I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 15: Lingwu University

Yanjing, midnight.

The night in Yanjing today is particularly restless.

The battle for talent between Yanjing University and Zhenling Division has begun.

Although Zhenling Division is an administrative agency, its predecessor is actually a university,

named Zhenling Wu University.

Zhenling Wu University has always been ranked first in Daxia, but it is extremely low-key and will not make too much publicity. In the unified Lingwu college entrance examination, Zhenling Wu University only recruits the first thousand, and does not accept more than one, because they have such confidence.

The honorary president of Zhenling Wu University is a great man of the current commander of Zhenling Division, who is of the ninth rank. The commanders of Daxia in the past dynasties all came from Zhenling Wu University. It can be said that Zhenling Wu University is the cradle of Zhenling Division.

The interest of Zhenling Division in special talents is no less than that of Yanjing University. Talents like Wang Hao who can create a new body refining system are still very popular. ‘

Yenching University has always been the second-best university. Except for the four years when Wang Hao’s father Wang Yu was studying, it suppressed Zhenling Wu University for four years. It was the best university for four years, but was suppressed the rest of the time.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Yu was recruited by Yanjing University, not by the general recruitment. Zhenling Wu University missed Wang Yu.

It was also because of Wang Yu’s class that Zhenling Wu University began to learn from it and paid special attention to special talents.

Neither side gave in to the other. Zhenling Division and Yanjing University were determined to win Wang Hao.

Supervisory Division, Minister’s Office

Su Wenjun was reviewing documents in the office. For some reason, Su Wenjun felt uneasy today, as if he was going to miss something big.

Just in case, Su Wenjun asked the assistant: "Xiao Zhang, did anything happen in Yanjing City today?"

The assistant shook his head and said: "Minister, everything is fine today, everything is calm, what's the matter?"

Su Wenjun loosened his frown and said with a smile: "Nothing, maybe I've been reviewing too many official documents and I'm a little nervous."

The assistant thought for a while and said: "If there is something, several old men from Yanjing University have just come out of seclusion. Is this a big deal? Oh, by the way, one or two old men from Zhenling Wuda have also come out of seclusion."

Su Wenjun heard the assistant's words, touched his chin and thought about it. The old men from both sides came out of seclusion at the same time? Is there any conflict of interest between Zhenling Division and Yanjing University? The conflict between Zhenling Division and Yanjing University...

By the way, Zhenling Wuda! Stealing freshmen? I've never seen such a commotion in my life. The last time it was so noisy was when Wang Yu made such a commotion more than ten years ago. It's interesting. Let's go and join in the fun!

He left the Supervision Division in a flash, leaving only the assistant alone, but the assistant was not surprised.

The assistant has been with the minister for almost ten years, and the minister's character of watching dramas and joining in the fun has never changed.

After Su Wenjun left, he remembered that he didn't know where to go to watch the drama. He touched his chin and thought about it.

Since it hasn't started yet, he might as well go to the headquarters of Zhenling Division to have a look.

Su Wenjun also took action immediately and ran directly to the headquarters of Zhenling Division.

When Su Wenjun arrived at Zhenling Division, he saw many people, each of them exuding aura, as if they were afraid that others would not know who they were.

Yang Zhen naturally saw Su Wenjun and raised his hand to say hello. He knew why Su Wenjun was here, he was purely here to watch the drama.

After Su Wenjun landed from the air at the gate of Zhenling Division, he smiled and said hello: "Hey, Lao Yang, are you really going to fight with Yan University with such a big show?"

Yang Zhen crossed his arms over his chest and replied with a smile: "Didn't you smell the smell and come here?"

Su Wenjun asked curiously: "Tell me, what kind of person would make you so ostentatious?"

Yang Zhen did not hide it from him. After all, the Supervision Department and the Zhenling Department were strictly speaking on the same boat.

He directly sent a copy of the video and information sent by Jiang Wenhao to Su Wenjun.

Su Wenjun was also amazed after reading it. Who wouldn't be moved by this Wang Hao? He developed a new system on his own and achieved a qualitative change in the spiritualist stage.

One of these two items is enough to be admitted, but this kid has come up with two of them.

When Su Wenjun carefully studied the information, he saw the words "pure space system" and looked forward. This kid's surname is Wang.

Su Wenjun asked Yang Zhen: "Have you checked the identity of this kid? Pure space system, and surnamed Wang, this kid's identity is not simple."

Yang Zhen also nodded. When he saw the information, he had an association. Could this be Wang Yu's child?

After sending people to check, they found that there was something fishy about Wang Hao's identity. The identity information of his parents could not be found, only Wang Hao's information, and the information was very brief, just a record of Wang Hao from the past to the present.

This also made Yang Zhen think that someone was protecting him and preventing his identity information from being leaked.

However, Yang Zhen also thought it was normal. After all, more than ten years ago, Wang Yu's reputation was well-known to everyone. People abroad who wanted to kill him had to line up, including many masters of the eighth and ninth ranks.

It was reasonable that someone was protecting Wang Hao's information, but I didn't know who was protecting him.

Yang Zhen saw that the people in seclusion were almost out, and thought it was time. He stood up and flew towards the direction of Yanjing University. The two parties also wanted to "talk".

Yanjing University, Conference Building

Only the top leaders of Yan University would come here to discuss matters, and it would also be used to receive guests.

At this moment, the left side of the conference table was full of people. If the students of Yan University saw it, they would find that the professors and elders of Yan University were sitting on the left side of the conference table.

At this time, the elder sitting on the far left looked up at the sky, squinted his eyes and said, "You are here, please take a seat."

After Yang Zhen arrived, he also bowed to the elder sitting on the far left, said hello, and then sat down on the seat on the right.

Everyone on both sides sat down, and Yang Zhen also said straight to the point: "Everyone knows the purpose of our trip, and I, Yang, have also stated my request. Wang Hao must go to Zhenlingsi."

Su Wenjun, who was sitting next to him, was also watching the show with a smile. When he saw the request made by Yang Zhen, he also sighed that he was indeed a genius in chatting. One sentence directly lowered the atmosphere to the freezing point.

Zhang Ni, who was sitting on the left, did not give in to him and directly refuted his words, "Wang Hao has nothing to do with your Zhenling Division. Just because you want him, you can have him?" "Wang Yu is a student of Yanda University. He has made many contributions to the school. Wang Yu had an accident in the secret realm. The school is ashamed of him. His children should be taught by us, not you." Yang Zhen did not give in to Zhang Ni either. He directly brought out Wang Yu's employment certificate in the Zhenling Division and said: "The incident with Wang Yu was an accident that happened during Wang Yu's tenure. The Zhenling Division should do enough post-mortem work for the martyr. Yu Wanghao, we have the responsibility to take over. "

When Yang Zhen finished speaking, someone on the left side of the conference table could no longer sit still. He slammed the table and stood up, staring at Yang Zhen and yelling: "How dare you mention this! How many people came out of the ten-person research team? Where is the rescue? Where is the aftermath? Now that Wang Yu's descendants have come out, are you thinking about the aftermath? "

Yang Zhen was silent for a while. The person who yelled was Wang Yu's teacher at Yanda, Xu Yuan. He was the first to arrive at the scene after learning that Wang Yu had an accident. However, the Canghai Secret Realm was closed at the first moment of the accident, and it was impossible to enter, let alone rescue Wang Yu.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was cold, and it was terribly quiet.

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