Clone No. 7 gently patted the shoulder of the young man with shining essence in front of him, passed on the energy of life healing, and said in a gentle tone.

On Fujimaru Ritsuka's arm, there was an injury that Michou had sustained while trying to save a little girl.

Now recovering quickly.

"...Mr. No. 7, you look like you are about the same age as me."

"Don't worry about the details, kid."

The voice of Clone No. 7 became less gentle.


Uruk, outside the city gate.


The sharp sword, which can cut through iron like mud, instantly cut through the filthy body made of black mud.

Two dark forelimbs flew into the air, followed closely by the ugly severed head and the headless body that collapsed on the ground.

"It's too slow."

He casually shook off the blood on the blade and sheathed the blade. Ushiwakamaru, who had spent a lot of energy, stood on the remains of the monster that was slowly turning into ashes, silently adjusting his breathing.

Each of these unknown monsters that appeared out of nowhere was stronger than all the monsters she had hunted before, and their bodies were as hard as iron. They were much more difficult to deal with than imagined.

And the most important thing is that the number is exaggerated.

Ushiwakamaru glanced behind him. The soldiers, who had been reduced by one-third from the beginning, were now supporting each other. Everyone was exhausted and had some injuries on their bodies. It is no longer suitable to continue fighting.

But fortunately, the enemy retreated.

Ushiwakamaru stood at the front, frowning as he looked at the monsters on the distant horizon that were quickly leaving. He couldn't understand why these guys were retreating?

Obviously, in fact, they have the advantage, and...

For some reason, she couldn't sense the connection with the Hall of Valor.

"King Gilgamesh has an order."

At this time, a distant voice interrupted Ushiwakamaru's doubtful thoughts.

She turned her head and looked in the direction of the city gate. There was a soldier holding a broken spear running towards him out of breath. Finally he came to stand in front of her and saluted.

"General Ushiwakamaru, please return to the palace hall for the meeting!"

Chapter 317: Hunting King

The night is getting darker, and the cold wind is blowing, revealing a bit of desolation.

The brightly lit palace of Uruk.

Soldiers with tired but resolute expressions were guarding the front of the temple. Ushiwakamaru, who had just finished a killing spree, hurried over and nodded to them.

"The harm caused by this monster attack is too serious. I can only guard the city gate to stop most of them. Some fish that have escaped the net directly climbed over the city wall. There is really no way. I can only rely on the people who stay in the city to defend the city." Patrolling soldiers came to resist."

Looking back at the evacuee residents standing on all steps, Ushiwakamaru couldn't help but tighten his fists.

If General Leonidas were there, he would definitely be able to share most of the pressure, but the King of Sparta should still be in Babylonia, holding the absolute warcraft front.

Musashibo Benkei had also been sent out by her to gather the Mesopotamian people who came to seek refuge. ,

Uruk's current combat power is seriously insufficient.

At least that's how it seems to Ushiwakamaru, who has experienced many battles.

She walked into the hall worriedly, already anticipating how solemn the atmosphere of this meeting would be. In fact, the atmosphere in the hall under the throne was, in a sense...

It is indeed quite serious.

"...Fujimaru-dono, what's going on now?"

Looking at the wise king of Uruk and the strange man who seemed to be Mr. Gafan's twins, who seemed to be glaring at each other, and the green-haired man who was hiding behind the strange man, looking at the wise king warily. Beautiful shadow.

And everyone present was speechless.

Ushiwakamaru came to Fujimaru Ritsuka's side in a daze and asked doubtfully.

"...It seems to be in a Shura field state now." Fujimaru Ritsuka, who came a little earlier, was silent for a while, and gave an uncertain answer helplessly.

"Those from Chaldea, I can hear you!"

Gilgamesh spoke up to interrupt any possible gossip that would follow.

He crossed his arms and glared at the doll that was protecting his best friend's "successor body" with a look of displeasure on his face. He clicked his tongue and decided to ignore this matter that seemed to stain his head green for the time being.

"Stranger, you have to explain to me later what happened to this... puppet that looks exactly like you."

Gilgamesh sat back on the throne, looked deeply at Gafan who was whistling deliberately, resisted the desire to throw a few shots of the Noble Phantasm at the forehead that was suitable as a target, and took a deep breath. Finally, he turned his attention to——

A petite girl hiding behind a certain stone pillar, her face full of vigilance and hostility.

A girl who looks almost exactly like Anna.

The opponent's hands and feet are covered with mysterious snake scales, and there is a slender and beautiful snake tail on the tail bone of the lower back. The soft purple hair reaching the ankles is casually tied into a single ponytail for easy movement, and he is only wearing a cover-up. Light clothing covering key areas.

Those wild purple eyes were filled with distrust and rejection of everyone present.

Anna, who had lowered her hood, was still trying to get closer to her, but she was always intimidated by her bared teeth.

"...What's going on with that guy?"

"As you can see, that is the goddess of warcraft, Gorgon."

"I know! Of course I remember this guy's spiritual energy aura. What I mean is..."

Gilgamesh rubbed his eyebrows in confusion: "Why did she become like this?"

"Well, even if you ask me that."

Seeing that the wise king of Uruk finally stopped worrying about the dolls and the golden solids for the time being, Gafan was relieved. After all, he felt quite embarrassed about this matter in various senses.

However, he didn't know how to explain it for a moment when he looked at the young female version of Gorgon that was now smaller than a height of 1.4 meters compared to the size of a mountain before.

In short, it was the "womb of beasts" in this guy's body before. After it was taken away by the awakened Tiamat, the sense of existence that was originally like the incarnation of a natural disaster suddenly seemed to be leaking, shrinking and degenerating.

The golden wings disappeared, and the huge snake tail tens of meters long gradually turned into slender legs.

In the end, there is no need for Hulushan to suppress it, after all...

At that time, Gafan touched his chin and looked thoughtfully at the young girl in front of him who was lying on all fours with a threatening expression on him, and fell into silence.

In contrast, Anna 2.0.jpg

He has no habit of bullying children.

"...I just think we can't just leave her there, right?"

Under King Gilgamesh's questioning gaze, Gafan shrugged and gave a response that was not an answer.

"This child seems to have temporarily transferred his hostility to humans to the awakened goddess of creation. His strength has also been weakened a lot. I guess he can't even defeat you now."

"Oh, what a rude statement."

Gilgamesh frowned slightly, but did not refute anything. After all, as a human king now, it was no more difficult for him to deal with a god-level existence alone than before.

"Anyway, since you brought it back, stranger, you have to ensure that this shrunken goddess of warcraft will not harm the people of Uruk. I have no time to take care of it now."

He withdrew his gaze and glanced at the people in the hall, finally stopping at Fujimaru Ritsuka and Ushiwakamaru who were whispering.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka, your communication with Chaldea must have been cut off, right? Ushiwakamaru is also the same, and the connection with the Hall of Heroes should not be felt, right?"

he asked, in an affirmative tone.

The two people who were told about the situation looked at each other for a moment, and then looked at each other asking for clarification.

Obviously, facing this unprecedented situation, even the last Master of mankind and the heroic spirits who have left records in human history will also feel a little uneasy.

Because of the unknown.

"You don't have to expect to get any exact reason from me, because my omniscient and omnipotent star is now completely blocked."

Gilgamesh, who was sitting on the throne, spoke in a calm and steady tone without any hint of panic.

"What is known now is that the outer surface of the planet's atmosphere seems to be wrapped and isolated by something. The sudden retreat of the Rahmu you are facing, Ushiwakamaru, should also be related to this."

Even if prediction is no longer possible, he, who is known as the Wise King, can still analyze a lot of things from limited information.

"There is also Tiamat who woke up early. The creation goddess woke up much earlier than I originally expected. Merlin who extended her sleep time should have left this era due to backlash, right? Although that guy is a fool, he is indeed a good minister. "

Gilgamesh kept tapping the armrests of the throne with his fingers, and rubbed his brows with a headache.

Then he turned to look at the female priest who had been waiting for a long time.

"Siduli, please report the killings of the residents in this monster attack. I need to confirm how much combat power is still available."

As for the king's inquiry, Siduli, who had always been conscientious and conscientious, was unexpectedly hesitant to speak this time.

"......What's wrong?"

Seeing the strange behavior of his chief priest, Gilgamesh asked with some confusion.

He is no longer able to perform future vision, so he cannot predict what the other party wants to say as before.

"Is the loss too serious?"

"No, it is not, King."

Siduli, who was holding a clay tablet in her arms and covered with a veil, quickly shook her head in denial. She looked at her king, and after struggling for a while, she finally said truthfully.

"On the contrary...there were no casualties in Uruk."

"That's it."

Gilgamesh nodded to show that he understood. Then after a few seconds.


"Wait a minute, what did you say?"

Regardless of his own majesty, the king stood up from the throne and looked at his chief priest with a rare expression of astonishment. His bright red eyes seemed to be questioning whether what the other party said was true.

Because in his original prediction, after the incident of Lakhmu appearing and attacking the city, there were less than a thousand people who survived.

"That's right, King, didn't you entrust Mr. Gafan to do the 'logistics' work before? Then he left thirteen...Mr. Clone in the city."

Siduli awkwardly called those men who looked exactly the same but had different personalities.

"It is true that a large number of Rahmu broke through the blockade of General Ushiwakamaru and invaded the city with the intention of massacring the people. Moreover, the soldiers were really difficult to resist. The defensive front continued to retreat, and finally retreated from the streets to various squares. At that time, the clone gentlemen were still maintaining the portal, but some Rahmu with the ability to fly targeted them, and then, and then..."

At this point, Siduli suddenly found that her vocabulary was a little poor. She squeaked vaguely for a long time, and finally she could only sum up this sentence.

"Then they were gone."

Seeing his chief priest blinking innocently, Gilgamesh covered his face and remained silent for a while.

"Hmm...that was a very pleasant miscalculation."

He looked at Gafan, whose eyes began to wander again, and his eyes became indescribably complicated.

But just when he wanted to say something more, his pretended calm expression suddenly changed, and he looked up at the sky outside the palace in surprise.

At this time, under the endless night, thousands of meters high in the sky.

Two interstellar battleships that have descended from the universe and broken through the atmosphere are quietly floating in the sky outside the city of Uruk in anti-gravity, casting a shadow.

[Confirm the target, Gilgamesh, the recovered items this time, the King's Treasure, the Great Holy Grail... Each naval gun starts charging. 】

Dozens of silver-white, sci-fi-style interstellar cannons were slowly aimed at the backward and primitive ancient city in front and below at the same time. A dazzling light symbolizing the rapid gathering of energy appeared at the muzzles of the large-caliber cannons. .

Three seconds later.

Saturation bombing launch.

[Operation Hunting King begins. 】

Chapter 318: Soul Searching Technique

"As for the group of primitive people below, we shouldn't need to appear, right?"

In the rest hall of the battleship, dozens of contractors were checking and maintaining their equipment, or eating to ensure they were full of energy.

A slender man dressed as a cowherd was drinking a cocktail, whistling and saying with contempt in his eyes: "I really don't know how all the five hundred people who took on the exploration and survival mission were wiped out. Could it be that they were killed by a group of indigenous people with spears?" Damn it? Ha, that’s ridiculous.”

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