Ethel's eyes flashed with determination as her black suit, which could withstand the burning of magma, turned into rags.

This cannot go on.

Otherwise, he might really capsize in the gutter this time!

"Damn, that monster showed up out of nowhere. I'm really going to suffer a huge loss this time... I'll give it a try, and the artifact will self-destruct!"

With a heartache in his heart, he threw the space-time war spear that he had exchanged from the main god space at a high price upwards, and curled up to form a spherical shield with ultra-high-density magic power.


In the wash of light and dark energy, cracks appeared on the war spear covered with mysterious lines, and then——


The thousand-meter space turbulence sphere that appeared in an instant completely tore apart the magic circle cage composed of two kinds of ultimate magic. The aftermath even caused a large area of ​​the Babylonian city wall below to collapse.

"Pseudo-empty wormhole"!

"Cough, cough, cough, bastard, he's finally out."

The space god, who was covered in blood and whose ribs were exposed to the air, kept coughing and raised his right hand angrily, using all his strength to control the ionization of the atmosphere.

Deafening thunder echoed in the sky for hundreds of miles.

You know, even the weapons carried on some of the interstellar battleships in the Lord God's space are imitations based on his power.

Those counterfeit weapons are so powerful that they can hunt dragons, but his genuine one is so powerful...

But it's enough to kill a god.

"Now, it's my turn."

Ethel said in a hoarse voice, with a dangerous blue light flashing like an electric arc in her pupils.

And as his words fell, the thick dark clouds in the sky erupted into the ultimate thunder that could be clearly witnessed from outside the planet.

"'Super Space Thunderstorm'!"

The God of Space, whose entire figure turned into light, roared wildly, triggering a super thunder pillar with a diameter of several kilometers in the sky that could shatter mountains into pieces, and crashed down.

It's like God launched a world-ending judgment on the filthy human world, and then...

It was blocked by an invisible barrier at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

"'Static Electricity Barrier·Faraday Cage'."

Glancing at the ground shattered by the thunder that was directed ten kilometers away, Gafan turned back and looked at the astonished God of Space with an expressionless face.

Extend your palm.

A shocking giant pit appeared out of thin air in the ground below, and at the same time, a strange shadow was cast above.

Ethel looked up subconsciously, and then her pupils suddenly tightened.

Because it was a five-fingered mountain peak that was falling like a meteorite from the sky.

Every inch of soil and stone above is covered with extremely complicated sealing formations, and every grain of soil exudes unusually surging energy and gravity fluctuations.

It has completely locked onto him.

Even the pressure and momentum alone made him stay in mid-air for a while, unable to move.

""Sealing Ultimate Magic x Gravity Ultimate Magic·Five Finger Mountain"."

Feeling the lack of energy in the other party's body, Gafan slowly lowered his raised hand and said softly.


Chapter 324: Main God Space

"...Can this run away? Sure."

Shaking his robe, cleaning up some dust that was accidentally stained on it, and putting away the God-killing Blade and the World Slate, Gafan slowly landed on the top of the Wuzhi Mountain, which was nearly a thousand meters high, with seals engraved under his feet. The magic circle is a ground where earth and rock are harder than carbyne sulfide.

He stamped his foot experimentally.

This thing is much more reliable than the Calabash Mountain made of meteorites when he suppressed the Goddess of Warcraft. It has a rather fantasy style.

Even if it is impossible to suppress the Monkey King for five hundred years like in the mythical story, it should be more than enough to suppress a birdman for several decades.

Even if he is proficient in space-type abilities, this is still the case. Under the influence of the ultimate magic of sealing, not to mention teleportation, not even a single space crack can be opened, and even the energy in the body will be tightly imprisoned.

But he was still run away by the opponent.

"The aura just now is a bit similar to the state when I used the "Information Body"... It seemed like I had escaped to the back of the moon."

Standing on the top of the five-fingered peak, which was like an ancient sacred mountain, Gafan looked up, his eyes that looked through all things seemed to have penetrated the thick clouds and night sky, spanning a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and stared directly at the bright wheel. bright moon.

Hidden in the soft moonlight was the ominous smell of blood, as deep as the ocean.

"It's interesting."

Gafan's pupils reflected the stars in the sky, and he quickly analyzed all kinds of confusing and misleading information.

But the strange film that covered the entire planet before intercepted his information exploration and theft on its own at the level of laws and world rules.

This made Gafan's eyes feel a little sour.

He is currently using the "King of Truth" to simulate the "Information Body" in that special state of passively "browsing through" all the essences of everything in the world.

But now it seems to have failed.

But that doesn't matter.

"Well, I'm sure, that thing should be hidden on the back side of the moon."

Rubbing the corners of his eyes casually, Gafan nodded.

Before rushing over to beat up the birdman who claimed to be the God of the Sky, he took turns using soul-searching techniques on hundreds of contractors in the city of Uruk. Although due to the mysterious seal in his mind, all he got were irrelevant information. Important fragments of memory.

But after repeated trial and error practice, he finally broke through the memory blockade and successfully obtained important information indicating the true identity of these extraterrestrial visitors——

"The 'Lord God Space'? It's really interesting. A super-standard organization that travels across all realms... is somewhat similar to my situation."

Withdrawing his gaze to look at the stars, Gafan's lips curled up slightly.

Although it is known from the memories of those contractors, the big guy stationed on the back of the moon is not the main god's body, but a space folding base station that only carries partial consciousness and is similar to a planetary fortress.

But it's still enough, or just right.

"System, can you take away the dominance of that folded space? I want the unique technology or special artifact that the Lord God can use to travel through the worlds."

Gafan whispered as if talking to himself.

There was no systematic figure around him at this time, because this little guy returned to his mind very rarely, hiding his existence and aura, just to...

Avoid being discovered in advance by the Lord God.

"I don't know, but I can try, but you have to help me abolish all the resistance measures in that 'planetary fortress' first."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the round and flawless white dumplings were beating excitedly.

You know, even within her clan, there are very few of her clan who can come into contact with an existence of the level and type of the Lord God.

Although the "big ball of light" that often appears in Wenchao Gong's novels does not belong to a systematic race, the origin of its power should be similar and the same.

In other words, she can seize all the "inventory" that others have stored up by plundering Wanjie.

use it yourself.

"Gafan, I want the one in the sky. Although it is not the real body, the reserve of the origin of this world is so is twice as much as what I have now!"

The system kept shouting with joy.

It was like a glutton who had been hungry for many days and met his favorite Manchu Banquet.

Completely intolerable.

"I want it! I want that! Gafan, I want it!"

The white dumplings in the sea of ​​​​consciousness kept rolling around. If the system was in human form now, it would probably have hugged Gafan and rubbed and acted coquettishly.

"Don't worry, that big guy in the sky can't escape, but we can't rush, we have to take our time."

Gafan rubbed his face vigorously to prevent himself from being unable to suppress his growing smile.

Although these words are a bit inappropriate for me to say, the birdman he fought just now is not weak. If he burst out with all his strength, one person could probably pass the entire Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

No nuclear explosion can threaten their life safety, and they can change the power of the planet's atmosphere with just a wave of their hands.

In a true sense, it is a super-standard existence that can destroy an entire intelligent civilization with just one person against a country. It is ridiculously powerful.

Although I still can't beat him.

"That guy seems to be some kind of authority manager, right? I don't know how many guys at this level there are. If there are too many, I really can't take care of them by myself, so we have to wait for the sun to rise first. Let’s talk at noon.”

Slowly withdrawing the surging energy contained in the Five Finger Mountains at his feet, Gafan stretched greatly while bathing in the starlight.

"At that time, the three-day cooldown of our "information body" will be up, and then... with the strength level of that birdman just now, I can beat dozens of them with one hand, and that I can destroy all the interstellar fleets hidden in the outer atmosphere with just one slap."

He smiled confidently, and then prepared to turn around and leave.

According to the clone notifications that had spread throughout Mesopotamia, Tatsumaki and Thor seemed to be in trouble. Now he had to rush over to help solve the problem, and then return to Uruk together to guard the spring water until he could open it. " "Unparalleled State".

Although the time limit of "Information Body" is only ten minutes.

But during this period of time, his combat power level will suddenly rise to the point where it is enough to destroy the planet.

At that time, he would not believe that those managers who could not even destroy the continental plate and the interstellar battleships that looked like big toys could pose a threat to him.


At this time, Gafan, who was about to tear open the rift in space and leave, found that the wave-like sound echoing in his ears suddenly became louder and louder.

This made him glance over subconsciously.

Then he discovered that the bone barrier that was originally blocking the Sea of ​​Life from invading and engulfing the land seemed to have suffered a sharp decline in durability due to the damage caused by the remainder of his previous battle with the Birdman and the final crash of Wuzhi Mountain.

It could have been blocked for half a day, but now it has collapsed in advance, and the entire line has completely collapsed.

Countless pieces of white bones scattered down, and a deafening roar spread throughout the wilderness.

The sea of ​​black mud that corroded all things, under the violent impact of the continuous waves pushing forward, completely collapsed and engulfed the entire Fang of Nabistin at the fastest speed, and then set off a wave of destruction dozens of meters high, trying to destroy the world. The towering Wuzhi Mountain in front was assimilated and smoothed, and then swallowed up everything all the way to the inland Uruk city.

This world-destroying ocean of life will not stop until all human beings are wiped out.

Unstoppable, moving forward, and then...

I met a man who made this road blocked.

"The ultimate magic of space, Xumi Mustard Seed."

Standing on a thousand-meter mountain peak, Gafan took out the "World Slate" and spread it out again, overlooking the sea of ​​black mud surging up at the foot of the mountain, and he didn't know when there was a gravel on his finger.

Then, just flick your finger downwards.

next moment.

In an instant, the land covered and swallowed by the dark silt reappeared, revealing the dry wasteland again.

Although desolate, it also allows people to stand on solid ground again without having to worry about being swallowed by the bottomless abyss.

"'A grain of sand filling the sea'."


The far side of the moon.

Folding Space No. B-01.

The scarlet Rubik's Cube, which is thousands of meters long and looks like a planetary fortress, is quietly stationed here.

It maintains the regular membrane that seals the earth's space and time, collects and analyzes various data spied from it, and continuously sends out secret data representing different instructions.

It's like a war machine operating at full speed.

And somewhere in the unusually spacious deserted hall inside the Scarlet Rubik's Cube, a seriously injured figure covered in blood, with twelve black wings behind him half broken, was lying helplessly on the cold ground made of super alloy.

"Fuck, I almost fell down."

Ethel cursed weakly, while her mind was recalling the hateful man who had completely suppressed her just now, and strong unwillingness flashed in her deep purple eyes.

Is that guy really a native of this primitive planet whose civilization is only in the Iron Age?

Ridiculously strong!

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