He had never experienced this level of battle pressure when he killed gods, and he had no hope of winning.

"That kind of guy has to recruit other people to surround him and kill him, otherwise he really can't beat him."

Ethel struggled to sit up and muttered thoughtfully.

But compared to that...

"Lord God, treat the injury, hiss - this injury really hurts me to death."

Chapter 325: God-killing War

[Permission Manager No. 103, confirmed to give up the current task, use emergency escape authority, penalty 50,000 points, execution... points have been deducted. 】

"Tsk, I know, bad luck."

In the hall that covers an area as large as a lake, a milky-white light pillar connects the cold alloy floor and the strange fog above. It exudes the breath of life that can easily resurrect human flesh and bones, and heals the seriously injured figure suspended in the light pillar.

The flesh and blood on the bone wings regenerated, and the black feathers reappeared.

The five internal organs in the trunk heal themselves and the meridians are restored.

Ethel groaned comfortably, but her dark purple eyes were still flashing with dangerous coldness and anger.

"I wasted a highest-level life core and a space-type artifact, plus the punishment of abandoning the mission and returning forcibly... The loss this time is enough to make up for the world progress I gained in the five missions. The income.”

[The treatment has ended, and the cost of this treatment, 6729 points, has been deducted. 】

"Damn, with this ridiculous fee, can't we get free treatment?"

The beam of light dissipated, and the twelve black wings behind him flapped randomly as they returned to their original state. Ethel, who landed on the Huijin ground again, unhappily tried to move his left shoulder.

There had just been slashed by a god-killing blade, nearly losing his arm. Even the immortality contained in the divine body had been wiped out, and even the three fundamental elements had been shaken.

Otherwise, just to treat an injury, there is no need to spend so many points.

"Lord God, the mission introduction you published is flawed. Doesn't it mean that except for a few indigenous gods on this primitive planet, there is no god-level combat power, and the rest are just chickens and dogs?"

Etel looked up at the strange fog above that could block the perception of gods, and asked dissatisfiedly.

"I almost fell down this time. That man with an aura that was neither human nor divine, pressed me down the whole time. I've never seen a person use so many abilities at the same time. Can you explain? ?”

[Insufficient information, data analysis is in progress. 】

Upon hearing this perfunctory reply, the anger in the Space God's eyes became even more intense.

However, he didn't show much respect to the main god who controlled all the contractors.

After all, after becoming the authority manager, he has never received the task of erasing punishment. At most, it will only deduct points or reduce the four-dimensional attributes.

The reason is unknown, maybe it's just because they are strong enough and the Lord God can no longer kill them, or it may be simply to preserve high-value combat individuals.

There are various possibilities.

But all in all, this ensured that his life was protected to the greatest extent, and he no longer had to live a precarious life like the contractors at the bottom, and even...

It is not impossible to master the main god space in the future.

After all, in his opinion, the so-called "main god" is just a being similar to artificial intelligence and has no self-awareness.

There is always a chance.

Thinking of this, the corners of Ethel's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

However, he never thought about it. If that kind of thing can really be done, then why does the Lord God Space still exist now?

This is an obvious problem for all authority managers who are killed from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Never thought about it.

"By the way, what are the other two guys doing now?"

After laughing narcissistically for a while, Ethel adjusted the sunglasses on her nose, and suddenly thought that there were two other authority managers who traveled through the mission world this time, besides herself.

I don't know what they are doing now.

Thinking of this, Ethel planned to directly use his authority to check the current status of the two guys.

But at this moment, a task panel that should have been canceled appeared in front of him again.

[The mission is released to exterminate the human race. The time limit is three days. Please ask the authority manager No. 103 to execute it as soon as possible. 】

"Huh? What do you mean, Lord God, are you out of order? Didn't I just give up on this mission, why did you..."

Ethel retorted with surprise on her face.

But only halfway through his words, his eyes were suddenly filled with dullness and confusion.

In the empty hall, the power of data densely distributed in every inch of space at the high-dimensional level silently enveloped the body of the God of Space, and flowed through the individual's brain and soul without any hindrance.

Modify memories, impose suggestions.

Finally, it retreated without a trace and was hidden in the dimensional cracks again, making it impossible for even the god-level perception to detect it.

After a few seconds passed, Etel, who was standing there blankly, the confusion in his eyes slowly dissipated, and then he covered his forehead in confusion.

"Hey, it's strange. Why did I suddenly get a headache? And what was I going to do just now... Oh, by the way, I haven't accepted the mission yet."

He had a look of surprise on his face.

"I lost a lot of progress in the world in the last mission. I was besieged by several giant dragons. I even lost the highest-level life core and space-time war spear. I have to make up for it all this time."

Ethel clicked her tongue depressedly, and then began to read the information told in her mission briefing.

"Well, it's not difficult. There are only a few indigenous gods who can pose a threat to me on this primitive planet, and the rest are all mole crickets... Hey, there is also a strange guy with an aura that is neither human nor divine. What is that? Forget it, it’s definitely not as good as me anyway.”

He accepted the task with confidence.

But he didn't notice the cold sound of the surrounding high-dimensional levels at all.

[Agent No. 103, it has been confirmed that the memory has been changed, and the mission of exterminating the human race continues. 】

[The Hunting King mission failed, all the contractors assigned to the Uruk area have been wiped out, the memory seal has been broken, information has been lost, and the danger of the area has begun to be re-evaluated...]

[The capture of the alien individual "Tornado" failed, and the battle was damaged...]

[The alien individual "Thor" failed to capture and was damaged in the battle...]

[The battle in the underworld has achieved a phased victory. The individual Hassan Sabah has been confirmed to be sealed. Agent No. 83 is confronting Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld. 27.3% of the node authority in the underworld has been successfully seized, which can interfere with the opening of the channel in the real world. , confirming that its functional efficiency is in... failed and did not meet the demand indicators. The time unit of this function is years. 】

[The priority of the task of exterminating the human race has been increased. 】

Countless data streams from the earth are transmitted here, and then converged into a great will above the fog in the hall for orderly and ultra-efficient processing.

Of all the demands for the Lord God Space's invasion of this world, the highest priority is the high-value individual discovered during the previous elimination of violators, the goddess of creation - Tiamat.

Even for the main god space that can travel through all the worlds, individuals of the "Creation God" type are extremely rare.

And most of them have enough combat power to destroy planets, and are extremely difficult to capture and recover.

But what we encountered this time was different.

Although this individual possesses enough magical power for interstellar navigation, it lacks sanity and rationality, cannot effectively control and use its own power, and cannot fly out of the atmosphere to directly destroy groups of interstellar fleets and mothership units, and most importantly yes--

This target does not have the individual power to destroy planets!

This greatly reduces the difficulty of capture and recovery.

However, the current mission has encountered some obstacles.

[The number of Heramu units has exceeded 500 million, of which 70% have evolved the ability to fly, 9.3% can reach the stratosphere, 0.82% can break through the outer atmosphere, and 0.0017% have the ability to survive and fight in the vacuum environment of the universe. , it has been confirmed that 11 individual units have god-level combat capabilities... and have successfully inhibited the continued expansion of the Sea of ​​Life. 】

[Starting to count the current battle losses...The number of contractors lost...Star battleship units lost...Warning, the current energy reserve remains at 53.4%, which has exceeded the expected loss...]

[The statistics are completed, the data analysis is completed, and it has been successfully analyzed that the individual Tiamat does not have the concept of death. It is confirmed that this characteristic is related to humans. The prerequisite for killing is to ensure that only this individual is the only living body left on the planet... 】

[Try to activate plan B, the god-killing weapon starts charging, the user is Agent No. 49, the mission has been released. 】

[Capture the target, the goddess of creation, Tiamat, the power to recover high-value power, the sea of ​​life, the womb of beasts, creation...]

[Mission code name, God-killing battle. 】

Chapter 326: The Spiritual Peak Steps on the Tao of Hades 4K8


A place where the living stop.

There are about 11 kilometers of rock formations separated from the real world on the earth's surface, so that the sun does not see the sky all year round. With the flowers blooming, only the wind of the underworld, which is enough to freeze the souls of the living, is blowing all the time. The eternal silence here adds a bit of hustle and bustle.

But today, the resting place of the dead has received an unprecedented number of uninvited guests.

One hundred and eight Optimus Pillars, a mixture of magic and technology crystals, broke through tens of thousands of meters of rock formations from the surface of the earth, invaded here, and suppressed the main energy nodes and the power of law.

Even the wind of death that had been blowing for tens of thousands of years was absorbed by the mysterious holes on the surface of the Optimus Pillar that were engraved with magic circles, like a whale swallowing water, causing the environment here to temporarily become It is no different from the Gobi desert on the surface, even...

It also shook the control of the underworld by the lord of this place.

Eradicated home field advantage.

"This old man is really powerful. Is he called Hassan? He's very powerful. It's not easy to seal him."

In front of a towering pyramid with sealing techniques engraved on its surface, a figure holding a rotten wooden scepter stood.

He was wearing a worthless old gray robe, and an ancient stone crown hung on his head. The lizard's tongue stuck out and made a hissing sound.

He is not a human being, not even a living person in a sense.

The defense mechanisms used by the underworld against the living were of little use to him.

"It seems that this artifact from Egypt cannot be saved. Alas, what a pity."

The lizard head covered with mineral purple scales shook its head slightly, with a slight sigh in its plain tone. The vertical pupils covered by rag strips seemed to be able to see the aura of death and the atmosphere inside the mysterious pyramid in front of them. Countless broken cracks.

"But it's enough to close the door for half a day, until the dawn rises on the surface, and now..."

He held the scepter in his hand that looked like a rotten wooden stick, turned around with some staggering movements, looked at the blond goddess in the distance with an angry face, and smiled slightly.

"No one can bother us anymore."

There was some familiarity in his hoarse voice, but the goddess opposite showed a rather disgusted expression.

After all, no one would respond peacefully to an uninvited guest who suddenly knocks on the door and breaks into the home.

"Hey, outsider, who are you? What's your purpose in coming to this place with nothing? And why...do you have some aura that I'm inexplicably familiar with?"

Holding the scepter that controls the underworld, Ai Lei stood in front of the threshold of thousands of souls, staring at the smelly lizard in front of her with her beautiful eyebrows furrowed.

In her beautiful scarlet eyes, there was no trace of her usual kindness towards the living.

After all, the other party is not like the two men who entered here by mistake a few days ago, but entered here directly in the most brutal and malicious way.

Even her authority in the underworld has become unstable for some reason, and the old man in the mountain...

The little hand holding the scepter silently became harder and harder.

"Who am I? Well, although I am a native trapped on the planet, you are a god after all, not an ant-like mortal. You can know my name."

The lizard man smiled and at the same time tapped the rotten wooden scepter in his hand on the ground. Countless ominous runes spread out over tens of thousands of meters in an instant, turning the land of the underworld into darkness.

"I am the authority manager No. 83 from the main god space. I was once the God-slayer, now the God of Hades, and also the God of Medicine. You can call me Ninazu."

Hearing this, Ai Lei, who was on alert, immediately tightened her pupils because she recognized the origin of the name...

That is their Sumerian God of Medicine of Hades!

"Why? You are obviously not him, but this aura...you shouldn't be called by this name!"

The scepter in Ai Lei's hand suddenly hit the ground, causing thousands of red arcs to appear out of thin air to block and eliminate the incoming ominous runes.

A very clear dividing line instantly appeared in this barren land.

It was the most brutal and direct collision between two completely repelling forces!

"Don't worry, little girl, the name is just a code name. It's true that I didn't call it this before I killed the god."

Ninazu chuckled. The red gold vertical pupils hidden behind the tattered cloth were always staring at the beautiful figure of the goddess of the underworld, his eyes full of greed.

That is not sexual desire, but the crazy pursuit of higher levels of power.

"He is indeed the Lord of the Underworld."

The lizard's tongue kept making harsh hissing sounds, and the sound revealed unconcealable excitement.

"Even though some of your strength has been weakened by the equipment provided by the Lord God Space, you can still resist the curse runes I issued with the power of power without any pressure. You are obviously not good at fighting. What a pity... .”

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