A calm voice came from the shadow behind Yami Suke.

A strange figure in black robes appeared here silently, with a dark aura mixed with the aura of the devil.

Four weird beings wearing bone masks loomed under the cover of his black robe. They were the four middle demons he had contracted with.

And as the bone mask disappeared, the black robe on his body quietly turned into a ninja-like decoration, and his aura completely changed into the form of a demon.

"If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. I'm very busy now."

Nahat kept a polite smile, but his tone was not friendly at all.

"You guys really hate me as always."

Ye Jianjie curled his lips speechlessly, but then he chuckled.

"Forget it, do you want to have a fight with me after a long time? Just like when you were young... I must clear out all the demons in this area as quickly as possible, and then go to help Yuriu Boss Si, it’s very difficult for him to play alone now.”

This sloppy uncle had a rare pleading tone in his tone.

"That's what I'm trying to do."

Nahat glanced at him, his tone still calm.

"Although I hate this sentence,... let's go beyond the limit together this time."

The words just fell.

Under the surprised gazes of the four high-ranking demons, a black moon was already hanging high above, and the ground beneath their feet was quickly spread and swallowed by strange shadows.

Countless paper-like silhouettes of buildings stood up, and thousands of strange hands stretched out from the darkness.

"Shadow Magic X Dark Magic"——

Darkness spreads shadows, shadows give birth to darkness, and the infinite multiplication of darkness and shadows. The final result is that the entire southern city of the Clover Kingdom's capital, with tens of thousands of demons swallowed by the darkness, enters A weird and bizarre paradise.


Hunted by two humans.

"'Amusement Park for Hungry Ghosts'!"


at the same time.

On the other side of the kingdom's capital.

A huge "Gundam" that was reorganized from buildings and resembled a minotaur, with a height of forty meters, was being besieged by thousands of laughing demons, attracting a lot of attention.

"Oh, look at this big guy, it's so interesting~ Let's dismantle it!"

"I agree, but you still have to be careful, because it has already killed more than three hundred of our kind, hahaha!"

Amidst the chatter of the demons, thousands of powerful magics were bombarding the huge "target" in the center at every moment.

Under such a high-intensity attack, even the fortress walls of the war fortress would never be able to hold up for ten seconds.

But the reality is that this huge "Gundam" has always been unscathed.

"Whoa, ah, ah, everyone, hurry up and eat the food cooked by the sheep chef. If you don't take the time to recover your magic power, the "Black Bull" will be paralyzed!"

A cute girl with a short stature and a bun hair style was wandering around the hall at the chest of "Gundam" in a very nervous and panic manner.

Beside her are dozens of sheep chefs created by her magic. They are constantly conjuring food out of thin air and cooking magical dishes that can restore magic power. They are constantly passing them to other members who are responsible for releasing attack magic, and gobble them up to replenish their consumption.

Chami, who had just finished his training in the Heart Kingdom and returned to the Clover Kingdom, covered his chubby little face with his hands and looked very depressed: "I came back to play with the handsome Yuno guy, but he turned out to be... I went to the Heart Capital with Asta to visit Mr. Maou...well, I knew I wouldn't come back."

"Don't say that, Chami, if you don't come back, Henry won't be able to lead us and let the Black Bull fight for a long time."

At this time, a woman with pink curly hair dressed as a witch and wearing an overly sexy dress smiled and touched the little guy's head. On her shoulders stood a pink cat that was made up of countless lines and could control destiny.

Banasha smiled and said: "There is no need to panic. As long as Rouge is here, before my magic power is completely exhausted, the attacks of those demons will never be able to touch us and the Black Bull."

But as she spoke, she subconsciously turned her head and looked in a certain direction.

There was some worry hidden in his eyes.

"I just don't know what the situation is like with Captain Ye Jian... He said before that he was looking for the child of Lei Zi, but I don't know if he found him or not."

When mentioning the lively girl who suddenly joined the Black Bulls half a year ago, Banasha couldn't help but feel even more worried.

Because, as a matter of fact, Saten Ruiko is the weakest among all the Magic Knights.

And it's still the kind of situation where you go out to do a mission and encounter any bandit who blocks your way, and you can only make a 50-50 split.

Although the child's interpersonal relationships are usually too strong, several group leaders will support her, so when the bad guys with some common sense see her, they will secretly curse her and go away without worrying about safety. .

But with the current situation in the kingdom's capital being attacked by demons, no one can use the "Face Fruit"...

"Hey, Captain Ye Jian, you must all be safe and sound."

Banasha murmured with a worried expression.

But what she didn't know was.

Because of someone's over-protection, Saten Ruiko can now be considered the strongest being in the entire Clover Kingdom in a sense.

In other words, it is the existence that is least likely to die.

The kind that can't even be bombed with a bunch of nuclear bombs.


In front of an orphanage somewhere.

There was a sea of ​​darkness, attracted by some strange smell of blood, surrounded by tens of thousands of demons.

A girl with an unusually thick head and head, who had hundreds of defensive array BUFFs attached to her body, could catch meteorites on her face, was shivering in fear.

Because she didn't understand why she was surrounded by a group of monsters falling from the sky, three layers inside and three outside, when she was just out shopping and giving some gifts to the children in the orphanage.

And it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of them.

This is too much, you guys!

So, she silently took out the new fanny pack she bought half a month ago.

There were hundreds of magical blood beads condensed from someone's blood.

Then, looking at the group of very casual-looking demons in front of her, Saten Ruiko, who was almost crying because of their ugliness, finally couldn't help but take a handful of blood beads directly from her pocket. When the demons were surprised, Under the greedy eyes——

Crushed them all at once.

She cried loudly with a frightened look on her face.

"Don't come over here!"

Chapter 276: I am in Hades, please leave a message if you have any questions

So strong.

Julius, whose clothes were stained with blood, faced the legendary top demon in front of him, his expression more solemn than ever before, and he only had this strange thought in his heart.

Ever since he became the Magic Emperor, he has never encountered an opponent who could put him in a tough fight.

Even the leader of the White Night Demon Eye more than half a year ago used the magic power he had accumulated for an unknown amount of time to release a large-scale magic that enveloped the entire Clover Kingdom, threatening every citizen.

He had to use time magic of equal power to offset it, only then did he reveal his flaw and received a fatal blow from the opponent.

If it were a fair fight without any scruples, the elf who used light magic and had extreme speed wouldn't even be able to survive a minute under him.

But the situation is different now.

Using time magic that strengthened the magic field to the limit, it solidified the entire radius of a kilometer at once and stopped everything. However, it was still completely wrapped by the space cracks in the sky. It was steadily compressed and eroded the activity space. In the end Only a few tens of meters in radius were left.

Julius is very aware of his current situation.

He can't beat the opponent.

Even in matters such as delaying the other party, it relied on the special nature of "time magic" to arouse the other party's interest. After the initial tentative struggle, he could only stay in place and act as a target to attract attention. Strength, this is the success.

But even so, it cannot be delayed for too long.

With experience and intuition, Julius quickly figured out how long he could hold off the opponent for at most——

five minutes.

This is his limit.

"...Oh, I have to fight hard."

The man who was the Magic Emperor breathed a sigh of relief, and the magic pattern used to store "time" on his forehead began to fade quickly.

Next, he planned to completely overdraw himself, use the maximum release of "time magic" to restore all the surrounding space cracks to their original state at once, and then permanently seal the top demon in the distance at the cost of his life.

But just then.

Without any warning, in this space where time stood still, a plain voice suddenly sounded from beside me.

"Save some energy to help your citizens, this country still needs you."

Dressed in dark red bloody clothes, Wu Feng automatically pressed down slightly with a flawless palm.

The laws of the world within a radius of ten miles were shaken for a moment, and then the space cracks like natural disasters and the magic of stagnant time disappeared out of thin air.

This unexpected situation.

Beelzebub, the top demon in the distance, was slightly startled.

Julius turned his head to look beside him in astonishment, and then saw a familiar yet unfamiliar man.

"Mr. Gafan?!"

He shouted subconsciously, but immediately reacted and frowned slightly: "No, there is a subtle sense of violation...Who are you?"

"Clone No. 38."

The man said expressionlessly: "Because I'm the thirty-eighth to show up... Damn, I'm going to kill all the thirty-seven bastards in front of me."

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and clone No. 38 cursed.

His relatively independent personality makes him different from his true self, and he has a sullen heart that wants to show off. However, just the code name No. 38, which is worse than a name like Wang Fugui, has already made his dream of showing off come back. It was stillborn before it even started...


The sound of swords tore through the sky and stirred up a spatial storm resounded.

Under the gaze of clone No. 38, whose pupils shrank, the slashes composed of space cracks all over the sky turned into an extremely dense curtain, pressing towards him menacingly.

The pretense he had just put on for the appearance had exhausted all of his energy reserves, and he was unable to block this attack, which was obviously a big move.

"Dig a trench, help!"

"Here we come, Sanba."

next moment.

Three figures, also wearing dark red blood-clothed clothes, appeared in front of him instantly. At the same time, they raised their hands and propped up an invisible barrier fifty meters high, which firmly blocked the crazy space storm.

And one of the windbreakers had a figure with "seven" engraved on the back, and even raised his right hand, distorting the lonely night, adjusting the spectrum, gathering the power of the stars, and directly sending a wave of violent cosmic rays symbolizing peace and friendship to the opponent.


Suddenly, a sound like thunderous explosions echoed in all directions.

The starlight was so dazzling that it even made the sky above the entire kingdom's capital appear as bright as day.

Although the defense line composed of dense space cracks blocked most of the blazing white light beams from the universe, the remaining parts still caused cracks to appear on the bone wings behind the top demon.

"strong enough."

Beelzebub, whose bone visor cracked, smiled.

During the long years of being sealed in Hades, he couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had been hurt by others. This was much more interesting than just "playing" with humans who manipulated time.

The long-lost blood began to boil in the heart of the top demon.

But Gafan's clones started to quarrel now.

"Fuck! No. 7, I told you not to call me 38, did you do it on purpose?!"

"Hey, Sanba, don't be so angry. I just vented my anger on you."

Although the appearance of the clone is the same as that of the other person, the clone No. 7 shrugged, with a playful smile, and completely different personality traits: "Furthermore, we use the code to distinguish each other according to the order in which they were summoned. This is everyone's default, and it is not allowed. What a shame."

"...Ma Dan, how come that kid Leizi managed to stay alive until he was thirty-eight, and then he crushed the blood bead containing me?"

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