The extremely dense slashes struck Boros without any deviation, instantly chopping his flawless and indestructible body into rotten pieces of flesh, and slashed all the way from the sky to the ground. The ground, then shattering the earth, continues downward.

This unique opportunity will never happen again, so we can only take advantage of it now...

I will crush you completely in one go!

Milim, who only had this thought in her mind, had completely given up thinking at this time, leaving everything to instinct, frantically venting all her power without reservation, and using the mythical magic blade in her hand to its fullest extent.

However, under such extremely fast attacks that even the Demon King-level regeneration ability had no time to heal itself, the body of the Universe Overlord, which had almost turned into powder, was still rapidly healing itself.

However, although his life was temporarily safe, he was unable to fight back at this time after being caught.

Because the speed of the continuous slashing was so fast, the killing intent and impact spread in all directions, and the source of the attack could not be found at all. He even didn't know where he was now?

Sky, ground, or underground?

Even though his mind was filled with severe pain, Boros was still able to think calmly.

The opponent should be relying on millions of combos in an instant, using extremely fast and tight attacks to completely block all his perceptions and interrupt all possible counterattacks, and then use this to achieve the goal of killing him directly and completely in one go.


It is indeed very powerful.

But such a ferocious continuous slashing attack would never last. He didn't believe that this guy wasn't exhausted!

And as long as he waits for the moment when the flaw is exposed, it will be the time for him to fight back.

Thinking of this, Boros, who had been slashed tens of thousands of meters underground, calmed down and focused his attention on activating energy reserves for self-healing, patiently waiting for his opponent to be exhausted.

But, he miscalculated.

As the continuous slashing continued, Milim's aura increased instead of decreasing, causing him more and more damage.

This is because her ultimate ability "King of Anger" uses anger as fuel to infinitely increase the value of magic, and then increases her power almost endlessly.

Once you enter the state, there is no such thing as exhaustion.

Moreover, as one of the few beings in the original world who can operate star particles, Milim can use this to give directionality to destruction, only affect a limited space, ignore all defenses, and can vent her power 100% to On the opponent's body.

There is no doubt that she can continue to chop like this until she beats this so-called overlord of the universe to death!

"...Oh, I really can't do anything about you."

Under the abyss.

A helpless sigh sounded in Milim's ears.

And at the same time, the mythical magic blade in her hand seemed to have struck something extremely hard, and the combo was abruptly interrupted due to the powerful reaction force.

An invisible barrier stood in front of her.

The blood pouring out from the surface of Boros's body is all being transformed into another unknown substance, which is "light" formed by ultra-high condensation of energy.

And in that "light", for the first time since birth...

The oldest and strongest Demon King felt a fatal crisis.

"One move will determine the outcome."

The huge single eye on Boros's chest stared fixedly at Milim, who was interrupted by the combo, and finally had a moment when the old strength was exhausted and the new strength was not yet regenerated.

He is about to launch the most powerful trick that can threaten the planet itself.

At this moment, in the space mezzanine, Ramiris, who was busy reinforcing the Great Harmful Field Barrier, also felt that an unprecedented crisis was coming.

"No, this trick... the alien barrier will definitely not be able to hold up. Rimuru, hurry up and cooperate with me to transfer the time and space anchor of Fuye, otherwise the cities outside, no, even the mainland will be destroyed." It’s definitely over!”

She was a little panicked and hurriedly controlled her inherent abilities. Rimuru beside her also reacted instantly and asked the King of Wisdom teacher to use the King of Filth ability to help quickly.

But it still seems a little too late.

But fortunately, a gray-haired girl who was looking after the house in a certain house in Chiba City noticed all this and even helped.

That was the undisputed No. 1 Basara for thousands of years, and was once the strongest existence below the King of Filth.

"The forbidden technique unfolds."

The slender and tender fingers closed together, and countless complicated and mysterious ancient formations appeared around the body.

The powerful aura on Qian Nu's body fell rapidly, and after coughing up a large mouthful of blood due to the backlash, he fainted directly on the soft sofa.

But at the last moment, she managed to push.

And in the Great Barrier Barrier where the time and space anchor point has been shifted, the most powerful trick of the universe overlord that was once enough to completely destroy the entire surface of the planet has been improved and is even more powerful, and can completely penetrate the stars——

Finally, he used all the energy in his body to release it.

"'Star Collapsing Roaring Bullet'!!!!!"

In an instant, the light of annihilation completely bloomed in the entire disaster field.

And at the same time.

Earth, the far north.

A frigid zone consisting of an ocean covered by vast ice sheets and a treeless tundra zone surrounding it.

No, it was an aurora-like phenomenon appearing outside the planet's atmosphere.

The turbulent sea of ​​clouds formed a massive vortex, and in the center of the vortex, extremely high energy fluctuations far exceeding the level of natural disasters were appearing.

That is the space that is being shattered.

next moment.

Following the sound of the mirror breaking.

An ultimate light cannon that completely destroyed the thousand-year barrier emerged from the vortex of the planet's atmosphere with unabated force.

Then it rushed straight towards the boundless starry sky, passed by the moon, and left an obvious trace like a bite of an apple before disappearing into the distance of the sea of ​​stars.


Somewhere on top of an iceberg.

A majestic figure covered in blood knelt down on one knee with a weak breath.


Even though he felt weak inside, Boros still had a satisfied smile on his face.

Unlike the previous battle with a certain strongest hero, it was a one-sided battle.

It was a good fight.

Moreover, he is still in the state of meteor burst and still has some remaining strength. He will not enter the dying state after using this move like before, because after joining the main god space, he has indeed grown and successfully improved himself. The most powerful trick.

Kill the enemy for seven points and keep three points for yourself.

"I don't know the girl's name yet... Anyway, let me see her off for the last time."

He walked forward with some staggering steps.

On the other side of the mountain, a beautiful blue-haired figure emerged from the dust and stood here.

In his arms, he held Ramiris, who had passed out due to the backlash of her abilities, and with her other hand, she carefully supported Milim, who had also passed out because she had helped them withstand most of the damage. There was still half of the Heavenly Lock at her feet.

Rimuru, who was short of magic and suffered serious injuries, stared ahead with a prepared look at the overlord of the universe who was slowly walking towards them.

Next, she will use her own life to protect her friends.

Fight to the death and never retreat!

But just when the two sides were about to get into trouble, they suddenly raised their heads almost at the same time and looked towards the starry sky above the sky.

"...Why? Has the situation become so urgent?!"

Upon noticing the updated information on the mission panel, Boros looked deeply shocked.

Too bad, he seemed to have wasted too much time because he was immersed in the battle.

He was abandoned by the Lord God!

At this moment.

Beyond the edge of the solar system.

Strong space fluctuations appeared, and a silver-white "card" spanning several super-galaxy clusters rushed out of the ultra-distance wormhole.

There is no energy fluctuation emitted from it, but even gods will instinctively feel creepy when they witness it.

Because it is one of the top products of the Lord God’s space science system, black technology, a taboo dimensionality reduction strike weapon, a two-dimensional space wrapped in an encapsulated attitude——

"Two-way foil".


Without warning.

Suddenly, with a crisp sound, the sealing stand was opened.

The two-dimensional space that was originally perfectly isolated and preserved inside, the moment it comes into contact with the three-dimensional space of the outside world, directly causes the surrounding universe to begin to collapse and curl up to the microscopic level, reducing the dimensions of all matter and basic particle structures, and getting infinitely close. It expanded crazily outward at the speed of light.

You must know that three-dimensional space is composed of three dimensions: up and down, left and right, and front and back, and now one of them, the concept of "up and down" is quickly disappearing.

Vacuum decays and curls up infinitely.

Everything is turning into a plane with zero volume, huge amounts of energy and material information are being permanently lost and destroyed, the three-dimensional space is collapsing, and the concept of thickness is also disintegrating.

All the nearby star fields are being completely and gradually devoured and dismantled.

The great power from dimensionality reduction is eroding towards the solar system in the most brutal way.

Now unless you have a spaceship that reaches the speed of light, you have no way of escaping and you can only be trapped on the planet and wait to die!

The third orbit of the solar system, Earth, North Pole.

On the top of the iceberg.

At this moment, a huge feeling of despair instantly filled Rimuru's heart.

She raised her head and looked at the sky, but she didn't even know what was going to happen next. She just instinctively sensed that there was some taboo force outside the planet that she couldn't resist or escape from, and it was attacking here.

Even the King of Wisdom, Teacher, can't analyze any plan now.

Even all her own instincts were telling her a cruel and cold fact very clearly at this moment——

She can only wait to die.


An indescribable feeling of powerlessness.

Leaning on each other with his two unconscious friends, Rimuru's delicate body fell to the ground without any strength.

This was the first time she faced this kind of situation, this kind of desperate situation where there was no premise of effort and possibility, and she could only...wait silently for death.

This feeling of despair is even greater than when he faced the most powerful saint in the west and when he learned that his town might be massacred.

It's just that the "Christmas gift" left in advance by a close friend helped to tide over the original disaster, but now...

For some reason, Rimuru once again thought of someone's figure at this time, and instinctively had an uncontrollable extravagant hope.

She longed for someone to save her again, just like before.

As the king of the Demon Kingdom Federation, as the master of all the monsters in the Jura Great Forest, and as the newly promoted Eight-Star Demon King, Rimuru has never shown his weak emotions in front of his subordinates or anyone.

But now, she couldn't help it. She opened her red lips almost subconsciously, and called someone's name in a low voice with an unprecedented cry of grievance.



The girl got a response.

Quietly, a warm hand was placed on her head, caressing her gently.

And the familiar male voice ringing in her ears instantly dispelled all the uneasiness, despair and grievance in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Looking at his beloved girl, Gafan, who had rushed back from another world, he chuckled very gently.

His eyes were full of unabashed distress and doting.

And outside the earth.

The aura of high dimensions is permeating the air.

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