There was no spare time to think about other things. At this time, Rimuru could only rely on the King of Wisdom to use the full parallel calculation assistance to continuously predict and dodge the opponent's endless pursuit attacks.

The Storm King was of no use.

The King of Gluttony cannot catch the opponent.

The Oath King was too late to use it.

The Lord of Filth has no effect.

All the computing power of Teacher King of Wisdom is now used to speculate on the opponent's next move that goes beyond biological limits and common sense and is extremely difficult to predict.

Even with the five ultimate powers, Rimuru, as the Demon King, finally felt a little powerless in the face of the overlord of the universe that completely exploded at this time.

With her current state, it seemed like she really couldn't beat him.

But the good thing is...

"Slippery guy, I got you!"

At this time, Rimuru, who should have successfully dodged the punch again, had just teleported a hundred meters away when a terrifying sense of life and death crisis enveloped his whole body.

That was Boros who finally succeeded in capturing the enemy's location in advance with his strong fighting instinct and sixth sense.

At this time, behind Rimuru, the iron fist of the universe overlord was about to penetrate her body continuously in an instant.

It's too late to hide!

The amber-like golden pupils tightened.

next moment.

The muffled sound that shook the heaven and earth directly turned into a ferocious air wave that was like a substance, sweeping out layers for hundreds of miles in an instant. At the same time, the aftermath shattered all the boulders stagnant in the sky into powder.


A drop of scarlet dragon blood fell towards the endless ruins below.

"......Who are you?"

Boros was deeply surprised when he saw the pink-haired girl who suddenly appeared in front of him and successfully blocked his iron fist at the last moment. Boros was still in the state of meteor explosion.

This guy is very strong.

"Amazing. This is the first time I've encountered such a powerful opponent. It's already surpassed that guy Qi Yi... How can he make me bleed?"

Holding the opponent's fist tightly, he suppressed the strong numbness in his palm.

The carefully tied twin ponytails spread out, a bright red horn sprouted from his forehead, the majestic dragon wings spread out, and the modern clothes on his body quickly transformed into a close-fitting dark purple armor made of a huge amount of magic energy.

There was a fatal and dangerous light in the clear blue eyes.

The Tyrant of Destruction, the only Dragon Demon, the oldest and strongest Demon King, looked at the overlord of the universe in front of him, a maniacal smile gradually appeared on his delicate and flawless face.

Her desire to fight was completely aroused.

In the next moment, an unreserved fist hit Boros on the side of the face with heavenly ferocity, directly knocking him down to the ground below.

The terrifying force like a falling meteorite caused the entire earth to sink.

But it's not over yet.

Amid the rising dust, the Overlord of the Universe slowly stood up and looked up at the sky, his single scarlet eye suddenly tightening.

A huge beam of light like Optimus Prime came down.

The strange energy contained within it even exceeds what he can use.

It is the ultimate magic that combines the ability to control star particles and uses ultra-high-density magic multiplication to cause a supernova explosion——

"Dragon Star Explosive Flame Tyrant".

BOOM! ! ! !

The ultimate light blooms, just like the destructive scene of falling stars.

The aftermath of violent energy raged across the ruined land of Huye, and a shocking gap like a basin was blasted out, and the target figure at the bottom of the center was directly hit by the wave of this blow. How many thousands of meters underground.

It's like a world-ending natural disaster.

"Rimuru, hehe, it's okay to take away your opponent, right?"

Milim patted the shoulder of her best friend next to her, put her little hands on her waist and smiled happily.

"Although Rimuru has become the Demon King, it is still me, Milim, who is the most powerful!"

"Well... that was a big help Milim. It was really dangerous at that moment. I didn't have time to avoid it."

Rimuru, who originally planned to use the King of Gluttony and the King of Oaths to resist, now chuckled in relief.

But there was also a flash of regret in her beautiful eyes.

She originally thought she could drive away the enemies who came to cause trouble for Gafan on her own, but now it seems that she still doesn't have enough strength after all.

"Rimuru, who set up this alien barrier? It's so awesome. It took me a long time to finally successfully convert it into my maze. Now, the muscular barbarian below will never be able to get out. went."

The "flapping moth" also flew over, shouting.

Pulling her good friend's silver-blue hair with her little hand, Ramiris's eyes were full of surprise and desire to explore.

The large barrier in Fuye was the only one she had ever seen in her life, both in terms of scale and level, and it seemed to be used to suppress and trap some very powerful existence, but she didn't know why the "prisoner" had disappeared now.

So such an ownerless thing was just used by her to lock up new "prisoners".

You must know that her unique skill "Maze Creation" can theoretically create an infinite layer of mazes. However, since the mana consumption of each layer will gradually increase, she can actually only build 100 layers.

But now, with the Great Holy Grail given by Gafan before as a supply, as an ancient demon king whose power has long been weakened, Ramiris can finally break this restriction temporarily and regain her former grace——

"The Prison of Misfortune·Infinite Labyrinth".

The spatial structure of this filthy world is undergoing extremely complex changes.

Ramiris, who had been able to sense all abnormal movements in the Great Barrier of the Wild Field, suddenly trembled.

"Wow, that scary muscular barbarian is coming!"

A timid expression instantly appeared on her little face, and without even the slightest hesitation, she pulled Rimuru and instantly hid in the space mezzanine.

"Leave that guy to Milim, Rimuru, let's hide quickly so we don't get accidentally hurt!"

"Huh? Wait, Ramili..."

Rimuru's voice suddenly stopped as he was caught off guard.

And almost the moment their figures disappeared, the overlord of the universe who rushed out of the abyss and the pit had already arrived in front of Milim with his indestructible iron fist.

"Come on, strong man!"

The violent continuous sounds of physical collisions sounded almost simultaneously with Boros' extremely excited shouts.

"Fight me!!!"

The crazily squeezed atmosphere roared with distortion in the catharsis of pure power.

For Boros, the pink-haired girl in front of him who can fight with him at extremely fast speeds is obviously stronger than the previous Slime Demon King with various and strange methods, and is more suitable for a close battle with him. .

Because he found that even if he was in a meteor burst state that broke through the biological limits, he still couldn't crush the opponent head-on.

Punch to the flesh.

There is no gradual warm-up at all, and the battle rhythm has reached its peak as soon as the battle begins.

Countless dents were made on the perfect pale body, and dense cracks appeared on the dark purple armor that fit close to the body.

One side relies on huge energy to heal itself at extremely fast speed, and the other side relies on infinite magic element to regenerate at super fast speed.

At this moment, the space structure has been completely changed, forming an extremely huge hollow "sphere" with layers of shells stacked on top of each other in the wild maze.

The two figures chasing each other at speeds exceeding imagination have turned into two irregularly moving lines. The combination in the air presents a more complex geometric three-dimensional structure than before.

As for the filthy monsters that had accumulated for thousands of years, they were almost completely destroyed by the aftermath.

Even the upper-class Basara is no exception.

"Great, great! You can actually fight me to this point in this state?!"

Because he moved so fast, Boros's excited laughter almost became a stereo sound coming from all directions.

He has figured out the upper limit of each opponent's physical qualities.

Although the absolute strength and speed are not as good as his own, they are not much different.

Moreover, these gaps were almost eliminated by Milim's prediction with the ultra-high-performance "Dragon Eyes" and "Dragon Ears".

This guy seems to have very good eyes and ears, so...

Let’s explode our power more thoroughly!

Bloodshot eyes spread densely in the scarlet eye, and the maniacal laughter on Poros's face became more and more rampant.

He is going to start working hard because this opponent deserves to be treated like this.

Regardless of the permanent reduction of the upper limit of the total number of cells and the irreversible reduction of lifespan, it is just squeezing its own potential regardless of it, and then, in exchange for it——

Absolute power.

BOOM! ! ! ! ! !

Dragon blood splashed.

The enemy suddenly increased its speed and strength by a large margin again, causing Milim who was caught off guard to suffer several serious wounds in an instant.

The beautiful and majestic vertical pupils were no longer as relaxed as before, but revealed an unprecedented dignity of the Ancient Demon King.

Because this guy's strength is simply beyond the upper limit of the natural disaster level.

She seemed to be unable to keep up with the other party's movements.


This cannot go on.


Fist to fist, there was another huge muffled sound that shook the world, making Milim unable to stop violently retreating.

But after this blow, Boros, who had always been moving at super high speed, suddenly stopped in place.

Because at some point, hundreds of chains had bound his limbs.

It was the Heavenly Lock, a weapon made by gods from another world.


Taking advantage of this extremely rare respite, Milim quickly summoned a scarlet blade with an extremely ominous aura in her hand, which had killed many powerful demons and demon kings.

That was the mythical magic sword that Qi Yi gave her a long time ago, "Tian Mo".


Boros, who was interrupted from the battle, glanced at the chains that bound him in confusion, and with a displeased expression, he broke free and broke these strange things.

"Click, click, click!"

Under the incomparable and terrifying power, the chain broke apart inch by inch, and then transformed into a beautiful green silhouette, appearing a thousand meters away.

That was Jin Gu who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

She looked at this powerful uninvited guest with horror on her face. What kind of enemy is this? The sheer physical strength is actually stronger than Tiamat, the goddess of creation!

And because the opponent has no divinity in him, her Heavenly Lock cannot restrain him... I hate meeting this type of enemy the most!

It was said that she was shopping with the dolls on the commercial street, but she was suddenly brought here. The greedy fool was still waiting for her, and she didn't want to keep him waiting for too long.

At this thought, Jin Gu did not rush forward, but began to retreat quickly.

Because she had already bought enough time to accumulate power for a certain ancient demon king.

"Strange creature...this seems to be a puppet?"

Poros looked at the "coward" who had escaped, and was distracted for a moment.

Then, a hair-raising chill enveloped his whole body.

Because at this time, Milim had successfully charged in front of the overlord of the universe at the highest speed, bursting out all the magic energy, with a cold look in her eyes, and with the most ferocious gesture, she slashed out the ancient mythical magic blade in her hand.

"Super · Heavenly Demon Dragon Star Slash"! ! !

In an instant, the terrifying sword light that resembled heaven's punishment filled the entire Huanye Great Barrier.

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