Under the blank gazes of the Seraphs who had cleared away the demon army, a huge magma ball with a diameter of five kilometers and as long as a meteorite was born at such an unreasonable speed.

Such an attack range even covers the entire capital of the Spade Kingdom.

And even for the "big hole" that connects to Hades, no demon dares to come out for the time being.

Hidden in the darkness, they whispered fearfully.

He said that he was rushing to the "realm gate" opened by other adults to the present world.

And Gafan, who had successfully released the summoning state of the Seraphs, had already teleported to the sky above the Spade Capital City, looking at the huge magma ball above with a little surprise, which was enough to destroy the city in an instant.

Praise softly.

"There are two brushes. This is almost equivalent to super magic."

After Gafan roughly compared it with the opponents he had fought, he quickly concluded that the guy above who had just devoured his companions had surged in strength and was even stronger than the guardians of the Great Tomb. extent.

Even by Rimuru's standards, this guy is already a disaster.

"It seems like something bad would happen if we let this thing fall."

Gafan glanced at the city below.

Although he felt that based on his current situation, even if he was bombarded head-on by this "meteorite", he would not be seriously injured. However, this capital city with hundreds of thousands of residents would definitely be completely destroyed by the aftermath.

This is not okay.

So it's very simple and clear what to do.

"'Magic Realm'."

The invisible barrier instantly spread to a radius of 10,000 meters.

This is the replica of a "lioness" named Meleoleona Vermilion who was practicing there when Gafan was traveling across a certain powerful demon zone full of magma. of.

But this is not magic, but a high-end magic technique unique to this world.

In this field, the user can manipulate the magic floating around him at will, and cast the magic beyond his own reserve from any angle, increasing the power of magic, and at the same time greatly improving his perception and reaction.

It is considered the standard equipment of the world's top magicians.

And Gafan is releasing this field now for the next use, which is another magic copied from a certain witch leader.

"'Dream Magic·The Realm of Illusion'."

The invisible mouth that connects different dimensions and interferes with the law opens.

In an instant, under the gaze of Lilith, who maintained an exaggerated smile, and her constricted pupils, the "little sun" that had condensed half of her own magic power began to fall downwards...

Just disappeared into thin air.

It was as if he had been swallowed by some formless abyssal beast.

This was a horrifying scene, and the top demon, who was always in a playful mood, finally felt a numbing chill.

"what's the situation?!!"

Lilith panicked, and subconsciously flapped her demon wings to retreat, trying to temporarily return to Hades through the "Realm Gate"——

Time stopped flowing around me.

"'Judica's Freeze·Time Stops'."

In a world that has become dead.

The demon with quite high magic resistance was struggling desperately to escape from here, and it really started to move slowly.

She no longer wanted to fight.

Because Lilith felt like there was something wrong with the world.

What are you doing, that human? !

It is obvious that there is no existence where her attacks are ineffective, and there is no existence where she can be harmed! Because obviously all life in this world should exist to please her, but...

Lilith felt that she could no longer enjoy it.

And there was an unprecedented strange feeling in my heart.

what is it then?

The top demon thought in confusion, and when a big hand suddenly grabbed her head, he realized very clearly that its name was——

Facing the fear of death.

"Why are you running? Ugly."

Gafan lowered his head slightly and asked softly in the devil's ear with a smile in the dead space where time stopped flowing.

"You haven't told me how you got out yet, tell me quickly~ otherwise..."

"I'm going to kill you."

Chapter 275: The Crisis of Clover 4K6

Fateful night.

Under the bright moonlight, for the people in the capital of the Clover Kingdom, everything they are experiencing now can be regarded as an unprecedented turning point in the history of destiny.

It was just the same routine as usual, with the sun setting and the moon rising, but a large hole that was a hundred meters long was torn open without any warning at a thousand meters high in the sky. .

Chaos and violent magic surged out from it, casting a strange shadow over the sky.

Under this shadow, tens of thousands of demons were laughing wildly, turning into black waterfalls falling from the sky, or in other words, pouring like a torrential rain towards the capital of the kingdom built on the mountain below.

The towering city wall lost its meaning at this moment.

The nine magic knights guarding the kingdom came out in full force. While sending the people away to seek refuge, they all began to fight to the death with the weakest demons, who were almost at the level of deputy captains. .

But the battle turned out to be one-sided.

Because of the general absolute difference in magic power, the Magic Knights directly faced an unprecedented absolute disadvantage. They could only be divided into small groups and began to continuously shrink their defense lines. While protecting the people, they kept fighting and retreating.

And most importantly, they were shocked to find that their magic could not destroy those powerful demons who were alone.

Although some nobles who were proficient in demonology soon passed on valuable information, it also made the magic knights feel even deeper despair.

Lower level demons can be swept away with enough magic power.

Demons above the middle level all require special underworld magic, or holy magic that is deeply assimilated with elemental elves, or the ultimate magic secretly passed down by the elves, in order to successfully kill them.

And they don't have these requirements...

But the good thing is.

Not everyone can resist the devil.


A fifty-meter-long jet-black blade cut through the night, directly cutting all three demons in mid-air into two before they landed.

The powerful magic power that was emitted, similar to the breath of Hades, attracted several middle-level demons who wanted to hunt and play around and enjoy the fun of killing.

Then, an artifact blade wrapped in dark magic was pressed directly to the ground and rubbed freely for several minutes.

"Hey, we have to find a way to close that big hole in the sky, otherwise it will continue like this forever."

He casually changed himself a cigarette and lit it, exhaling a mouthful of white mist. Yami Jida, holding the blood-stained "Buddha Killer", stood on top of the piles of demon corpses, frowning and looking at the still-returning beast in the sky. A huge door where demons are constantly pouring out.

"Is this the end of the world? Bastard, the difference in combat power between the two sides is too severe."

The current disaster is far more serious than the terrorist attack from the White Night Demon Eye and the elf leaning incident half a year ago.

Because this is already a war incident involving the life and death of the kingdom.

Ye Jianjieda turned around and glanced in the direction of the royal city.

The towering palace there has been heavily surrounded by thousands of demons with bat wings, but surprisingly it has not been captured yet.

Because those annoying nobles with their eyes above their heads, and the stupid king who looks like a fat intestine, in this crisis situation, finally broke out in a way that ordinary magic knights do not have -

financial resources.

Over the past hundreds of years, piles of ancient magic tools that had been locked up in the kingdom's treasury as collections since they were excavated from the ruins have now been taken out, and even the legendary magic weapons have erupted. Demons have to temporarily avoid the terrifying power of the edge.

Hundreds of thick beams of light of different colors shot straight into the sky, sweeping wildly over the entire royal city and blasting away one-tenth of the number of demons who had an absolute advantage in individual combat power.

This is the foundation of a country.

Although it is the kind that has always been in the hands of a few people.

But now it is enough to serve as a decoy and share the important role of taking away the pressure on other battlefields.

If these nobles had not aroused the interest of the demons, Fankins would not have been able to successfully lead the entire Golden Dawn group and use massive amounts of magic power to create a tree of life that is a hundred meters high. All over the capital the wounded were being treated and the dying were being hung up.

In this way, within half an hour, it can be guaranteed that no one will die in this city.

But the price paid was that three-quarters of the members of the "Golden Dawn" temporarily lost their precious fighting ability due to exhaustion of magic power, and became a burden.


Yami Jiedai, who didn't want to pay too much attention to those fat-headed nobles, after sensing and confirming the fighting situation of other regiment leaders for a while, turned his attention to another most important battlefield in the sky.

That was an ability that had been interfered with by someone using the fourth dimension more than half a month ago. It had returned from a teenage state to a middle-aged state. The contemporary Magic Emperor, who mastered the most powerful time magic, was facing a person who could completely control him. The supreme demon of space.

Time vs space.

Two powerful forces that can even interfere with laws are colliding with each other.

Countless space cracks that are thousands of meters long suppress an invisible realm where time stops flowing, and continue to penetrate and destroy it.

The aftermath of the battle caused even more than half of the kingdom's capital, a thousand meters above sea level, to become an absolute life-limited zone.

Even the murderous demons dare not approach and can only take a detour.

And because of the large gap in magic power, the time magic that should have symbolized invincibility is now being suppressed by the most powerful demon from the underworld in the most brutal and direct way.

"As a human being, you are quite capable."

Beelzebub, with the bone wings spread out on his back, looked expressionlessly at the man who seemed to be called the Magic Emperor. Dark bones spread out from his hands, and began to condense into a shape similar to a two-handed sword, and Use the most violent space debris as the cutting edge.

This was the inspiration he got from the human being named Zenon whom he leaned over before.

A supreme magic sword, "Deinsleif".

"Try it and see if it can cut your 'time' directly."

The top demon's indifferent tone revealed a bit of curiosity, causing the tense Magic Emperor's expression to change.

next moment.

A space crack that was three kilometers long appeared.

A few drops of blood fell onto the ruined city below, mixing with the dust.

"...Boss Julius, you must hold on."

Cold sweat fell from his forehead.

The magic field spread out, and Yami Jiedai, who was clearly aware of everything around him, threw the newly lit cigarette aside and silently clenched the handle of the knife in his hand.

Because at this time, there were already four high-level demons whose magical power was several times his own, and whose strength was roughly equivalent to the "Black Tripolar" that he had fought before, and they surrounded him unknowingly.

Weird snickers continued to echo above the ruins.

"Oh~ look, this interesting human being, he killed many of our companions alone~" A demon with eyes all over his body laughed.

"No, demons below the middle level can only be regarded as food, not companions." A demon that looks like a three-headed snake man said coldly.

"Hey, look at the knife in this guy's hand. This thing feels weird to me. It seems to have the ability to kill us completely." The ten-meter-tall demon with explosive muscles all over his body said doubtfully.

"If I want it, don't take it from me, whether it's this human's life or the knife in his hand." The demon hiding in the mist of death, with an erratic aura, laughed arrogantly.

The sound of unbridled exchanges echoed in my ears.

In response, Yami Sukedai, who had both the "Magic Domain" and the "Transparent World" in full release, held in his hand the artifact blade from another world that had been wielded by a certain supreme swordsman, and smiled with a scary expression. .

But it was not because of the provocation of these four upper demons.

"Nahat, my deputy commander, are you here?"

Surrounded by high-ranking demons, Yami Jiedai suddenly asked in a low voice.

And in fact he actually got a response.

"Here, don't call me deputy captain, I never promised you at all."

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