After sensing a familiar breath full of vitality through the magic field, and another unfamiliar breath that was unprecedentedly dangerous, Dorothy frowned.

But just when she wanted to rush over to help, she suddenly fell into a trance and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

"Wow~ The guy who was imprisoned in the dream seems to have some strength."

Dorothy's pupils were dilated for a few seconds, as if she was looking at another strange and magical world with some special vision, and then she sighed helplessly.

Without her personal control of the "Illusion Realm", it would be possible for the enemies trapped in it to break out.

If it were a guy with average strength, just staying in her dream for a few minutes would cause him to fall into eternal sleep without any threat.

But this time the enemy seems a little different. Although the magic he masters is nothing unusual, the amount of this magic...

"When did the power of demons become so rampant these days?"

Dorothy felt a little headache, but as a lady, she couldn't say bad words.

She turned her head and looked seriously at the magic knights who were all bruised and bruised, and said.

"Although it's a bit overstepping my bounds, big sister, I am now giving you orders as the leader of the 'Coral Peacock'."

"After using recovery magic to provide emergency treatment to your seriously injured companions, you must leave here as quickly as possible, evacuate the people near the Golden Dawn base camp, and go to other leaders of the Magic Knights for help."

At this time, a less injured magic knight couldn't help but said: "But, we still have to help the Fankins Group..."

"Stop causing trouble."

Dorothy said seriously: "The enemy is very strong. Your captain is in a difficult battle. And now I have to deal with the guy I just locked in a dream, so I have to delay for a few minutes, so... .”

"We have no time left to take care of you."

These extremely realistic words made all the elites with noble backgrounds stunned.

But after a long moment of silence, they no longer hesitated and began to rescue their companions and evacuate in an orderly manner. However, the seeds of desire to become stronger were already deeply buried in their hearts.

Dorothy also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that these elites did not fight against her, and then disappeared instantly.

She was going to go into her dream and beat up the bad guy who was making a big fuss.

It will never take more than five minutes.


at the same time.

Another location in Golden Dawn Base Camp.

A strange fog filled the place, limiting visibility to less than three meters, obscuring everything.

It even concealed the smell of blood and abnormal magic power fluctuations in the air within a certain area.

Dozens of magic knights covered in bruises fell to the ground, their lives and deaths unknown.

The only place that was still barely holding on was a few figures inside, protected by five steel walls.

One of them was a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and short to medium-length silver hair, with cold sweat on his forehead.

"I can't find the exact location of the enemy at all. If this continues, my magic power will be completely exhausted." Klaus's expression was very serious.

He is waiting for another group member hiding somewhere in the mist, that is, Letor, who has been possessed by an elf reincarnation. She uses her unique compass magic that can even temporarily imprison the group leader to catch that abominable person. enemies, creating opportunities for yourself to hit a fatal blow.

And somewhere tens of meters away from the nervous Klaus, a thin figure that seemed to be integrated into the mist looked at him with some surprise.

"This guy's magic is quite strong. I tried hitting it several times and it didn't break."

Foyall smiled contemptuously: "There is also a guy whose magic is a bit special. After hiding it, he can't be found for a while. I have to save it for the end."

As for now, I can almost enjoy the hunting game.

Having lost some interest, he raised his hand, ready to smash the "turtle shell" in the distance with the people hiding inside, and then smash the hidden little mouse and the person inside. Kill all the dead trash on the ground, and then go see if everything is over in Gadroa.

But at this moment, Fuyal's movement was sudden.

"Hey, another guy has entered the range of my fog magic?"

He was a little surprised and after sensing it for a moment, he suddenly showed an astonished expression.

"What's going on with this guy? Why is his magic so weak???"

It doesn't look like a Magic Knight at all. Is it a civilian who got here by mistake?

No, this is the headquarters of the Magic Knights after all. It would be strange for civilians to accidentally enter here.

"That's weird...forget it, just kill him."

The thin figure completely disappeared into the mist in the blink of an eye, and only a few seconds passed before he was already behind someone who was so bold that he walked unsuspectingly.

"Wow, why is it so foggy here?"

Saten Ruiko, who did not listen to Dorothy's words and left, but followed closely, trying to find her, walked in the corridor with extremely poor visibility with a confused look on her face.

"Sister Dorothy flew away suddenly and didn't even speak clearly. Doesn't this have to make me worried?"

Thinking of this, she puffed up her mouth angrily and decided to complain to the other party then.

As for now, Saten Ruiko thinks it’s better to find the person first.

Then we can go find that cool handsome guy to play together.

Thinking of this, the girl laughed.

Because of her relationship with the group Riasta, she accidentally met Yuno, her rival, who was a very rare and handsome guy.

But rather than the handsome guy, she actually cares more about the wind elf who contracted with Yuno, Miss Bell.

Because the small gesture that only existed in fairy tales and the extremely delicate and cute appearance completely touched Saten Ruiko's girlish heart.

In addition, she happened to use wind magic, so she liked the arrogant wind elf lady very much, both emotionally and instinctively.

"Alas, Miss Bell doesn't even want to go home with me to spend the night. I always bring snacks for her... By the way, this strange fog is a magic knight experimenting with new magic. "Is it caused by this?"

Saten Ruiko, who almost hit a wall while walking, was speechless.

"Let Yuno come over later to help blow these things away. After all, this is too much in the way of others walking."

And just then.

A palm condensed with strange mist was quietly aimed at the back of the girl's head.

Fuyal, who had completely confirmed that the opponent had no hidden strength and was really just an ordinary person, sneered with contempt in his eyes.


Chapter 261: Invincible off-site help skills

The strange fog that covered the magic power and blocked the aura dissipated.

Originally treating this area as a hunting ground, Fuyal, as the Dark Apostle, now had both arms disabled. His face was covered in blood and horror, and his head was grabbed with one hand and held on the ground.


He is the apostle of darkness, the chosen one, and an absolute genius!

Why was it so easy to be solved by this guy who suddenly appeared out of nowhere?

Fuyal raised his heavy eyelids tremblingly and looked at the strange man in dark red blood-clothed clothes in front of him, completely unable to understand why the gap between the two sides was so huge.

It was so big that he couldn't even understand why the fog magic he was born with suddenly and inexplicably escaped from control like a living creature, and directly turned the spearhead and destroyed him in an instant.

This is simply outrageous!

"You, who are you?" he asked tremblingly.

But the man ignored him.

It would be better to say that he hasn't crushed his head yet just because he doesn't want to get too bloody in front of the little girl.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Brother Gafan, it's just so scary. This old man who is as thin as a bamboo pole suddenly appeared out of nowhere and kept attacking and scolding me. It's really scary!"

Protected by dozens of defensive arrays that had been attached to the body in advance, Saten Ruiko was unscathed. At this time, she was hugging the man's thigh regardless of her ladylike image, crying loudly in grievance.

The movements are quite skillful.

After all, whenever she was bullied in the past six months, she would basically go directly to the leader of her group, Ye Jian, and shamelessly hug her, or she would go to sister Dorothy, who is also the leader, to report it, or even when she saw her When Uncle Julius turned into a boy, she dared to go up and give him a hug.

Rely on this invincible off-site help-seeking skill.

The entire bandit group within the Clover Kingdom cursed secretly when they saw her, and then took a detour.

Even Ge Xiu, who was notoriously bad-tempered and violent in the regiment, was made to lose his temper.

There was no way, Captain Yami was really merciless when he spanked him with the scabbard. Even Captain Dorothy, who was usually easy to talk to, would directly chase him and hit him.

Even his sister, Mary, turned her elbows outward toward the hateful female scoundrel.

This is simply unreasonable!

But now, Saten Ruiko has found a thigh that is thick enough to hug, and she can basically walk sideways in this world.


The man floating in mid-air looked down at the "weighted object" clinging to his thigh and was speechless.

"What, can you let me go first?"

"Uwaaaaah, brother Gafan, uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

"I'm not Gafan."

"Wow wow wow..."

The crying stopped suddenly.

Saten Ruiko silently released her hands that were holding the opponent's thigh, and took two steps back reservedly.

Then, she raised her head and looked up at the man who appeared out of thin air after she crushed the blood beads. She looked directly into his familiar face and speechless black eyes, and even used her unskilled magic sense to distinguish and confirm the breath.

So, after a while.

Saten Leizi was stunned.

"...Brother Gafan, don't joke with me, I will take it seriously."

She said stupidly: "You are obviously Brother Gafan, no matter how you look, you look like him."

And looking at the confused girl, the man who had calmly burned the soul of this guy in his hand also smiled with a somewhat mechanical expression.

"Actually, you can call me 'Gafan' if you insist on calling me, but strictly speaking, I'm just a part of 'him'."

"...Huh?" Saten Ruiko suddenly became even more confused.

But the man didn't mean to explain in detail. He just threw away the "junk" in his hand, lowered his head and began to carefully examine the lines on his palm.

He is Gafan, and he is not Gafan.

To be precise, he is just a ball of blood from an individual named "Gafan".

[One of the characteristics of perfect cells]

[The main consciousness is dispersed in cells throughout the body]

"...This idea was successful. The "complete mimicry" copied from Muzan Kibutsuji is quite easy to use. In addition, using this blood with perfect cells as a carrier, it is an alternative clone skill. That’s it.”

The man who looked at the lines on his palm smiled.

Because the [quantity] is a little small, only the surface part of his body currently exists, while the inside of his body is completely in a vacuum state, used to store energy.

As for the dark red bloody clothes he is wearing now, it is based on Wuhan who evolved into a perfect creature and was woven with his own life fibers, so strictly speaking the "clothes" can be considered a part of him.

And compared to these things...

"Alas, it seems that due to being separated from the main body, it has become a rootless tree and a sourceless water. Not only is the strength of the ability that can be displayed only half, but even the energy cannot be replenished independently and is exhausted. If so, this body will be scattered..."

"Forget it, that's enough."

He shook his head regretfully.

I’ve almost figured it all out.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if his blood is scattered, because the remaining blood can still return to the body with memories. This is much better than the previous ability to only try to use blood to store the next time.

It was the fact that this body actually had no "brain" that always made him feel weird.

The man who suddenly became entangled with this point couldn't help but look weird.

"Brother Gafan...are you okay?"

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