Like the iron fist of the God of Creation, it has completely hit the target——

Shake the sky! ! !

The planetary fortress-level energy shield shattered in an instant, and the unreasonable and unreasonable water pressure penetrated the cracks on the surface of the Scarlet Rubik's Cube, destroying everything.

In an instant.

The Scarlet Rubik's Cube, which was the most advanced among all the folded space numbers, was directly blown away by a billion kilometers under this huge kinetic energy that could not be resisted, and retreated to the edge of the solar system.

Not only that.

After a grand fireworks display, the battered folded space A-01 finally disintegrated and exploded, turning into worthless cosmic dust.

The space fluctuated chaotically, and nearly a thousand interstellar battleships appeared. They were the only savings left in the main god's space.

And at the very center of these battleships, there is anchored a data temple that seems to be composed of countless "1"s and "0s".

【Good means. 】

In the temple, on the throne.

The great being fixed his gaze in the direction of the earth, and an emotion of surprise could not be suppressed in his consciousness.

He recognized who the other person was.

The opponent is the goal he is looking for, but with this level of power...

It has greatly exceeded the data intelligence left to him by his conscious mind.

It's surprising that even from a distance of 4.5 billion kilometers, he can have such power.

Such unreasonable power is simply like those indescribable monsters.


Thinking of this, the Lord God decided to take action directly.

Because there was no time to delay, he was not sure how long the cosmic-level "time and space prison" he had almost exhausted to use could trap those indescribable people.

Maybe it's hours, maybe it's just minutes.

He cannot afford to wait.

As a result, the outer wall of the Data Temple, which was like a wonder in the universe, opened up a cross-like passage, and the great aura belonging to the gods spread out from it.

Then, a figure that could not be observed by mortals in any form slowly appeared from it.

Its observable appearance is like a model prop that can be seen everywhere in the commercial street.

It has a humanoid body shape, golden proportions of body structure, no facial features, and some unknown white gelatin instead of flesh and blood, containing an incalculable amount of infinite energy.

This is a godly body composed purely of the power of data.

As he left the cross passage, the data temple behind him also began to reorganize and compress ultra-fast on its own, and finally formed a modular halo of destruction, suspended behind his head, supplying endless power.

This is the true nature of the Lord God.

At the same time that this great being who plundered all worlds appeared, the life planet in the third orbit of the solar system also completely disappeared at some unknown time.

Because at the strong request of the will of the earth, the earth has been taken into the "Transfer Station of All Realms" by someone to avoid the aftermath of the upcoming war between gods.

The far side of the moon.

Looking at the space passage in front of him, Gafan stretched his body slightly and then assumed a posture ready to start.

"First, let's do some warm-up exercises."

His calm gaze has completely locked onto the main god's true form, which is billions of kilometers away.

Then, he took a deep breath and let the cells in his body that had dispersed his main consciousness begin to disperse, and even gradually turned into basic particles that seemed to be a whole, but in fact had been completely separated.

So that I can start the extreme sports next——

“‘Planck Time·Ultra-Extreme Sports’.”

For a moment.

The figure of the individual named Gafan seemed to have disappeared in this universe.

But in fact, this is just an illusion caused by a slightly faster speed. Gafan can even give a very accurate value for this speed.


Or, you can change it to something more understandable -

"Speed ​​of light".

End of this chapter

Chapter 358: The Four Divine Beasts in Physics 7K6

The edge of the solar system.

A piece of cosmic dust full of cracks, with a deep human-shaped pit imprinted on it.

The main god is embedded in it.

And on the face without facial features, there is an obvious dent.

[Data error, body damage rate 0.98%...has been fixed.

What just happened?

The gravel floated, and the Lord God slowly stood up from the hole, doubts rising in his consciousness.

He seemed to have been punched or whipped.

But he didn't realize when he was attacked...

With a quick glance, he saw his only remaining interstellar fleet 900,000 kilometers away.

Was he sent flying nearly a million kilometers in one fell swoop?

The Lord God was slightly surprised, but the sudden strong sense of crisis made him subconsciously raise his arms, and then——

Once again I felt the overwhelming force.

Bang! ! !

The cosmic dust instantly turned into powder invisible to the naked eye.

The figure flying upside down at extremely high speed in the vacuum environment finally managed to stop its downward spiral of a million kilometers after it crashed into a huge meteorite that was one-tenth the size of the moon.

what's the situation?

Where did this attack come from? !

The Lord God, whose divine body was slightly damaged again, had a bright halo transformed from the Data Temple suspended behind his head. It flashed and spread out in an invisible position to capture all the beings around him that might be close to him.

【found it.

Finally, the Lord God's perception circle successfully locked onto Daozheng's rapidly approaching figure, but his eyes were still unable to actually see him.

This is not a trick like invisibility, but simply because the opponent is moving so fast that it is completely beyond common sense.

0.01 seconds later.

Tens of thousands of punches hit Him from all directions at the same time.

The extreme power converted from extreme speed made the divine body, which had a hardness of molecularly fixed dead matter, instantly become full of cracks like porcelain on the verge of being damaged.

【warn! The body damage rate is 9.78%! 】

The nearby meteorite debris was instantly blown into powder by the aftermath.

And looking at the main god who curled up into a ball in time to reduce the force-bearing area, he was beaten like a sandbag by himself.

Gafan feels that his current situation is very strange.

Compared with before entering the ultra-extreme sports of Planck time, wherever he looked now, there were countless more bright "lines".

That is the "light" that is supposed to be invisible.

Because whether it is movement speed, dynamic vision and nerve reaction speed, Gafan has now reached the speed of light level, and only with the naked eye can he see these beautiful lights so clearly.

Even in this extremely fast state, time around him seemed to slow down.

No one could keep up with his movements.

You know, Einstein once said that when you're running around a tree at the speed of light, you can fuck yourself.

Although Gafan has no interest in verifying this kind of thing, it does not prevent him from having a long-awaited ultimate hand-to-hand fight that can bring fists to the flesh. After all...

The first strong man he met in his life was a man named Saitama.

[Data modification, movement speed is forcibly increased to the maximum value. 】

At this time, the Lord God's body also underwent a change. While the body curve became smoother and slimmer, it also forcibly increased its own speed to a level infinitely close to the speed of light, and then——

He received another elbow blow to the face, almost piercing his entire head.

He raised his hand for a moment, too late to block it.

Because it is infinitely close to the speed of light, it is not the same as the speed of light after all. This involves one of the bottlenecks of the Lord God's current abilities in all aspects.

So, in just one second.

In the extreme fist-to-fist exchange between the two sides, hundreds of attacks broke through his block, and even left a wound that penetrated from front to back on the abdomen of the god's body.

A slight difference can lead to a loss of thousands of miles.

In an instant, there was a gap like a chasm.

"Continuous and serious beating"!

【warn! warn! The body damage rate continues to increase, and it is necessary to temporarily get rid of the target... The data connection is successful, and the space-time equipment of the mothership unit is ready to be activated. 】

Millions of kilometers away.

Among the only remaining interstellar fleets in the Main God Space, the three mothership units began to undergo abnormal structural changes and emitted dangerous energy fluctuations.

Even, in the cab of one of the mothership units, there was a figure wearing a torn monk's robe, slowly standing up from the main seat with dim and numb eyes.

He is the only remaining authority manager No. 01, the strongest among all the contractors in the Lord God Space.

There was also a person who failed to break through the lightning tribulation to become an immortal, and was blown away by seven souls and six souls, leaving only the body of a puppet——

A great monk in the tribulation period.

However, these small actions off the court will not have an effect after all.

Because at this time, a peerless silhouette appeared in front of the interstellar fleet, blocking them all at the edge of the solar system.

The throne belonging to the true God slowly appeared from the void.

The backrest is like a starry sky curtain, the armrests are made of book pages, decorated with star patterns, and the base seems to be stacked up by countless embodied knowledge.

Her long hair, as smooth as snow, fell freely, her flawless white dress was embroidered with simple patterns, and she also had a pair of alluring white silk jade feet. Her toes touched the void lightly, creating waves of invisible ripples.

A petite and lovely person is sitting on the throne, holding her chin, with a hint of laziness in her clean and clear blue eyes.

"Don't disturb Gafan's battle."

Looking at the interstellar fleet in front that was ready to fire in saturation mode, the system said calmly, and there was still some inexplicable anger and dissatisfaction hidden in the seemingly calm beautiful eyes.

Because Gafan and Rimuru, that stinky slime, hugged each other tightly and flirted with each other just now, but she witnessed the whole process!

Damn, she was obviously here first!

How could this be? You can't be like this!

He was getting more and more angry, and the system that couldn't hide his emotions just clicked his tongue, and at the same time, he snapped his fingers, causing those star battleships that were about to start saturation bombing to collectively shut down in an instant.

Because at some point, their alloy shells were clinging to billions of white lumps, creating countless energy barriers that were constantly devouring and assimilating these iron lumps.

"Hey hoo, hey hoo!"

The white cats, who had not been able to have a full meal for a long time, let out excited screams of joy, and then turned into a white natural disaster that could swallow the planet.

At this time, a melodious and majestic dragon roar sounded.

As a figure appeared outside the interstellar carrier, the huge amount of liquid water left over from the previous attack by Neptune was being brought together by the power of some kind of rules, and then formed a line of water that was comparable in size to a planet. The ferocious dragon let out a soul-shattering roar at the person blocking the road.

"Immortal Technique: Gathering the Sea Dragon"!


The behemoth beyond the scope of knowledge of planetary civilization, followed by the great monk in the tribulation stage who was infinitely close to becoming an immortal, waved his hand and rushed directly towards the Keren on the throne without hesitation.

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