But the next moment, he suddenly stopped in place.

Then his figure inexplicably grew a little more, and with an even stronger aura, he turned directly to attack the original caster.

Just because of a slender white finger stretched out by the system.

"Knowledge is reproduced and optimized to counter damage."

Looking at the interstellar fleet that was instantly destroyed by nearly half of the sea dragon, the system said calmly.

"I told you, just calm down."

You know, she is no longer the harmless lolita that she once was.

After all, when he returned to the main world, it was not just Gafan who obtained the status of a true god.


at the same time.

Millions of kilometers away.

A figure with one arm missing was flying backwards at a speed close to the speed of light.

[Data is interrupted, variables increase, body damage rate... change the plan and countermeasures. 】

Ignoring the severe injuries to the observable body, the Lord God, who was thinking absolutely rationally, after confirming that his only remaining interstellar battleships could not help, directly took advantage of the iron fist that was following and was about to hit him again. On the data anchor point projected previously.

Then, the figure disappeared instantly.

Let the light-speed iron fist be swung empty for the first time.

"Huh, he ran pretty fast." Gafan, who didn't stop at all, also disappeared in an instant.

Four billion kilometers away.

The fifth orbit of the solar system, Jupiter.

The space door opened, causing a broken figure to fall to this point. Then he subconsciously looked up and saw an extremely huge liquid hydrogen star.

He is on Ganymede.

The Lord God, who instantly judged his current location, had just stood up to repair his observable body, and the target individual that followed had quietly appeared behind him.

Space is forced to move.

The five fingers were bent into the shape of a five-clawed golden dragon. The power of the five elements was ignited at the fingertips, and the chaotic yin and yang gathered in the palm. Gafan, who was still in the state of extreme movement at the speed of light, locked the position of the opponent's back center, and then blasted out with a cold light in his eyes. .

At this moment, a terrifying sense of crisis enveloped the Lord God, and He finally became aware of the enemy appearing behind him.

Chasing so closely? !

He was surprised, but his body, which was infinitely close to the speed of light, could not keep up with the opponent's movements at this moment.

Can't hide, can't avoid!

Then, the dragon's claw hand completely hit the torso.

"Nebula Collapse".

In an instant.

An exponentially rising energy fluctuation occurred, completely shattering the 5,256-kilometer-diameter satellite.

At this moment, the distance between heaven and earth was infinitely shortened.

There is no sky, no land, and there is only an endless gray world as far as the eye can see. It is gravel that is carried by strong winds, fills the entire world, and is affected by chaotic gravity.

The world is upside down, without any reference, which completely confuses people's senses. Not even a shred of light can shine into this hell on earth.

The satellite disintegrated and everything turned upside down.

And somewhere in this chaotic dust, there is still a figure with broken arms floating.

【warn! The body damage rate is 49.3%, and the energy output efficiency is slightly affected...continue the induction plan. 】

The modular halo flickered slightly, causing a defensive strength strong enough to ignore the AT position of the Star Destroyer Cannon to attach to the main god's body.

Then, the next moment.

A super-light whip was like a kick, hitting His head firmly and completely.

"Blue Light Quantum Kick".

An immeasurable amount of kinetic energy is concentrated in a single point and completely released in an instant.

Although there are any special energy fluctuations, they rely on the purest physical attack to smash the space and form local space-time turbulence.

A crack in space disappeared in an instant.

Then the miserable figure fell out, rushing towards the desolate and silent land like a falling comet in the dust storm that filled the sky.

This is Mars.

next moment.

The orange-red color on the surface of this fourth-orbiting planet in the solar system instantly dimmed a lot.

Because a huge circular pit that is close to one-fifth of the area of ​​Mars was directly punched here.

Countless broken boulders were knocked high into the sky, replacing nearly half of the planet's atmosphere.

The sky fell apart.

At the bottom of the abyss pit, the Lord God, with only half his head left, seemed to be struggling to stand up, but a light-speed figure appeared in front of him again. He wanted to continue to punch in pursuit of victory, but——

Sudden changes occur.

Six invisible chains appeared at an unknown time, forcibly imprisoning Gafan in the light speed state for an instant, and even caused the entire nearby area to "pause".

These are one-time, highest-level space-time props that have been set up by the Lord God in advance.

[Finally caught you. 】

As if pressing the refresh button, the main god's body returned to its original state in the blink of an eye, as intact as if it had never been injured.

There was no intention of holding back at all.

The big, flawless hand was raised in front of the man in front of him, almost like an afterimage.

Then, the scorching flames that eclipsed the stars instantly erupted.

[Hydrogen fusion energy is released to the extreme. 】

In an instant, the invisible expanding world-destroying flame occupied Gafan's entire field of vision.

That is the power of stars in the universe.

In just 0.1 seconds, Mars, which already had an abyss pit, was blasted through again.

Part of the planet's crust has completely disappeared, with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers, and the transparent "channels" in front and back are filled with viscous magma.

It's just a tiny bit away from damaging the Earth's core.

【confirm. Complete hit... WARNING! Data is wrong, anomalies occur... Quantum fluctuations are detected! 】

Suspended in the sea of ​​magma, as soon as the Lord God spread out of the perception circle, his head was instantly blown open again.

Endless energy replenishes consumption.

He didn't pay attention to such a trivial matter and repaired his body in an instant. At this moment, he felt a little solemn in his consciousness.

Not only because the wave that was sure to hit just now failed, but also because now he found that he seemed to have lost the position lock on the target individual again.

At this time, a sudden cat meow echoed throughout Mars for a long time.

But it was clear that the sound was everywhere, and the accurate detection range was a light-year perceptual circle, but it was completely impossible to confirm where this weird cat meow came from.

Just because it is one of the four mythical beasts in physics——

"Quantum Uncertainty·Schrödinger's Cat".

Somewhere in a space where nothing should exist, a real figure passed by, with a snow-white kitten made of countless threads on its shoulder.

Quantum superposition.

In this kitten, the law of cause and effect in the macroscopic world has collapsed, leaving only a series of probability waves. Therefore, before being observed, this cat is both dead and alive, a superposition of life and death.

As for Gafan, who shares the same state with this cat, at this time, as long as he does not want to be seen, he cannot be observed in any form.

Absolute dodge, invulnerable to all attacks.

"The tentative warm-up exercise is over, and it's almost time for us to get down to business."

The plain voice came from all directions and was impossible to trace.

Danger is approaching.

At this moment, the Lord God, who had become completely serious, finally no longer cared about the consumption of power, and chose to directly release his data reserves on a large scale, letting his consciousness envelope the entire Mars that was on the verge of collapse, and completely control every inch of time and space. .

[Data tampering, forced observation. 】

A huge amount of computing power was occupied. Finally, with the blessing of his own domain, the Lord God once again observed and locked onto the man in blue and white robes.


A hand knife that was strong enough to slice through a satellite only scattered the residual image.

But this time, it was no longer a quantum relationship, but simply avoided due to prediction.

This is normal, and the Lord God didn't care. He just missed a hit, so while increasing his calculation power to speculate, he teleported and pursued again, but...

Empty again.

【? 】

Another perfect prediction, even while dodging, he hit him with a Shoryuken punch first, blowing his head off again.

And within the next minute, this strange situation continued.

Due to the chaos of gravity, the rock layer that was previously rebounded to the sky has completely replaced the planet's atmosphere, providing countless footholds for the two figures chasing each other.

The irregular and extremely fast-moving trajectory even formed a complex "spider web" covering the entire surface of Mars, in which the actions of both parties were unpredictable.

But even so, the main god with the blessing of the domain still failed to hit the target individual even once. Instead, he suffered tens of thousands of scars again.

Just because, at some point, a strange stick figure appeared on Gafan's other shoulder, waving something randomly with its linear arms——

"Laplace's Demon: Predicting the Future".

You know, as long as you can understand the state of motion of matter at the previous moment, you can infer the state of motion at the next moment. After determining the state of motion of every particle in the entire universe, you can continuously deduce the state of motion of the universe at the next moment.

And this little guy, who is juxtaposed with Schrödinger's cat, can record the exact position and momentum of every atom in the universe at every moment, and then use this to instantly calculate the past and future of the universe.

Infinite prediction, first come first.

"Three-dimensional master, the power of truth...I am indeed nearly a hundred times stronger now than before I became a god."

Gafan once again predicted the action, and he couldn't help but sigh as he blew the opponent's head off for the first time.

He is too strong.


Another whip kick knocked the Lord God back violently, allowing the suspended rock layer to directly clear a spacious "runway".

"But it's still not strong enough. I promised Rimuru that I would teach you a lesson... Oh, by the way, speaking of it, Lord God, do you know of any attack that can be faster than light?"

Looking at the figure in front of him that was rushing towards him again at a high speed, Gafan chuckled. He didn't expect the other party to reply, but muttered softly to himself.

“As I move forward – my shadow moves faster than I do.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a clumsy young turtle slowly emerged from his shadow, and then the next moment——

He completely exceeded the speed of light.

"Zeno's Tortoise Paradox: So Close and Far Away".

In this contradictory time where the interval was even smaller than zero, a punch that broke the continuity of time and space and could not be measured by speed naturally hit "stillness", or in other words, the main god of the previous moment. body.

An explosion of power that cannot be described in words.

There was no suspense at all. The divine body, which was as hard as a solid substance with molecules, collapsed directly like a bubble, and was transformed from a solid body into a virtual body - particles, molecules, atoms, quarks...

You must know that there is a concept of "order" in the universe. For example, when light shines on a person, a shadow appears.

And first there were human movements, and then there were shadow movements. Even if the shadow moved at the speed of light, the speed of humans was far inferior to the speed of sound.

But now, this concept of "order" that was like an iron law was broken by a punch. It directly ignored the distance of time and space, without spending any time, and hit the target's "past" abruptly.

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