At this time, Saten Ruiko suddenly couldn't help but asked with a worried look.

"You stopped talking all of a sudden. Are you a little tired?"

"No, this body doesn't have the concept of 'tired'. And don't call me Gafan, it's hard to tell the difference."

After thinking for a while, the man smiled lightly.

"Call me your clone."

"Oh oh oh! Brother clone!"

After hearing this, Saten Ruiko instantly understood what kind of existence the other party was, and immediately no longer felt restrained.

Ever since.

The clone silently lowered his head and looked at the "burden" on his thigh that was clinging to him again. He also took a deep breath and said helplessly.

"Leizi, what are you doing?"

"Brother Clone, can you help the people here?" Saten Ruiko blinked her eyes pitifully.

"If you are talking about the unconscious people lying on the ground nearby, I have just used high-level recovery magic to help cure them."

The clone said: "I even helped them restore the damaged building. Isn't that interesting?"

"No, no, I mean to go to other places to help everyone."

As the weakest member of the Magic Knights, Saten Ruiko launched her off-site help skills without hesitation.

"I didn't notice when Sister Dorothy suddenly flew away before, but now I know that a very bad enemy has invaded here, and it seems to be very I am a little worried now. Sister Rosie, and Yuno and the others."

"Also, although the members of Golden Dawn are usually quite stinky, they are not bad people. They will sincerely go out of the city to help the villagers in need, although sometimes they are really stinky."

"I don't want anyone to die."

"Brother clone, can you help everyone?"

The girl showed a pitiful expression.

Then he was instantly rejected mercilessly.

"Sister, the order I received is to protect you. If the energy is exhausted, I will have to disperse."

The avatar with a certain independent personality said silently: "The original body is coming now, but because it is a bit far away, it will take a few minutes to arrive. I have to ensure your safety."

Saten Ruiko was stunned by these words.

And it was only then that she was truly sure that the man in front of her was indeed not Brother Gafan.

Because there are some important differences.

"...Then will you restrict my movements?"


"Then is this 'shell' on my body hard enough?"

"Before the energy is exhausted, even a nuclear bomb cannot be used to blast it away."

"Then can you help me point out where the remaining enemies are?"

"Oh, let me feel this first."

The clone tilted its head slightly, and then affirmed: "There are two left. One seems to have been locked in a dream by Miss Dorothy, so it is almost captured, and the other one is just above us."

As he said that, he felt it a little more carefully, and then added: "Hey, that guy is quite powerful. The people who fight him seem to be almost exhausted...Wait a minute, Leizi, you Where to?"

The avatar, whose thinking mode was a bit mechanical, watched dumbly as the girl in front of him suddenly ran away and rushed to the stairs, and couldn't help but look confused.

Then, he heard the girl's fearless scream.

"Come on, I am Saten Ruiko, the black violent air user. Let me see who doesn't dare to touch me!"

Doppelgänger: "???????"

Chapter 262: Crisis resolved

Golden Dawn Base Camp.

Main building, top floor.

The originally grand and spacious hall has been almost completely occupied by vegetation full of vitality.

Those trees containing astonishing magic power accurately protected several severely injured and dying magic knights who collapsed on the ground, and barely blocked the strange bone spurs that proliferated infinitely and even exuded the aura of space.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—"

A figure with several wounds pierced by bone spurs because he was distracted from rescuing members of the group was silently confronting the powerful enemy in front of him.

The magic cloak with the mark of the dawn sun has long been dyed red by blood, and there is not much magic left in the body.

But his brown eyes were always determined, and his face, which was born with extensive scars due to a family inheritance curse, also showed no signs of shrinking.

And even though he was almost forced into a desperate situation by the opponent, he was still silently guarding the members who had been moved to the edge of the battlefield by his magic.

Just because he is the leader of the Golden Dawn, William Fankins.

"I'm almost at my limit. I can hold on for another minute at most."

Fankins, whose short white hair was partially stained red by blood, muttered to himself with a low voice of judgment.

Although he has a close friend named Yami Sukedai who always talks about going beyond the limit, but if he really wants to do it, now he feels that this kind of thing is really embarrassing.

"You shouldn't be distracted by rescuing the weak, otherwise you will definitely be able to hold on longer."

At this time, the enemy who invaded here suddenly spoke coldly.

"The existence of subordinates is equivalent to consumables. It is foolish to act emotionally. Since you are loyal to this country, then... Fankins, you should always make the most rational choice."

Zenon, who was wrapped and protected by layers of bone spurs, wearing an undamaged black cloak, with the devil's wings spread out behind him, looked down at the target in front of him with cold eyes.


Fankins retorted expressionlessly, with anger hidden in his usually gentle eyes.

"No matter who you are, you are absolutely not allowed to harm my team members... I have let them down before, so whether it is leading them to protect the Clover Kingdom or protecting them from persecution by powerful enemies, These are absolute missions higher than my own life.”

The leader of the Golden Dawn spoke categorically, without any falsehood in his tone.

"...That's it. It seems that our concepts of looking at the world are actually quite different."

Zenon shook his head slightly, losing interest in continuing the conversation.

"Forget it, I will take you down with the next blow, William Fankins. I will accept the "World Tree Magic"."

"Everything is for the benefit of the Spade Kingdom."

The words fell.

Those bone spurs, numbering in the hundreds or even thousands, densely packed, and stained with blood, suddenly became violent like living creatures.

The strange bone spurs that were originally scattered throughout the hall gathered together in one place, and then directly carried the terrifying magic power and the aura of death, turning into a white tsunami, roaring straight ahead.

The power of this attack was enough to easily penetrate even the fortress walls that were stabilized by magic.

Fankins just wanted to avoid the edge temporarily, but found that the surrounding space had been completely solidified, temporarily restricting his movements. Without any hesitation, he directly began to gather his magic power with all his strength, preparing to use the magic of the World Tree. Resist this blow.

But at this moment, a shouting girl rushed into the tense and solemn battlefield, standing directly in front of the "white tsunami", and then...

"White Tsunami" was sent.

As if they had hit something unreasonably hard, those weird bone spurs that could even penetrate space were all broken, and hundreds of them were densely inserted throughout the hall.

Only half of the bones were left, still in the air, which looked a little embarrassing.

"...What's going on with this guy?"

This sudden change stunned Zenon, who had always been as cold and rational as a machine.

Even Fankins, who had successfully avoided the disaster, stared blankly at the unharmed familiar figure standing in front of him.

"...Miss Leizi?" He asked a little uncertainly.

When she heard the call, the girl who was looking timidly to see if she was injured immediately turned around and smiled lively.

"Uncle Fankins, I'm here to help you!"

Saten Ruiko, who was known as a weakling among the major magic knights, had her hands on her waist with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry, that bad guy with the cross scar on his face can't bully you anymore!"

"Get out of here quickly!!!"

Fankins, who didn't believe the other party's bragging at all, immediately looked anxious.

"The enemy is very strong. Go back and find your commander Yami. I'll help you hold them back!"


A cold voice came.

Thousands of weird bone spurs that grew crazily and abnormally had completely surrounded the two people present at some point, and together with space magic, completely blocked all escape routes.

Those blue eyes as indifferent as the deep sea looked calmly at the girl who suddenly broke into the battlefield.

"Who is the person who helped you apply defensive magic? The level is very high, the only one I have seen in my life."

Zenon, who had already judged the opponent's situation, said expressionlessly.

"However, if you want to block space magic, the defensive magic on your body will be ineffective and inconsistent."

"Hey, is it true or not?" Saten Leizi was stunned.

"Although your courage is commendable, little girl, you have come to the wrong place."

Having said that, Zenon no longer talked nonsense, but directly clenched his five fingers, trying to control the bone magic to directly block the opponent.

But at this moment——


A strange voice suddenly sounded without warning.

The inexplicable fluctuations that disturb the rules of the world spread and tamper with the truth of the moment.

And the thousands of bone spurs that had already formed a strangulation force were immediately and inexplicably shattered into powder on the ground, without even having time to regenerate.

Not only that.

A big hand with hell flames attached to it had quietly pressed on the back of the demon-possessed man's head and said softly.

"Resonance broken..."

"'Infinite Bone Hell'!"

The terrifying sense of crisis made Zenon's hair instantly explode. He immediately used a nearly self-destruction method to cause thousands of bone spurs to proliferate and break out from his body, turning himself into an extremely dangerous hedgehog and successfully forced him back. killed the enemy.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief.

There was already another invisible line ahead that caused dislocation and division in the space, drawing directly towards him.

"'Absolute Space'!"

The demonic power surged, creating an invisible huge grid to block the invisible line, but after a crisp "click" sound, the blockade was still broken through.

And the power of the "Present Break" that had slowed down, after breaking through dozens of crazy bone prisons along the way, could only leave a bone-deep wound on the enemy's shoulder.


Reaching out to touch his wound and looking at the scarlet blood between his fingers, Zenon no longer retained his strength and silently unleashed the demonic power to its maximum limit.

A pair of goat-like black and white horns sprouted from his forehead, and demonic black wings and pale bone wings spread out from his back.

The terrifying magic power that completely exceeded the limit that humans can reach completely exploded, completely sealing the entire hall space in an instant.

"'Space Magic·Air Demon Control'."

In this absolute space, he can completely control all magic, even interfering with and blocking the enemy's magic, turning him into a struggling ordinary person.

At this moment, Zenon, who had turned into a demon, looked at the strange man in dark red blood-clothed clothes who suddenly appeared in front of him expressionlessly, with a rare hint of solemnity in his eyes.

This guy is strong.

He decided to use all his strength.

"The auras of those two losers Gadroa and Foyar disappeared. Is it you who did it? Unknown strong man, you should not be from the Clover Kingdom, because your name is not in my intelligence list. ”

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