhao, a close friend, couldn't stand it,

directly strangled his neck, covered Wang Hao's mouth, and said viciously beside Wang Hao: "If you keep showing off next to me like this, be careful that I will expose your little bastard things to you."

Wang Hao also thought, no, if it gets out, I will be ruined,

Wang Hao turned around and left to harass others, they don't have any handle on me.

Jiang Wenhao saw it all, but he didn't try to stop them at first, thinking that it would be good to let them be harassed and stimulated, which would arouse their motivation.

As a result, Jiang Wenhao found that Wang Hao was too inhuman. He showed off in front of them for almost half an hour, and he didn't even repeat his lines.

Jiang Wenhao couldn't stand it anymore, so he took him down and sealed his mouth, so that he wouldn't harass others again, for fear of affecting the whole afternoon's training.

And then he thought that Wang Hao seemed to be unable to meet his requirements in ordinary training except for cultivation, but for him at this stage, actual combat was needed.

Jiang Wenhao thought about it and got it. He wanted to give Wang Hao a real fight without affecting other people in the special training class. He could just find people from other schools to practice with.

Jiang Wenhao looked at Wang Hao and said, "Wang Hao, I'll give you a task. Go and challenge other schools, especially Guangfu No. 1 Middle School, which has been too arrogant in recent years."

Wang Hao pointed to the seal on his mouth. Jiang Wenhao glanced at it and also untied it.

Wang Hao said excitedly, "I guarantee to complete the task!"

In fact, Wang Hao had wanted to do this a long time ago. He wanted to knock all the others away and let them see who is the king of Guangfu.

Especially that Jiang Rou..., she used to bully me in the past few years. I'll beat her into a pig's head this time!

Jiang Wenhao didn't let him do whatever he wanted. He wrote a list and asked him to follow the order of the list.

Wang Hao took a look at the list and found that Guangfu No. 1 Middle School was at the end.

Wang Hao asked in confusion: "Why don't you let me challenge Guangfu No. 1 Middle School directly? I have to fight some small fish."

Jiang Wenhao scratched the back of Wang Hao's head and said: "I asked you to practice actual combat, not to show off. You hit the best one right away. Who will fight with you? Do you understand the grindstone?"

Wang Hao also nodded, turning around and leaving.

But he was called back by Jiang Wenhao after walking a few steps.

"Wait a minute, you haven't finished your training today, finish running first."

When Wang Hao heard this, he ran faster than a rabbit, his legs almost smoked,

but he was not faster than Jiang Wenhao, who pulled Wang Hao back directly when he ran to the school gate.

Jiang Wenhao picked up Wang Hao and whispered in his ear: "You run so fast, which means you can run very well. Run 5 kilometers with weights, full!"

Wang Hao also cried bitterly,

but under the pressure of Jiang Wenhao, he could only grit his teeth and persevere.

Half an hour later, Wang Hao came to Jiang Wenhao panting, "I've finished running, can I leave now?" Jiang Wenhao nodded and said, "Don't think you can skip physical training, there are still some requirements, and you can go to challenge the gym after training every day." Wang Hao curled his lips and whispered, "Jiang is too strict!" Jiang Wenhao, who was about to leave, immediately turned his head back, but this time Wang Hao had a long memory, and ran out of the school directly, disappearing from Jiang Wenhao's sight. Wenda Central Square,

Wang Hao held a roast duck leg in his left hand and a list given by Jiang Wenhao in his right hand.

While chewing the duck leg, he found his way.

Although Wang Hao did not admit it, he could not change the fact that he was directionally challenged.

Looking at the Baidu map, he walked and walked until he arrived at Wenda Square.

Wang Hao followed the principle of being here and went to a snack stand nearby to eat.

Now he has arrived at the village in the city. Wang Hao saw that the map was getting farther and farther away from his position.

There was no other way but to ask a passerby.

Wang Hao looked around and saw a group of old men playing chess.

So Wang Hao went up and asked, "Uncle, can I ask how to get to Wenli Middle School?"

An old man watching the chess scratched his ear and said, "What? Deer? The deer are in the zoo. "

Wang Hao saw that it was difficult to explain, so he put his hand on the old man's shoulder and opened the map with his other hand and asked: "Uncle, is this Wenli Road?"

The old man looked at Wang Hao and said: "No, this is my shoulder."

Wang Hao: "......."

Wang Hao was a little speechless but still asked: "Uncle, I want to ask how to get to Wenli High School."

The old man looked at him again and asked: "Do you have money?"

Wang Hao didn't understand, but still answered: "Yes."

The old man glanced at him and said: "If you have money, you can just take a taxi, why are you asking for directions?"

Wang Hao was stumped by the old man's question. Yes, just take a taxi, why are you asking for directions!

Wang Hao also shook his head and left. He hailed a taxi at the intersection, got in and said, "Master, go to Liberal Arts Middle School!"

The taxi driver looked at him and asked, "Are you sure?"

Wang Hao said impatiently, "Sure, I'm not not paying you. Go ahead."

The driver didn't say much when he heard this, and drove away directly.

The taxi drove forward for more than ten meters,

and stopped between two big trees. There were four big characters "Liberal Arts Middle School" hanging in the middle of the big trees.

The driver didn't wait for Wang Hao to speak, and said directly, "The starting price is ten yuan, the price of a regular company, no bargaining!"

Wang Hao glanced at the door plaque, then at the driver, and his mouth twitched.

The driver looked at the silent Wang Hao, thinking that he didn't want to pay, and directly took out his mobile phone to call the police at the Zhenling Division.

Someone wants to take a pirate car? Not possible!

Wang Hao sighed when he saw the driver's posture of guarding against him sneaking away.

Being cheated like this, he could only bear it, and paid the money and got off the car directly.

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