I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 14: Stealing People

Wang Hao and Jiang Wenhao stayed in the gym for a long time.

Mainly, Jiang Wenhao needed to shoot a video test of Wang Hao's ability again. After a set of tests, it was time to go home.

The students in the special training class were also in tears. It was finally over. It was really painful to practice physical fitness.

When Jiang Wenhao said that the training was over, almost everyone lay on the ground.

Jiang Wenhao looked at the large group of people lying on the ground, shook his head, and shouted directly: "Go home, don't lie in front of me, otherwise I will think you want to stay and practice more."

Hearing Jiang Wenhao's words, the people lying on the playground dared not lie down, and immediately picked up their things and ran out of the school.

When Jiang Wenhao returned to the office, it was already dusk and approaching evening.

Jiang Wenhao stretched his body. For Jiang Wenhao, today was both tiring and fulfilling.

Tired because of the special training class training, and also according to each person's special training,

fulfilling because I saw a lot of new things today, the spiritual strength can locate the four-kilometer reconnaissance system, and Wang Hao, who opened up a new practice system, all made Jiang Wenhao gain a lot.

After a brief rest with his eyes closed, Jiang Wenhao turned on the computer on the table and sent the information about Liu Yuzhao and Wang Hao and the video of Wang Hao's left hand spiritual power integrated into the meridians to Jiang Wenhao's leader in the Zhenling Division and the professor who taught Jiang Wenhao at Yanjing University.

Next, he just had to wait for a reply, and Jiang Wenhao lay on the chair.

He thought to himself, "Some old guys will definitely not be able to sleep tonight."

Yanjing Zhenling Division Headquarters

Yang Zhen had just finished handling official business, and looking at the sunset at dusk, he sighed: "It would be better if there were less official business."

This is Yang Zhen's wish, but it is obviously unlikely. Sitting in his current position, he has to consider a lot of things, and there is almost no time for vacation.

Just as Yang Zhen was enjoying the brief comfort of the afternoon and dusk, his personal mobile phone rang.

Yang Zhen slightly opened his eyes and whispered to himself: "Alas, it's really not quiet for a moment."

Yang Zhen glanced at the message and saw that Jiang Wenhao popped up a message for him.

"Oh? Xiao Jiang? I heard that he went to Guangfu to work as a part-time teacher. What message did you send me? Is it to express your condolences?" Yang Zhen first glanced at the message and saw Liu Yuzhao's information. "Oh? This world is really full of wonders. By coincidence, he made a contract with a spirit ant and was able to exchange information with other ants? The sensing distance of the spirit master is four kilometers? Jiang Wenhao has found a genius in the reconnaissance department." Then Yang Zhen continued to read the message sent by Jiang Wenhao and found that Jiang Wenhao also sent the information of another person. When he saw the name Wang Hao, he thought for a while and seemed to have heard of this name. Yang Zhen continued to read and saw the video sent by Jiang Wenhao. Yang Zhen was curious and clicked on Jiang Wenhao's video. The video was a total of more than ten minutes. When Yang Zhen first watched the video, his expression was relaxed, and then his expression became serious. When Yang Zhen saw this boy using himself as an experiment, his first feeling was that this boy was really crazy. When he saw Wang Hao introduce spiritual power into the meridians and finally burst out with amazing power, Yang Zhen instantly thought of a word, a new cultivation system! And the new cultivation system is not weaker than the old one, it is even stronger!

Yang Zhen took a deep breath. This matter is a bit big, and he can't make a decision alone.

Yang Zhen first called Jiang Wenhao to inquire about the situation, but found that Jiang Wenhao's phone was always busy.

On the other side, Yenching University.

Zhang Ni, who was eating, also received a message from his student Jiang Wenhao. When he first saw Liu Yuzhao's message,

Zhang Ni knew Jiang Wenhao's purpose, which was to introduce talents. After reading Liu Yuzhao's message, he nodded and thought that this was a talent from the reconnaissance department.

He scrolled down and saw Wang Hao's training video. He put down his bowl and chopsticks and called Jiang Wenhao directly.

"Hello, Professor Zhang!" Jiang Wenhao expected that he would receive many calls today, so he simply waited after sending the message.

"Xiao Jiang, what's the situation with Wang Hao? Are you sure the things in the video are serious?"

"Professor Zhang, the video is real. I saw it with my own eyes. I don't want to bury talents, so I sent the video to you directly and let you decide."

Zhang Ni is also a smart person. When he heard that Jiang Wenhao used the word "you", he narrowed his eyes and asked directly: "Who did you send the video to?"

"Uh..., I also sent the video to my old minister in Zhenling Division."

"I guess after this call, the old minister will call me."

Zhang Ni is also a veteran. When he heard that someone was eyeing the talent he was about to get, he also slowly greeted Jiang Wenhao.

The other hand was not idle either. He took out the mobile phone he used at work and sent the video and chat records to the senior management of Yanjing University, hoping to take advantage of the power of Yanjing University to get the person first.

Yang Zhen is also a smart person. The phone was busy for five minutes and he didn't hang up. There must be something fishy. He directly used his power to let his subordinates investigate.

Upon checking, it was found that the person who was busy was Zhang Ni, a professor at Yenching University. Yang Zhen knew that Zhang Ni was Jiang Wenhao's teacher, and he immediately realized that Jiang Wenhao had not only sent the video and message to him.

And Jiang Wenhao's phone was always busy, which was clearly an attempt to delay him. Zhang Ni must have called someone to grab him.

After thinking of this, Yang Zhen did not hesitate and directly sent the message and video to the Zhenling Division group. It was just calling someone, who wouldn't know how to do it? Let's see who can grab the other.

Five minutes after Yang Zhen and Zhang Ni sent the message, the groups on both sides exploded.

"Yang Zhen, now, immediately, immediately, tie him up from Guangfu to Zhenlingsi!"

"Contact Zhenlingsi in Guangfu immediately, we want this person!"

"Those old guys from Yan University are also trying to snatch him? Then come, let's see who can snatch him!"

"Zhang Ni, contact the school of Wang Hao, he must come to Yan University!"

"This is a great opportunity for the new system. Those old guys in the power department of the academy can't sit still. When they hear the news in the group, come quickly to snatch people from Zhenlingsi!"

"Hold those old guys from Zhenlingsi, I'll go call people."

After receiving the news, the two parties were ready to move. On the surface, it seemed nothing, but Guangfu had already started to act.

First, the admissions office of Yanjing University began to contact President Hu Wen, hoping to get Wang Hao's file and get Wang Hao's student status to Yan University first.

The Zhenlingsi, who took action later, directly cut off the connection between Hu Wen and the admissions office of Yan University through its authority, and told President Hu Wen that this was a new type of fraud call, which scared Hu Wen so much that he downloaded the national anti-fraud APP overnight.

Jiang Wenhao's situation was not much better. His cell phone was always occupied by Zhang Ni, and no one from the Zhenling Division could call Jiang Wenhao.

Why couldn't Zhang Ni's phone be cut off as well?

Just kidding, who in Yanjing dared to cut off Zhang Ni's phone?

Although Zhang Ni was an eighth-rank healer, she had a ninth-rank husband.

If Zhang Ni was really pissed off, she would bring her husband to visit, and even the people from the Zhenling Division would be in a headache.

In this way, they fought openly and secretly in Guangfu for more than an hour, and neither side gave in.

The stagnation in Guangfu also caused the confrontation in Yanjing.

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