And even though Gafan frowned and looked at the wisp of "blood mist" held by his fingertips, after a while, he could only see "data", "contract" and "cause and effect" from the information carried on it. These three words.

It seems that the thing in the main god's space must have been accidentally swallowed by Tiamat when she was hunted before.

Thinking of this, Gafan used his fingertips to exert a slight force, and instantly crushed the scarlet data that even the goddess of creation could not digest and assimilate, and then threw away his hand with disgust.

"Oh, so dirty."


at the same time.

Earth, deep sea bottom, R'lyeh.

Outside this wild and strange ancient city, a figure wrapped in gray mist silently crossed the starry sky and arrived in this restricted area of ​​life.

He is the messenger clone of an unspeakable person, coming to participate in a feast that is about to begin for the master who sleeps here.

"Wow, although the relationship between the guy in the yellow robe and Cthulhu is not a thing of 100 or 200 million years ago, the "yellow seal" specially reinforced here... Damn, it's pretty solid. ah."

He wordlessly stretched out his strange tentacles whose specific shape could not be seen clearly to lift the ancient seal imposed by this ancient city.

"Hey, Cthulhu, don't sleep. How long have you been staying on this remote planet of life? It's time to come out and have fun."

While releasing the seal super quickly, he was chattering away, not as calm as his original body at all.

After all, each of their clones has a different personality and self-awareness.

"There's a fool out there who doesn't know where he came from. He wants to invade our world, but he's making everyone happy. That's just... huh?"

There was a slight pause in the movement of lifting the seal.

It's not because of the violent movements that have begun to appear below the ancient city, and the familiar atmosphere that spreads.

He turned his head and looked in a certain direction with some doubts.

"Why did the breath of that human named Gafan suddenly disappear completely?"

I originally thought about asking him to go to the feast together. After all, he was an Emperor who didn't know how to climb up.

Want to go over there and look for a little bit?

He thought hesitantly.

But before he could think about it for a few seconds, his pupils suddenly contracted again, and the corners of his mouth covered by gray fog began to rise crazily.

Because He received the message from the body.

The big fool outside is about to enter the "World Barrier"!

"Ha~Jie hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Crazy laughter suddenly filled the entire deep sea, and even caused new cracks to spread on the ancient city wall of Raleye.

The strange gray mist, contrary to common sense, spread in this forbidden area of ​​life 10,000 meters above the sea level, causing countless ferocious deep-sea behemoths to instantly degenerate and become some kind of unspeakable monster.

He smiled very happily, after all, as the saying goes——

If a friend comes from afar, he will be killed!

Chapter 352: Crazy Feast

Endless void.

Outside the universe.

In the cracks of extremely chaotic dimensions, hundreds of scarlet Rubik's Cubes that were as big as satellites gathered here from all over the world.

They represent almost all the combat power and heritage currently accumulated in the main god space.

Each folded space contains nearly a thousand interstellar battleships, hundreds of thousands of standard contractors, and several authority managers whose combat power is comparable to that of gods.

Not only does it function like a planetary fortress, but it can also destroy and plunder any world that has not yet reached the level of interstellar civilization under the control of the main god's separate consciousness.

For the past tens of thousands of years, they have been endlessly searching for new worlds and launching invasions in order to increase the material reserves and rich power system of the main god space.

Just to be able to break through the research bottleneck involving the fourth dimension.

But now, they no longer need to do these things, because extremely high-value individuals who have truly mastered the power of the fourth dimension have appeared. All that remains is to successfully capture the opponent.

Even if you have to pay a high price for it, you must get it...

However, looking at the "World Barrier" in front of him that had been successfully and completely deciphered, the Lord God, who was about to control all the folded spaces and travel through it, suddenly felt an inexplicable uneasiness.

But no matter how he probed, he could only conclude that the world was a very safe and harmless "everyday world" with extremely low active energy concentration.

【Not quite right. 】

In the Data Temple, the Lord above the throne felt a rare hesitation.

Because the caution that has been preserved from the last days to the present is warning Him.

Even though no abnormality was detected at all, he still felt inexplicably that if he entered this world, he might encounter some kind of danger.

Do we need to send an exploration team in first?

The Lord God was thinking, and the massive data flow was analyzing a reasonable plan on its own, but at this moment, the signal source somewhere was suddenly disconnected.

That was the contract mark that was lost before and was used to track and locate the other party's whereabouts.

Thanks to this, he was able to accurately lock the opponent's world coordinates, but now, it has been destroyed...

It seems that he was finally discovered by the other party, but.

[Found out too late. 】

At this moment, the Lord God, who finally no longer hesitated, decided to immediately control all folded spaces to travel into this world, and directly launched the time and space blockade that imprisoned the entire universe, preparing to trap the opponent in a jar.

[Start self-examination... 107 Folding Spaces... 358 mothership units... 85,600 star battleships... 10,000,000 contractors... 357 authority managers are all in place... .]

[The world coordinates are locked, time and space are blocked, and all 17 god-killing weapons have been charged...]

[Start crossing the world barrier. 】

A massive data stream exploded and began to form an invisible yet extremely stable space-time channel. A wide enough gap was opened in the nearby barrier of the world that had been "completely" analyzed.

The energy consumption required to maintain each second is enough to drain a powerful false god instantly.

The surrounding environment is changing.

The extremely chaotic void storm is moving away, the chaotic time coefficient has returned to normal, and the distance in space has once again become meaningful.

Countless stars are dotted in the universe, which is very gorgeous.

But the great being in the Data Temple frowned deeply.

Because his fleet has not traveled to the area where the target individual is, rather... this seems to be an area near the edge of the universe?

Although it is common to deviate from the anchor position when traveling through the world, no matter how you say it, this deviation is too far, right?

This is no longer a matter of just a few galaxies apart.

Because they're not even in the same fucking supercluster!

That's outrageous.

The Lord God's consciousness was so confused that he couldn't believe that his time-travel equipment could malfunction to this extent.

If he had encountered this kind of situation in his last days, he would probably have collapsed due to exhaustion of energy just in the middle of the wormhole jump...

【who? 】

The perception circle covering a distance of light years spread out in the starry sky in an instant.

The Lord God, who instinctively sensed something abnormal, quickly fixed his sights on a planet three billion kilometers ahead.

It was a huge rust-red planet, made of gas, ash and hot liquid iron. Apart from the hill-like spherical protrusions on the outer shell, it seemed to have no other features, and no life had ever survived on it. trace.

Some are just countless faults and rifts.

However, the Lord God is sure that someone was there just now, spying on his existence, but he is just hiding it now.

And He had no intention of sending an exploration team to search the planet, and was simply preparing to issue the order to launch the Star Destroyer Cannon, destroying it and the entire planet with the snoopers...

Rumble, rumble, rumble! ! !

In the dead universe, a chaotic hymn similar to an air raid siren suddenly echoed.

And the terrifying ripples that swept across several light-years in an instant and conveyed doomsday visions such as the burning and annihilation of the world.

Ultra-high-strength three-dimensional shields immediately appeared on the surface of the one hundred and seven Scarlet Rubik's Cubes, but various unspeakable chaos phenomena still occurred inside.

A shocking scene happened.

Under the Lord God's surprised gaze, the ordinary rusty red planet actually moved.

Like a living creature, the entire planet turned slowly and against common sense, and the entire planet's landmass on the outer shell was completely cracked in the middle, leaking out the pale and glowing strange material under the surface, and finally buried under the surface. That extremely large living eyeball composed of a sea of ​​liquid iron.

Staring at these intruders from outside the world barrier.

He is the Star of Judgment, the Herald of Destruction, the ominous sign of this universe, and the oldest living planet——


A living world kingdom.

At this time, a huge beam of ion light crossed the starry sky, blasting towards him with terrifying power that could instantly shatter continental plates.

It was a Star Destroyer Cannon from one of the Crimson Cubes.

But almost at the same time, the decibels of the "celestial sound" that represented a sign of doom and had some kind of notification function suddenly increased several times, forming a kind of cyclic sound barrier with the burning breath of hell's sulfur.

And amidst this chaotic noise, the Star Destroyer Cannon, which was powerful enough to burn mountains and boil seas, unexpectedly collapsed on its own in an instant, and even went straight to the source along the way, directly shattering the scarlet Rubik's Cube. A corner.

Folding space is broken.

Hundreds of interstellar battleships parked there turned into gorgeous fireworks and scrap metal, and tens of thousands of contractors were exposed to the vacuum environment of strong cosmic radiation and died on the spot.

But the Lord God didn't care at all about this slight loss at this moment.

Because He was deeply shocked by the fact that data confusion began to occur in his consciousness just by looking into the scarlet eyeballs of the living planet.

What is this power?

He felt that his own power system seemed to be controlled by the other party... no, it was basically controlled by the powerful existence of this universe, Tianke!

What kind of outrageous stuff is this? Fuck the everyday world! ! !

There was no hesitation at all. The Lord God, who had been feeling inexplicable uneasiness before and had already begun to give frantic warnings, had no intention of wasting time on launching a counterattack and trial against the opponent. Instead, he directly activated all the time-traveling equipment and planned to quickly escape from this strange universe.


He was even more shocked to discover that the ability to travel through the Lord God's space was completely disabled? ? ?

[Data is confused...Start self-test...The equipment is normal, no fault...Data is confused...Data is confused...]

[Start to forcibly break through the world barrier, lift the energy output limit, and start the first attempt...]

BOOM! ! ! ! ! !

[Warning, warning, world barrier breakthrough failed! 】

Extremely bright fireworks explode across the universe.

That was the scarlet Rubik's Cube that had a corner broken just now, and it exploded!

But because of this, the Lord God finally noticed the layer of strange things covering the entire world barrier.

Chaos, madness, end, origin, ancestor, blindness, stupidity, abyss, indescribable.

It was the [Great Seal of the Cosmic Realm] that came from a certain primordial chaos and unfolded unconsciously, completely closing the door.

No entry, no exit!

Just at the first moment when consciousness came into contact with its concept, the Lord God directly and decisively cut off the perception.

But even so, chaotic data similar to blood and tears were still shed in his eyes.

What kind of existence is that? !

Indescribable emotions of horror appeared in the Lord God's consciousness for the first time in a long time.

But before he could try another method to detect and analyze, a new crisis immediately appeared again.

"Wow~ He actually came in. He's so cute and silly~ And he seems to be pretty strong. I hope I can have a lot of fun~~"

A female voice filled with fertility and seductive enough to influence the concept of the world sounded.

Even just because of the appearance of this sound, the corpses of the contractors who had just been exposed to the vacuum environment suddenly emitted an unusually abundant life breath, and quickly transformed into wriggling tumors, and began to mate on their own.

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