"I guess so."

"Although there are dangers, the mountains, flowing water, and the beautiful scenery along the way are worth the risks of the journey, or should we say the risks?"

Gafan said to himself: "Old man, when you no longer want to be a high priest, just go out and see. The outside world is also quite beautiful."

"...Let's talk about it then."

Standing crowded with people and residents, the high priest concentrated on enjoying the performance on the stage, with a smile on the wrinkles on his face.

In response, Gafan also shrugged and said nothing more.

But at this time, as if something suddenly occurred to him, he took out half of the "clay tablet" he had obtained in the "Magic Book Tower" from the void, handed it over, and asked for advice.

"By the way, High Priest, you said before that the Ocean Temple has a long history, and due to its closure, it has preserved a lot of ancient knowledge... Do you know what this is? Or can it be 'repaired'? ?"

In response to this, the high priest first casually glanced at the half of the clay tablet and then withdrew his gaze, then suddenly turned his head back again in shock.

His face was filled with doubts and thoughts.

"Wait a minute, although it looks ugly, this thing looks really old... I seem to have seen a similar description in an ancient book."

After hesitating for a moment, the high priest took over the completely scrapped "World Magic Book - Broken", lowered his head and looked at it carefully, and even used various ancient secret methods unique to the Ocean Temple to detect it.

But I still couldn't see the slightest abnormality.

Even the existence of magic power cannot be sensed.

"Sorry, this thing is beyond the scope of my knowledge. There should be no clues you want in the ancient collections of the Ocean Temple... Have you tried looking for it in the big library of the Clover Kingdom? ?"

"Tried it."

Gafan shook his head: "I also asked a group leader named Dorothy to help me, but I got nothing."

"That's it."

After handing back the half of the clay tablet, the high priest thought for a moment and then said seriously.

"Since the Great Library of the Kingdom and I don't have it, then other human countries probably won't have relevant records similar to this half of the clay tablet."

"So if you really want to restore it or find clues about such old objects, then I suggest you go to the elves. Their long lives are enough to pass on more complete knowledge."

"Although I heard that they became extinct five hundred years ago."

Regarding this suggestion, Gafan, with the beautiful singing voice echoing in his ears, fell into deep thought.


Three days later.

Unknown to the world, located in the deepest demon zone in the heart of the Kingdom of Red Heart, a top-secret secret that has been isolated from the world for five centuries, the last home of elves——


We welcomed guests for the first time today.

Chapter 269: The dark history of the Three Demonic Eyes


The last homeland of the elves.

It is also the area with the highest concentration of magic power among all powerful demon zones on the entire continent.

According to common sense, this place should not be full of natural disasters and rampant monsters. It should be an absolute life-limited area in the true sense. However, in fact, this situation only exists in the border areas.

In the inner area, because the rich and excessive magic power in the air has been properly channeled, the vegetation has been nourished beyond imagination.

Countless ancient towering trees take root here, and countless small animals live here.

Clear streams with therapeutic effects flow in the forest, beautiful butterflies are flying on the beautiful fragrant flowers, and from time to time, magical creatures such as toads with mushrooms on their heads pass by leisurely.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

The vitality of nature is vividly displayed here, even surpassing the capital of the Kingdom of Heart, which has been carefully adjusted by the witches of the past generations with magic barriers.

This is a true paradise, isolated from the world.

And on an open lawn deep in the forest, there is a small village that looks like a fairy tale.

Simple but exquisite wooden houses were built randomly, and some people wearing white robes similar to ancient Greek style lived here leisurely and peacefully.

Their appearance is generally outstanding, and both men and women have fair skin, platinum hair, and good-looking faces. They are born with strange patterns that represent being loved by magic, and most importantly...

They also all have a pair of slender pointed ears.

That represents their race, which is elves.

Next to the small village of the elves, there is an ancient tree that is the most luxuriant and tall in the entire forest. It is unknown how long it has lived. It is full of the breath of life and magic, and even has a clear mind. Accepting the beliefs and offerings of the elves.

Because of this ancient tree, he is the patron saint here——


"Wow, ah, ah, there's a super powerful guy coming, no, he's already here! It's so scary, so scary!"

In a huge tree hole as spacious as a palace, a woman with a baby face, a height of three meters and a body of golden proportions was spinning around in a panic with an expression like Aqua's on her face.

The long clothes left traces on the floor.

The low-cut dress that seemed to grow naturally from flowers was worn on her body, just like her long green hair blooming like flowers. It contrasted with her fair skin and half-breasted breasts, revealing her personality. A different kind of beauty.

But at the same time, it does not have the aura of a living creature in the true sense, but...

Like some kind of embodied semi-energy body?

"It feels like he is coming to find me. It's not right. I don't know him, and it's not right. I knew it. He just came to me for something. Oh my God, I don't want to see that kind of scary guy!"

Doriad cried loudly: "There are no humans like him? Not even demons are like him!"

"Lord Patron Saint, what happened?"

At this time, a figure, wrapped in a beam of light, rushed in almost instantly, raised his head hurriedly and asked.

"I sense your anxiety. Is something big going to happen?"

"Oh, Bartley!"

As if he had found someone to talk to, Doriad flew directly in front of him, wailing without a single tear.

"Some humans have entered "Eleusia" and are on their way here. They are almost there!"

Upon hearing this, Bartley, who had an anxious expression on his face, was immediately stunned.

Because of the strong demon zone boundary and the ancient barrier, it stands to reason that it would be impossible for humans to enter here without the guidance of elves.

Even if a demon from Hades wants to break into this place alone, he must be at least a high-level demon, otherwise he can only stare outside the "gate".

And more than this, he is actually more concerned about why the patron saint became so panicked just because a human broke in.

"Shou, Lord Patronus, are you right? Are humans really breaking into this place?"

Bartley couldn't help but confirm again.

"That's right, they are human beings, and they are super strong! Compared to that guy, I would rather the one who broke in here was a demon!" Doriad frowned, looking really distressed.

"...Is it an enemy?" Bartley's expression became serious.

"Oh, that's not true. The other party came with good intentions."


Bartley was stunned: "Then why...are you so uneasy?"

"Because that guy feels really scary."

Doriad put his hands on his hips and said seriously: "I have lived for so long, and I have never seen a human being who is so strong."

"Not even comparable to the first-generation Magic Emperor and the Elf Clan Chief combined."


at the same time.

Somewhere in the forest.

A man wearing a blue and white robe, with a white dumpling and a white cat on each shoulder, was wandering on the green lawn, with a look of confusion on his face as if he was lost.

"That's weird. I seem to have been here just now?"

Gafan looked at the familiar patch of flowers at his feet with a puzzled look on his face, feeling that he had seen the bees collecting honey here no less than three times.

"Gafan, can't you open a perception circle?" The system that maintained the Baituanzi state was speechless.

"Or we can just fly directly into the sky, so we can look for traces of elves. Otherwise, we will probably wander around in this forest and get lost until the sun goes down."

"No, I promised you not to use the 'map' when traveling, otherwise it would reduce a lot of fun and surprises for us."

Gafan, who finally admitted that he was indeed lost again, shook his head and firmly refused.

After all, he had nothing urgent to do now. He was completely idle until Saten Ruiko and Maou Sadao wanted to go home.

So you can take your time with everything, including now.

Gafan looked at the big tree in front of him, hesitating whether to leave some reminder marks on the rough bark.

It has now been three days since I participated in the Undersea Temple Festival and left the seaside town.

Since he had visited almost all the towns in the Clover Kingdom and had a clear goal to find the elves, he went straight to find them here.

Although Eleusia is indeed a quite hidden place, even the major kingdoms have no relevant records about it, let alone its true existence.

But Gafan, who has read the original work, knows that this is roughly located in the northwestmost area of ​​the Kingdom of Red Heart, and it is also a strong demon area, so for him, finding this place is not a troublesome thing at all.

He even stopped by the capital of the Kingdom of Hearts to visit Sadao Maou, who was still exchanging knowledge with the Queen of Hearts.

That guy is really now completely addicted to the "Magic Word Technique" that can adjust the magic power of the environment.

Because this will help improve the harsh environment in which the demons in his hometown live.

If the survival problem of the demons could be solved, he would not have to launch a cruel war with humans.

"Hey, who are you?"

At this time, a soft and playful voice came from above.

Gafan, who was stroking the rough bark of the tree, looked up doubtfully, and then saw a person sitting on a branch in the dense canopy, with long wavy light pink hair and light blue eyes. , and a very sweet-looking young girl.

The other party blinked and looked at him curiously, his expression a little wary but not hostile.

He looks like a harmless and well-behaved person, but the magic power he possesses in his body even faintly exceeds those of the leaders of the Magic Knights that Gafan has seen.

But none of this matters.

Because of the angle, I accidentally saw Gafan, who had become fatter. He lowered his head silently with an expressionless face, indicating that he did not want to talk for the time being.

Fana, who didn't notice that he was gone, tilted his head and frowned slightly.

"Human, why don't you speak? And can you tell me how you entered Eleusi..."

"Fana, stay away from that human being, he makes me feel very dangerous!"

At this time, another young man with broken hair, a line on the bridge of his nose that looked like a long and narrow scar, and an aura that was the same as that of a beast, appeared on another ancient tree in the distance at some point.

That sharp gaze stared at the man below with great vigilance, but there was no sign of taking action.

Because he didn't feel any hostility from the other party.

"Witt, don't be nervous. I've already sent someone to notify Bartley. He will be there very quickly with his light magic speed."

A crack in the dark space appeared, and another figure appeared on the tree crown.

Different from other elves, the man had white-blond hair, a head full of messy black hair, a lazy look, and deep dark circles under his eyes. He casually scratched the back of his head and said weakly.

"Human, please don't make any moves that may cause us to misunderstand. After all, you are the first human to break into this place. If there are no conflicts, we are happy to treat you as a guest."

As if she hadn't woken up, Laiya, wearing a black scarf, breathed listlessly.

"So, seriously, please don't do anything super troublesome, please."

In this regard, Gafan, who was already surrounded, did not seem to be nervous at all.

Instead, he glanced at the lazy guy, and then glanced back and forth several times with a look of surprise on the three strangers they met for the first time.

After some reflection.

Finally, he finally showed a look of surprise.

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