I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 17 Two Invitations

Yanjing University, Parliament Building.

Zhang Wenchang sat down with Mr. Miao to drink tea.

Wen Zhenxie and Hu Yang were sitting obediently beside them, but they looked ugly and their eyes were slightly swollen. It was obvious that they were "educated" by Zhang Wenchang.

Zhang Wenchang sipped the tea and asked Mr. Miao: "How is the injury?"

Mr. Miao shook his head and said: "It's still the same. There is a kind of medicinal material that can only grow in the Canghai Secret Realm, but now I can't get in..."

Zhang Wenchang said while sipping tea: "In another year or two, it's been more than ten years. I think the space blockade of the entrance has loosened. It is estimated that it will not be long before it is unsealed."

Mr. Miao asked: "Then do you think they can hold on until then?"

Zhang Wenchang was also asked and was speechless for a while. He believed in the ability of his apprentice Wang Yu, but he also knew how dangerous the Canghai Secret Realm was.

The old man's eyes were blurred and his thoughts were scattered. He replied: "Maybe..."


Guangfu City, Guangfu No. 2 Middle School

Wang Hao rested well yesterday. After yesterday's breakthrough, he was very tired.

He went home and fell asleep as soon as he lay down. He slept until this morning and was in great spirits.

Wang Hao came to the classroom and saw Jiang Wenhao with dark circles under his eyes.

Wang Hao smiled and greeted him.

"Good morning, Teacher Jiang! (﹡ˆoˆ﹡ )"

Jiang Wenhao looked at Wang Hao, who was full of energy, with a face full of resentment.

Since he sent the message last night, his phone has not stopped ringing. He has been receiving calls all night.

"You are fine, but I am not!"

"I answered the phone for you all night yesterday!"

Wang Hao also rubbed his hands and rubbed against Jiang Wenhao, wanting to ask about the result,

"Teacher Jiang has worked so hard, what is the result, am I recommended?"

Jiang Wenhao shook his head and said, "There is no result, I don't know, but I guess something went wrong last night."

Jiang Wenhao thought that Wang Hao's recommendation to university should be a sure thing, but it depends on which university he goes to.

According to his own judgment, it should be Yenching University, because his teacher Zhang Ni talked to him for a long time yesterday,

and kept asking about Wang Hao's situation,

You know, Jiang Wenhao hasn't seen his teacher care about someone so much for a long time.

It's useless for Jiang Wenhao to worry now. If he wants to know the result,

he must wait until this afternoon at least, and then there may be news from Yanjing.

Wang Hao saw that the teacher also had an expression of ignorance, so he simply stopped asking.

The morning class was about to start, and Jiang Wenhao also left the classroom.

After returning to the office, Jiang Wenhao began to organize the teaching materials.

After all, he is still the instructor of the special training class, and he has to prepare for the training plan for the students.

Jiang Wenhao was busy, and the morning time passed quickly.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, two tall students walked to the gate of Guangfu No. 2 Middle School.

The student on the left was wearing a black Zhongshan suit and had clean short hair.

He shielded the dazzling sun with his hands, looked at the doorplate of Guangfu No. 2 Middle School, and said:

"This junior is very famous. Last night, Wuhan University rushed to send an invitation to this kid to our school."

"Back then, I had to fight my way out of the secret realm to get the admission qualification."

"What kind of shit luck did this kid have to get Zhenling Wuhan University to send an invitation? Hey, Gu Wei, do you know what's going on?"

The elegant-looking student on the right is Gu Wei, a student of Yanjing University,

and the one on the left wearing a Zhongshan suit is Chen Chuan, a student of Zhenling Wuhan University.

Both are seniors in their respective universities. Since Yanjing University and Zhenling Wuhan University have been playing games all year round, both sides basically know each other.

Gu Wei smiled and asked, "You don't know?"

Chen Chuan shook his head. He just passed by the Academic Affairs Office of Zhenling Wuda yesterday. The teacher in the Academic Affairs Office saw that he was free, so he pulled him over to send an invitation overnight.

Gu Wei was actually similar, but he did not hide his tracks during the meeting between the two sides yesterday.

Students of Yanjing University saw people from Zhenling Division appear in Yanjing University, and the news spread in a short time.

"There is a rumor that Yanda and Wuda fought for students. Now that I see you are here, I guess the news is true."

Gu Wei glanced at the invitation in Chen Chuan's hand, and he also brought an invitation, confirming the accuracy of the news.

Gu Wei was also curious about who he was going to meet. It was the first time that two major universities sent out invitations at the same time.

The two did not stop and walked into Guangfu No. 2 Middle School.


Guangfu No. 2 Middle School, Gymnasium

At this time, Wang Hao and the people in the special training class were training in the gymnasium. Gu Wei and Chen Chuan also came to the gymnasium after asking. As soon as they entered the gymnasium, they saw that most of the students were lying on the ground and couldn't get up. A small number of students were practicing under strong pressure. Jiang Wenhao was also scolding people next to him. "You can't get up after two days?" "It takes so long to adapt to the pressure of only three times. Don't stay here!" "When can you adapt to four times gravity after heavy pressure training?" "Look at Wang Hao, who is now practicing under twelve times gravity. How far do you want to be left behind?" Gu Wei and Chen Chuan also heard the name on the invitation. Turning around, they saw Wang Hao, who was practicing alone under heavy pressure on Jiang Wenhao's right hand. Wang Hao was emitting white spiritual power and there were faint lines on his left hand. He looked very extraordinary. Jiang Wenhao also saw the strangers who walked in from outside the stadium at this time. His brows relaxed and he greeted the two. Gu Wei also greeted Jiang Wenhao when he saw him.

"Hello, Senior Brother!"

Jiang Wenhao also smiled and said, "You two are here to deliver the invitations. Wait a minute, he is still practicing."

"By the way, Wang Hao was directly recommended to Yanjing University. It seems that Zhenling Wuda can't compete with us."

Jiang Wenhao also graduated from Yanjing University.

Although he worked in Zhenling Division for many years after graduation, he still favored Yanjing University.

This is why Jiang Wenhao answered the call from Yanjing University first after sending messages to both parties.

Chen Chuan next to him also scratched his head awkwardly and explained, "Well...he hasn't been hired by Yanjing University yet. I'm here to deliver the invitation to Wuda."


Jiang Wenhao was also a little surprised. Before he sent the information, he expected that only one school would come. He didn't expect that both of these two schools would send invitations.

How could Yanjing University and Lingwu be so friendly and let people choose?

Jiang Wenhao was a little confused. This script was a little wrong.

Wang Hao, who was standing by, had already woken up from his practice. When he heard that Yanjing University and Zhenlingwu University were looking for him, his face was crooked with laughter.

He walked out of the twelve-fold gravity field, walked in front of the two people, and shook their hands.

"Hahahaha, I've been waiting for you to come!"

Seeing such an enthusiastic Wang Hao, Chen Chuan and Gu Wei did not spoil the fun and took out the invitations from Yanjing University and Zhenlingwu University.

When Wang Hao saw the invitation, his eyes began to glow green.

Jiang Wenhao couldn't stand it anymore and slapped his head to make him serious.

Wang Hao also thanked the two and accepted the invitation.

Gu Wei said to Wang Hao: "Before coming, the teacher of the admissions office of Yan University said that as long as you come to Yan University, you can make any conditions, and Yanjing University will pay for it! And your father was also a student of Yan University. Don't you want to know what he studied at Yan University before?" Chen Chuan saw that it was not possible. He wanted to poach Wang Hao in person and lure him away. He also started to talk about the conditions after Gu Wei finished speaking. "Zhenlingwu University has been the first in history. We have everything that Yan University has. The leaders above have also said that we can give you whatever you want. Among them, we also have information and related research on your body training system, and we can wait for you to take over." Both sides gave amazing conditions. The students in the special training class around them also looked at them enviously, thinking about when someone from Yan University would invite me! No need to make conditions, I promise to go! But Wang Hao was entangled. He wanted the conditions given by both sides. It was really painful to have to choose only one! It's all because I'm too good! Otherwise, there would be less entanglement if I only came to one!

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