"Oh, I remember who you are!"

As the three people in Laia looked at each other in confusion, Gafan said something with a slight smile that made their expressions change instantly.

"You are the 'Three Demonic Eyes'. That guy who saw you at night once mentioned you to me, and he also highlighted your various nicknames at that time."

"They are the false Raia, the despairing Werther, and the hateful Fa..."

He stopped abruptly mid-sentence.

Because a soft little hand blocked Gafan's mouth.

"Guest, it's such a thing to reveal someone else's dark history..."

Fana, who was in a hurry to jump down from the tree canopy and whose hairstyle was a little messy, couldn't help but twitching slightly at the corners of his eyes when he looked at the man in front of him.

She sneered with a smile on her face.

"You will be surrounded by a group of people and beaten."

Chapter 270: The Leading Party

Over the forest of Eleusia.

A figure caught in the beam of light passed by at high speed.

His simple movement speed was so fast that it was almost like teleportation, and he even had to pause slightly every time he moved forward to confirm whether he was going in the wrong direction.

Finally, Bartley stopped somewhere above a place where the forest vegetation had become unusually lush for some reason.

He looked down with a solemn expression. Although his sight was blocked by the dense tree canopy, he could still tell his three closest tribesmen and companions, as well as a strange and powerful aura.

"Raya, Wet, Fana, are you okay...?"

The four people present turned around and saw an elf with a single ponytail, a handsome face, and a dark left eye, froze on the spot.

Bartley's brain is a little down now.

Because he saw that apart from the patron saint and him, the three strongest people in Eleusia, all without exception, were now looking a little disgraced, sitting in a row in a slightly embarrassed manner, kneeling on the ground.

In front of the three of them, there was a strange human being with a white dumpling and a white cat on each shoulder. He was sitting cross-legged and suspended in the air with a speechless expression.

The black hair was still burning silently with a red flame from the Fire Elf.

Or should I say flames?

"...Excuse me, what just happened here?"

Bartley, who didn't sense any tense atmosphere in the scene, but felt inexplicably embarrassed, asked cautiously.


He casually extinguished the small flame in his hair.

Gafan, who had just restored the nearby vegetation with World Tree magic, glanced expressionlessly at Fana, who was the only woman present. She looked sweet but was the most ruthless, and sighed tiredly. .

"I just told them about their dark history and got beaten up, and then I defeated them all."

Bartley: "???"

This man was reincarnated 500 years ago to the present day and formed the terrorist organization "The Demonic Eye of White Night". He was deceived by the devil and fell into despair. In the end, he regained his courage and corrected his evil ways. He successfully defeated the Kotōling with Asta and others from the Clover Kingdom. Demonic, the man who is the former leader of the White Night Demon Eye.

Now confused.

The time it took from the time he received the call for help to when he arrived here seemed to be less than three minutes, right?

What happened during this period of time to make the first "Three Demonic Eyes" who were better at fighting than me be defeated like this? !

"Bartley, this human being is so strong and perverted."

Laia, who had teleported behind Bartley at some point, had a rare look of cowardice on her decadent face, and she was peeping at her friend's shoulder.

"Of all the magic I've tried to imitate, none of them can break the invisible 'turtle shell' on this guy's body. Werther's Warcraft magic has no effect either. Fana is so ruthless and can only burn the opponent's hair." A small flame appeared."

"I really can't beat him."

Moreover, the other party didn't even summon the magic book, so he couldn't completely replicate the other party's magic by touching the magic book.

"Is it that exaggerated? This is the first time I heard you comment on a human being like this. What kind of magic did the other person use?"

Bartley turned his head and asked in a low voice.

"have no idea."


"You came a little late, so you didn't see it. In just a few minutes, this human being has used more than ten different types of magic, and the level of each one is quite high."

Laiya, who put his hands on his friend's shoulders, replied seriously.

"It should be similar to my imitation magic, or the magic used by the Word Spirit Demon, but it actually feels more high-end to me."

"Yes, my instinct has been warning me from the first time I saw this guy."

Werther, who had also hid behind Bartley at some point, always maintained a vigilant look on his face, as the boy who had become much younger due to some mistakes in his reincarnation.

"But there is no hostility or murderous intent in him. He should not be an enemy."

"Then he's a bad guy too!"

Fauna, who also hid, shouted dissatisfied: "He actually burned my hair with fire? This is so ungentlemanly!"

"...Well, it seems like you burned Fana's hair first, right?"

"Hey, Werther, where are you from?!"

Listening to the noise of his three close friends in his ears, the corners of Bartley's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

He didn't understand why these guys were hiding behind him.

Are you really embarrassed to use such a slender man as a shield?

"That's called Bartley, right? Hello, my name is Gafan."

At this time, the human who broke into this place suddenly spoke.

"Well, hello, Mr. Gafan, if possible, could you tell me the purpose of breaking into this place?"

Bartley, who was pushed forward by the three injured friends behind him, said somewhat helplessly: "After all, you are the first outsider to enter this place in centuries. I don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble."

"Well, actually, I just want to ask you to repair something and come for a trip."

"Traveling, repairing things?" Bartley was surprised.

If this was really the case, then he wouldn't mind treating this powerful human being as a guest in the land of elves.

Although he didn't understand why the other party asked their elves to repair things, he should obviously go to the dwarf craftsmen who lived in seclusion for this kind of thing.

"By the way, can I ask a question?"

At this time, Gafan turned his head to look in a certain direction in confusion, pointed and asked.

"Is there anyone you know in that direction? They keep looking at me, which makes me feel a little weird."

"But there's no one around anymore?"

Bartley was surprised and looked in the direction pointed by the other party. The high sense brought by the huge magic power in his body did not find any suspicious figure.

But it didn't look like the other party was lying.

So, this made him lower his head and think for a while, and then...


Because Bartley suddenly realized that the direction this human was pointing happened to be the village of their elves, and the person who had been observing him should be the patron saint.

But there is a full fifty miles away from here!

How the hell did you notice this? ? !

Bartley was immediately shocked and looked at Gafan blankly. He didn't know for a moment whether he should tell him about the existence of the elf village.

However, Laiya, who was fishing behind him, suddenly reminded him weakly.

"Bartley, the other party seems to be a friend of the exotic black swordsman Yami Jiedai. He is most likely trustworthy. I have never heard his "inner" lies, and..."

"To be honest, we really can't beat this guy."

After hearing this last very practical reason, Bartley finally stopped hesitating and showed a friendly smile.

"Guest, please come with me. Our patron saint Doriad has already heard of your arrival."

"He...should be quite happy to see you, right?"

When he said this, Bartley's tone paused.

That was his last conscience.

But Gafan was stunned this time.


Do the elves in the original novel have such a thing? No impression.

Touching his chin, Gafan subconsciously looked suspicious.

But in fact, compared to this, his main purpose of coming here is to find possible clues that can repair the "World Magic Book - Broken", so he came specifically to find elves with long lifespans.

So if there really was such a so-called patron saint, then he felt that it would be more reliable to ask that guy himself.

I just don’t know if the other person is easy to talk to.

"Well, let me ask you, your patron saint, he keeps you alive, ahem, am I saying he is knowledgeable?"

"Of course, Lord Doriad is the longest-living being in the world, and he also has the unique ability to foresee. Of course, he is the most knowledgeable and knowledgeable god."

Bartley patted his flat chest, looking confident.

In response, Gafan blinked, and then looked suspiciously at the three people hiding behind each other, and found that they were nodding in sync with each other, and then he felt relieved and believed it.

"That's good."

Gafan, who had killed the evil god, showed a friendly smile representing peace to the elves who had worshiped the patron saint for generations before him.

"Then, please ask your friends to lead the way."

"I...want to meet your patron saint as a guest."

Chapter 271: Please put away your bold ideas

Hidden in the land of elves in Eleusia.

In fact, the elves living here no longer have pure blood.

Because as early as five hundred years ago, all the pure elves had died in tragic massacres due to a conspiracy of the devil.

And now these half-elves are descended from the bloodline of the Clover Kingdom's first generation magic emperor Lumiere's sister, Princess Thetia, and the original Elf clan leader Richter. reproduced and multiplied.

These natural creatures, doted on by magic, have lived in this isolated paradise for generations and have never seen humans from the outside world.

But today, they saw it.

Under the warm sunshine and the sweet chirping of birds.

The half-elf who came with a group of small animals to join in the fun was curious to see a strange guy floating into the village. Under the leadership of Lord Bartley, he walked straight into the "sacred residence" of the patron saint, and not long after ...

The familiar wailing sound of the miserable crowd came faintly from the hole in the big tree.

Their pointed ears twitched slightly, and they looked at each other in confusion.


"Ahhh, my God! Bartley, how could you do this? I'm really going to hate you!"

A beautiful woman who was three meters tall and wearing a strange dress like a bush, huddled in the corner of the huge tree hole, wailing uncontrollably, with an expression of unspeakable grievance.

Although his whole body was clearly exuding a magical aura and vitality fluctuations that surpassed all the elves, he looked completely cowardly.

The Gafan people who had just drifted into the tree hole were stunned.

"Stay away from me, human, or I'll bite you!"

Doriad yelled without any image at all, and at the same time his figure began to become illusory, as if he was about to release this half-energy body created by magic at any time.

"Stop, stop, stop, calm down!"

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