Can be in the next moment.

His pupils tightened, and he instantly looked up at the outside of the atmosphere in surprise.

Because there was a terrifying beam of light coming from the starry sky, instantly spanning a distance of 100,000 kilometers, and with an unstoppable momentum like burning mountains and boiling seas, it struck directly and unreasonably in the center of the sea of ​​black mud. .

A terrifying power that shook the world erupted.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!!!!!!!"

Chapter 315: Planet Invasion Part 2

Under the silent night, I don’t know when the Persian Gulf sea has been completely invaded by black silt.

Hundreds of millions of Lakhmu, whose individual strength exceeds that of all known monsters, emerged from the sea of ​​black mud, and along with the unstoppable tide, moved towards the distant shore. Some individuals even evolved wings to improve mobility along the way, transforming into It has become a standard sea, land and air amphibious creature.

And under the protection of this world-destroying army, there was a 16-meter-long girl who was as beautiful as an elf, with a pair of huge antelope horns, stepping on the filthy sea.

She has ankle-length aqua blue hair, flawless white skin and a motherly mind. Her eyes are closed as if she is still sleeping, and her hands are folded on her chest, as if she is sealing herself.

He is Tiamat.

The beast of suppression that devours human nature, the sea of ​​life, the mother of origin, one of the seven human evils, and the beast of original sin (Beast II) that holds the principle of "return".

A mobile living factory with enough magical power to launch interstellar voyages, a huge source of life stored in the body, and the Ark of God that will take humans hundreds of years to realize. There is no concept of death by nature, as long as there are people alive on the ground. The true god who cannot die as long as life exists, the mother of mankind, and——

The existence of all mankind is about to be wiped out.

This is the highest priority in His subconscious mind...that's the way it is.

Because of this moment.

Without any warning, a terrifying beam of light from outer space suddenly struck beyond visual range. Like the divine punishment of God's scepter, it crossed a hundred thousand kilometers of space and poured into this boundless black ocean in an instant. middle.

Even before complete contact, the surrounding black sludge began to rapidly dent with the center point directly below the light pillar and suddenly "retreat" from all directions - this was the illusion formed by contrasting the surroundings with the instantaneous evaporation and decomposition of a large amount of matter.

Just one second.

Nearly a million Lakhmubies were annihilated until not a single scrap was left.

The girl's figure at the center of the light pillar also disappeared as a matter of course, leaving only the charred seabed that had turned into a crater and was being quickly filled with black mud around it.

[The mothership's main gun overload hits successfully, the target individual's life fluctuations have disappeared, and the successful annihilation is confirmed...Zi, error, an error occurred. 】

outside the planet's atmosphere.

736 interstellar battleships are suspended here in anti-gravity, and countless energy cannons are pointed directly at the land of Mesopotamia below that is shrouded in night.

The three motherships, which are 20 kilometers long, are guarded layer by layer by other frigates, and the light energy barrier that is enough to block solar flares for a short time is always turned on. The defense is so strong that even large-yield nuclear bombs cannot shake it.

One of the motherships, which had just overloaded and activated its main guns, experienced an abnormality when detecting the life fluctuations of the target.

It's as if the other person was already dead, and then suddenly came back to life...

next moment.

A pink beam of light pierced the atmosphere and came from the surface, crossing a distance that would make mortals despair, and directly destroyed a frigate next to the mothership.

Brilliant firelight bloomed in the universe, and hundreds of contractors carried in the frigate were exposed to the vacuum environment and died suddenly.

[...It was detected that the target individual's life fluctuations reappeared and strengthened. The judgment was wrong. One frigate and 108 contractors were lost. 】

[Insufficient information, the target is suspected to have immortal characteristics, and repeated testing and correction are needed. 】

[The target has been continuously locked... The main gun of the mothership has begun to recharge, and the number of activations this time is three. 】

Cold mechanical sounds echoed in the void, and countless data streams began to rapidly analyze target intelligence.

Someone on the surface who witnessed this conflict was completely stunned.


Gafan, who had already sent Jin Gu and the doll into an independent world inside the stone slab, had concealed his aura and figure, was hiding in the troposphere from a certain white cloud, silently looking up at the sky.

"Where did this star battleship come from?"

The power of the beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth just now completely surpassed Momonga's super magic "Falling from the Sky". Coupled with the super large strike range and bombardment speed, it was completely enough to kill a being at the guardian level of the tomb in an instant.

But Tiamat resisted.

Gafan looked solemnly towards the direction of the Persian Gulf. Looking at the black mud sea where the vacancies had been filled again, a figure that was hundreds of times taller than the girl between them and as huge as a mountain was slowly standing. Straight up and brought an epic feeling of shock.

Just the ripples caused by its rising up have set off an endless wave of the surrounding black ocean, surging towards the landing place, constantly increasing the total amount of black mud.

The purple eyes that resembled "ㄨ" slowly opened.

He raised his head and looked out of the atmosphere, staring at the uninvited guests who did not belong to this planet, his eyes full of undisguised hostility.

And as if sensing the mother's will, the nearby Lahms who had been preparing to land all shifted their targets far above, making noises full of hostility and malice one after another.

And the next moment, all the noise was suppressed by a sweet voice that resounded through the night sky, like a sleep song.



The sound was transmitted within a range that even Gafan, who was dozens of miles away, could clearly hear it.

"... Anyway, let's go back to Uruk first."

He frowned and looked at the three "light spots" like morning stars that appeared again outside the atmosphere.

"It's such a mess here."

The most important thing is that the three-day cooldown of his "Information Body" state cannot be activated again until tomorrow, so he has to be careful now.

Because now that the plot development is completely different from the original work, he is not sure whether there will be an existence similar to the level of "The King in Yellow".

"Gafan, the time and space of this planet seems to be blocked by some kind of force."

At this time, the system that was sitting silently on his shoulder suddenly spoke.

"I just tried it. The space ability I took from the evil god before could not open the passage outside the planet. Now the entire earth seems to be completely wrapped by some kind of 'membrane', and no one is allowed in or out."

"Yeah, I noticed it too."

Gafan nodded slightly: "It looks a bit like the "World Barrier", but if you get close and use space to move it, you should still be able to get out. As for the "Boundary Gate" that could have reached Venus, now it is estimated that it can barely reach the moon."

"It's a bad thing... it's black technology."

He shook his head and casually tore open a crack in the space. Before stepping in, he looked up at the bright moon.

There was some doubt in his eyes.

Because he always felt that there seemed to be something hidden on the back side of the moon.

"...Let's wait until tomorrow. At noon, my "Information Body" can be used again."

The words just fell.

Then there were three more terrifying light pillars that penetrated the sky and the earth, and once again descended on the sea of ​​black mud, completely submerging the huge figure of the Creation God.

The aftermath of the extremely violent energy spread out for a hundred miles.

It also swept through a space crack that had just disappeared somewhere.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Chapter 316: Catching a turtle in an urn

In the gap of time and space.

Seventy-two demonic pillars with no roots visible, as if they were formed by countless sarcoma and bone distortions. They spanned the timeline of human history. They wanted to explore the earth from the future to the past God Age, but were blocked by a layer at the last moment. The weird film blocked it tightly.


A voice like a god sounded with doubt.

And just when he was about to try to erode the thin film, without warning, a will of unimaginable nature swept across his sight, making him instantly feel an unprecedented sense of horror.

who? ! ! !

The strong sense of life and death crisis caused the seventy-two Demon God Pillars to retract without hesitation, as if they had touched the snail tentacles of the flames, and continued to quickly cut off the hidden traces of themselves.

Somewhere in a hidden alien space, on a lonely throne.

A figure with ancient mysterious rings on all ten fingers of both hands suddenly stood up and looked around in confusion, as if confirming something.

"Didn't you come after me...what was that just now?"

After a long time, as a collection of seventy-two demon gods, one of the seven evils of human beings, the BeastΙ who holds the principle of "compassion", and the real mastermind behind the Incineration of Humanity——

Demon King Goetia finally slowly sat back on the throne again, frowning in thought, but soon, he showed a rare expression of surprise.

"Hey, the Earth during the Age of Gods... can't be found on the timeline of human history?"


The foot of Mount Abif.

A village where all residents have been evacuated.

Ruins have replaced buildings here, traces of the battle are everywhere, and there are dozens of Rahmu corpses that are slowly turning to ashes.

"Ugh, these ugly guys are so troublesome. Each one of them is more resistant to being beaten than Ugar, and their voices are even worse. They are disgusting in every sense of the word."

Ishtar, who was suspended in the air and didn't want to touch the ground at all, hugged his slender arms, feeling goosebumps rising, and complained dissatisfiedly.

There was some rare dust on her luxurious and revealing clothes, and it was obvious that she had just fought a not easy battle.

"Thank you for your hard work, Miss Ishtar. Thank you for helping to protect the residents from evacuating."

The black spiritual suit was also stained with a lot of dust. Fujimaru Ritsuka, who looked a little embarrassed as his arm was supported by the worried Mashu, chuckled and nodded.

"If you hadn't been here, many people would have been killed, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you on their behalf."

Faced with this frank and sincere thank you, Ishtar, who was still complaining, immediately turned his face away in embarrassment and snorted arrogantly.

"That, that, that's of course, I am the patron saint of the Mesopotamians! Just some little minions can do it easily!"

Seeing this beautiful Venus goddess praising him non-stop and glancing at him from time to time, Fujimaru Ritsuka also smiled helplessly.

There was some vague worry in his eyes.

Because in the afternoon when the sun had not yet set, when he returned to the Uruk Palace worriedly from near the nuclear explosion zone, he once again received a commission from King Gilgamesh - to use 30% of the ores in the treasure house to Hire and bribe the goddess Venus, who regards gems as her life, and make her a companion.

Although this thing sounds a bit random, he really succeeded.

And because of the space portal that someone's clone can open at any time, it also saves a few days of travel. I received the commission this afternoon and went directly to the temple on the top of Mount Abif this afternoon, and successfully bribed the stupid girl, cough. Ahem, Miss Ishtar.

Everything seems to be going so well, but...

Merlin, who followed his companions, suddenly vomited blood and fell down, leaving behind a sentence of shock and confusion. The real goddess of creation woke up, turned into a point of light and disappeared from this era.

The crisis began to come.

" seems we can't contact Chaldea. Is it because of poor signal?"

Mashu, who was supporting his master, sounded very uneasy in his soft tone.

It was as if he instinctively felt that something bad was happening.

"No, it shouldn't be because of the signal."

After a moment of silence, Fujimaru Ritsuka gently shook his head.

Dr. Roman had just passed on the information about Rahmu to him before, and suddenly and completely cut off communication, and could no longer be contacted anyway.

This gave him the feeling that... his connection with the future seemed to be disconnected by something, and he was trapped in the present era.

"...Ma Xiu, don't think about the signal for now. Let's go back to Uruk first, confirm the current situation, and then make plans for the future."

Fujimaru Ritsuka said calmly.

After seeing his master remain calm as always, Mashu gradually felt relieved and nodded heavily.

"Mr. Clone No. 7, please send us back to Uruk."

"Okay, that should be the safest place now. After all, my body has just returned. But don't call me sir, just call me No. 7."

The man with "Qi" engraved on his blood-colored robe said with some deliberate emphasis.

These beings who are separated from their clones and have their own independent consciousness and different personalities will always be very serious about some strange places.

"And... don't push yourself too hard, young man."

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