Completely contrary to common sense.

Violent ripples spread out, and a seductive sheep's hoof like the Optimus Pillar stepped out of the space passage that split the sky.

It was an indescribable supreme being crossing over from a certain black forest country in another super galaxy cluster.

Not only that, the soul aura of the world concept level also began to spread, and an old and strange yellow-robed figure was rapidly transforming from a phantom into a solid entity.

There are also rough smashes of space, and the huge dark green tentacles that poke out wormholes that can wrap around planets and carry the breath of the deep sea.

Exuding a dark aura, the spider web is blocking time and space.

Countless strange snakes appear out of thin air, ready to wrap themselves around the Scarlet Rubik's Cube.

The huge mass of dark matter covered with slender tentacles conveys a pure appetite that wants to devour planets.

In the boundless starry sky, strange snowflakes burning with gray flames swept up inexplicably.

There are also great beings that are indescribable, inaudible, and incomprehensible from all over the universe and from very far away and from different countries. They are all rushing in this direction following the "celestial voice" emitted by Gherroth. Come.

As a result, the "pollution index" of the current galaxy region began to rise exponentially.

Everything is just to temporarily end the boredom of being locked up at home for hundreds of millions of years in the [Great Space Seal], and come together to participate in this unique Crazy Feast (Crazyfeast) where you can have fun and entertainment!

Crazy laughter echoed in the universe, a chaotic movement that far exceeded the limits of understanding by three-dimensional creatures.

Various danger signals appear one after another in the data temple.

Then at a certain moment, it suddenly skyrocketed to a new height.

Because at this time, another guest who came to attend the feast officially arrived. It was a figure wrapped in chaotic gray mist.

"Oh ~ guests from far away."

Ignoring the isolation of time and space, he looked at the silent Lord God and bowed gracefully.

"The messenger brings you a message, the nameless fog blesses you, return to the embrace of Azathoth, and fall into the prison of the past forever—"

The corners of his mouth that were originally pretending to be calm began to rise crazily on Nyarlathotep's face.

And it was only then that He finally couldn't hold back his emotions and completely vented his insane laughter to the extreme, joining in the ultimate feast that made all the nameless people in the entire universe start to revel.


End of this chapter

Chapter 353: The real devil

"Oh oh oh!"

A cute cherry-pink hair is constantly swinging.

In the bustling crowd, the devil from another world was amazed by the sight of tall buildings and busy traffic around him.

Holding a newly bought hamburger in her hand, Milim kept looking around curiously, using her "dragon eyes" that could see everything to try to figure out why these "iron lumps" that could be seen everywhere on the street could move, and why the large iron bumps on the tall buildings could move. Why does the "painting" on the screen keep changing?

Then, she subconsciously took a bite of the burger in her hand, and the cute hair on her head immediately stood up.

Because the flavors of meat, vegetables, sauce and bread appeared on her taste buds at the same time, directly filling her entire mouth and heart.

"Well, this is delicious!"

Even though she had lived for a long time, Milim still looked like a child, and her blue pupils lit up instantly.

Because it’s only natural that children like to eat hamburgers!

"Well, as long as you like it."

Looking at Milim beside him, who was eating the burger with gusto, Rimuru also smiled with a slight curl of the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, they had just come out of the clothing store and changed into clothes that were slightly different from the style of modern society.

A red and white hooded coat is paired with a gray-collared shirt, and a black skirt is worn with warm student pantyhose. Milim's exquisite feet are wearing sensible sneakers. Milim is enjoying modern food, and her steps look very fast. Cheerful.

Rimuru bought a khaki turtleneck sweater, a double-breasted suit coat, fashionable cropped pants and plush short boots, and tied herself up with a black hair rope. Her waist-length colored hair was tied into a neat and refreshing single ponytail.

Even her petite body cannot hide her mature temperament, and her peerless appearance that eclipses all flowers, attracting almost 100% of passers-by's turn back.

Even in a neutral outfit, she is still breathtakingly beautiful and captivating.

"Oh oh oh, these things are very similar to the future products of the dwarves' research on technology, but they are very different. They do not have magic reactions. They seem to use electricity and oil... Is this the scene of another world? !”

In broad daylight, a "flapping moth" was flying around screaming.

Ramiris, who was excited and eager to study, couldn't help but look left and right with curiosity. She also changed into a detective costume of a doll she didn't know who was cosplaying.

Of course, the movement she caused did not attract the attention of any nearby humans. After all, these were ordinary people. She could just cast a fairy magic similar to cognitive impairment on herself.

"Rimuru, look, look, what is that flying in the sky?!"

Patting the slime's crystal ears with her small hands, Ramiris opened her mouth slightly and pointed at the "steel bird" flying over the clouds in the sky, and her eyes began to glow.

"That's a plane, and don't slap my ears."

Rimuru raised his hand to gently push the source of the noise away from his ears. Feeling a little helpless, Rimuru was about to take a bite of the delicious burger that he had just torn off the wrapper of.

Then, he noticed the undisguised, appetizing gaze from beside him.

That was Milim who had finished her portion and was now drooling at the corner of her mouth. The look in her eyes almost said "Feed me quickly" on her face.

Rimuru: "..."

After looking at the hungry Dragon Demon and then at the untouched hamburger in his hand, Rimuru rolled his eyes speechlessly, but also chuckled helplessly.

"Would you like half for each person?"


Milim immediately cheered: "Limulu takes a sip, and I take a sip!"

As expected of a best friend, she likes slimes who are willing to share food the most!

Thinking of this, she also smiled and leaned against him, rubbing her little head against each other affectionately. She looked so cute that she didn't look like the oldest and strongest demon king at all.

But the only one who can let her be treated like this, besides Rimuru, is Xiaolin... Well, maybe, if it's Gafan, she probably doesn't mind this.

Milim thought a little confused.

Rimuru, who was held by the child, was thinking back to the days when he traveled with Elen and the three adventurers.

They also used to go shopping together like now... Haha, I feel a little nostalgic.

"Rimuru, did you remember something happy? You look so happy." Ramiris asked curiously.

"Well, that's right."

Rimuru chuckled.

At this time, a gust of cold autumn wind blew by, slightly ruffling her hair.

Rimuru didn't care about this either. He just lowered his eyes and casually pushed his silver-blue hair behind his crystal ears.

And just such a casual display of amorous feelings made Ramiris slightly stunned.

I don't know if it was her imagination, but the other person's character and movement qualifications seemed to be more feminine than before.

But it seemed like they hadn't seen each other for a day before.

Where did such a big change come from?

She crossed her arms and tilted her little head, Ramiris thought with a strange look on her face.

At this time, Rimuru, who had already finished sharing the burger with Milim, discovered that there was some ketchup stuck to the corner of Milim's mouth.

"do not move."

He reached out and wiped off the sauce carefully, and suddenly licked his fingertips casually, Rimuru said with a teasing smile.

"How careless."

Milim, who didn't mind the other person's intimate behavior at all, happened to notice that the corner of the other person's mouth was also covered with some delicious ketchup.

So, as a matter of course, she stood on her tiptoes, leaned her pretty face towards it, stretched out her pink tongue, and licked it off neatly.

Yeah, it smells good.

"You're not careful either."

Milim smiled happily.

"...Then it's even."

Being licked suddenly, Rimuru couldn't help but blush slightly and felt a little embarrassed, but in the end she still laughed out loud like the other person.

The sweet sound like silver bells echoed in the lively streets.

There is no doubt that the way they interact looks like a pair of very close sisters.

And the passers-by who saw this beautiful scene of Lolita posting felt like their noses were about to bleed.

Whose loli is this?

Why are they so cute? ! ! !

As for Ramiris, who witnessed the whole process, she finally confirmed that Rimuru's personality had definitely changed.

Because she already looks like a cute adolescent girl!

You were so domineering at the Demon King's banquet!

And just when Ramiris couldn't help but say something, the movements that had been flying around suddenly stopped.

Rimuru and Milim’s laughter also stopped abruptly.

Almost at the same moment, the three demon kings from another world suddenly raised their heads and looked at the clear blue sky, using their extraordinary vision amplified by magic to look directly at the starry sky outside the planet's atmosphere.

There, there was an extremely strong spatial fluctuation, and an indescribable ominous aura.


Without any hesitation, all the resistances that had been temporarily suppressed in order to experience life were reopened, and through mental misdirection, nearby passers-by were made to ignore the changes here.

The fashionable clothes he had just bought were stored in his stomach, and the magic energy surged, causing the dark and majestic Demon King costume to appear on Rimuru's body again.

The devil's bat wings spread out, and the devil's domineering presence filled the air.

The harmless and gentle temperament of the man disappeared, and was replaced by an absolute power that could make thousands of troops tremble in fear.

No matter how lovable she looks on the outside, she, a slime from another world, is still the well-deserved leader of the Demon Kingdom Federation, the strongest demon clan, the newly promoted eight-star demon king, and a natural disaster standing at the top of the pyramid. The one to whom all the monsters in the Jura Forest devoutly serve—

The real devil.

Her beautiful golden eyes, as bright as the stars, stared at the anomaly from beyond the planet, and a bad premonition appeared in her heart.

Thinking of a man who went to another world to pay homage to his grave, Rimuru took a deep breath.

said softly.

"...Something's coming."

End of this chapter

Chapter 354: The former overlord of the universe

Stars are falling.

The starry sky in the universe within a light-year range has been shattered due to the outbreak of war with intruders from other worlds and the deliberate clearing of the space by the indescribable great beings.

Grand fireworks are blooming, dispersing the darkness.

They were exploding interstellar battleships, mixed with a huge mothership that was more than twenty kilometers long.

These scientific products that contain the crystallization of various wisdoms have the power to easily destroy planets and civilizations, but on this battlefield, they can only be regarded as the playthings of the indescribable people.

And the tens of millions of contractors carried in these "toys", which were supposed to serve as important combat forces, have now become completely cumbersome waste.

Not just because of the high radiation vacuum environment.

The main reason is the "pollution index" whose concentration in this area has already exceeded the limit.

The extremely weird depraved murmurs and chaotic sounds not only ignored the shield isolation of the energy position, but also gradually stained the alloy shell of the star battleship with old mottled like rust.

At the same time, it is constantly distorting the three elements of the "weak" contractors, beginning irreversible essential distortions, becoming various indescribable monsters, and then destroying the carnival inside the battleship.

In order not to "capitalize the enemy", the main god space also directly began to "recycle" these "materials" accumulated over many years to replenish the energy reserves that were being consumed at an extremely fast rate.

Hundreds of scarlet Rubik's Cubes have completely turned into planetary barriers in a state of war.

Hundreds of star-destroying light cannons streaked across the starry sky, blasting wildly at those strange and incomprehensible gods.

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